336 research outputs found

    Prosody takes over : towards a prosodically guided dialog system

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    The domain of the speech recognition and dialog system EVAR is train time table inquiry. We observed that in real human-human dialogs when the officer transmits the information, the customer very often interrupts. Many of these interruptions are just repetitions of the time of day given by the officer. The functional role of these interruptions is often determined by prosodic cues only. An important result of experiments where naive persons used the EVAR system is that it is hard to follow the train connection given via speech synthesis. In this case it is even more important than in human-human dialogs that the user has the opportunity to interact during the answer phase. Therefore we extended the dialog module to allow the user to repeat the time of day and we added a prosody module guiding the continuation of the dialog by analyzing the intonation contour of this utterance.Der Diskursbereich des Spracherkennungs- und Dialogsystems EVAR ist Fahrplanauskunft für Züge. Wir beobachteten, dass in realen Mensch-Mensch Dialogen der Kunde sehr oft den Auskunftsbeamten unterbricht, wenn dieser die Information übermittelt. Viele dieser Unterbrechungen sind ausschließlich Wiederholungen der Uhrzeitangabe des Beamten. Die funktionale Rolle dieser Unterbrechungen wird häufig alleine durch prosodische Mittel bestimmt. Ein wichtiges Ergebnis von Dialog Experimenten mit naiven Personen ergab, dass es schwer ist, den Verbindungsauskünften von EVAR via Sprachsynthese zu folgen. In diesem Fall ist es sogar noch wichtiger als in Mensch-Mensch Dialogen, dass der Benutzer die Möglichkeit hat, während der Antwortphase zu interagieren. Deshalb haben wir das Dialogmodul erweitert, um dem Benutzer die Möglichkeit zu geben, die Uhrzeitangaben zu wiederholen, und wir fügten ein Prosodiemodul hinzu, das die Fortführung des Dialogs steuert, indem die Intonation dieser Äußerung analysiert wir

    Prosody takes over : a prosodically guided dialog system

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    In this paper first experiments with naive persons using the speech understanding and dialog system EVAR are discussed. The domain of EVAR is train table inquiry. We observed that in real human-human dialogs when the officer transmits the information the customer very often interrupts. Many of these interruptions are just repetitions of the time of day given by the officer. The functional role of these interruptions is determined by prosodic cues only. An important result of the experiments with EVAR is that it is hard to follow the system giving the train connection via speech synthesis. In this case it is even more important than in human-human dialogs that the user has the opportunity to interact during the answer phase. Therefore we extended the dialog module to allow the user to repeat the time of day and we added a prosody module guiding the continuation of the dialog

    An integrated model of acoustics and language using semantic classification trees

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    We propose Multi-level Semantic Classication Trees to combine different information sources for predicting speech events (e.g. word chains, phrases, etc.) Traditionally in speech recognition systems these information sources (acoustic evidence, language model) are calculated independently and combined via Bayes rule. The proposed approach allows one to combine sources of different types - is no longer necessary for each source to yield a probability. Moreover the tree can look at several information sources simultaneously. The approach is demonstrated for the prediction of prosodically marked phrase boundaries, combining information about the spoken word chain, word category information, prosodic parameters, and the result of a neural network predicting the boundary on the basis of acoustic-prosodic features. The recognition rates of up to 90% for the two class problem boundary vs. no boundary are already comparable to results achieved with the above mentioned Bayes rule approach that combines the acoustic classifier with a 5-gram categorical language model. This is remarkable, since so far only a small set of questions combining information from different sources have been implemented

    Prosody takes over : towards a prosodically guided dialog system

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    The domain of the speech recognition and dialog system EVAR is train time table inquiry. We observed that in real human-human dialogs when the officer transmits the information, the customer very often interrupts. Many of these interruptions are just repetitions of the time of day given by the officer. The functional role of these interruptions is often determined by prosodic cues only. An important result of experiments where naive persons used the EVAR system is that it is hard to follow the train connection given via speech synthesis. In this case it is even more important than in human-human dialogs that the user has the opportunity to interact during the answer phase. Therefore we extended the dialog module to allow the user to repeat the time of day and we added a prosody module guiding the continuation of the dialog by analyzing the intonation contour of this utterance.Der Diskursbereich des Spracherkennungs- und Dialogsystems EVAR ist Fahrplanauskunft für Züge. Wir beobachteten, dass in realen Mensch-Mensch Dialogen der Kunde sehr oft den Auskunftsbeamten unterbricht, wenn dieser die Information übermittelt. Viele dieser Unterbrechungen sind ausschließlich Wiederholungen der Uhrzeitangabe des Beamten. Die funktionale Rolle dieser Unterbrechungen wird häufig alleine durch prosodische Mittel bestimmt. Ein wichtiges Ergebnis von Dialog Experimenten mit naiven Personen ergab, dass es schwer ist, den Verbindungsauskünften von EVAR via Sprachsynthese zu folgen. In diesem Fall ist es sogar noch wichtiger als in Mensch-Mensch Dialogen, dass der Benutzer die Möglichkeit hat, während der Antwortphase zu interagieren. Deshalb haben wir das Dialogmodul erweitert, um dem Benutzer die Möglichkeit zu geben, die Uhrzeitangaben zu wiederholen, und wir fügten ein Prosodiemodul hinzu, das die Fortführung des Dialogs steuert, indem die Intonation dieser Äußerung analysiert wir

    Synthesis of an (NHC)2Pd(SiMe3)2 (NHC = N-Heterocyclic Carbene) Complex. Catalytic, cis-Bis-Silylations of Internal Alkynes with Unactivated Disilanes

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    The novel complex cis-[(ITMe)2Pd(SiMe3)2 (ITMe =1,3,4,5-tetramethylimidazol-2-ylidene) has been synthesised by mild oxidative cleavage of Me3SiSiMe3 using (ITMe)2Pd(0). The use of this complex as precatalyst for the cis-bis-silylation of internal alkynes using unactivated disilanes is reported

    An integrated model of acoustics and language using semantic classification trees

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    We propose Multi-level Semantic Classication Trees to combine different information sources for predicting speech events (e.g. word chains, phrases, etc.) Traditionally in speech recognition systems these information sources (acoustic evidence, language model) are calculated independently and combined via Bayes rule. The proposed approach allows one to combine sources of different types - is no longer necessary for each source to yield a probability. Moreover the tree can look at several information sources simultaneously. The approach is demonstrated for the prediction of prosodically marked phrase boundaries, combining information about the spoken word chain, word category information, prosodic parameters, and the result of a neural network predicting the boundary on the basis of acoustic-prosodic features. The recognition rates of up to 90% for the two class problem boundary vs. no boundary are already comparable to results achieved with the above mentioned Bayes rule approach that combines the acoustic classifier with a 5-gram categorical language model. This is remarkable, since so far only a small set of questions combining information from different sources have been implemented

    Establishing a Mental Health Surveillance in Germany: Development of a framework concept and indicator set

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    In the course of the recognition of mental health as an essential component of population health, the Robert Koch Institute has begun developing a Mental Health Surveillance (MHS) system for Germany. MHS aims to continuously report data for relevant mental health indicators, thus creating a basis for evidence-based planning and evaluation of public health measures. In order to develop a set of indicators for the adult population, potential indicators were identified through a systematic literature review and selected in a consensus process by international and national experts and stakeholders. The final set comprises 60 indicators which, together, represent a multidimensional public health framework for mental health across four fields of action. For the fifth field of action ‘Mental health promotion and prevention’ indicators still need to be developed. The methodology piloted proved to be practicable. Strengths and limitations will be discussed regarding the search and definition of indicators, the scope of the indicator set as well as the participatory decision-making process. Next steps in setting up the MHS will be the operationalisation of the single indicators and their extension to also cover children and adolescents. Given assured data availability, the MHS will contribute to broadening our knowledge on population mental health, supporting a targeted promotion of mental health and reducing the disease burden in persons with mental disorders

    Fistula between the right coronary artery and the branch of the pulmonary artery as an uncommon cause of syncope in elderly patients

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    Coronary artery fistulas are uncommon and are consist in direct connections from both arteries or just from one of them with other structure. When they have low output, they usually tend to communicate with any of the cardiac chambers or other adjacent cardiac vessels. However, communications with the pulmonary trunk are rare and underdiagnosed, since most of patients are asymptomatic or have nonspecific symptoms related to the condition. In this report, we describe and discuss the case of a patient with a recurrent history of syncope, that started clinical follow-up in an ambulatory of geriatric and gerontology, whose investigation lead to the identification of an underlying cardiac cause as the etiology of the episodes.Fístulas de artérias coronárias são incomuns e caracterizam-se como conexões diretas, provenientes de ambas artérias ou de apenas uma delas, com outra estrutura. Quando de baixo débito, tendem a comunicar-se com qualquer uma das câmaras cardíacas ou com vasos cardíacos adjacentes. No entanto, comunicações com o tronco pulmonar são raras e subdiagnosticadas, visto que grande parcela dos pacientes é assintomático ou possui sintomas inespecíficos relacionados ao quadro. Nesse relato de caso, apresentamos uma paciente com histórico recorrente de síncope, que iniciou acompanhamento clínico em ambulatório de geriatria e gerontologia, cuja investigação suscitou diagnóstico de causa cardíaca subjacente como etiologia dos episódios

    Exposure to negative socio-emotional events induces sustained alteration of resting-state brain networks in older adults

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    Basic emotional functions seem well preserved in older adults. However, their reactivity to and recovery from socially negative events remain poorly characterized. To address this, we designed a ‘task–rest’ paradigm in which 182 participants from two independent experiments underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging while exposed to socio-emotional videos. Experiment 1 (N = 55) validated the task in young and older participants and unveiled age-dependent effects on brain activity and connectivity that predominated in resting periods after (rather than during) negative social scenes. Crucially, emotional elicitation potentiated subsequent resting-state connectivity between default mode network and amygdala exclusively in older adults. Experiment 2 replicated these results in a large older adult cohort (N = 127) and additionally showed that emotion-driven changes in posterior default mode network–amygdala connectivity were associated with anxiety, rumination and negative thoughts. These findings uncover the neural dynamics of empathy-related functions in older adults and help understand its relationship to poor social stress recovery