105 research outputs found

    Embeddings of Grassmann graphs

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    Let VV and Vβ€²V' be vector spaces of dimension nn and nβ€²n', respectively. Let k∈{2,...,nβˆ’2}k\in\{2,...,n-2\} and kβ€²βˆˆ{2,...,nβ€²βˆ’2}k'\in\{2,...,n'-2\}. We describe all isometric and ll-rigid isometric embeddings of the Grassmann graph Ξ“k(V)\Gamma_{k}(V) in the Grassmann graph Ξ“kβ€²(Vβ€²)\Gamma_{k'}(V')

    Geometrical characterization of semilinear isomorphisms of vector spaces and semilinear homeomorphisms of normed spaces

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    Let VV and Vβ€²V' be vector spaces over division rings (possible infinite-dimensional) and let P(V){\mathcal P}(V) and P(Vβ€²){\mathcal P}(V') be the associated projective spaces. We say that f:P(V)β†’P(Vβ€²)f:{\mathcal P}(V)\to {\mathcal P}(V') is a PGL-{\it mapping} if for every h∈PGL(V)h\in {\rm PGL}(V) there exists hβ€²βˆˆPGL(Vβ€²)h'\in {\rm PGL}(V') such that fh=hβ€²ffh=h'f. We show that for every PGL-bijection the inverse mapping is a semicollineation. Also, we obtain an analogue of this result for the projective spaces associated to normed spaces

    Base subsets of polar Grassmannians

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    Let Δ\Delta be a thick building of type Xn=Cn,Dn\textsf{X}_{n}=\textsf{C}_{n},\textsf{D}_{n}. Let also Gk{\mathcal G}_k be the Grassmannian of kk-dimensional singular subspaces of the associated polar space Π\Pi (of rank nn). We write Gk{\mathfrak G}_k for the corresponding shadow space of type Xn,k\textsf{X}_{n,k}. Every bijective transformation of Gk{\mathcal G}_k sending base subsets to base subsets (the shadows of apartments) is a collineation of Gk{\mathfrak G}_k, and it is induced by a collineation of Π\Pi if n≠4n\ne 4 or k≠1k\ne 1
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