11 research outputs found

    Formiranje impresije o osobi na osnovu facijalnih ekspresija emocija

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    The aim of this research was examining the readiness of people to create an impression about an individual by relying on his/her facial expressions of six primary emotions (happiness, sadness, fear, disgust, surprise and anger). Besides this, the role of the observed individual’s gender and the observer's need for a cognitive closure in this process were also examined. The sample consisted of the students (N = 434) of both genders, from 18–25 years of age. In the first part of this research, 334 respondents had the assignment to rank the stimulus individuals’ faces on the Revised Interpersonal Adjective Scales and to fill in the self-evaluation questionnaire – the Need for Closure Scale. In the second part of the research, 100 respondents evaluated the attractiveness of the stimulus individuals’ faces and filled in the Beliefs about men’s and women’s emotional behaviour scale. The results have shown that the observers are ready to draw conclusions about individual’s general interpersonal tendencies based on his/her current emotional reaction. The most dominant individuals were the ones on whose faces respondents recognised anger, then happiness and disgust, next was surprise, then fear, and, in the end, sadness. The highest average value on Affiliation was given to individuals on whose faces the observers recognised happiness. It was followed by sadness, fear and surprise, while disgust and anger were in the end. The respondents saw men as more dominant and less affiliative than women during the manifestation of all emotions, except anger, for which there were no differences on both Dominance and Affiliation, and disgust, on Affiliation. With the increase of the need for cognitive closure in observers, the number of adjectives which were ascribed to an individual on whose face there was fear were reduced. Also, with the increase in this need, there was growth of the number of extreme values on the Revised Interpersonal Adjectives Scales and the tendency to evaluate the stimulus individuals on whose faces they recognised fear as less dominant and less affiliative, and individuals with the observed signs of anger as more dominant. The obtained results were interpreted within the context of the communicative theory of emotions, by the content of gender stereotypes which was acquired through socialisation within a certain culture, and finally, by relying on the cognitive style of individuals with a highly expressed need, which depends on their preferences of certainty, predictability and structure

    Važnost informiranosti učitelja razredne nastave i studenata učiteljskog studija o šećernoj bolesti

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    Značajan porast učestalosti šećerne bolesti u učeničkoj populaciji u posljednjem desetljeću nameće nužnost edukacije učitelja i studenata učiteljskih studija o ovoj bolesti, načinima njenog kontroliranja i važnim postupcima u liječenju (davanje inzulinske terapije, mjerenje šećera i davanje injekcije glukagona u slučaju teške hipoglikemije ili inzulinske kome). Zbog navedenog, provedeno je istraživanje koliko su učitelji razredne nastave i studenti učiteljskog studija informirani o šećernoj bolesti te su dane preporuke za bolju informiranost i educiranost o istoj. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 110 sudionika koji su popunili anketu. Gotovo svi sudionici prepoznaju drugi naziv za dijabetes, znaju da od dijabetesa mogu oboljeti djeca i odrasli, informirani su o prepoznatljivim simptomima dijabetesa, znaju da je inzulin hormon gušterače, kolike trebaju biti normalne vrijednosti glukoze u krvi prije i nakon obroka. Veliki broj sudionika prepoznaje oralne hipoglikemike kao tablete za liječenje šećerne bolesti tipa 2. Rezultati pokazuju kako su sudionici slabije upoznati s pojmom hiperglikemije za razliku od hipoglikemije. Od izuzetne je važnosti da učitelj razumije značenje i razliku između hiperglikemije i hipoglikemije, kako bi mogao prepoznati simptome koji se javljaju kod pojedinog stanja te da može pružiti odgovarajuću pomoć učeniku oboljelom od dijabetesa. Rezultati su pokazali i slabo razlikovanje šećerne bolesti tipa 1 od šećerne bolesti tipa 2, kao i vrste terapije koja se uzima uz pojedini tip šećerne bolesti. Najviše oboljelih učenika boluje od dijabetesa tipa 1, stoga svaki učitelj treba biti upoznat s učenikovom individualnom inzulinskom terapijom, kao i svim vrstama pomagala pomoću kojih se inzulin primjenjuje. Ukoliko učenik nije sposoban samostalno uzeti terapiju, dužnost je učitelja pružiti odgovarajuću pomoć učeniku. Dobra informiranost o šećernoj bolesti i njezinim posljedicama, kao i provedene edukacije o istoj, smanjit će strah kod osoba koje pomažu oboljelom učeniku. Upravo su edukacija i informiranost ključni čimbenici za pomoć oboljelom učeniku koji se u školi treba osjećati prihvaćeno i sigurno

    Love and affectionate touch toward romantic partners all over the world

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    Touch is the primary way people communicate intimacy in romantic relationships, and affectionate touch behaviors such as stroking, hugging and kissing are universally observed in partnerships all over the world. Here, we explored the association of love and affectionate touch behaviors in romantic partnerships in two studies comprising 7880 participants. In the first study, we used a cross-cultural survey conducted in 37 countries to test whether love was universally associated with affectionate touch behaviors. In the second study, using a more fine-tuned touch behavior scale, we tested whether the frequency of affectionate touch behaviors was related to love in romantic partnerships. As hypothesized, love was significantly and positively associated with affectionate touch behaviors in both studies and this result was replicated regardless of the inclusion of potentially relevant factors as controls. Altogether, our data strongly suggest that affectionate touch is a relatively stable characteristic of human romantic relationships that is robustly and reliably related to the degree of reported love between partners.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Affective interpersonal touch in close relationships: a cross-cultural perspective

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    Interpersonal touch behavior differs across cultures, yet no study to date has systematically tested for cultural variation in affective touch, nor examined the factors that might account for this variability. Here, over 14,000 individuals from 45 countries were asked whether they embraced, stroked, kissed, or hugged their partner, friends, and youngest child during the week preceding the study. We then examined a range of hypothesized individual-level factors (sex, age, parasitic history, conservatism, religiosity, and preferred interpersonal distance) and cultural-level factors (regional temperature, parasite stress, regional conservatism, collectivism, and religiosity) in predicting these affective-touching behaviors. Our results indicate that affective touch was most prevalent in relationships with partners and children, and its diversity was relatively higher in warmer, less conservative, and religious countries, and among younger, female, and liberal people. This research allows for a broad and integrated view of the bases of cross-cultural variability in affective touch

    Teacher's and class teacher stuudents' awareness of diabetes

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    Rad ne sadrži sažetak

    Teacher's and class teacher stuudents' awareness of diabetes

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    Rad ne sadrži sažetak

    Formiranje impresije o osobi na osnovu facijalnih ekspresija emocija

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    The aim of this research was examining the readiness of people to create an impression about an individual by relying on his/her facial expressions of six primary emotions (happiness, sadness, fear, disgust, surprise and anger). Besides this, the role of the observed individual’s gender and the observer's need for a cognitive closure in this process were also examined. The sample consisted of the students (N = 434) of both genders, from 18–25 years of age. In the first part of this research, 334 respondents had the assignment to rank the stimulus individuals’ faces on the Revised Interpersonal Adjective Scales and to fill in the self-evaluation questionnaire – the Need for Closure Scale. In the second part of the research, 100 respondents evaluated the attractiveness of the stimulus individuals’ faces and filled in the Beliefs about men’s and women’s emotional behaviour scale. The results have shown that the observers are ready to draw conclusions about individual’s general interpersonal tendencies based on his/her current emotional reaction. The most dominant individuals were the ones on whose faces respondents recognised anger, then happiness and disgust, next was surprise, then fear, and, in the end, sadness. The highest average value on Affiliation was given to individuals on whose faces the observers recognised happiness. It was followed by sadness, fear and surprise, while disgust and anger were in the end. The respondents saw men as more dominant and less affiliative than women during the manifestation of all emotions, except anger, for which there were no differences on both Dominance and Affiliation, and disgust, on Affiliation. With the increase of the need for cognitive closure in observers, the number of adjectives which were ascribed to an individual on whose face there was fear were reduced. Also, with the increase in this need, there was growth of the number of extreme values on the Revised Interpersonal Adjectives Scales and the tendency to evaluate the stimulus individuals on whose faces they recognised fear as less dominant and less affiliative, and individuals with the observed signs of anger as more dominant. The obtained results were interpreted within the context of the communicative theory of emotions, by the content of gender stereotypes which was acquired through socialisation within a certain culture, and finally, by relying on the cognitive style of individuals with a highly expressed need, which depends on their preferences of certainty, predictability and structure


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    Rules regarding emotional display (and hence, regulation) are provided by society in order to guide gender-specific or gender appropriate behaviour of the individual. The purpose of this research was the adaptation of the Questionnaire of gender specific beliefs about emotional behaviour (Timmers, Fischer, & Manstead, 2003), supplemented with additional items, on a sample of 247 Serbian students. A large set of observed beliefs about actual or desired emotional conduct in the context of separate male and female gender roles was subjected to sequential-factors analysis (Goldberg’s “bass-ackwards” method). The aim was to elucidate specific homogenous clusters of beliefs (factors) and their larger contexts (higher-level factors), therefore providing information on the societal views of gender roles and also on the potentially differing cross-cultural manifestations of the constructs in question. Finally, two measurement instruments were evaluated and suggested for future research. The psychometric properties of these instruments, the Beliefs about men’s emotional behaviour (BEB-M) and the Beliefs about women’s emotional behaviour (BEB-W), were assessed. Based on interpretability, as well as on the results of a parallel analysis and the MAP procedure, we made the decision to use a four-factor solution for the BEB-M instrument, and a five-factor solution for the BEB-W instrument.Pravila koja se odnose na pokazivanje emocija (te i njihove regulacije) određeno društvo propisuje kako bi ponašanje pojedinca usmerilo ka onom koje smatra poželjnim za pripadnika određenog pola. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je adaptacija (rekonstrukcija) Upitnika polno specifičnih verovanja o emocionalnom ponašanju (Timmers, Fischer, & Manstead 2003), dopunjenog dodatnim ajtemima, na uzorku srpskih studenata. Veliki broj opserviranih verovanja o stvarnom ili poželjnom emocionalnom ponašanju, u kontekstu odvojenih muških i ženskih polnih uloga, podvrgnut je sekvencijalnoj faktorskoj analizi (Goldbergova „bass-ackwards“ metoda). Cilj je bio rasvetljavanje specifičnih homogenih skupina verovanja (faktora) i njihovih širih konteksta (faktora višeg reda), te pružanje informacije o tome kako društvo gleda na polne uloge, kao i na potencijalno različite kroskulturne manifestacije navedenih konstrukata. Konačno, evaluirana su dva merna instrumenta, koja su predložena za buduća istraživanja. Psihometrijske karakteristike ovih instrumenata, Verovanja o emocionalnom ponašanju muškaraca (VEP-M) i Verovanja o emocionalnom ponašanju žena (VEP-Ž), procenjene su na osnovu odgovora 247 ispitanika. Na osnovu interpretabilnosti, kao i rezultata paralelne analize i MAP procedure, doneta je odluka da se za instrument VEP-M primeni četvorofaktorsko rešenje, a za VEP-Ž petofaktorsko rešenje

    Universality of the triangular theory of love: Adaptation and psychometric properties of the triangular love scale in 25 countries

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    The Triangular Theory of Love (measured with Sternberg\u27s Triangular Love Scale - STLS) is a prominent theoretical concept in empirical research on love. To expand the culturally homogeneous body of previous psychometric research regarding the STLS, we conducted a large-scale cross-cultural study with the use of this scale. In total, we examined more than 11,000 respondents, but as a result of applied exclusion criteria, the final analyses were based on a sample of 7332 participants from 25 countries (from all inhabited continents). We tested configural invariance, metric invariance, and scalar invariance, all of which confirmed the cultural universality of the theoretical construct of love analyzed in our study. We also observed that levels of love components differ depending on relationship duration, following the dynamics suggested in the Triangular Theory of Love. Supplementary files with all our data, including results on love intensity across different countries along with STLS versions adapted in a few dozen languages, will further enable more extensive research on the Triangular Theory of Love