77 research outputs found

    ‘Para el uso y beneficio de mis compatriotas ingleses’. La Historia de la conquista de México en la obra de Thomas Gage

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    Las noticias de la llegada de la flota española al Nuevo Mundo, así como de la subsecuente conquista de México Tenochtitlan se difundieron amplia y rápidamente por España y Europa por medio de relaciones y crónicas, así como por testimonios directos de quienes efectuaron el largo y peligroso viaje que requería llegar a esos territorios, despertando admiración y curiosidad, además de codicia, dadas las noticias de las riquezas materiales que muchos imaginaron estaban listas para ser tomadas por quien tuviera el suficiente arrojo

    Observaciones sobre la recepción de “Fineza contra fineza” de Calderón: representación y lectura

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    El significado de “Fineza contra fineza” de Calderón, cuya recepción comienza en 1671, varía para los que sólo la leyeron y para aquellos que la vieron representada. Este trabajo contrasta las diversas recepciones tomando como base las representaciones palaciegas de 1671 y 1717 y un ejemplo de 1672 del texto leído. Acciones que tienen importancia escénica son sólo incidentales en la intriga narrativa y, a su vez, en lo dramático no se destaca el mito, esencial para el texto poético narrativo. Mientras que la representación se orienta a exaltar a los monarcas, la obra leída sería una historia de actos de valor y de amor iniciada con una casualidad

    The educated mask of the folklore

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    Al finalizar el movimiento revolucionario mexicano de 1910, intelectuales y creadores buscaron en el arte indígena y popular inspiración y materia para el arte que había de caracterizar al estado moderno mexicano. A pesar del apoyo que tuvo este proyecto, una década más tarde, un grupo importante de creadores que rechazaba el proyecto cultural nacionalista del estado, se propuso eliminar los elementos tradicionales que habían sido adoptados, ya que consideraba que el uso del folclor era incompatible con la creación de un arte verdaderamente moderno. Ello no obstante, el folclor continuó siendo materia de la obra de algunos de los creadores más importantes del momento y tal vez la marca más reconocible del arte moderno hispano americano. Este trabajo está dedicado al estudio de la apropiación de una leyenda maya por parte de escritores que buscaron crear un arte moderno a la par que nacional.At the end of the Mexican Revolution of 1910, artists and intellectuals looked at indigenous and popular art for inspiration for the art that would be representative of modern Mexico. In spite of the support that this project had obtained, a decade later, an important group of creators who rejected the government’s nationalist cultural project, sought to eliminate the traditional elements that had been adopted, as they considered that the use of folklore was incompatible with the creation of a truly modern art. Nevertheless, folklore continued being a part of the work of some of the most important artists, as well as what is perhaps the most recognizable trait of modern Latin American art. In this essay I look into the appropriation of a Mayan legend by writers who were interested in creating an art that was both modern and national

    The Structure and Changing Functions of Oral Traditions

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    The transmission of knowledge by means of oral literary forms, so strongly attacked by Plato in the fourth century B.C., has not disappeared completely. Throughout the many centuries of supremacy of the written word over non-written communication, many non-literate communities have retained literary traditions that rely on being memorized and orally transmitted by members of that community. Oral traditions that have been able to adapt themselves to the changes in their environment have been able to survive to our day in coexistence with forms of literate origin, although mostly relegated to marginal social groups

    Gaiferos y su caballo. Avatares de un romance, del "Quijote" a la tradición oral moderna

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    Fecha de recepción: 14 de mayo de 2008. Fecha de aceptación: 24 de septiembre de 2008. El romance Gaiferos libera a Melisendra, presente aún en la tradición oral moderna, tuvo una amplia difusión en la tradición impresa del siglo xvi; un éxito editorial que se vio culminado por su ingreso en el Quijote. En este trabajo propongo que, más allá de aprovechar el romance de Gaiferos para componer el genial y divertido episodio del retablo de maese Pedro, el romance constituye un importante engranaje en el desarrollo de la personalidad de don Quijote, en un momento de crisis en su trayectoria como caballero andante.

    De la política al dogma en la fiesta novohispana: anotaciones sobre los «Coloquios espirituales» de Fernán González de Eslava

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    An important part of the dramatic representations that took place during the Colonial period in Mexico (New Spain) was meant to explain religious dogmas. In this paper, I address the relationship between the representation of dogma and politics in two of Fernán González de Eslava’s Coloquios Espirituales: the Coloquio Quinto, De los Siete Fuertes que el Virrey don Martin Enríquez mandó hacer… and the Coloquio Doce, De la Batalla Naval que el Serenísimo príncipe don Juan de Austria tuvo con el Turco.Una parte importante de la producción dramática novohispana estaba dedicada a la explicación de los dogmas cristianos. En este trabajo estudio la conjunción que se da en esena entre la explicación  del dogma y la política en dos de los Coloquios espirituales de Fernán González de Eslava, el Coloquio Quinto, De los Siete Fuertes que el Virey Don Martín Enríquez mandó hacer... y el Coloquio Doze. De la Batalla Naval que el Sereníssimo Príncipe Don Juan de Austria tuvo con el Turco

    Una lectura del Quijote. Avellaneda y el Conde Peranzules

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    This essay looks into Avellaneda’s equivocal reading of Cervantes’ masterful “invention against books of chivalry”, that resulted in his spurious continuation of El Ingenioso Hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha. It focuses on the meaning of Avellaneda’s use of romances dealing with the siege of Zamora, and its possible influence on Cervantes’ own second part of the Quijote.Este trabajo está dedicado a un aspecto de la desatinada lectura de Avelladena que dio lugar a la pretendida continuación de la “genial invectiva contra los libros de caballería” de Miguel de Cervantes. Se centra en la utilización que hace Avellaneda de romances relacionados con el cerco de Zamora para componer su espuria continuación de El Ingenioso Hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha y su posible influencia en la segunda parte del Quijote cervantino

    Incest and the traditional ballad

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    The Pan-Hispanic oral ballad tradition provides us with precious examples of how traditional narratives - romances - many with roots in medieval times, continue to provide the communities where they are remembered with relevant commentaries on social issues. Amongst the romances most frequently collected from the modern oral tradition, both in the Iberian Peninsula and the Latin American countries, the romance of Delgadina offers us a testimony of how a recurring social problem such as incest is dealt with according to the particular view points of the communities where this and other ballads serve as a vehicle for the transmission of values. In this paper I discuss the various solutions proposed by Delgadina and other traditional ballads to this recurring social problem

    Control of V(D)J Recombination through Transcriptional Elongation and Changes in Locus Chromatin Structure and Nuclear Organization

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    V(D)J recombination is the assembly of gene segments at the antigen receptor loci to generate antigen receptor diversity in T and B lymphocytes. This process is regulated, according to defined developmental programs, by the action of a single specific recombinase complex formed by the recombination antigen gene (RAG-1/2) proteins that are expressed in immature lymphocytes. V(D)J recombination is strictly controlled by RAG-1/2 accessibility to specific recombination signal sequences in chromatin at several levels: cellular lineage, temporal regulation, gene segment order, and allelic exclusion. DNA cleavage by RAG-1/2 is regulated by the chromatin structure, transcriptional elongation, and three-dimensional architecture and position of the antigen receptor loci in the nucleus. Cis-elements specifically direct transcription and V(D)J recombination at these loci through interactions with transacting factors that form molecular machines that mediate a sequence of structural events. These events open chromatin to activate transcriptional elongation and to permit the access of RAG-1/2 to their recombination signal sequences to drive the juxtaposition of the V, D, and J segments and the recombination reaction itself. This chapter summarizes the advances in this area and the important role of the structure and position of antigen receptor loci within the nucleus to control this process

    Detrimental Effect of Cannabidiol on the Early Onset of Diabetic Nephropathy in Male Mice

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    Anti-inflammatory and antidiabetogenic properties have been ascribed to cannabidiol (CBD). CBD-based medicinal drugs have been approved for over a lustrum, and a boom in the commercialization of CBD products started in parallel. Herein, we explored the efficacy of CBD in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic mice to prevent diabetic nephropathy at onset. Eight-to-ten-week-old C57BL6J male mice were treated daily intraperitoneally with 10 mg/kg of CBD or vehicle for 14 days. After 8 days of treatment, mice were challenged with STZ or vehicle (healthy-control). At the end of the study, non-fasting blood glucose (FBG) level was 276 ± 42 mg/dL in vehicle-STZ-treated compared to 147 ± 9 mg/dL (p ≤ 0.01) in healthy-control mice. FBG was 114 ± 8 mg/dL in vehicle-STZ-treated compared to 89 ± 4 mg/dL in healthy-control mice (p ≤ 0.05). CBD treatment did not prevent STZ-induced hyperglycemia, and non-FBG and FBG levels were 341 ± 40 and 133 ± 26 mg/dL, respectively. Additionally, treatment with CBD did not avert STZ-induced glucose intolerance or pancreatic beta cell mass loss compared to vehicle-STZ-treated mice. Anatomopathological examination showed that kidneys from vehicle-STZ-treated mice had a 35% increase of glomerular size compared to healthy-control mice (p ≤ 0.001) and presented lesions with a 43% increase in fibrosis and T cell infiltration (p ≤ 0.001). Although treatment with CBD prevented glomerular hypertrophy and reduced T cell infiltration, it significantly worsened overall renal damage (p ≤ 0.05 compared to vehicle-STZ mice), leading to a more severe renal dysfunction than STZ alone. In conclusion, we showed that CBD could be detrimental for patients with type 1 diabetes, particularly those undergoing complications such as diabetic nephropathy