23 research outputs found

    Multiagent-Based Model For ESCM

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    Web based applications for Supply Chain Management (SCM) are now a necessity for every company in order to meet the increasing customer demands, to face the global competition and to make profit. Multiagent-based approach is appropriate for eSCM because it shows many of the characteristics a SCM system should have. For this reason, we have proposed a multiagent-based eSCM model which configures a virtual SC, automates the SC activities: selling, purchasing, manufacturing, planning, inventory, etc. This model will allow a better coordination of the supply chain network and will increase the effectiveness of Web and intel-ligent technologies employed in eSCM software

    Information system for the supply chain management

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    Supply chain management SCM is the integration and management of supply chain organizations and activities through collaboration, effective business processes and high levels of information sharing. The supply chain concept has become a concern due to global competition and increasing customer demand for value. Thus, the information must be available in real time across the supply chain and this can not be achieved without an integrated software system for supply chain management. Supply chain members have to collaborate, sharing information for improving customers satisfaction. Web technologies enable enterprises to become more effective, to trade with suppliers and customers over the Internet in real time. For this, businesses have to integrate their information systems and applications with those of their suppliers and customers. First, companies have to redesign their supply chain to create an integrated value system and afterwards, companies can develop business to business applications across supply chain structure for the optimization of the supply chain . The implementation of the supply chain information systems in companies facilitates an increase in their competitiveness and their profits.supply chain management, logistics, information system, Web technology, e-commerce, collaboration, information visibility

    Retropancreatic space - the key to remnants and septic recurrences in severe acute pancreatitis

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    Institutul Oncologic București, Clinica de Chirurgie Nr. 1, Al XI-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova și cea de-a XXXIII-a Reuniune a Chirurgilor din Moldova „Iacomi-Răzeșu” 27-30 septembrie 2011Autorii prezintă un punct de vedere asupra spațiului retropancreatic, zona topografică răspunzatoare de evoluția supurațiilor din pancreatita acută severț. În majoritatea cazurilor, chirurgia e restricționată la abordul limitat prin bursa omentală, folosită ca unica zonă de acces asupra pancreasului. De cele mai multe ori, însă, necrozele și supurațiile evoluează în aria compartimentelor retropancreatice și retroperitoneale, aproape imposibil de abordat prin bursa omentală. De aici survin debridările și drenajele insuficiente care lasă restanțe septice și permit recurente supurative ce reclamă reintervenții succesive, mai mult sau mai puțin programate. Există însă posibilitatea unei strategii planificate de abord retropancreatic, de prima intenție, în scopul unei toalete cat mai complete a acestui spațiu. În cadrul acestei strategii un rol de maximă importanță revine CT cu contrast oral și I.V., dar mai ales imagisticii prin reconstrucții în plan frontal și sagital. Acestea ar trebui să constituie regula explorării CT și să fie solicitate de către chirurg pentru a reuși să aleagă calea de abord adecvată pentru accesul confortabil în spațiul retropancreatic. În susținerea acestor afirmații, autorii prezintă compartimentarea spațiului retropancreatic, zonele de comunicare ale acestuia cu celelalte arii retroperitoneale, la distanța de pancreas, cât și căile de difuziune ale proceselor supurative. De asemenea, sunt puse în evidentță reperele anatomice CT care asigură orientarea corectă în analiza imaginilor standard, cât și a reconstrucțiilor. Devine astfel posibil un acces cât mai direct în zonele care, aproape de regulă, sunt neabordate chirurgical cu ocazia primei intervenții.The authors present a point of view on retropancreatic space, a topographic area responsible for the evolution of suppuration in severe acute pancreatitis. In the majority of cases, surgery is restricted to the limited approach through omental bursa, used as a unique access zone to the pancreas. However, in the majority of cases, necroses and suppurations progress in retropancreatic and retroperitoneal compartment area, which is almost impossible to approach through the omental pouch. This is the reason for debridations occurrences and for insufficient drainage that allow for septic remnants and suppurative reccurences requiring successive reinterventions more or less scheduled. There is, however, the possibility for a planned strategy for retropancreatic approach, as primary intention, for the purpose of a thorough as possible cleaning. As a part of this strategy, a role of maximum importance belongs to oral and intravenous contrast CT and especially to imagistic frontal and sagittal reconstructions. These should constitute the rule for CT exploration and should be requested by the surgeon to succeed in choosing the retropancreatic approach for comfortable access to this area. In sustaining these affirmations, in this paper, the authors present the compartmentation of retropancreatic space, its communicating zones to other retroperitoneal areas, further away from the pancreas, but also diffusion routes for suppurative processes. Also, CT anatomic landmarks that assure the wright orientation in the analysis of standard, but also reconstructed images, are highlighted here. Therefore, an as direct as possible access in the areas, that as a rule are not surgically approached during the first intervention, becomes feasible

    The duplication and false duplication of main bile axis. Diagnostic and therapeutical implications

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    Institutul Oncologic București, Clinica de Chirurgie Nr. 1, Al XI-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova și cea de-a XXXIII-a Reuniune a Chirurgilor din Moldova „Iacomi-Răzeșu” 27-30 septembrie 2011Autorii prezintă doua cazuri de duplicaţie a căii biliare principale, prin convergenta foarte joasă a canalelor hepatice. Unul dintre cazuri a reprezentat o duplicatie reală, incontestabilă. Cel de-al doilea caz a fost interpretat iniţial ca o duplicaţie pe baza examenelor colangiografice intraoperatorii şi a colangiografiei endoscopice, interpretări care s-au dovedit eronate. Datele lămuritoare au fost oferite de reconstrucţiile colangio-RMN 3-D, în postoperator - falsă duplicaţie în cazul unui alt tip de anomalie. Se desprinde ideea informaţiei insuficiente oferite de explorările imagistice colangiografice, cât şi a colangioRMN standard, singura informaţie de certitudine fiind oferită de reconstrucţiile colangioRMN 3D. Apare astfel evidentă necesitatea solicitării de către chirurg a imagisticii reconstructive 3D ori de câte ori este evocată o anomalie în aria căilor biliare extrahepatice. În acest mod s-ar afla mai rapid situţia anatomică reală şi s-ar evita o serie de erori diagnostice sau chiar gesturi terapeutice neadecvate.The authors present two cases of common bile duct duplications by way of very low convergence of hepatic ducts. One of these cases represented a real, unquestionable duplication. The latter has been initially interpreted as a duplication on the basis of cholangiographic intraoperative examinations and of endoscopic cholangiography, interpretations that proved to be erroneous. Clarifying data have been provided by cholangio- MRI reconstructions, after the operation- the false duplication as a part of another type of anomaly. In this way, the idea of insufficient information provided by cholangiographic imagistic explorations , but also by standard cholangio-NMR emmerges, the only information of certitude being offered by 3D cholangio- MRI reconstructions. Therefore the necessity for surgeon requesting 3D reconstructive imagistics to be performed each time an anomaly in the field of extrahepatic bile ducts is evidenced here. In this way, the real anatomic situation would be discovered faster and a series of diagnostic errors and inadequate therapeutical gestures would be avoided

    Indoor air pollution impact on cultural heritage in an urban and a rural location in Romania: the National military museum in Bucharest and the Tismana monastery in Gorj County

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    Abstract Assessment was performed of the air quality related risk to the conservation of cultural heritage objects in one urban and one rural indoor location in Romania, with expected different air quality related conservation challenges: the National military museum in Bucharest and the Tismana monastery in Gorj County. The work was performed within and subsequent to the EU-Memori project by applying Memori methodology, Memori®-EWO (Early warning organic) dosimeters and passive pollution badge samplers for acetic and formic acids. The measurements in the National military museum were performed in three rooms with different exposure situations, and inside protective enclosures in the rooms. The rooms had organic and inorganic objects on exhibition and in store. The observed risks were associated with photo-oxidizing impact probably due to traffic pollutants entering from outdoor, and/or light exposure and temperature. The risks were found to be moderate, generally comparable to typical European purpose built museum locations. The highest risk was observed in a more open exhibition room in the main museum building. It was indicated that some observable change might happen to sensitive pigments and paper within 3 years, and to lead, copper and sensitive glass within 30 years in this location. Risk for observable change to sensitive pigments, paper, lead and sensitive glass within 30 years, was indicated in the other locations. The lowest risk was observed in a warehouse. A reduction in photo-oxidizing risk was measured in two of the enclosures, but a slightly higher acidic impact was measured in all the three enclosures, as compared to the respective rooms. In the Tismana monastery, a high level of acetic plus formic acid was observed in the air in the storerooms for icons and textiles, and books. Damage risk within 3 years was indicated for lead objects and sensitive glass, and within 30 years for iron and varnish (Laropal A81, resin mastic and dammar). As organic acid attack increases significantly at higher air humidity (> ~ 60%), this would be especially important to avoid. Risk for photo-oxidizing damage to paper and sensitive pigments within 30 years was indicated


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    The functional digestive pathology of the child in the first year of life is frequently encountered in the medical practice and is difficult to manage, diagnose and treat. The current general medical approach does not treat mother and child in the first year after birth as a biological unit, thus leaving out the perspective of the association of functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGID) with an impairment of maternal-child emotional relationship, resulting in uncertain therapeutic results. This perspective of the problem has been approached by maternology, a newer branch of medical sciences, which has been born on the assumption that most of the handicaps stem from a relational difficulty between the mother and her infant. Maternology integrates the child’s suffering from the perspective of the emotional relationship of the parent-child couple, emphasizing that the mother and the child is a biological unit that needs to be diagnosed and treated together, thus giving a new view in addressing the baby’s functional sufferings

    Methods for Determination of the Degree of Iron Oxidation in LiFePO4

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    The disposal of LiFePO4 (LFP) cathode material through oxidation in an air atmosphere is explained by its high chemical activity and high surface area (especially for nanoparticles). In this article, new methods for the determination of the degree of iron oxidation in LFP (oxidation degree) are taken into consideration, specifically those which do not require complicated hardware support. The proposed methods are based on electrochemical oxidation (coulometric method) and chemical oxidation (chemical oxidation in alkaline and acidic solutions). As an arbitration method for analyzing the iron state, the method of Mössbauer spectroscopy (being the most proven and reliable method) was chosen. With respect to the proposed methods for determination of the oxidation degree, the most reliable and quick approach is the titrimetric method (oxidation in an acidic medium), which is in good correlation with Mossbauer spectroscopy. The coulometric method is also able to determine the material oxidation degree (with some approximation), but it requires a number of conditions in order to eliminate errors

    Differential Diagnosis of Abdominal Tuberculosis in the Adult—Literature Review

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    Tuberculosis (TB) is a public health issue that affects mostly, but not exclusively, developing countries. Abdominal TB is difficult to detect at first, with the incidence ranging from 10% to 30% of individuals with lung TB. Symptoms are non-specific, examinations can be misleading, and biomarkers commonly linked with other diseases can also make appropriate diagnosis difficult. As a background for this literature review, the method used was to look into the main characteristics and features of abdominal tuberculosis that could help with differentiation on the PubMed, Science Direct, and Academic Oxford Journals databases. The results were grouped into three categories: A. general features (the five forms of abdominal tuberculosis: wet and dry peritonitis, lymphadenopathy, lesions at the level of the cavitary organs, lesions at the level of the solid organs), B. different intra-abdominal organs and patterns of involvement (oesophageal, gastro-duodenal, jejunal, ileal, colorectal, hepatosplenic, and pancreatic TB with calcified lymphadenopathy, also with description of extraperitoneal forms), and C. special challenges of the differential diagnosis in abdominal TB (such as diagnostic overlap, the disease in transplant candidates and transplant recipients, and zoonotic TB). The study concluded that, particularly in endemic countries, any disease manifesting with peritonitis, lymphadenopathy, or lesions at the level of the intestines or solid organs should have workups and protocols applied that can confirm/dismiss the suspicion of abdominal tuberculosis