92 research outputs found

    A Proper Motion Study of the Haro 6-10 Outflow: Evidence for a Subarcsecond Binary

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    We present single-dish and VLBI observations of an outburst of water maser emission from the young binary system Haro 6-10. Haro 6-10 lies in the Taurus molecular cloud and contains a visible T Tauri star with an infrared companion 1.3" north. Using the Very Long Baseline Array, we obtained five observations spanning 3 months and derived absolute positions for 20 distinct maser spots. Three of the masers can be traced over 3 or more epochs, enabling us to extract absolute proper motions and tangential velocities. We deduce that the masers represent one side of a bipolar outflow that lies nearly in the plane of the sky with an opening angle of ~45\deg. They are located within 50 mas of the southern component of the binary, the visible T Tauri star Haro 6-10S. The mean position angle on the sky of the maser proper motions (~220\deg) suggests they are related to the previously observed giant Herbig-Haro (HH) flow which includes HH410, HH411, HH412, and HH184A-E. A previously observed HH jet and extended radio continuum emission (mean position angle of ~190\deg) must also originate in the vicinity of Haro6-10S and represent a second, distinct outflow in this region. We propose that a yet unobserved companion within 150 mas of Haro6-10S is responsible for the giant HH/maser outflow while the visible star is associated with the HH jet. Despite the presence of H_2 emission in the spectrum of the northern component of the binary, Haro6-10N, none of outflows/jets can be tied directly to this young stellar object

    MSX versus IRAS Two-Color Diagrams and the CSE-Sequence of Oxygen-Rich Late-Type Stars

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    We present MSX two-color diagrams that can be used to characterize circumstellar environments of sources with good quality MSX colors in terms of IRAS color regions for oxygen-rich stars. With these diagrams we aim to provide a new tool that can be used to study circumstellar environments and to improve detection rates for targeted surveys for circumstellar maser emission similar to the IRAS two-color diagram. This new tool is especially useful for regions in the sky where IRAS was confused, in particular in the Galactic plane and bulge region. Unfortunately, using MSX colors alone does not allow to distinguish between carbon-rich and oxygen-rich objects. An application of this tool on 86 GHz SiO masers shows that for this type of masers an instantaneous detection rate of 60% to 80% can be achieved if target sources are selected according to MSX color (region). Our investigations may have revealed an error in the MSX point source catalog version 2.3. That is, the photometry of the 21.3 μ\mum (MSX E filter) band for most weak 8.28 μ\mum (or MSX A filter) band sources seems off by about a factor two (0.5--1 magnitude too bright).Comment: accepted to Astrophysical Journal, 11 pages, 11 figs of which 1 in colo

    Excited-state OH Mainline Masers in AU Geminorum and NML Cygni

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    Excited-state OH maser emission has previously been reported in the circumstellar envelopes of only two evolved stars: the Mira star AU Geminorum and the hypergiant NML Cygni. We present Very Large Array (VLA) observations of the 1665, 1667, and excited-state 4750 MHz mainline OH transitions in AU Gem and Expanded Very Large Array (EVLA) observations of the excited-state 6030 and 6035 MHz OH mainline transitions in NML Cyg. We detect masers in both mainline transitions in AU Gem but no excited-state emission in either star. We conclude that the excited-state OH emission in AU Gem is either a transient phenomenon (such as for NML Cyg outlined below), or possibly an artifact in the data, and that the excited state OH emission in NML Cyg was generated by an episode of enhanced shock between the stellar mass-loss and an outflow of the Cyg OB2 association. With these single exceptions, it therefore appears that excited-state OH emission indeed should not be predicted nor observable in evolved stars as part of their normal structure or evolution.Comment: ApJ Letter, accepted, 4 pages, 2 figure

    Time-Resolved AU-Scale Jets Traced by Masers in the IRAS 4A/B Regions of NGC1333

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    We present results of VLBI observations of the water masers associated with IRAS 4A and IRAS 4B in the NGC 1333 star-forming region taken in four epochs over a two month period. Both objects have been classified as extremely young sources and each source is known to be a multiple system. Using the Very Long Baseline Array, we detected 35 masers in Epoch I, 40 masers in Epoch II, 35 in Epoch III, and 24 in Epoch IV. Only one identified source in each system associates with these masers. These data are used to calculate proper motions for the masers and trace the jet outflows within 100 AU of IRAS 4A2 and IRAS 4BW. In IRAS 4A2 there are two groups of masers, one near the systemic cloud velocity and one red-shifted. They expand linearly away from each other at velocities of 53 km/s. In IRAS 4BW, masers are observed in two groups that are blue-shifted and red-shifted relative to the cloud velocity. They form complex linear structures with a thickness of 3 mas (1 AU at a distance of 320 pc) that expand linearly away from each other at velocities of 78 km/s. Neither of the jet outflows traced by the maser groups align with the larger scale outflows. We suggest the presence of unresolved companions to both IRAS 4A2 and 4BW.Comment: Accepted by Ap

    A VLA Search for Water Masers in Six HII Regions: Tracers of Triggered Low-Mass Star Formation

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    We present a search for water maser emission at 22 GHz associated with young low-mass protostars in six HII regions -- M16, M20, NGC 2264, NGC 6357, S125, and S140. The survey was conducted with the NRAO Very Large Array from 2000 to 2002. For several of these HII regions, ours are the first high-resolution observations of water masers. We detected 16 water masers: eight in M16, four in M20, three in S140, and one in NGC 2264. All but one of these were previously undetected. No maser emission was detected from NGC 6357 or S125. There are two principle results to our study. (1) The distribution of water masers in M16 and M20 does not appear to be random but instead is concentrated in a layer of compressed gas within a few tenths of a parsec of the ionization front. (2) Significantly fewer masers are seen in the observed fields than expected based on other indications of ongoing star formation, indicating that the maser-exciting lifetime of protostars is much shorter in HII regions than in regions of isolated star formation. Both of these results confirm predictions of a scenario in which star formation is first triggered by shocks driven in advance of ionization fronts, and then truncated approximately 10^5 years later when the region is overrun by the ionization front.Comment: 30 pages, 20 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication by ApJ. Full resolution figures and PS and PDF versions with full-res figures available at http://eagle.la.asu.edu/healy/preprints/hhc0