58 research outputs found

    Structural basis of the Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus MCM helicase activity

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    The MCM complex from the archaeon Methanother-mobacter thermautotrophicus is a model for the eukaryotic MCM2-7 helicase. We present electron-microscopy single-particle reconstructions of a DNA treated M.thermautotrophicus MCM sample and a ADP·AlF(x) treated sample, respectively assembling as double hexamers and double heptamers. The electron-density maps display an unexpected asymmetry between the two rings, suggesting that large conformational changes can occur within the complex. The structure of the MCM N-terminal domain, as well as the AAA+ and the C-terminal HTH dom-ains of ZraR can be fitted into the reconstructions. Distinct configurations can be modelled for the AAA+ and the HTH domains, suggesting the nature of the conformational change within the complex. The pre-sensor 1 and the helix 2 insertions, important for the activity, can be located pointing towards the centre of the channel in the presence of DNA. We propose a mechanistic model for the helicase activity, based on a ligand-controlled rotation of the AAA+ subunits

    Image formation and image analysis in electron microscopy

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    Dit proefschrift, behandelt diverse onderwerpen die betrekking hebben op de beeldvorming en beeldanalyse in de elektronenonenmicroscopie. ... Zie: Samenvatting

    Molecular shape of Lumbricus terrestris erythrocruorin studied by electron microscopy and image analysis

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    The molecular structure of erythrocruorin (hemoglobin) from Lumbricus terrestris has been studied by electron microscopy of negatively stained particles. Over 1000 molecular projections were selected from a number of electron micrographs and were then classified by multivariate statistical image-processing techniques. The two main groups of top and side views were each subdivided into smaller classes with significantly different features. About half of the top-view projections exhibit perfect hexagonal symmetry at the current resolution of about 2.0 nm, while the other top views lack this symmetry, probably as a result of tilting of the molecules relative to the carbon support film. The side views were separated into two 'families', each associated with the two different stable side-view positions the molecules can take. From these narrow stable side-views, the two families of projections are, again, generated by tilting. The symmetry properties of the three non-tilted projections show that Lumbricus erythrocruorin has a pointgroup D6 (622) symmetry rather than D3 (32).
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