673 research outputs found
Novel Mode of Trisiloxane Application Reduces Spider Mite and Aphid Infestation of Fruiting Shrub and Tree Crops
Application of pesticides leads to contamination of the natural environment, which entails the necessity to seek solutions that use substances which do not pose ecological hazards. The presented investigations tested the efficacy of a preparation containing organomodified trisiloxane and a cross-linking agent (Siltac EC) to limit the number of two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) on the leaves of raspberry (Rubus idaeus) and blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum), as well as the numbers of green apple aphid (Aphis pomi) on apple trees (Malus domestica). The high effectiveness (more than 90%) of Siltac against spider mite on raspberry and blackcurrant leaves was rapid and persisted at least by two- three weeks after spraying. There was observed an inhibition of pest developing (i.e. significant decrease of eggs and larvae). Similar effect occurred per an apple tree shoot and the number of living apple aphids was reduced by more than 93% in comparison to untreated trees. In all experiments, the effectiveness of Siltac was similar and usually longer lasting than control pesticides. Moreover, no phytotoxicity of the tested preparation was observed during the investigations. In conclusion, on the basis of the presented results it was found that Siltac EC could be a good alternative to the currently used plant protection chemicals
Nursing care of Jewish Patients
Kostka Anna, Krzemińska Sylwia, Durlej-Kot Sylwia, Borodzicz Adriana, Chabowski Mariusz, Janczak Dariusz. Nursing care of Jewish Patients. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2017;7(7):986-997. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.979787
The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 1223 (26.01.2017).
1223 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7
© The Authors 2017;
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This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial
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The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.
Received: 01.07.2017. Revised: 10.07.2017. Accepted: 31.07.2017.
Opieka pielęgniarska nad pacjentem Wyznania Żydowskiego
Nursing care of Jewish Patients
Anna Kostka¹, Sylwia Krzemińska², Sylwia Durlej-Kot¹, Adriana Borodzicz², Mariusz Chabowski¹, Dariusz Janczak¹
¹ Zakład Specjalności Zabiegowych. Katedra Pielęgniarstwa Klinicznego. Wydział Nauk o Zdrowiu. Uniwersytet Medyczny im Piastów Śląskich we Wrocławiu
² Zakład Pielęgniarstwa Anestezjologicznego i Intensywnej Opieki. Katedra Pielęgniarstwa Klinicznego. Wydział Nauk o Zdrowiu. Uniwersytet Medyczny im Piastów Śląskich we Wrocławiu
mgr Anna Kostka¹, dr n med. Sylwia Krzemińska², mgr Sylwia Durlej-Kot¹, mgr Adriana Borodzicz², dr n med. Mariusz Chabowski¹, prof. dr hab. n med. Dariusz Janczak¹
Każdy człowiek ma prawo do równego traktowania bez względu na kolor skóry, kulturę, pochodzenie czy religię. Osoby wyznające judaizm przestrzegają wielu zasad. Stosowanie odpowiedniej diety, przestrzeganie zasad czystości, modlitwa, odprawianie rytuałów jest dla nich bardzo ważne. Personel medyczny ma za zadanie zapewnić pacjentom bezpieczeństwo bez względu na istniejące różnice. Zrozumienie najważniejszych wartości, etyki i praktyk judaizmu przyczyni się do zapewnienia profesjonalnej opieki nad pacjentem wyznania żydowskiego. Odpowiednia komunikacja, zrozumienie i tolerancja są kluczowe dla stworzenia relacji z chorym, dzięki której możliwe będzie uzyskanie pożądanych efektów terapeutycznych i polepszenie jakości życia chorych.
Słowa kluczowe: pielęgniarstwo transkulturowe, opieka wielokulturowa, Żydzi
Everyone has the right to equal treatment irrespective of color, culture, origin or religion. Jewish patients obey many rules. The use of proper diet, adherence to the principles of purity, prayer, performing rituals is very important for them. Medical staff is committed to providing patients with safety, regardless of the differences. Understanding the most important values, ethics and practices of Judaism will help to provide professional care for the patient of Jewish faith. Appropriate communication, understanding and tolerance are essential for creating a relationship with the patient, through which it will be possible to achieve the desired therapeutic effect and improve the quality of life of patients.
Key words: transcultural nursing, multicultural care, Jewish patient
Preliminary evaluation of application of a 3-dimensional network structure of siloxanes Dergall preparation on chick embryo development and microbiological status of eggshells
The spatial network structure of Dergall is based on substances nontoxic to humans and the environment which, when applied on solid surfaces, creates a coating that reduces bacterial cell adhesion. The bacteriostatic properties of siloxanes are based on a purely physical action mechanism which excludes development of drug-resistant microorganisms. The aims of the present study were to 1) evaluate a Dergall layer formed on the eggshell surface regarding the potential harmful effects on the chick embryo; 2) evaluate antimicrobial activity and estimate the prolongation time of Dergall's potential antimicrobial activity. Dergall at a concentration of 0.6% formed a layer on the eggshell surface. In vitro testing of the potential harmful effects of Dergall by means of a hen embryo test of the chorioallantoic membrane showed no irritation reaction at a concentration of 3% and lower. The hatchability of the groups sprayed with a Dergall water solution with a concentration of 0 to 5% was 89.1 to 93.8% for fertilized eggs (P > 0.05) but decreased to 63.7% (P < 0.05) in the group sprayed with a 6% concentration of the solution. This phenomenon was caused by embryo mortality in the first week of incubation. At the concentration of 0.6%, Dergall exhibited strong antibacterial properties against bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Shigella dysenteriae, Shigella flexneri, and Salmonella typhimurium. For Streptococcus pyogenes, the highest antibacterial activity of Dergall was reported in the concentrations of 100 and 50%. For Pseudomonas aeruginosa, no antibacterial activity of Dergall was generally observed, but in vivo testing showed a strong decrease of all gram-negative bacteria growth. Moreover, a prolonged antimicrobial effect lasting until 3 D after disinfection was observed, which makes Dergall a safe and efficient disinfectant
Diagnostyka i leczenie osteoporozy — zalecenia Polskiego Towarzystwa Reumatologicznego 2015
Zalecenia kliniczne dotyczące diagnostyki i leczenia osteoporozy zostały przygotowane przez ekspertów Polskiego Towarzystwa Reumatologicznego jako punkt wyjścia do podjęcia decyzji klinicznych z indywidualnym pacjentem. Mają one zastosowanie przede wszystkim u kobiet w wieku pomenopauzalnym i mężczyzn od 50. roku życia oraz u dzieci i młodzieży do 19. roku życia. W zaleceniach próbowano uwzględnić opinie ekspertów dotyczące pacjentówz chorobami reumatycznymi, którzy są młodsi i mają specyficzne leczenie przeciwreumatyczne. W rekomendacjachnie uwzględniono osteoporozy posteroidowej. Będzie to przedmiotem oddzielnych zaleceń. W ich powstawaniu uwzględniono przegląd literatury i opinie ekspertów, którzy są specjalistami reumatologami aktualnie praktykującymi w zawodzie lekarza. Zalecenia mogą być dostosowane do wszystkich przypadków klinicznych i mogą być konsultowane z pacjentami celem podzielenia ryzyka związanego z procedurami stosowanymi w diagnostyce i leczeniu osteoporozy. Prezentowane zalecenia nie są rygorystycznym standardem, który ogranicza działania lekarskie, ale złotym standardem jakości, do którego można się odnieść w praktyce codziennej.
Forum Reumatol. 2015, tom 1, nr 1, 12–2
Physico-geographical mesoregions of Poland : verification and adjustment of boundaries on the basis of contemporary spatial data
The programme of identification, cataloguing and evaluation of Polish landscapes, part of the implementation
of the European Landscape Convention, has caused an increase in interest in physico-geographical regionalisation
over recent years. The commonly accepted regionalisation of Poland developed by J. Kondracki (Kondracki
& Richling 1994) is sufficient for work at an overview scale (e.g. 1:500,000), whereas its spatial accuracy is too
low to make use of it for the purpose of Polish landscape cataloguing. The aim of this article is to present
a more up-to-date and detailed division of Poland into mesoregions, adjusted to the 1:50,000 scale. In comparison
with older work, the number of mesoregions has increased from 316 to 344. In many cases, some
far-reaching changes in meso- and macroregions were made. Nevertheless, in most cases the previous system
of units was maintained, with more detailed adjustment of boundaries based on the latest geological and
geomorphological data and the use of GIS tools for the DEM analysis. The division presented here is a creatively
developing new work aligning the proposals of the majority of Polish researchers. At the same time, it is
a regionalisation maintaining the idea of the work developed by J. Kondracki as well as his theoretical assumptions
and the criteria used to distinguish units, which makes it a logical continuation of his regional division
Multidifferential study of identified charged hadron distributions in -tagged jets in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV
Jet fragmentation functions are measured for the first time in proton-proton
collisions for charged pions, kaons, and protons within jets recoiling against
a boson. The charged-hadron distributions are studied longitudinally and
transversely to the jet direction for jets with transverse momentum 20 GeV and in the pseudorapidity range . The
data sample was collected with the LHCb experiment at a center-of-mass energy
of 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1.64 fb. Triple
differential distributions as a function of the hadron longitudinal momentum
fraction, hadron transverse momentum, and jet transverse momentum are also
measured for the first time. This helps constrain transverse-momentum-dependent
fragmentation functions. Differences in the shapes and magnitudes of the
measured distributions for the different hadron species provide insights into
the hadronization process for jets predominantly initiated by light quarks.Comment: All figures and tables, along with machine-readable versions and any
supplementary material and additional information, are available at
https://cern.ch/lhcbproject/Publications/p/LHCb-PAPER-2022-013.html (LHCb
public pages
Study of the decay
The decay is studied
in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of TeV
using data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 5
collected by the LHCb experiment. In the system, the
state observed at the BaBar and Belle experiments is
resolved into two narrower states, and ,
whose masses and widths are measured to be where the first uncertainties are statistical and the second
systematic. The results are consistent with a previous LHCb measurement using a
prompt sample. Evidence of a new
state is found with a local significance of , whose mass and width
are measured to be and , respectively. In addition, evidence of a new decay mode
is found with a significance of
. The relative branching fraction of with respect to the
decay is measured to be , where the first
uncertainty is statistical, the second systematic and the third originates from
the branching fractions of charm hadron decays.Comment: All figures and tables, along with any supplementary material and
additional information, are available at
https://cern.ch/lhcbproject/Publications/p/LHCb-PAPER-2022-028.html (LHCb
public pages
Measurement of the ratios of branching fractions and
The ratios of branching fractions
and are measured, assuming isospin symmetry, using a
sample of proton-proton collision data corresponding to 3.0 fb of
integrated luminosity recorded by the LHCb experiment during 2011 and 2012. The
tau lepton is identified in the decay mode
. The measured values are
, where the first uncertainty is
statistical and the second is systematic. The correlation between these
measurements is . Results are consistent with the current average
of these quantities and are at a combined 1.9 standard deviations from the
predictions based on lepton flavor universality in the Standard Model.Comment: All figures and tables, along with any supplementary material and
additional information, are available at
https://cern.ch/lhcbproject/Publications/p/LHCb-PAPER-2022-039.html (LHCb
public pages
Metallurgy and Foundry Engineering
The theoretical bases of spectrophotometry used in analysis are discussed in the paper as well as the results of investigations of the montmorillonite content by means of the spectrophotometric adsorption of the Cu(II)-triethylenetetramine (Cu-TET) complex are presented. Bentonites originated from various producers (Sud Chemie, ZGM Zębiec S.A,) as well as samples of model moulding sands bonded by these bentonites were inwestigated in respect of their montmorillonite content. The montmorillonite content was measured in samples being at a room temperature and at temperatures of 400 °C and 700 °C. It was indicated, that the determined montmorillonite content in bentonite for the bentonites under investigation and for the model moulding sands with bentonites, are comparable, which proves that the quartz matrix, does not disrupt the measuring methodology and the applied spectrophotometric method is suitable for the moulding sands. It was found that at a temperature of 700 °C montmorillonite undergoes deactivation in the tested bentonites.W publikacji omówiono podstawy teoretyczne spektrofotometrii wykorzystywanej w analityce chemicznej oraz przedstawiono wyniki badań zawartości montmorillonitu metodą spektrofotometryczną adsorpcji kompleksu Cu(II)-trietylenotetraminy (Cu-TET). Zbadano bentonity pochodzące od różnych producentów (Sud-Chemie, ZGM Zębiec S.A.) oraz próbki modelowych mas formierskich wiązanych tymi bentonitami pod względem ich zawartości montmorillonitu. Zawartość montmorillonitu mierzono w próbkach w temperaturze pokojowej oraz w próbkach wygrzewanych w temperaturze 400 °C i 700 °C. Wykazano, że wyznaczone zawartości montmorillonitu w bentonicie dla rozpatrywanych bentonitów i mas modelowych z ich udziałem są porównywalne, co świadczy o tym, że osnowa kwarcowa, nie zakłóca metodyki pomiarowej, a stosowana metoda spektrofotometryczna nadaje się do wykorzystania w odniesieniu do mas formierskich. Stwierdzono, że w temperaturze 700 °C następuje dezaktywacja montmorillonitu w badanych bentonitach.wersja wydawnicz
Factors Influencing Consumer’s Adoption of Renewable Energy
The objective of this study was to investigate the factors that influence the consumer adoption of renewable energy in Thailand. The study adopted an extended theory of planned behavior (TPB) by including three additional variables. The study applied a quantitative study methodology, with primary data collected using a survey of consumers in five major cities in Thailand. The data were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM). The findings of the study indicated that perception of self-effectiveness, environmental concern, renewable energy awareness, and beliefs about renewable energy benefits have a significant and positive effect on consumers’ intention to adopt renewable energy. The cost of renewable was found to have a negative but non-significant influence on consumers’ adoption of renewable energy, while risk/trust perception was found to have a positive but non-significant influence on consumers’ adoption of renewable energy. The study concluded that stakeholders should take into account the aspects of perception of self-effectiveness, environmental concern, renewable energy awareness, and beliefs about renewable energy benefits when running campaigns to promote the consumer adoption of renewable energy in Thailan
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