130 research outputs found


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    Treballs de l'alumnat del Grau de Comunicació Audiovisual, Facultat de Biblioteconomia i Documentació, Universitat de Barcelona,[Metanarratives- Grup XI]. Curs: 2016-2017, Tutor: Josep Rovira.Directora: Marina Botí; Aj. Direcció: Ana Rovira; Productora: Mireia Lacoma; Guinistes: Marina Botí, Mireia Lacoma; Directora de fotografia: Ana Rovira; Càmera: Sandra Funes; Il·luminadora: Mireia Lacoma; Muntatge: Miquel Nadal; Música: Sandra Funes; Postproducció: Miquel Nadal; Equip artístic: Víctor Luna.Reconfiguration es el título de un proyecto de videoarte que pretende hacer una crítica hacia las formas de vida a las que estamos evolucionando, la migración de la naturaleza a la tecnología, de lo real a lo ficticio, del bosque a la ciudad

    Individual differences in the neuroendocrine response of male rats to emotional stressors are not trait-like and strongly depend on the intensity of the stressors

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    Altres ajuts: Acord transformatiu CRUE-CSICBiological response to stressors is critical to understand stress-related pathologies and vulnerability to psychiatric diseases. It is assumed that we can identify trait-like characteristics in biological responsiveness by testing subjects in a particular stressful situation, but there is scarce information on this issue. We then studied, in a normal outbred population of adult male rats (n = 32), the response of well-characterized stress markers (ACTH, corticosterone and prolactin) to different types of stressors: two novel environments (open-field, OF1 and OF2), an elevated platform (EP), forced swim (SWIM) and immobilization (IMO). Based on both plasma ACTH and prolactin levels, the OF1 was the lowest intensity situation, followed by the OF2 and the EP, then SWIM and finally IMO. When correlations between the individual responses to the different stressors were studied, the magnitude of the correlations was most dependent on the similarities in intensity rather than on other characteristics of stressors, with good correlations between similar intensity stressors and no correlations at all were found between stressors markedly differing in intensity. In two additional confirmatory experiments (n = 37 and n = 20) with HPA hormones, we observed good correlation between the response to restraint and IMO, which were close in intensity, and no correlation between OF1 and SWIM. The present results suggest that individual neuroendocrine response to a particular stressor does not predict the response to another stressor greatly differing in intensity, thus precluding characterization of low or high responsive individuals to any stressor in a normal population. The present data have important implications for human studies

    On target: Rational approaches to KRAS inhibition for treatment of non-small cell lung carcinoma

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    Non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) is a leading cause of cancer death. Approximately one-third of patients with NSCLC have a KRAS mutation. KRASG12C, the most common mutation, is found in ~13% of patients. While KRAS was long considered 'undruggable', several novel direct KRASG12C inhibitors have shown encouraging signs of efficacy in phase I/II trials and one of these (sotorasib) has recently been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration. This review examines the role of KRAS mutations in NSCLC and the challenges in targeting KRAS. Based on specific KRAS biology, it reports exciting progress, exploring the use of novel direct KRAS inhibitors as monotherapy or in combination with other targeted therapies, chemotherapy, and immunotherapy

    El Zoo de Barcelona. Realidad del bienestar animal

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    Treball presentat a l'assignatura de Deontologia i Veterinària Legal (21223

    Repeated administration of N-ethyl-pentedrone induces increased aggression and impairs social exploration after withdrawal in mice

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    N-ethyl-pentedrone (NEPD, 2-(ethylamino)-1-phenyl-1-pentanone) is one of the latest synthetic cathinone derivatives that emerged into the illicit drug market. This drug has psychostimulant properties and has been related with several intoxications and even fatalities. However, information about the consequences of its acute and repeated consumption is lacking. Thus, the aim of our study was to investigate the behavioral effects after both acute and repeated NEPD exposure as well as the neurochemical changes. Male OF1 mice were treated with an acute dose (1, 3 or 10 mg/kg, i.p.) or received repeated injections of these doses (twice/day, 5 days) of NEPD. Shortly after drug-exposure or during drug-withdrawal, anxiety-like behavior, aggressiveness, social interaction, depressive-like symptoms, body weight and temperature were assessed. Also, monoamine synthesis enzymes, levels of neurotransmitters and their precursors and main metabolites, as well as ΔFosB, were determined in striatum and prefrontal cortex from post-mortem tissue. Acute administration of NEPD induced anxiolytic effects and reduced social exploration whereas during withdrawal after repeated administration the anxiolytic effect had vanished, and the reduced social exploration was still present and accompanied with increased aggressive behavior. Moreover, NEPD (10 mg/kg) induced slight hyperthermia and reduced weight gain during the repeated administration, whereas increased locomotor activity and lack of depressive symptoms were found during withdrawal. This was accompanied by increased plasma corticosterone and decrease in striatal dopamine. Finally, the long-lasting and robust increase in ΔFosB levels found in striatum after NEPD chronic exposure suggests a high risk of dependence. The increased aggressivity and locomotor activity, together with this potential of inducing dependence justify a warning about the risks of consumption of NEPD if translated to humans. Keywords: Addiction; Aggressive behavior; Monoamine levels; N-ethyl-pentedrone; Synthetic cathinones

    Aportes de los planes de eficiencia para la transición energética y metodología para sudesarrollo: el caso del sector residencial de Argentina

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    La eficiencia energética presenta una significativa relevancia como política de mitigación y de transición energética, aportando además beneficios económicos y sociales. Sin embrago, muchas de las opciones de eficiencia energética enfrentan diferentes barreras, y por ello no se implementan demandando la puesta en marcha de planes y programas de política para incentivarlas. En este estudio se aborda la importancia y la necesidad de elaborar planes de eficiencia energética en la búsqueda de la transición energética a partir de la presentación de la propuesta de plan de eficiencia energética (PlanEEAr) para el sector residencial de Argentina. El objetivo del trabajo es, a partir de un caso de estudio particular, ilustrar una propuesta metodológica construida para la elaboración de planes de eficiencia energética, la cual combina herramientas cuantitativas y cualitativas de análisis que permiten evaluar los potenciales de eficiencia, sus impactos sistémicos para el sector energético y ambiental, y construir, sobre la identificación de barreras, propuestas de instrumentos que promuevan su implementación. Entre las principales lecciones del proceso, se destaca la importancia de contar con herramientas que contengan evaluaciones de los potenciales de eficiencia, impactos futuros, la relevancia de un buen diagnóstico e identificación de barreras, y la construcción participativa de las propuestas de políticas, así como la necesidad de avanzar en los procesos de gestión del conocimiento para la implementación de las propuestas construidas.A eficiência energética tem relevância significativa como política de mitigação e transição energética, proporcionando também benefícios econômicos e sociais. No entanto, muitas das opções de eficiência energética enfrentam diferentes barreiras e, por isso, não são implementadas, exigindo a implementação de planos e programas de políticas para incentivá-las. Este estudo aborda a importância e a necessidade de desenvolver planos de eficiência energética na busca da transição energética a partir da apresentação da proposta de um plano de eficiência energética (PlanEEAr) para o setor residencial na Argentina. O objetivo do trabalho é, a partir de um estudo de caso particular, ilustrar uma proposta metodológica construída para a elaboração de planos de eficiência energética, que combina ferramentas de análise quantitativa e qualitativa, e que permitem avaliar os potenciais de eficiência, seus impactos sistêmicos para o setor energético e ambiental e construir, a partir da identificação de barreiras, propostas de instrumentos que promovam sua implementação. Entre as principais lições do processo, destaca-se a importância de contar com ferramentas que contenham avaliações de potenciais de eficiência, impactos futuros, a relevância de um bom diagnóstico e identificação de barreiras e a construção participativa de propostas de políticas, bem como a necessidade de avançar nos processos de gestão do conhecimento para a implementação das propostas construídas.Energy efficiency has a significant relevance as a mitigation and energy transition policy, also providing economic and social benefits. However, many of the energy efficiency options face different barriers and for this reason they are not implemented, demanding the implementation of plans and policy programs to encourage them. This study addresses the importance and the need to develop energy efficiency plans in the search for the energy transition; it presents a proposal for an energy efficiency plan (PlanEEAr) in the residential sector in Argentina. The objective of the work is, from a particular case study, to illustrate a methodological proposal for the elaboration of energy efficiency plans, which combines quantitative and qualitative analysis tools that allow evaluating the efficiency potentials, their systemic impacts for the energy and environmental sector, and build, on the identification of barriers, proposals for instruments that promote their implementation. Among the main lessons of the process, the importance of having tools that contain evaluations of efficiency potentials, future impacts, the relevance of a good diagnosis and identification of barriers, and the participatory construction of policy proposals, as well as the need to advance in knowledge management processes for the implementation of the built proposals.Fil: Recalde, Marina Yesica. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Fundación Bariloche. Fundación Bariloche Sede Buenos Aires. Prog.de Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo; ArgentinaFil: Dubrovsky, Hilda. Fundación Bariloche; ArgentinaFil: Lallana, Francisco Joaquín. Fundación Bariloche; ArgentinaFil: Nadal, Gustavo Horacio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Fundación Bariloche; ArgentinaFil: Di Sbroiavacca, Nicolás. Fundación Bariloche; Argentin

    Advanced Quantitative Lipoprotein Characteristics Do Not Relate to Healthy Dietary Patterns in Adults from a Mediterranean Area

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    We aimed to assess the potential relationship between dietary patterns (i.e., Mediterranean diet and healthy eating) and the advanced lipoprotein profile (ALP) in a representative cohort of the Mediterranean population. Thus, ALP data from 1142 participants, including 222 with type 1 (19.4%) and 252 type 2 diabetes (22.1%), and 668 subjects without diabetes were used to study cross-sectional associations between quantitative characteristics of lipoproteins and adherence to the Mediterranean diet. The alternate Mediterranean diet score (aMED) and the alternate healthy eating index (aHEI) were calculated. The ALP was determined by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometry. Bivariable and multivariable analyses were performed. Participants in the third tertile of the aMED showed higher levels of low-density lipoprotein triglycerides (LDL-TG) (mean (SD) 17.5 (5.0); p = 0.037), large high-density lipoprotein particles (HDL-P) (0.3 (0.1); p = 0.037), and medium low-density lipoprotein particles (LDL-P) (434.0 (143.0); p = 0.037). In comparison with participants in the second and first tertiles of the aHEI, participants in the third tertile had higher levels of LDL-TG (17.7 (5.0); p = 0.010), and large HDL-P (0.3 (0.1); p = 0.002), IDL-C (11.8 (5.0); p = 0.001), intermediate-density lipoprotein triglycerides (IDL-TG) (13.2 (4.2); p < 0.001), LDL-TG (17.7(5.0); p = 0.010), high-density lipoprotein triglycerides (HDL-TG) (14.5 (4.4); p = 0.029,) large HDL-P (0.3 (0.1); p = 0.002) and very–low-density lipoprotein particles (VLDL-P) size (42.1 (0.2); p = 0.011). The adjusted-multivariable analysis for potential confounding variables did not show any association between the lipoproteins and dietary patterns (i.e., aMED and aHEI). In conclusion, none of the quantitative characteristics of lipoproteins were concomitantly associated with the extent of adherence to the Mediterranean diet measured using the aMED or aHEI scores in the studied population. Our findings also revealed that people with the highest adherence were older, had a higher body mass index (BMI) and more frequently had dyslipidemia, hypertension, or diabetes than those with the lowest adherence to the Mediterranean diet (MDiet). Thus, further research may be needed to assess the potential role of the dietary pattern on the ALP

    Differences in biochemical, gas exchange and hydraulic response to water stress in desiccation tolerant and sensitive fronds of the fern Anemia caffrorum

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    Desiccation tolerant plants can survive extreme water loss in their vegetative tissues. The fern Anemia caffrorum produces desiccation tolerant (DT) fronds in the dry season and desiccation sensitive (DS) fronds in the wet season, providing a unique opportunity to explore the physiological mechanisms associated with desiccation tolerance. Anemia caffrorum plants with either DT or DS fronds were acclimated in growth chambers. Photosynthesis, frond structure and anatomy, water relations and minimum conductance to water vapour were measured under well-watered conditions. Photosynthesis, hydraulics, frond pigments, antioxidants and abscisic acid contents were monitored under water deficit. A comparison between DT and DS fronds under well-watered conditions showed that the former presented higher leaf mass per area, minimum conductance, tissue elasticity and lower CO2 assimilation. Water deficit resulted in a similar induction of abscisic acid in both frond types, but DT fronds maintained higher stomatal conductance and upregulated more prominently lipophilic antioxidants. The seasonal alternation in production of DT and DS fronds in A. caffrorum represents a mechanism by which carbon gain can be maximized during the rainy season, and a greater investment in protective mechanisms occurs during the hot dry season, enabling the exploitation of episodic water availability.This work was supported by the projects CTM2014-53902-C2-1-P from the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO, Spain) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and PGC2018-093824-B-C41/PGC2018-093824-B-C44 from the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades (MCIU, Spain) and the ERDF; and the Basque Government (grant UPV/EHU IT-1018-16, Spain). MN was supported by the MINECO and the European Social Fund (predoctoral fellowship BES-2015-072578). AVP-C was supported by the Ministerio de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte (MECD; pre-doctoral fellowship FPU-02054). MIA was supported by a pre-doctoral grant from the Basque Government. We thank the technical support for microscopy preparation provided by the Universitat de Valencia (Seccio de Microscopia Electrnica, SCSIE), Dr. Ferran Hierro (UIB, Serveis Cientificotecnics) and Margalida Roig Oliver (UIB). JMF provided funding for work conducted in South Africa from her South African Department of Science and Innovation, National Research Foundation Research Chair, grant no. 9840

    Mediterranean diet and healthy eating in subjects with prediabetes from the mollerussa prospective observational cohort study

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    Altres ajuts: Institut Universitari d'Investigació en Atenció Primària Jordi Gol (IDIAP Jordi Gol) i Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Plan Nacional de I+D+I i Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional).We aimed to assess differences in dietary patterns (i.e., Mediterranean diet and healthy eating indexes) between participants with prediabetes and those with normal glucose tolerance. Secondarily, we analyzed factors related to prediabetes and dietary patterns. This was a cross-sec-tional study design. From a sample of 594 participants recruited in the Mollerussa study cohort, a total of 535 participants (216 with prediabetes and 319 with normal glucose tolerance) were in-cluded. The alternate Mediterranean Diet score (aMED) and the alternate Healthy Eating Index (aHEI) were calculated. Bivariable and multivariable analyses were performed. There was no dif-ference in the mean aMED and aHEI scores between groups (3.2 (1.8) in the normoglycemic group and 3.4 (1.8) in the prediabetes group, p = 0.164 for the aMED and 38.6 (7.3) in the normoglycemic group and 38.7 (6.7) in the prediabetes group, p = 0.877 for the aHEI, respectively). Nevertheless, women had a higher mean of aMED and aHEI scores in the prediabetes group (3.7 (1.9), p = 0.001 and 40.5 (6.9), p < 0.001, respectively); moreover, they had a higher mean of aHEI in the group with normoglycemia (39.8 (6.6); p = 0.001). No differences were observed in daily food intake between both study groups; consistent with this finding, we did not find major differences in nutrient intake between groups. In the multivariable analyses, the aMED and aHEI were not associated with pre-diabetes (odds ratio (OR): 1.19, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.75-1.87; p = 0.460 and OR: 1.32, 95% CI: 0.83-2.10; p = 0.246, respectively); however, age (OR: 1.04, 95% CI: 1.02-1.05; p < 0.001), dyslipidemia (OR: 2.02, 95% CI: 1.27-3.22; p = 0.003) and body mass index (BMI) (OR: 1.09, 95% CI: 1.05-1.14; p < 0.001) were positively associated with prediabetes. Physical activity was associated with a lower frequency of prediabetes (OR: 0.48, 95% CI: 0.31-0.72; p = 0.001). In conclusion, subjects with prediabetes did not show a different dietary pattern compared with a normal glucose tolerance group. However, further research is needed on this issue