4,519 research outputs found

    Almost flat K-theory of classifying spaces

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    We give a rigorous account and prove continuity properties for the correspondence between almost flat bundles on a triangularizable compact connected space and the quasi-representations of its fundamental group. For a discrete countable group Γ\Gamma with finite classifying space BΓB\Gamma, we study a correspondence between between almost flat K-theory classes on BΓB\Gamma and group homomorphism K0(C∗(Γ))→ZK_0(C^*(\Gamma))\to \mathbb{Z} that are implemented by pairs of discrete asymptotic homomorphisms from C∗(Γ)C^*(\Gamma) to matrix algebras.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figure

    The impact of the mode of thought in complex decisions: intuitive decisions are better

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    A number of recent studies have reported that decision quality is enhanced under conditions of inattention or distraction (unconscious thought; Dijksterhuis, 2004; Dijksterhuis and Nordgren, 2006; Dijksterhuis et al., 2006). These reports have generated considerable controversy, for both experimental (problems of replication) and theoretical reasons (interpretation). Here we report the results of four experiments. The first experiment replicates the unconscious thought effect, under conditions that validate and control the subjective criterion of decision quality. The second and third experiments examine the impact of a mode of thought manipulation (without distraction) on decision quality in immediate decisions. Here we find that intuitive or affective manipulations improve decision quality compared to analytic/deliberation manipulations. The fourth experiment combines the two methods (distraction and mode of thought manipulations) and demonstrates enhanced decision quality, in a situation that attempts to preserve ecological validity. The results are interpreted within a framework that is based on two interacting subsystems of decision-making: an affective/intuition based system and an analytic/deliberation system

    Varieties of cross-class coalitions in the politics of dualization : insights from the case of vocational training in Germany

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    Ett projekt som visar hur Mälardalen kan utvecklas till flerkärnig stadsregion. En hållbar stadsutveckling, med ökad närhet till naturen, ett lugnare tempo och högre livskvalitet. Bakgrunden är att befolkningen förväntas öka med 600 000 - 800 000 invånare i Stockholm-Mälarregionen till 2030. I projektet föreslår jag omfattande investeringar i infrastruktur, bland annat en Maglevbana för att knyta samman städerna kring Mälaren. Att korta restiderna mellan dessa städer är centralt för att skapa en mer integrerad arbets- och bostadsmarknad i regionen. I Stockholm kommer förbifarten att bidra till att länka samman de norra och södra förorterna, och tillsammans med Maglevbanans tre Stockholmsstationer finns grundstrukturen för Stockholms framtida utveckling. En stad med tre centrum som öppnar sig mot Mälardalen

    Social democrats and education spending: a refined perspective on supply-side strategies

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    "Der Ausgangspunkt des Papiers ist das von Carles Boix (1997, 1998) vorgelegte Modell zur Erklärung von parteipolitischen Unterschieden bei angebotsorientierten Wirtschaftspolitiken. Im ursprünglichen Boix-Modell wird postuliert, dass sozialdemokratische Regierungsparteien die öffentlichen Ausgaben für Bildung erhöhen, während konservative Regierungsparteien das Gegenteil tun. Dieses Modell wird im vorliegenden Papier einer umfassenderen empirischen Untersuchung unterzogen. Insbesondere wird gezeigt, dass es notwendig ist, die Ausgabendynamik in den einzelnen Bildungssektoren separat zu untersuchen. Des Weiteren wird ökonomische Internationalisierung nicht, wie bei Boix, als diffuse Hintergrundvariable behandelt, sondern in die Untersuchung einbezogen. Schließlich wird nicht nur der Einfluss von Sozialdemokraten und Konservativen, sondern auch der der Christdemokraten auf Bildungsausgaben untersucht. Die zentralen Befunde sind, dass das Boix-Modell auf einem allgemeinen Niveau durchaus Unterstützung erfährt. Es zeigt sich aber auch, dass Sozialdemokraten, zumindest in den 1990er Jahren, vor allem die öffentlichen Ausgaben für den Hochschulsektor erhöht haben. Dieser Befund passt nicht zu den Vorhersagen des Boix-Modells. Daher schließt das Papier mit einer Diskussion dieses Befundes für die Weiterentwicklung des Boix-Modells und der Parteiendifferenzthese im Allgemeinen." [Autorenreferat]"This paper builds on the arguments developed by Carles Boix (1997, 1998) about partisan differences in supply-side oriented strategies. The original Boix model argues that social democrats in government prefer to increase public investment in human capital formation, while conservatives are opposed to this. The model is presented and subjected to a comprehensive empirical test. It is argued that it is necessary to determine the dynamics of spending in each educational sector separately. In addition, economic internationalization is not treated as a background variable as with Boix (1997, 1998), but fully included in the analysis. Finally, instead of relying on a simple dichotomy of leftist and rightist parties, the impact of government participation on the part of social democrats, Christian democrats and conservatives is analysed. The empirical test supports the Boix model only on a very general level. Social democrats are found for the most part to increase spending on higher education, which is at odds with the predictions of the Boix model and partisan theory in general. The paper concludes with a discussion of the consequence of the findings for the development of partisan theory." [author's abstract

    Evidence from Germany: has the pandemic increased public support for health care spending?

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has put health care at the centre of the political agenda, but does this mean that citizens are now more willing to support increased health spending? Drawing on detailed survey evidence, Marius R. Busemeyer explains how support for health care spending has changed in Germany during the pandemic

    Use of depot medroxyprogesterone acetate and fracture risk

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    Depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA), which has a high rate of use among teenagers in Europe and the United States, has been associated with impaired bone mineral acquisition during adolescence and accelerated bone loss in later life. Studies on the association between DMPA use and fracture risk are limited.; We aimed at evaluating the relationship between use of hormonal contraceptives, specifically DMPA, and fracture risk.; We conducted a case-control analysis using the United Kingdom-based General Practice Research Database.; Participants were females aged 20-44 yr with an incident fracture diagnosis between 1995 and 2008.; Odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) of incident fracture in relation to exposure to DMPA or combined oral contraceptives were assessed. Adjustments were made for smoking, body mass index, and additional potential confounders.; We identified 17,527 incident fracture cases and 70,130 control patients (DMPA exposure: 11 and 8%, respectively). Compared with nonuse, current use of one to two, three to nine, or 10 or more DMPA prescriptions yielded adjusted OR for fractures of 1.18 (95% CI = 0.93-1.49), 1.36 (95% CI = 1.15-1.60), and 1.54 (95% CI = 1.33-1.78), respectively. Fracture risk was highest after longer treatment duration (<2-3 yr), and there was no difference in patients below and above the age of 30 yr. For users of combined estrogen-containing oral contraceptives, the OR were around 1.; This population-based study suggests that use of DMPA is associated with a slightly increased risk of fractures

    Strict Deformation Quantization for a Particle in a Magnetic Field

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    Recently, we introduced a mathematical framework for the quantization of a particle in a variable magnetic field. It consists in a modified form of the Weyl pseudodifferential calculus and a C*-algebraic setting, these two points of view being isomorphic in a suitable sense. In the present paper we leave Planck's constant vary, showing that one gets a strict deformation quantization in the sense of Rieffel. In the limit h --> 0 one recovers a Poisson algebra induced by a symplectic form defined in terms of the magnetic field.Comment: 23 page

    From Collectivism towards Segmentalism : Institutional Change in German Vocational Training

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    This paper argues that the German system of vocational training is undergoing subtle but significant changes from a mainly collectivist system to a more segmentalist one. To make the argument, the paper first discusses the two logics of collectivism and segmentalism, and how the German system is characterized by longstanding tensions between competing collectivist and segmentalist interests. In the empirical section, recent trends in the German system are portrayed to show that the system’s segmentalist dimension has been strengthened at the expense of its collectivist dimension. These trends can be seen from developments in the participation of firms in training and from the changing politics of vocational training reform. To buttress our argument, we present three case studies on the debate over the modularization and Europeanization of vocational training, on the (re)introduction of two-year apprenticeships and on the unfolding conflict on vocational exams respectively. Before we conclude, we highlight parallels in contemporary trends in vocational training and changes in other realms of the German political economy.Dieses Papier dokumentiert den graduellen, aber transformativen Wandel des deutschen Berufsbildungssystems von einem kollektivistischen zu einem stärker segmentalistischen Modell. Zunächst wird gezeigt, dass die beiden Logiken des Kollektivismus und des Segmentalismus in der Geschichte der beruflichen Bildung schon immer in einem Spannungsverhältnis standen. Im empirischen Teil wird gezeigt, dass die segmentalistische Dimension während der letzen drei Jahrzehnte gegenüber der kollektivistischen an Bedeutung gewonnen hat. Dies wird anhand der Entwicklung der Ausbildungsbeteiligung von Unternehmen sowie der Politik der beruflichen Bildung dokumentiert. Insbesondere werden drei Fallstudien zur Debatte über Modularisierung und Europäisierung der beruflichen Bildung, zur (Wieder-)Einführung zweijähriger Ausbildungsberufe und zum sich anbahnenden Konflikt über die Organisation von Prüfungen präsentiert. Abschließend werden Parallelen zwischen dem Wandel der beruflichen Bildung und den Arbeitsbeziehungen im Allgemeinen herausgearbeitet

    How to study the populist radical right and the welfare state?

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    This review article and special issue introduction argues that studying the relationship between the populist radical right and the welfare state requires bridging literatures that have so far advanced with little mutual engagement: party politics and voting behaviour research on the one hand, and comparative political economy and welfare state research on the other. In this way, the article highlights the advantages of connecting different academic sub-fields in studying radical right politics. First, the literature of comparative political economy on the multi-dimensionality of welfare politics can contribute to a clearer understanding of both the welfare-related causes and consequences of radical right support. Second, the party politics literature on the radical right’s ideology provides theoretical tools to explain the welfare-related consequences of populist radical right parties. The article illustrates the advantages of bridging these literatures through the empirical contributions in this special issue and concludes with avenues of future research.publishe

    The mangroves

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