32 research outputs found

    The geology, petrology and geochemistry of the mineralization and hydrothermal alteration at Ongeama, Ongombo and Matchless West Extension, Namibia

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    The Matchless Amphibolite Belt (Damara Orogen, Namibia) hosts several volcanogenic-exhalative, sediment-hosted stratiform cupriferous pyrite deposits. These are thought to be related to submarine volcanism during the early evolutionary stages of a narrow Damaran ocean, the Matchless Trough. The mineralized bodies examined (Ongeama, Ongombo and Matchless West Extension) are deformed and metamorphosed to low-medium grade (greenschist-amphibolite facies). They are associated with metapelite and amphibolite country rocks, and crop out as prominent limonite-rich gossans. The elongated shape of the sulphide bodies suggests a structural control. The mineralization normally consists of a variably developed massive sulphide portion, either quartz-, talc- or amphibole-bearing, and a stratigraphically overlying, extensive horizon of sulphide- and baryte-bearing exhalite (magnetite quartzite and less common talc- and actinolite-bearing schists). Lateral and vertical mineralogical changes within the mineralization match with significant variations in the element distribution. A metamorphosed and deformed alteration pipe, indicating the position of the fluid conduit, can be recognized in association with some ore bodies. The formation of quartz-muscovite and chlorite alteration envelopes (Ongeama, Matchless West Extension) and the presence of subtle mineralogical changes (Ongombo) in the immediate wallrocks, accompanied by extensive redistribution, leaching and introduction of elements from outside, suggest the hydrothermal metasomatic origin of the alteration zones. Element zoning within the mineralized bodies can be related to the original position of the vent, possibly coinciding with the intersection of the axis of the alteration pipe with the sulphide body. Cu, Zn, Au (pro parte) and Mo are enriched proximal to the vent, whereas Pb, Ba, Mn, Ag, Au, Sn, Bi and W enrichment characterizes the distal facies of the mineralization. In spite of the obliterating and disrupting effects of the regional dynamo-metamorphism, the element distribution within the mineralization and alteration zones examined is comparable with the geochemical trends observed in present-day mineralizing systems in early- stage oceanic environments (e.g. Guaymas Basin). During exploration for blind volcanogenic mineralization, the detection of hydrothermally altered rocks is fundamental in indicating the proximity to the mineralization. The localization of the alteration zone is also important in the interpretation of the regional geology of the explored area: in deformed terrains the assessment of the stratigraphic position of the alteration zone, relative to the mineralization, helps in establishing the polarity of the sequence

    Spatial and metallogenic relationships between different hydrothermal vein systems in the Southern Arburèse district (SW Sardinia)

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    The SW Sardinian basement hosts various ore deposits linked to geological processes active from Cambrian to post-Variscan times. In particular, the Southern Arburèse district hosts several granite-related W-Sn-Mo deposits and a 10 km-long system of Ni-Co-As-Bi-Ag±Au-bearing five-element veins. New investigations in the eastern and central parts of the district (Pira Inferida mine sector) were performed to understand the poorly documented spatial and metallogenic relationships between these systems. The granite-related deposits consist of massive wolframite quartz (W-Bi-Te-Au) and molybdenite-quartz veins, linked to the early Permian (289±1 Ma) Mt. Linas granite, that are cross-cut by the five-element veins. The wolframite-quartz veins, observed by optical and electron (SEM-EDS) microscopy, show abundant native Bi, Bi-Te phases and native Au suggesting a W-Bi-Te-Au hydrothermal system. The five-elements veins exhibit breccia and cockade textures enveloping clasts of the Ordovician host-rocks and locally small fragments of the earlier W-Mo-quartz veins. The five-element vein paragenesis includes three main stages, from older to younger: 1) native elements (Bi±Au); 2) Ni-Co arsenides-sulfarsenides in quartz gangue; and 3) Pb-Zn-Cu±Ag sulfides in siderite gangue. The mineralogical, geochemical and isotopic features of the five-element vein swarm are closely comparable to five-element deposits elsewhere in Europe (Germany, Switzerland, Italian Alps). While the source of Ni and Co is still unknown, the high Bi contents as well as Au enrichment in the five-element veins suggest selective remobilization of these elements, and perhaps others, from the granite-related W-Bi-Te-Au veins. The five-element vein system was likely formed during a post-289±1 Ma and post-Variscan metallogenic event


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    Skarn deposits are a relevant source of critical raw materials such as W, Sn, and In. Recent studies conducted in South Sardinia pointed out the relationships between various Sn-W-Mo deposits and the early Permian (289-286 Ma) F-bearing, ilmenite-series ferroan granites (e.g., Sulcis pluton). This new evidence triggered a broad re-examination of granite-related deposits including skarn deposits hosted by Cambrian limestones of the low-grade Variscan basement of the Sulcis district (SW Sardinia). With this purpose, field investigations and OM, SEM-EDS, EMPA, and LA-ICP-MS observations, and analyses have been conducted on the skarn ores of Monte Tamara (Nuxis, northern Sulcis) where scheelite has been reported in the old San Pietro and Sinibidraxiu mines. The San Pietro mine exploited a 1-5 m thick and 70 m deep, steeply dipping skarn orebody located at the tectonized contact between early Cambrian sandstones and limestones. The orebody includes layers of Grt-Cpx-Wo, magnetite, and Zn-Pb-Cu-Fe sulfide bands. Prograde and retrograde stages with oxides and sulfides can be recognized. Clinopyroxene is the foremost mineral of the prograde stage; garnets (andradite-grossular) are usually dark green with typical anomalous birefringence and distinctly zoned (Fe-rich cores and Al-rich rims). Hematite turned to mushketovite, and Mo-rich scheelite, followed by In-bearing cassiterite, occasionally occur in the prograde assemblages. Amphiboles and epidotes mark the retrograde stage, together with abundant Zn-Cu-Fe-Pb sulfides and accessory molybdenite, stannite, bismuthinite, and Bi-Ag-Pb sulfosalts. At San Pietro, dominant sphalerite displays highly variable Fe, Mn, and Cd contents. Relictlooking blebs of Fe-Mn-poor Sp are scattered in high-Fe-Mn Sp where Sn EMPA peaks may correlate with cassiterite-stannite micro-inclusions. Galena composition suggests localized intergrowths with micro-inclusions of bismuthinite, Bi-Se, and Bi-Te sulfosalts. The stannite-sphalerite geothermometer provided a temperature range of 325-200°C for the sulfide stage. The Sinibidraxiu old mine exploited a 1,5 m thick and 60 m deep columnar body, hosted in early Cambrian marbles. It consists of a sphalerite-wollastonite assemblage with late sulfides, quartz, and calcite, hosting cm-sized arsenopyrite and scheelite. Scheelite is Mo-poor; Sn-, other Mo-phases and Bi-phases are absent. High-Fe Sp, rimmed by low-Fe Sp and blebby galena, is finely intergrown with wollastonite cockades. The results from this study suggest that a wide range of skarn-related mineralizing phenomena occurred in the Monte Tamara area. Both orebodies resulted from a structurally controlled migration of metasomatic fluids inside the hosting carbonate formation. Mineral zonation and composition of the San Pietro skarn point towards skarn development under varying fO2 conditions, oxidizing then rapidly turning to moderately reducing within the prograde W-Sn skarn stage and into the sulfide stage. The features of the Sinibidraxiu orebody (e.g., Mo-poor, As-devoid scheelite) suggest a formation from reducing metasomatic fluids but S-poor compared to San Pietro, probably at more distal environments (e.g. low Sn-Bi contents). From this point of view, the Monte Tamara area still maintains an economic potential, linked to the possible presence of proximal skarn ores at depth; thereby representing a key area for further exploration for granite-related strategic and critical metals in SW Sardinia

    The Shepherd Mountain Iron Ore Deposit in Southeast Missouri, USA – an Extension of the Pilot Knob Magmatic-Hydrothermal Ore System: Evidence from Iron Oxide Chemistry

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    The Southeast Missouri Iron Metallogenic Province in the Midcontinent USA contains seven major and several minor IOA/IOCG-type deposits and a series of shallow vein-type deposits/prospects, all of which are spatially and temporally associated with early Mesoproterozoic (1500–1440 Ma) magmatism in the St. Francois Mountains terrane. One of the vein-type deposits is the Shepherd Mountain deposit, which consists of two northeast-trending ore veins dominated by magnetite and lesser amounts of hematite. Here we report the findings of a study that investigates the origin of the Shepherd Mountain deposit and a possible genetic link to the nearby (i.e., away) magmatic to magmatic-hydrothermal Pilot Knob ore system that comprises the massive-to-disseminated Pilot Knob Magnetite deposit and the overlying bedded and brecciated Pilot Knob Hematite deposit. Petrographic observations, whole-rock data and the trace element and Fe isotope composition of magnetite and hematite show that the Shepherd Mountain deposit formed from at least five pulses of magmatic-hydrothermal fluids with different compositions and physicochemical parameters. Integration of the data for the Shepherd Mountain deposit with new and published data from the Pilot Knob Magnetite and Pilot Knob Hematite deposits shows that the three deposits are genetically linked through two local faults. The Ironton and Pilot Knob faults provided fluid pathways that connected the Pilot Knob Magnetite deposit to the shallower Shepherd Mountain and Pilot Knob Hematite deposits. Consequently, we argue that the Shepherd Mountain and Pilot Knob Hematite deposits are near-surface extensions of the same magmatic to hydrothermal plumbing system that formed the Pilot Knob Magnetite deposit at depth

    Mineralogy of the scheelite-bearing ores of Monte Tamara, SW Sardinia: insights for the evolution of a Late Variscan W–Sn skarn system

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    Southwestern Sardinia, Italy, hosts several skarn, W–Sn–Mo greisen and hydrothermal deposits related to a 289±1 Ma Late Variscan granite suite. Among them, the most representative scheelite-bearing skarns belong to the San Pietro and Sinibidraxiu localities, in the Monte Tamara area, Sulcis region. The San Pietro deposit is a typical calc-silicate skarn whereas Sinibidraxiu is a sharply bounded orebody hosted in a marble unit. Optical petrographic observations and compositional data of major and trace elements were obtained for samples from both localities. San Pietro data suggests evolution from an oxidising prograde skarn stage (andradite–diopside, hematite and scheelite), to progressively more reducing conditions from the early retrograde (magnetite–cassiterite) to the late sulfide stage (arsenopyrite, stannite, molybdenite, Bi sulfosalts and Zn–Cu–Pb–Fe sulfides); Sinibidraxiu has diffuse carbonate–quartz intergrowths pseudomorphic over an early mineral assemblage with fibrous habit, followed by abundant ore mineral precipitation under reducing conditions (scheelite, arsenopyrite and Pb–Zn–Cu–Fe sulfides). Geothermometers indicate a comprehensive temperature range of 460–270°C for the sulfide stages of both deposits. The differences between the two deposits might be controlled by the distance from the source intrusion coupled with the different reactivity of the host rocks. The San Pietro mineralogy represents a more proximal skarn, contrasting with more distal mineralogical and chemical features characterising the Sinibidraxiu orebody (lack of Mo–Sn–Bi phases; LREE–MREE–HREE signature of scheelite). This investigation contributes for the first time to the identification of a W–Sn skarn system in SW Sardinia, thereby suggesting the Monte Tamara area and its surroundings as favourable for further exploration

    Genesis Of The 1.45 Ga Kratz Spring Iron Oxide-Apatite Deposit Complex In Southeast Missouri, USA: Constraints From Oxide Mineral Chemistry

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    Seven major and numerous lesser Fe oxide occurrences within the 1.47 Ga St. Francois Mountains terrane in Missouri (USA) have previously been described as iron oxide-apatite (IOA) and iron oxide-copper-gold (IOCG) deposits. Researchers speculate that these contain significant amounts of critical minerals, most notably rare earth elements and cobalt. One of the less-studied deposits in the region is the 1.455 Ga Kratz Spring deposit. The deposit consists of two steeply dipping magnetite bodies beneath 450 m of sedimentary cover. The genesis of the Kratz Spring deposit and its relationship to nearby IOA-IOCG deposits remains poorly constrained. To better understand the formation of the Kratz Spring deposit, the authors integrated stratigraphic, petrographic, and bulk rock studies within situ trace element and Fe isotope chemistry of magnetite and hematite. These data show that the Kratz Spring deposit is hydrothermal in origin but is divided into two sub deposits according to different fluid sources and formation conditions: (1) a deep but cooler hydrothermal Kratz Spring South deposit with a juvenile fluid source and (2) a shallow but hotter magmatic-hydrothermal Kratz Spring North deposit with variable fluid sources. Our genetic model suggests the two Kratz Spring deposits are local expressions of the same mineralization system, i.e., the Kratz Spring South deposit is a distal, lower-temperature offshoot of the feeder system that formed the Kratz Spring North deposit. Understanding the magmatic-hydrothermal plumbing system that formed Missouri\u27s IOA-IOCG deposits is important to guiding critical mineral exploration efforts in the region

    Factors Controlling Hydrothermal Nickel and Cobalt Mineralization—Some Suggestions from Historical Ore Deposits in Italy

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    We compare three poorly known, historical Ni–Co-bearing hydrothermal deposits in dierent geological settings in Italy: The Ni–Co–As–Sb–Au-bearing Arburese vein system (SW Sardinia), the Co–Ni–As-rich Usseglio vein system (Piedmont), and the small Cu–Ag–Co–Ni–Pb–Te–Se stockwork at Piazza (Liguria). These deposits share various (mineralogical, chemical, thermal, and stable isotopic) similarities to the Five Element Vein-type ores but only the first two were economic for Co–Ni. The Sardinian Ni-rich veins occur in Paleozoic basement near two Variscan plutons. Like the Co-rich Usseglio vein system, the uneconomic Piazza deposit is hosted in an ophiolite setting anomalous for Co. The Sardinian and Usseglio deposits share a polyphasic assemblage with Ni–Co–As–Sb–Bi followed by Ag-base metal sulfides, in siderite-rich gangue, whereas Piazza shows As-free, Ag–Pb–Te–Se-bearing Co–Ni–Cu sulfides, in prehnite–chlorite gangue. Fluid inclusions indicated Co–Ni arsenide precipitation at 170 C for Usseglio, whereas for the Sardinian system late sulfide deposition occurred within the 52–126 C range. Ore fluids in both systems are NaCl-CaCl2-bearing basinal brines. The chlorite geothermometer at Piazza provides the range of 200–280 C for ore deposition from CO2-poor fluids. Enrichments in Se and negative 13C in carbonates suggest interaction with carbonaceous shales. These deposits involve issues about source rocks, controls on Co/Ni and possible role of arsenic and carbonate components towards economic mineralization

    Turning toxic industrial waste to something useful : thermal treatments of Cr-bearing sludges from tanneries for inertization and recycling

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    Leather treatment in the tanneries may employ high dosages of chromium. Beside the smell in the immediate neighbourhood, the production of great quantities of Cr-rich waste waters makes this type of industrial activity as one of the worst for the environment. Tannery waste waters and their solid sediment (sludge) may be variably treated before being disposed: more frequently lime is added in order to oxidate proteins; attempts are done to recover tanning Cr. Only one tannery in Scandinavia owns a pyrolysis plant where Cr is recovered as Cr-Fe alloy and a safely disposable vitrified and unleachable slag is produced. We started a series of thermal treatments on waste sludge from tanneries. Our aim is to turn the inorganic part of the sludge into a harmless ceramic slag. Then this material can possibly be recycled, e.g. in road construction or in concrete. The composition of the inorganic fraction of the tannery sludge includes variable amounts of Ca (depending on treatment with lime), Na, Cr and Fe (both in the % range), with subordinate Mg, Mn, Al, P, Ti, Zn, etc.. We prepared series of mixtures of variably treated waste with natural additives such as kaolinitic clay, magnesite, silica (quartz) and in some cases alumina. We planned to induce crystallization of chemically stable Ca-Al-Mg silicates and oxides immobilizing Cr, Fe and the other metal components. The ratio of waste to additives was always between 1:1 and 3:2. We used sludge in four different conditions: sludge with or without lime treatment and with simple dehydration at 120\ub0C or heated at 550\ub0C (decomposition of organics). The mixed bulk compositions were planned to correspond to three different mineral assemblages containing Ca-silicates and spinel: gehlenite + spinel, diopside + spinel and anorthite + spinel. The mixtures were pressed in cylindric pellets and heated in a vertical furnace up to 1300\ub0C in several runs according to different thermal schemes. The thermal schemes comprise (a) rapid heating, (b) dwell at the maximum temperature variable between one to four hours and (c) slow cooling (to prevent glass formation).The runs lasted less than 1 day in order to simulate rapid industrial-scale treatment, and at first they were done in moderately reducing atmosphere determined by flux of a mixture of air and CO2 (50 cc/min each) to prevent oxidation of Cr. The run products were characterized for their phase assemblages by x-ray powder diffraction techniques, by scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped with EDS for chemical microanalysis and by x-ray data refinement methods (Rietveld). The run products are characterized by dominant granular texture, fine to very fine grain size, high porosity and disequilibrium textures due to short residence time at high temperature. The phase assemblages obtained contain a range of Ca-bearing silicates such as melilites (gehlenite-\ue5kermanite), diopside-type pyroxene, anorthite and grossular-type Ca-garnet.They occur as fine to coarse grains and/or reaction rims around newly-formed phases or unreacted/refractory grains. Unreacted and refractory phases are represented by quartz, periclase from decomposition of magnesite or corundum (when added).The porous matrix to the coarser grains may also include aggregates of very fine-grained Cr-Fe(-Zn)-rich Mg-spinels, undetermined lamellar Fe-Cr phases and phosphates. Occasionally disseminated micro-pellets of Cr-Fe-Ti-Al alloys occur. The best results in terms of textures and phase assemblages significant for effective inertization are those for bulk compositions involving sludges pre-heated at 550\ub0C (i.e. without organic component) and with longer residence time (e.g. 2 to 4 hours) at high temperature: better degree of crystallization, coarser textures, greater abundance of stable phases and minimal gaseous emissions

    Geological and chemical controls in ore shoot mineralization of polymetallic veins: insights from the five-elements Ni-Co-As-Ag-Bi hydrothermal veins of SW Sardinia.

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    Several studies on polymetallic hydrothermal veins of western Europe recently highlighted the role of physicochemical controls in determining and enhancing mineralizing processes in structurally defined, spatially limited environments (vein “ore shoots”). Host rocks have critical roles: a) the development and geometry of the structures and veins depend on their rheological features; b) they may act as sources of elements and c) regulate the type and kinetics of chemical reactions after fluid-rock interaction. An excellent example is provided in SW Sardinia by the five-elements (Ni-Co-As-Ag-Bi) veins of the Arburèse District. These late- to post-Variscan low-temperature veins are hosted in Ordovician-Silurian very low-grade metamorphic siliciclastic rocks outcropping between the Arbus granitoid (304±1 Ma) and the Mt. Linas granite (289±1 Ma). Ordovician host rocks mostly include sandstones and siltstones, while Silurian rocks are dominated by carbonaceous argillites (black shales). The distinct competence of these host rocks resulted in different geometries of spaces opened to fluid circulation, leading to the formation of orebodies with different shapes: large veins mainly occur in Ordovician sandstones and siltstones (e.g., Pira Inferida mine), while thinner, often anastomosed veins occur in Silurian black shales (e.g. Acqua Is Prunas mine). Vein formation is triggered by seismic cycles in faults at shallow crustal levels, as testified by widespread breccia and cockade textures. The ore shoots display complex mineral assemblages: native Bi; Ni-Co-Fe arsenides and antimonides (nickeline, breithauptite, rammelsbergite, safflorite, skutterudite, loellingite); Ni-Co-Fe sulfarsenides-sulfantimonides (gersdorffite, cobaltite, ullmannite, arsenopyrite); and Pb-Zn-Cu-Fe sulfides (galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, pyrite); Ag-Sb-As and Se sulfosalts. Carbonates (mainly siderite, minor ankerite, dolomite-calcite) and quartz are the main gangue minerals. Field, textural and analytical data support an overall rapid formation of ore minerals under multiple and distinct mineralizing pulses, starting with native elements and arsenides, followed by sulfarsenides and sulfides. Ore shoots must have formed in relatively restricted environments chemically marked by the abundant redox agents (carbonaceous matter, pyrite and, possibly, hydrocarbons) provided by Silurian black shales, which may have supplied sulfur and other elements (e.g., Se) for mineralization. Thus, differences in host rock geochemistry may explain local differences in ore shoots composition and paragenetic sequences. A further control at the district scale is represented by the repeated intersections of the five-elements vein system with earlier Mt. Linas granite-related Sn-As and W-Bi-Te-Au veins, documented in several ore shoots of the district (Pira Inferida, Acqua is Prunas and Sa Menga mines). Such intersections formed preferred pathways for fluid circulation and wider spaces for mineral precipitation during ore-forming processes; moreover, main components of five-elements ores (e.g., As, Bi) appear to be inherited by remobilization from granite-related veins. In summary, ore shoot mineralization in the studied vein system may have been controlled by multiple factors (host structures; host rock rheology and composition; intersections with other vein systems) that may be assumed as key prospection guidelines for further mineral exploration in the area; until now this vein system has only been explored in its shallower parts, and it is possible that much of the ore shoots has yet to be discovered