31 research outputs found

    A case-crossover study of sleep, fatigue, and other transient exposures at workplace and the risk of non-fatal occupational injuries among the employees of an Italian academic hospital

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    Objectives: Transient exposure with acute effect has been shown to affect the risk of occupational injuries in various industrial settings and at the healthcare workplace. The objective of this study has been to identify transient exposures related to occupational injury risk in an Italian teaching hospital. Material and Methods: A case-crossover study was conducted among the employees of the University Hospital of Udine who reported an occupational injury, commuting accident, or incident involving biological risk in a 15-month period in the years 2013 and 2014. The matched-pair interval approach was used to assess the role of acute sleep deprivation whereas the usual frequency approach was used for other 13 transient exposures. Results: Sleep hours were not associated with the risk of injuries whereas a significant risk increase was associated with fatigue, rush, distraction, emergency situations, teaching to or being taught by someone, non-compliant patients, bloody operative/work field, excess noise, complex procedures, and anger. Conclusions: We identified transient exposures that increased the risk of occupational injuries in an Italian teaching hospital, providing indications for interventions to increase workers' safety at the healthcare workplace. Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2016;29(6):1001–100

    Impact of methylmercury and other heavy metals exposure on neurocognitive function in children of 7 years old: study protocol of the follow-up

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    BACKGROUND: The extent to which prenatal low-level mercury (Hg) exposure through maternal fish intake and heavy metals exposure affect children neurodevelopment is controversial and may appear in long term. In 2007 a prospective cohort, the Northern Adriatic Cohort II (NAC-II), was established to investigate the association between prenatal Hg exposure from maternal fish consumption and child neurodevelopment. 900 pregnant women were enrolled. 632 and 470 children underwent neurodevelopmental evaluation, respectively, at 18 and 40 months of age. The NAC-II cohort is a part of the Mediterranean cohort in "Public health impact of long-term, low-level, mixed element exposure in susceptible population strata" project.METHODS: This protocol describes the follow-up assessment of the effects of prenatal low level Hg and other heavy metals exposure on the developing nervous system of the children born within the NAC-II and reached the age of 7 years. Child diet components are estimated through a Diet Diary. Child hair and urine are collected for determination of Hg level. In addition, levels of other potentially neurotoxic metals, namely Manganese, Cadmium, Lead, Arsenic and Selenium are also measured in the same matrices.DiscussionThis protocol extends to the first years of schooling age the evaluation of the neurotoxicant effect of Mercury and of the other heavy metals on children's neurodevelopment, adjusting for the potential confounders such as the lifestyles and the social economic status of children's families. Longitudinal analysis of neurodevelopment, assessed in different ages (18, 40 months and 7 years), are performed

    Concurrent Assessment of Phthalates/HEXAMOLL® DINCH Exposure and Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Performance in Three European Cohorts of the HBM4EU Aligned Studies

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    Information about the effects of phthalates and non-phthalate substitute cyclohexane-1,2-dicarboxylic acid diisononyl ester (HEXAMOLL® DINCH) on children's neurodevelopment is limited. The aim of the present research is to evaluate the association between phthalate/HEXAMOLL® DINCH exposure and child neurodevelopment in three European cohorts involved in HBM4EU Aligned Studies. Participating subjects were school-aged children belonging to the Northern Adriatic cohort II (NAC-II), Italy, Odense Child Cohort (OCC), Denmark, and PCB cohort, Slovakia. In each cohort, children's neurodevelopment was assessed through the Full-Scale Intelligence Quotient score (FSIQ) of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale of Children test using three different editions. The children's urine samples, collected for one point in time concurrently with the neurodevelopmental evaluation, were analyzed for several phthalates/HEXAMOLL® DINCH biomarkers. The relation between phthalates/HEXAMOLL® DINCH and FSIQ was explored by applying separate multiple linear regressions in each cohort. The means and standard deviations of FSIQ were 109 ± 11 (NAC-II), 98 ± 12 (OCC), and 81 ± 15 (PCB cohort). In NAC-II, direct associations between FSIQ and DEHP's biomarkers were found: 5OH-MEHP+5oxo-MEHP (β = 2.56; 95% CI 0.58-4.55; N = 270), 5OH-MEHP+5cx-MEPP (β = 2.48; 95% CI 0.47-4.49; N = 270) and 5OH-MEHP (β = 2.58; 95% CI 0.65-4.51; N = 270). On the contrary, in the OCC the relation between DEHP's biomarkers and FSIQ tended to be inverse but imprecise (p-value ≥ 0.10). No associations were found in the PCB cohort. FSIQ was not associated with HEXAMOLL® DINCH in any cohort. In conclusion, these results do not provide evidence of an association between concurrent phthalate/DINCHHEXAMOLLR DINCH exposure and IQ in children.This work received external funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 733032 [“European Human Biomonitoring Initiative” (HBM4EU)] and received co-funding from the author’s organizations. NAC-II: This research was funded by: the European Union through its Sixth Framework Program for RTD (contract “PHIME” No. FOOD-CT-2006-016253); the Institute for Maternal and Child Health IRCCS “Burlo Garofolo”, Trieste, Italy (RC 12/12 funded by Ministry of Health—Italy); CROME LIFE Project “Cross-Mediterranean Environment and Health Network” (LIFE12 ENV/GR/001040). OCC: The cohort was funded by the Odense University Hospital, Denmark; the Region of Southern Denmark, The Municipality of Odense, Denmark; The University of Southern Denmark; the Mental Health Service of the Region of Southern Denmark; Odense Patient data Exploratory Network (OPEN), Den mark; The Danish Center for Hormone Disrupting Chemicals (MST-611-00012); The Danish Research Council (4004-00352B_FSS); Novo Nordisk Foundation, Denmark (grant no. NNF19OC0058266 and NNF17OC0029404); Sygeforsikring Danmark (journalnr. 2021-0173); The Collaborative foundation between Odense University Hospital and Rigshospitalet, Helsefonden, Beckettfonden, the Danish Mental Health Fund, Health Insurance Denmark. The LS-MS/MS equipment was financially supported by the Velux Foundation. PCB: PCB cohort was funded by the Slovak Research and Development Agency, project no. APVV-0571-12 and the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic, project no. 2014/47-SZU-11. The APC was funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 733032.S

    The rapid spread of SARS-COV-2 Omicron variant in Italy reflected early through wastewater surveillance

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    The SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant emerged in South Africa in November 2021, and has later been identified worldwide, raising serious concerns. A real-time RT-PCR assay was designed for the rapid screening of the Omicron variant, targeting characteristic mutations of the spike gene. The assay was used to test 737 sewage samples collected throughout Italy (19/21 Regions) between 11 November and 25 December 2021, with the aim of assessing the spread of the Omicron variant in the country. Positive samples were also tested with a real-time RT-PCR developed by the European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), and through nested RT-PCR followed by Sanger sequencing. Overall, 115 samples tested positive for Omicron SARS-CoV-2 variant. The first occurrence was detected on 7 December, in Veneto, North Italy. Later on, the variant spread extremely fast in three weeks, with prevalence of positive wastewater samples rising from 1.0% (1/104 samples) in the week 5–11 December, to 17.5% (25/143 samples) in the week 12–18, to 65.9% (89/135 samples) in the week 19–25, in line with the increase in cases of infection with the Omicron variant observed during December in Italy. Similarly, the number of Regions/Autonomous Provinces in which the variant was detected increased fromone in the first week, to 11 in the second, and to 17 in the last one. The presence of the Omicron variant was confirmed by the JRC real-time RT-PCR in 79.1% (91/115) of the positive samples, and by Sanger sequencing in 66% (64/97) of PCR amplicons

    The rapid spread of SARS-COV-2 Omicron variant in Italy reflected early through wastewater surveillance

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    The SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant emerged in South Africa in November 2021, and has later been identified worldwide, raising serious concerns. A real-time RT-PCR assay was designed for the rapid screening of the Omicron variant, targeting characteristic mutations of the spike gene. The assay was used to test 737 sewage samples collected throughout Italy (19/21 Regions) between 11 November and 25 December 2021, with the aim of assessing the spread of the Omicron variant in the country. Positive samples were also tested with a real-time RT-PCR developed by the European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), and through nested RT-PCR followed by Sanger sequencing. Overall, 115 samples tested positive for Omicron SARS-CoV-2 variant. The first occurrence was detected on 7 December, in Veneto, North Italy. Later on, the variant spread extremely fast in three weeks, with prevalence of positive wastewater samples rising from 1.0% (1/104 samples) in the week 5-11 December, to 17.5% (25/143 samples) in the week 12-18, to 65.9% (89/135 samples) in the week 19-25, in line with the increase in cases of infection with the Omicron variant observed during December in Italy. Similarly, the number of Regions/Autonomous Provinces in which the variant was detected increased from one in the first week, to 11 in the second, and to 17 in the last one. The presence of the Omicron variant was confirmed by the JRC real-time RT-PCR in 79.1% (91/115) of the positive samples, and by Sanger sequencing in 66% (64/97) of PCR amplicons. In conclusion, we designed an RT-qPCR assay capable to detect the Omicron variant, which can be successfully used for the purpose of wastewater-based epidemiology. We also described the history of the introduction and diffusion of the Omicron variant in the Italian population and territory, confirming the effectiveness of sewage monitoring as a powerful surveillance tool

    The Complex Interaction between Home Environment, Socioeconomic Status, Maternal IQ and Early Child Neurocognitive Development: A Multivariate Analysis of Data Collected in a Newborn Cohort Study.

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    The relative role of socioeconomic status (SES), home environment and maternal intelligence, as factors affecting child cognitive development in early childhood is still unclear. The aim of this study is to analyze the association of SES, home environment and maternal IQ with child neurodevelopment at 18 months.The data were collected prospectively in the PHIME study, a newborn cohort study carried out in Italy between 2007 and 2010. Maternal nonverbal abilities (IQ) were evaluated using the Standard Progressive Matrices, a version of the Raven's Progressive Matrices; a direct evaluation of the home environment was carried out with the AIRE instrument, designed using the HOME (Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment) model; the socioeconomic characteristics were evaluated using the SES index which takes into account parents occupation, type of employment, educational level, homeownership. The study outcome was child neurodevelopment evaluated at 18 months, with the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development Third Edition (BSID III). Linear regression analyses and mediation analyses were carried out to evaluate the association between the three exposures, and the scaled scores of the three main scales of BSID III (cognitive, language and motor scale), with adjustment for a wide range of potential explanatory variables.Data from 502 mother-child pairs were analyzed. Mediation analysis showed a relationship between SES and maternal IQ, with a complete mediation effect of home environment in affecting cognitive and language domains. A direct significant effect of maternal IQ on the BSID III motor development scale and the mediation effect of home environment were found.Our results show that home environment was the variable with greater influence on neurodevelopment at 18 months. The observation of how parents and children interact in the home context is crucial to adequately evaluate early child development

    A case-control study of sleep-related factors and occupational injuries at an Italian teaching hospital

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    Background: Sleep disorders have been associated with increased risk of occupational injuries in various settings. Purpose: We investigated the associations between sleep, daytime sleepiness, and chronotype (preference for morning or evening activities) and the risk of occupational injuries in an Italian teaching hospital. Methods: A case-control study of employees of the University Hospital of Udine, Italy, was conducted on 200 employees reporting occupational injuries and 183 controls. Information was collected on usual sleep quantity and quality. Sleepiness was assessed with the Epworth Sleepiness Scale. Chronotype was assessed with the Horne\u2013Ostberg morningness\u2013eveningness questionnaire. The association of sleep-related exposures with the risk of injury was assessed with multivariate unconditional logistic regression, adjusting for potentially confounding individual characteristics. Results: Among sleep-related variables, the number of reported sleep disturbances was positively related with occupational injuries, whereas daytime sleepiness was inversely associated with injuries. Cases had shorter usual sleep hours than controls, although the difference was not statistically significant. No association was found between usual sleep hours and injuries. Chronotype was not significantly associated with injury, although we observed a decreasing trend in risk of injury from morning to evening chronotypes. Conclusions: Self-reported sleep disturbance was positively associated with increased risk of occupational injury in an Italian hospital. However, contrary to expectation, daytime sleepiness was inversely related to injuries