3,480 research outputs found

    Multicompartment thermoresponsive gels: Does the length of the hydrophobic side group matter?

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    Multicompartment thermoresponsive gels are novel materials with fascinating self-assembly and interesting applications. The aim of this study was to investigate for the first time the effect of the length of the alkyl side group of a hydrophobic monomer on the thermoresponsive and self-assembly behaviour of terpolymers. Specifically twelve well-defined terpolymers based on the hydrophilic monomers 2-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate (DMAEMA) and poly(ethylene glycol) methyl ether methacrylate (PEGMA), and on the hydrophobic monomer ethyl-, n-butyl or n-hexyl methacrylate (EtMA, BuMA or HMA) of varying architectures (ABC, ACB, BAC and statistical) were synthesised using Group Transfer Polymerisation. The A, B and C blocks were based on PEGMA, the alkyl containing methacrylate monomer, and DMAEMA, respectively. The molecular weights (MWs) and compositions of the polymers were kept the same. The polymers and their precursors were characterised in terms of their MWs, MW distributions and compositions. Aqueous solutions of the polymers were studied by turbidimetry, hydrogen ion titration, light scattering and rheology to determine their cloud points, pKas, hydrodynamic diameters and thermoresponsive behaviour and investigate the effect of the architecture and the hydrophobic alkyl side group of the terpolymers. It was found that the pKas and the Tgs were mostly affected by the hydrophobicity of the side groups and not by the architecture, while the cloud points and the sol-gel transition of the polymers were affected by both the length of the alkyl side group and the polymer architecture. Interestingly the sharpest sol-gel transitions and stable multicompartment hydrogels were observed for the ABC triblock copolymers with the short alkyl-side groups even though the sol-gel transition occurred at higher temperatures

    G-133: A soft x ray solar telescope

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    The GOLDHELOX Project, NASA payload number G-133, is a robotic soft x ray solar telescope designed and built by an organization of undergraduate students. The telescope is designed to observe the sun at a wavelength of 171 to 181 A. Since we require observations free from atmospheric interference, the telescope will be launched in a NASA Get-Away-Special (GAS) canister with a Motorized Door Assembly (MDA). In this paper we primarily discuss the most important elements of the telescope itself. We also elaborate on some of the technical difficulties associated with doing good science in space on a small budget (about $100,000) and mention ways in which controlling the instrument environment has reduced the complexity of the system and thus saved us money

    Hydrogen peroxide filled poly(methyl methacrylate) microcapsules: potential oxygen delivery materials

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    This paper describes the synthesis of H2O2–H2O filled poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) microcapsules as potential candidates for controlled O2 delivery. The microcapsules are prepared by a water-in-oil solvent emulsion and evaporation method. The results of this study describe the effect of process parameters on the characteristics of the microcapsules and on their in vitro performance. The size of the microcapsules, as determined from scanning electron microscopy, ranges from ∼5 to 30 μm and the size distribution is narrow. The microcapsules exhibit an internal morphology with entrapped H2O2–H2O droplets randomly distributed in the PMMA continuous phase. In vitro release studies of 4.5 wt% H2O2-loaded microcapsules show that ∼70% of the H2O2 releases in 24 h. This corresponds to a total O2 production of ∼12 cc/gram of dry microcapsules. Shelf-life studies show that the microcapsules retain ∼84 wt% of the initially loaded H2O2 after nine months storage at 2–8 °C, which is an attractive feature for clinical applications

    Second Harmonic Coherent Driving of a Spin Qubit in a Si/SiGe Quantum Dot

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    We demonstrate coherent driving of a single electron spin using second harmonic excitation in a Si/SiGe quantum dot. Our estimates suggest that the anharmonic dot confining potential combined with a gradient in the transverse magnetic field dominates the second harmonic response. As expected, the Rabi frequency depends quadratically on the driving amplitude and the periodicity with respect to the phase of the drive is twice that of the fundamental harmonic. The maximum Rabi frequency observed for the second harmonic is just a factor of two lower than that achieved for the first harmonic when driving at the same power. Combined with the lower demands on microwave circuitry when operating at half the qubit frequency, these observations indicate that second harmonic driving can be a useful technique for future quantum computation architectures.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Pressure-induced spin reorientation transition in layered ferromagnetic insulator Cr2Ge2Te6

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    Anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) of Cr2Ge2Te6 (CGT), a layered ferromagnetic insulator, is investigated under an applied hydrostatic pressure up to 2 GPa. The easy axis direction of the magnetization is inferred from the AMR saturation feature in the presence and absence of the applied pressure. At zero applied pressure, the easy axis is along the c-direction or perpendicular to the layer. Upon application of a hydrostatic pressure>1 GPa, the uniaxial anisotropy switches to easy-plane anisotropy which drives the equilibrium magnetization from the c-axis to the ab-plane at zero magnetic field, which amounts to a giant magnetic anisotropy energy change (>100%). As the temperature is increased across the Curie temperature, the characteristic AMR effect gradually decreases and disappears. Our first-principles calculations confirm the giant magnetic anisotropy energy change with moderate pressure and assign its origin to the increased off-site spin-orbit interaction of Te atoms due to a shorter Cr-Te distance. Such a pressure-induced spin reorientation transition is very rare in three-dimensional ferromagnets, but it may be common to other layered ferromagnets with similar crystal structures to CGT, and therefore offers a unique way to control magnetic anisotropy
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