31 research outputs found

    Traits d'histoire de vie et démographie face aux changements climatiques en milieu alpin : l’exemple de la marmotte alpine (Marmota marmota)

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    Natural systems responses to global change are of major concern for human societies to maintain high species diversity. Mountains, and particularly alpine climate, offer the opportunity to work with small mammalian herbivore communities, with a strong patrimonial, hunting or emblematic value. Since the last decades, mountains are indeed facing major changes, due to the loss of agricultural lands and the recent development of ecotourism and human recreational activities. Those changes have modified natural habitats and their management planning a lot. Additionally, alpine climate is strongly seasonal and seem particularly sensitive to the actual global change. However, the recent impact of climate change on species and natural habitats is still under-evaluated. The increase in the average global temperature of the last 30 years could modify resources dynamics for a wide variety of species. The availability of resources, but also the chronology of access to these resources, for example through the decrease of snow cover in winter and its accelerated thaw in spring, is of crucial importance for herbivore populations. The aim of this thesis is therefore to evaluate the potential role of local and global climatic factors on life history traits of mountain herbivores, mostly through the example of the alpine marmot (Marmota marmota), a social and hibernating mammal. This work allowed us to better understand the mechanisms underlying the effect of climate change on mountain mammal population dynamics and demography; but also to highlight the continuous decline of an alpine marmot population in the French Alps since the 90s. Conservation strategies and practices could thus arise from this work, in order to maintain biodiversity in mountainous ecosystemsComprendre l'impact des changements globaux sur la dynamique des populations animales représente un enjeu sociétal majeur pour favoriser le maintien de la biodiversité. Le milieu de montagne permet de travailler sur de petites communautés d'herbivores à forte valeur patrimoniale, cynégétique ou emblématique. Il s'agit en effet d'un milieu en pleine mutation depuis plusieurs décennies à cause de la déprise agricole et du développement récent de l'écotourisme et des activités humaines récréatives. Ces changements ont conduit à l'aménagement et à la modification de nombreux habitats. Par ailleurs, le milieu montagnard est fortement saisonnier et semble particulièrement sensible au changement global actuel. L'effet des changements climatiques récents reste pourtant encore mal évalué. L'augmentation de la température moyenne des 30 dernières années est susceptible de modifier la dynamique des ressources disponibles pour les herbivores, mais aussi la chronologie d'accès à ces ressources, notamment à travers la diminution du couvert neigeux en hiver et sa fonte accélérée au printemps. L'objectif de cette thèse est donc d'évaluer l'effet des variables climatiques locales et globales sur les traits d'histoire de vie des herbivores de montagne, principalement à travers l'exemple de la marmotte alpine (Marmota marmota), un mammifère social et hibernant. Ce travail a permis de mieux appréhender les mécanismes d'action du climat sur la démographie des espèces de montagne, mais aussi de mettre en évidence le déclin continu d'une population de marmottes Alpines, dans les Alpes françaises, depuis les années 1990. Il pourrait ainsi servir de base pour établir les règles de gestion de cette espèce emblématique, et maintenir une forte biodiversité dans les écosystèmes de montagn

    BMC Biology BMC Biology The toxoplasma-host cell junction is anchored to the cell cortex to sustain parasite invasive force

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    International audienceBackgroundThe public health threats imposed by toxoplasmosis worldwide and by malaria in sub-Saharan countries are directly associated with the capacity of their closely related causative agents Toxoplasma and Plasmodium, respectively to colonize and expand inside host cells. Therefore, deciphering how these two Apicomplexan protozoan parasites access their hosting cells has been highlighted as a high priority research with the relevant perspective of designing anti-invasive molecules to prevent diseases. Central to the mechanistic base of invasion for both genera is mechanical force, which is thought to be applied by the parasite at the interface between the two cells following assembly of a unique cell junction but this model lacks direct evidence and has been challenged by recent genetic and cell biology studies. In this work, using parasites expressing the fluorescent core component of this junction, we analyse characteristic features of the kinematics of penetration of more than 1000 invasion events.ResultsThe majority of invasion events occur with a typical forward rotational progression of the parasite through a static junction into a vacuole formed from the invaginating host cell plasma membrane, in which the parasite subsequently replicates. However, if parasites encounter resistance and if the junction is not strongly anchored to the host cell cortex, as when parasites do not secrete the toxofilin protein and therefore are unable to locally remodel the cortical actin cytoskeleton, the junction is capped backwards and travels retrogradely with the host cell membrane along the parasite surface as it is enclosed within a functional vacuole. Kinetic measurements of the invasive trajectories strongly support a similar parasite driven force in both static and capped junctions, both of which lead to successful invasion. However about 20% of toxofilin mutants fail to enter and eventually disengage from the host cell membrane while the secreted RON2 molecules are capped at the posterior pole before being cleaved and released in the medium. By contrast in cells characterized by low cortex tension and high cortical actin dynamics, junction capping and entry failure are drastically reduced.ConclusionThis kinematic analysis of pre-invasive and invasive T. gondii tachyzoite behaviors newly highlights that to invade cells, parasites need to engage their motor with the junction molecular complex where force is efficiently applied only upon proper anchorage to the host cell membrane and cortex

    Paternity and Dominance Loss in Male Breeders: The Cost of Helpers in a Cooperatively Breeding Mammal

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    Paternity insurance and dominance tenure length are two important components of male reproductive success, particularly in species where reproduction is highly skewed towards a few individuals. Identifying the factors affecting these two components is crucial to better understand the pattern of variation in reproductive success among males. In social species, the social context (i.e. group size and composition) is likely to influence the ability of males to secure dominance and to monopolize reproduction. Most studies have analyzed the factors affecting paternity insurance and dominance tenure separately. We use a long term data set on Alpine marmots to investigate the effect of the number of subordinate males on both paternity insurance and tenure of dominant males. We show that individuals which are unable to monopolize reproduction in their family groups in the presence of many subordinate males are likely to lose dominance the following year. We also report that dominant males lose body mass in the year they lose both paternity and dominance. Our results suggest that controlling many subordinate males is energetically costly for dominant males, and those unable to support this cost lose the control over both reproduction and dominance. A large number of subordinate males in social groups is therefore costly for dominant males in terms of fitness

    Life history traits and demography under climate change in the Alps : the case of the alpine marmot (Marmota marmota)

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    Comprendre l'impact des changements globaux sur la dynamique des populations animales représente un enjeu sociétal majeur pour favoriser le maintien de la biodiversité. Le milieu de montagne permet de travailler sur de petites communautés d'herbivores à forte valeur patrimoniale, cynégétique ou emblématique. Il s'agit en effet d'un milieu en pleine mutation depuis plusieurs décennies à cause de la déprise agricole et du développement récent de l'écotourisme et des activités humaines récréatives. Ces changements ont conduit à l'aménagement et à la modification de nombreux habitats. Par ailleurs, le milieu montagnard est fortement saisonnier et semble particulièrement sensible au changement global actuel. L'effet des changements climatiques récents reste pourtant encore mal évalué. L'augmentation de la température moyenne des 30 dernières années est susceptible de modifier la dynamique des ressources disponibles pour les herbivores, mais aussi la chronologie d'accès à ces ressources, notamment à travers la diminution du couvert neigeux en hiver et sa fonte accélérée au printemps. L'objectif de cette thèse est donc d'évaluer l'effet des variables climatiques locales et globales sur les traits d'histoire de vie des herbivores de montagne, principalement à travers l'exemple de la marmotte alpine (Marmota marmota), un mammifère social et hibernant. Ce travail a permis de mieux appréhender les mécanismes d'action du climat sur la démographie des espèces de montagne, mais aussi de mettre en évidence le déclin continu d'une population de marmottes Alpines, dans les Alpes françaises, depuis les années 1990. Il pourrait ainsi servir de base pour établir les règles de gestion de cette espèce emblématique, et maintenir une forte biodiversité dans les écosystèmes de montagneNatural systems responses to global change are of major concern for human societies to maintain high species diversity. Mountains, and particularly alpine climate, offer the opportunity to work with small mammalian herbivore communities, with a strong patrimonial, hunting or emblematic value. Since the last decades, mountains are indeed facing major changes, due to the loss of agricultural lands and the recent development of ecotourism and human recreational activities. Those changes have modified natural habitats and their management planning a lot. Additionally, alpine climate is strongly seasonal and seem particularly sensitive to the actual global change. However, the recent impact of climate change on species and natural habitats is still under-evaluated. The increase in the average global temperature of the last 30 years could modify resources dynamics for a wide variety of species. The availability of resources, but also the chronology of access to these resources, for example through the decrease of snow cover in winter and its accelerated thaw in spring, is of crucial importance for herbivore populations. The aim of this thesis is therefore to evaluate the potential role of local and global climatic factors on life history traits of mountain herbivores, mostly through the example of the alpine marmot (Marmota marmota), a social and hibernating mammal. This work allowed us to better understand the mechanisms underlying the effect of climate change on mountain mammal population dynamics and demography; but also to highlight the continuous decline of an alpine marmot population in the French Alps since the 90s. Conservation strategies and practices could thus arise from this work, in order to maintain biodiversity in mountainous ecosystem

    Spatial, temporal and attitudinal dimensions of conflict between predators and small-livestock farmers in the Central Karoo

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    Conflict between predators and small-livestock farmers is a global phenomenon adversely impacting the preservation of wildlife, the well-being of livestock and human livelihoods. Such conflict is pervasive in the Karoo region of South Africa but its contemporary history and various causes remain poorly understood. In this study, we interviewed 77 small-livestock farmers in the Central Karoo between July 2014 and March 2015 to (1) assess the spatio-temporal distribution and severity of the reported predation problems with the main regional predators of livestock (black-backed jackal, caracal and baboon) and (2) describe the perceived reasons for changes in predator numbers. Farmers reported that serious predation problems have increased since the 1990s for all three predators. Jackal predation appears to have re-emerged, particularly since the 2000s, while baboon predation seems to have escalated rapidly since 2014 for select farmers. Farms with more rugged terrain were more likely to experience serious problems with baboons and caracal but ruggedness did not predict the year of onset of problems. Farmers perceive predator numbers to be increasing and attribute this trend to declining government support for predator management, changes in farming practices and the associated increase in suitable predator habitat, from which they can recolonise commercial farms.Keywords: black-backed jackal, caracal, chacma baboon, questionnaire, rangeland

    Data from: Socially-mediated effects of climate change decrease survival of hibernating Alpine marmots

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    1. In the context of global change, an increasing challenge is to understand the interaction between weather variables and life histories. Species-specific life histories should condition the way climate influences population dynamics, particularly those that are associated with environmental constraints, such as lifestyles like hibernation and sociality. However, the influence of lifestyle in the response of organisms to climate change remains poorly understood. 2. Based on a 23-year longitudinal study of the Alpine marmot, we investigated how their lifestyle, characterized by a long hibernation and a high degree of sociality, interacts with the ongoing climate change to shape temporal variation in age-specific survival. 3. As generally reported in other hibernating species, we expected survival of Alpine marmots to be affected by the continuous lengthening of the growing season of plants more than by changes in winter conditions. We found, however, that Alpine marmots displayed lower juvenile survival over time. Colder winters associated with a thinner snow layer lowered juvenile survival, which in turn was associated with a decrease in the relative number of helpers in groups in the following years, and therefore lowered the chances of over-winter survival of juveniles born in the most recent years. 4. Our results provide evidence that constraints on life history traits associated with hibernation and sociality caused juvenile survival to decrease over time, which might prevent Alpine marmots coping successfully with climate change

    Comparison of the competitive abilities of males retaining dominance and males losing dominance.

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    <p>(a) The grey circles represent the observed residual body masses. The black dots represent the means surrounded by their standard deviation. (b) Comparison of competitive abilities of a given male the year it lost dominance and the years it was dominant. Males having a lower residual body mass the year of dominance loss are represented in black. Males having a higher residual body mass the year of dominance loss are represented in grey.</p