850 research outputs found

    Alianza terapéutica, sintomatología y personalidad según la teoría de Cloninger : estudio preliminar

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    Antecedentes. La definición más aceptada de alianza terapéutica, realizada por Bodrin, se caracteriza por acuerdo en los objetivos terapéuticos, asignación de tareas y desarrollo del vínculo terapeuta-paciente. Los instrumentos de evaluación más reconocidos son California Psychotherapy Alliance Scales, la Vanderbilt Therapeutic Alliance Scale y el Working Alliance Inventory. Numerosos estudios la relacionan con los resultados terapéuticos, variables del psicólogo y paciente y trastornos de personalidad. Apenas se han realizado investigaciones sobre personalidad normal. Este estudio pretende analizar la relación de la alianza terapéutica con la personalidad no patológica y la sintomatología clínica. Método. Se administró el Inventario de Alianza de Trabajo y Teoría del Cambio, Inventario de Temperamento y Carácter de Cloninger e Inventario de 90 Síntomas-Revisado a 31 participantes. Resultados y Conclusiones. El perfil de personalidad obtenido se relaciona con el nivel de alianza terapéutica. Todas las Dimensiones de Personalidad se relacionan con la alianza terapéutica. No se halló conexión entre la gravedad de la sintomatología presente al inicio de la terapia, aunque sí con alguna de las subescalas de síntomas. Esto resalta la importancia de la personalidad no patológica en cualquier proceso terapéutico, ya que este depende en gran medida de un correcto establecimiento de la alianza terapéuticaBackground. Bordin's definition is the most accepted for the therapeutic alliance. He defined it as agreement on the goals of therapy, tasks and development of the bond between therapist and patient. The most recognized inventories for evaluation are California Psychotherapy Alliance Scales, Vanderbilt Therapeutic Alliance Scale and the Working Alliance Inventory. Many studies relate therapeutic alliance with clinical outcome variables and psychologist's and patient's variables, especially with personality disorders. There are few investigations about normal personality. This study analyzes the importance of the therapeutic alliance in relation to non-pathological personality traits as well as the clinical symptoms, at the onset of psychological intervention. Method. A sample of 31 participants who were administered the Working Alliance Inventory and Theory of Change, Temperament and Character Inventory of Cloninger and Symptom Checklist-90-Revised. Results and Conclusions. The results suggest that the personality profile obtained is related to the therapeutic alliance's level. In detail, all personality dimensions are related, more or less, to the therapeutic alliance. No connection was found between onset symptoms global severity, although it was found some connection with subscales of symptoms. This highlights the importance of non-pathological personality in any therapeutic process, as it depends heavily on proper establishment of the therapeutic allianc

    Reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography applied to the determination of soybean proteins in commercial heat-processed meat products

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    A reversed-phase chromatographic method has been developed and optimised in order to detect and quantitate soybean proteins in commercial heat-processed meat products. The optimised conditions consisted of a linear binary gradient tetrahydrofurane–water–0.05% trifluoroacetic acid at a flow rate of 1 mL/min. Meat products were defatted with acetone and soybean proteins were extracted with a buffered solution at pH 9.60. The injection of this extract into the chromatographic system enabled the detection of soybean proteins in heat-processed meat products in about 12 min. The method enabled the detection and quantitation of additions of 0.38% (w/w) and 0.63% (w/w), respectively, of soybean proteins (related to 10 g of initial product). The method has been proven to be precise with relative standard deviations (R.S.D.) for repeatability, intermediate precision, and internal reproducibility lower to 7.0%. Recoveries obtained for spiked meat products were close to 100% and no matrix interferences were observed. The application of the method to commercial heat-processed meat products in whose formulation soybean proteins were present yielded soybean protein contents ranging from 0.90% to 1.54%, below the maximum levels established by regulations.The authors thank the Comunidad Autonoma de Madrid (Spain) for project 07G/0025/2003. Dr. C. García-Ruiz also\ud thanks the Ministry of Science and Technology (Spain) for her contract from the Ramón y Cajal program (RYC-2003-001)

    Diel pattern of circadian clock and storage protein gene expression in leaves and during seed filling in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata)

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    Background Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) is an important source of protein supply for animal and human nutrition. The major storage globulins VICILIN and LEGUMIN (LEG) are synthesized from several genes including LEGA, LEGB, LEGJ and CVC (CONVICILIN). The current hypothesis is that the plant circadian core clock genes are conserved in a wide array of species and that primary metabolism is to a large extent controlled by the plant circadian clock. Our aim was to investigate a possible link between gene expression of storage proteins and the circadian clock. Results We identified cowpea orthologues of the core clock genes VunLHY, VunTOC1, VunGI and VunELF3, the protein storage genes VunLEG, VunLEGJ, and VunCVC as well as nine candidate reference genes used in RT-PCR. ELONGATION FACTOR 1-A (ELF1A) resulted the most suitable reference gene. The clock genes VunELF3, VunGI, VunTOC1 and VunLHY showed a rhythmic expression profile in leaves with a typical evening/night and morning/midday phased expression. The diel patterns were not completely robust and only VungGI and VungELF3 retained a rhythmic pattern under free running conditions of darkness. Under field conditions, rhythmicity and phasing apparently faded during early pod and seed development and was regained in ripening pods for VunTOC1 and VunLHY. Mature seeds showed a rhythmic expression of VunGI resembling leaf tissue under controlled growth chamber conditions. Comparing time windows during developmental stages we found that VunCVC and VunLEG were significantly down regulated during the night in mature pods as compared to intermediate ripe pods, while changes in seeds were non-significant due to high variance. The rhythmic expression under field conditions was lost under growth chamber conditions. Conclusions The core clock gene network is conserved in cowpea leaves showing a robust diel expression pattern except VunELF3 under growth chamber conditions. There appears to be a clock transcriptional reprogramming in pods and seeds compared to leaves. Storage protein deposition may be circadian regulated under field conditions but the strong environmental signals are not met under artificial growth conditions. Diel expression pattern in field conditions may result in better usage of energy for protein storage.This work was supported by the 7th Research Framework Programme of the European Union “Eurolegume (Enhancing of Legumes Growing in Europe through Sustainable Cropping for Protein Supply for Food and Feed)” FP7– 613781. The funding body had no role in the experimental design, analysis or results shown in the manuscript

    Propiedades psicométricas del Inventario Obsesivo de Leyton para Niños Versión Corta en una muestra comunitaria de niños y adolescentes

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    The aim of the current study was to analyze psychometric properties of the Short LOI-CV in Spanish community sample. Participants were 914 children and adolescents with mean age of 13.01 years (51.3% males). An EFA yielded a three-factor model representing Obsessions, Compulsions, and Cleanliness dimensions. Both, total score and subscales showed an adequate internal consistency. The Spanish version also exhibited good test-retest reliability and moderate convergent and discriminant validity. The younger participants (from 8 to 10 years) obtained higher means for total score and subscales than older participants (groups 11-13 and 14-18 years). Significant differences related to gender were also observed since males obtained higher means in Compulsions subscale. Despite more research is required, the Spanish version of the Short LOI-CV exhibited promising psychometric results to assess obsessive-compulsive symptoms in community population.El objetivo de este estudio fueanalizar las propiedades psicométricas del ShortLOI-CVen unamuestra españolacomunitaria.Los participantes fueron 914 niñosyadolescentescon edad mediade13.01años (varones =51.3%).ElAFE mostróun modelo de tresfactores compuesto por los dominios Obsesiones, CompulsionesyLimpieza. Tanto lapuntuación total comolas subescalas mostraron una adecuadaconsistenciainterna.Laversión española mostróbuena fiabilidad test-retestymoderada validezconvergenteydiscriminante.Los participantes más jóvenes (8a10 años) obtuvieron medias más altasquela escala Totalydistintas subescalas quelos mayores (grupo de11-13yde 14-18años). Se encontraron también diferencias significativas respecto al sexo, siendo losvarones los que mayoresmedias mostraron en laescala de compulsiones.Pese aqueesnecesariamás investigación, estos resultados sugirieron que la versión en español del ShortLOI-CV mostróun buen rendimiento psicométricos para evaluar los síntomas obsesivo-compulsivosen niñosyadolescentesen población comunitari

    Development of a capillary electrophoresis method for the determination of soybean proteins in soybean-rice gluten-free dietary products. Research Article

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    CE has been applied for the first time to the simultaneous separation of soybean and\ud rice proteins. Treated and untreated capillaries with different effective lengths as well\ud as separation media at different pHs were tested. For that purpose, samples and\ud standard solutions were prepared in 25:75 ACN–water media containing 0.3% v/v\ud acetic acid. The use of an untreated capillary of 50 cm effective length together with an\ud 80 mM borate buffer (pH 8.5) modified with 20% v/v ACN and UV detection at 254 nm\ud were the conditions working the best. These conditions enabled the determination of\ud soybean proteins in gluten-free dietary commercial products elaborated with soybean\ud protein and/or soybean flour and rice flour using the standard additions calibration\ud method. The method was linear up to 26 mg/mL of soybean proteins, the precision\ud (expressed as RSD) was always better than 6%, and recoveries obtained for soybean\ud proteins when spiking commercial products were very close to 100%The authors thank the Ministry of Science and Technology\ud (Spain) for the research project BQU2002–01199 and F. J.\ud Cabello-Murillo for technical assistance. C.G.-R. also\ud thanks the Ministry of Science and Technology for the\ud Ramón y Cajal program (RYC-2003–001)

    El paisaje vegetal de la Llanada Alavesa en la transición Bronce-Hierro. Estudio palinológico del yacimiento de Mendizabala

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    RESUMEN: Se presenta en este trabajo el estudio arqueopalinológico del yacimiento de Mendizabala (Vitoria-Gasteiz), situado cronológicamente en la transición entre la Edad del Bronce y la Edad del Hierro. Se trata de un yacimiento en llano, frente a la habitual posición en altura de los castros contemporáneos, que constituye al día de hoy la más antigua fundación de un núcleo poblacional en la actual ciudad de Vitoria. Sus resultados señalan la existencia de un paisaje intensamente antropizado, con importantes evidencias de deforestación, con dominio de los espacios abiertos ocupados por pastizales. Entre otras evidencias, se ha documentado la existencia de prácticas agrícolas y ganaderas, que contribuyeron a modelar el paisaje del sector central de la Llanada Alavesa.ABSTRACT: In this work we present the archaeopalynological study of the archaeological site of Mendizabala (Vitoria-Gasteiz), dated in the transition from the Bronze Age to the Iron Age. The main results indicate the existence of a landscape with important evidence of anthropization, with deforestation and dominance of open areas occupied by pastures. Among other evidences, the diagram shows the existence of farming practices that helped shaping the landscape of the central area of the Alava Plain.Sebastián Pérez Díaz está financiado por el Programa Estatal de Promoción del Talento y su Empleabilidad en I+D+i en la modalidad Juan de la Cierva-Incorporación. Al proyecto Transiciones climáticas y adaptaciones sociales en la Prehistoria de la Cuenca del Ebro. HAR2014-59042-P, del que estas reflexiones forman parte

    Phosphorylation-independent activation of the atypical response regulator NblR

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    Cyanobacteria respond to environmental stress conditions by adjusting their photosynthesis machinery. In Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942, phycobilisome degradation and other acclimation responses after nutrient or high-light stress require activation by the orphan response regulator NblR, a member of the OmpR/PhoB family. Although NblR contains a putative phosphorylatable residue (Asp57), it lacks other conserved residues required to chelate the Mg2+ necessary for aspartic acid phosphorylation or to transduce the phosphorylation signal. In close agreement with these features, NblR was not phosphorylated in vitro by the low-molecular-mass phosphate donor acetyl phosphate and mutation of Asp57 to Ala had no impact on previously characterized NblR functions in Synechococcus. On the other hand, in vitro and in vivo assays show that the default state of NblR is monomeric, suggesting that, despite input differences, NblR activation could involve the same general mechanism of activation by dimerization present in known members of the OmpR/PhoB family. Structural and functional data indicate that the receiver domain of NblR shares similarities with other phosphorylation-independent response regulators such as FrzS and HP1043. To acknowledge the peculiarities of these atypical ‘two-component’ regulators with phosphorylation-independent signal transduction mechanisms, we propose the term PIARR, standing for phosphorylation-independent activation of response regulator.This work was supported by the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (grants BFU2006-12424 to A.C. and BIO2005-00153 to A. M.) and the Generalitat Valenciana (grant ACOMP06/083 to A.C.)

    Diseño y aplicación del programa idecol para el abordaje de la dislexia en niños de educación primaria

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    In recent times there have been programs for the approach to treating dyslexia, together with the traditional and effective instruction of the alphabetic principle and metaphonology, have tried to include other components with the aim of developing accurate and fluent word recognition. With this purpose, the IDECOL program was designed, whose Spanish acronym indicate the components included therein: instruction, decoding, phonemic awareness, frequent spelling and repeated readings. The program was applied individually and outside of a school context to eighteen boys and girls aged 7-12 years who were diagnosed with specific difficulties in learning to read. Researcher-designed measures, as well as standardized ones, were taken at the beginning and end of the intervention. On average, the children received twenty-six one-hour sessions over seventeen weeks in which observance and adherence to the intervention were monitored. The outcomes showed improvements that implied a substantial reduction in errors made in reading and a greater speed in reading words and texts. These positive results denote the need to apply the program in controlled and randomized studies that accurately calibrate its scope and efficacy.En los últimos tiempos han ido apareciendo programas para el abordaje de la dislexia que, junto a la tradicional y eficaz instrucción del principio alfabético y la metafonología, trataban de incluir otros componentes con el objetivo de desarrollar un reconocimiento de palabras preciso y fluido. Con este objetivo, se diseñó el programa IDECOL, cuyas siglas indican los componentes incluidos en el programa: instrucción, decodificación, conciencia fonémica, ortografía frecuente y lecturas repetidas. El programa fue aplicado de forma individualizada y fuera del contexto escolar a dieciocho niños y niñas de entre siete y doce años, diagnosticados con dificultades específicas para el aprendizaje de la lectura. Se tomaron medidas diseñadas por los investigadores, así como medidas estandarizadas, al principio y al final de la intervención. Los niños recibieron en la intervención, de media, veintiséis sesiones de una hora durante diecisiete semanas en las cuales se controló la fidelidad y la adherencia a la misma. Los resultados indicaron mejoras que implicaban una reducción sustancial de los errores cometidos en la lectura y una mayor velocidad en la lectura de palabras y textos. Estos resultados positivos indican la necesidad de aplicar el programa en estudios controlados y aleatorizados que calibren fielmente su alcance y efectividad

    Diseño y aplicación del programa idecol para el abordaje de la dislexia en niños de educación primaria

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    En los últimos tiempos han ido apareciendo programas para el abordaje de la dislexia que, junto a la tradicional y eficaz instrucción del principio alfabético y la metafonología, trataban de incluir otros componentes con el objetivo de desarrollar un reconocimiento de palabras preciso y fluido. Con este objetivo, se diseñó el programa IDECOL, cuyas siglas indican los componentes incluidos en el programa: instrucción, decodificación, conciencia fonémica, ortografía frecuente y lecturas repetidas. El programa fue aplicado de forma individualizada y fuera del contexto escolar a dieciocho niños y niñas de entre siete y doce años, diagnosticados con dificultades específicas para el aprendizaje de la lectura. Se tomaron medidas diseñadas por los investigadores, así como medidas estandarizadas, al principio y al final de la intervención. Los niños recibieron en la intervención, de media, veintiséis sesiones de una hora durante diecisiete semanas en las cuales se controló la fidelidad y la adherencia a la misma. Los resultados indicaron mejoras que implicaban una reducción sustancial de los errores cometidos en la lectura y una mayor velocidad en la lectura de palabras y textos. Estos resultados positivos indican la necesidad de aplicar el programa en estudios controlados y aleatorizados que calibren fielmente su alcance y efectividad