12 research outputs found

    On Appel Index of MATH/CHEM/COMP Conference

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    An index measuring the mathematical content of an interdisciplinary area is described and calculated for the MATH/CHEM/COMP conference. Some further areas of application of this index in mathematical chemistry are indicated

    Therapeutic riding as a method of assisting children with special needs

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    Terapijsko jahanje kao novija metoda terapije osim pouzdanog konja zahtijeva i kvalitetnog terapeuta. Dokazano djeluje na poboljÅ”anje kvalitete života korisnika na njegovom fizičkom, emocionalnom i socijalnom planu. Cilj joj je stvoriti povjerenje između čovjeka i konja, kako bi duh i tijelo tvorili jednu cjelinu, ali isto tako otkriti i potencirati skrivene mogućnosti korisnika. Program terapijskog jahanja razvija se od sredine 90-ih godina u Republici Hrvatskoj, paralelno u Zagrebu i Osijeku. Danas okuplja 6 udruga. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je pokazati učinke terapijskog jahanja na socijalni, rehabilitacijski i medicinski razvoj djeteta s teÅ”koćama u razvoju.Besides a reliable horse, therapeutic riding as a new method of therapy, also requires experienced therapist. The effect of therapeutic riding on beneficiary in improvement of physical emotional and social domain of life is proved. The aim is to create confidence between man and horse, to create unity between body and soul, and also to discover and emphasize undetected capabilities of beneficiary. Since 90s, in the republic of Croatia, the program of therapeutic riding has been developing separately in the city of Zagreb and Osijek. The aim of this research is to show effects of therapeutic riding on social, medical and rehabilitation development of children with difficulties in development

    Therapeutic riding as a method of assisting children with special needs

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    Terapijsko jahanje kao novija metoda terapije osim pouzdanog konja zahtijeva i kvalitetnog terapeuta. Dokazano djeluje na poboljÅ”anje kvalitete života korisnika na njegovom fizičkom, emocionalnom i socijalnom planu. Cilj joj je stvoriti povjerenje između čovjeka i konja, kako bi duh i tijelo tvorili jednu cjelinu, ali isto tako otkriti i potencirati skrivene mogućnosti korisnika. Program terapijskog jahanja razvija se od sredine 90-ih godina u Republici Hrvatskoj, paralelno u Zagrebu i Osijeku. Danas okuplja 6 udruga. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je pokazati učinke terapijskog jahanja na socijalni, rehabilitacijski i medicinski razvoj djeteta s teÅ”koćama u razvoju.Besides a reliable horse, therapeutic riding as a new method of therapy, also requires experienced therapist. The effect of therapeutic riding on beneficiary in improvement of physical emotional and social domain of life is proved. The aim is to create confidence between man and horse, to create unity between body and soul, and also to discover and emphasize undetected capabilities of beneficiary. Since 90s, in the republic of Croatia, the program of therapeutic riding has been developing separately in the city of Zagreb and Osijek. The aim of this research is to show effects of therapeutic riding on social, medical and rehabilitation development of children with difficulties in development

    Investigation of charge and superconducting correlations in cuprates using nonlinear conductivity

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    Razvijen je sustav za beskontaktno mjerenje nelinearne vodljivosti u radiofrekventnom području, na velikim snagama. Mjeren je treći harmonik vodljivosti na tri uzorka visoko-temperaturnih kupratnih supravodiča (YBa2Cu3O6.6 (YBCO), La2āˆ’0.125Sr0.125Cu O4 (LSCO), La2āˆ’xEu0.2SrxCuO4 (LESCO)) u području iznad supravodljivog prijelaza, u kojem se kod nekih spojeva javlja prugasto uređenje. Mjeren je i odgovor nedopiranog pniktida BaFe2As2, s temperaturom nematskog prijelaza na Tnem=138 K. Usporedbom mjerenih rezultata s predviđanjima kvalitativnog modela po uzoru na klasični opis vala gustoće naboja ustanovljena je linearna temperaturna ovisnost parametra prugastog uređenja u YBCO-u i LESCO-u. U uzorku LESCO-a uz statičke pruge izmjeren je i oÅ”tar maksimum sličan signalu pniktida na Tnem, koji upućuje na intrinzično topljenje pruga, odnosno lom orijentacijske simetrije neovisan o strukturnom prijelazu. Mjerenja na LSCO-u nisu otkrila postojanje prugastog uređenja.An apparatus for measuring nonlinear conductivity in the radio-frequency range at high powers has been devised. Nonlinear conductivity was measured on three samples (YBa2Cu3O6.6 (YBCO), La2āˆ’0.125Sr0.125CuO4 (LSCO), La2āˆ’xEu0.2SrxCu O4 (LESCO)) above the superconducting transition, in the range where striped order occurs. Nonlinear response of an undoped ironarsenide sample, known to undergo an electronic nematic phase transition at Tnem=138 K was also measured. Comparing the measured results and qualitative predictions obtained from a classical model, we were able to determine the dependence of the stripe order parameter on temperature in YBCO and LESCO. Measurements on LESCO have also revealed the presence of an intermediate state, marked by a sharp peak, similar to the one measured in the iron arsenide at Tnem. It probably corresponds to stripe melting, i.e. an orientational symmetry breaking state independent of structure. Nonlinear conductivity measurements on LSCO revealed no stripe order phase

    Research approaches and peculiarities of therapeutic riding

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    Terapijsko jahanje specifičan je oblik terapije namijenjen osobama s posebnim potrebama, a provodi se pomoću konja. Osnovni je cilj ove terapije poboljÅ”anje kvalitete življenje osoba s teÅ”koćama koje se očituje na fizičkom, emocionalnom i socijalnom planu osobnosti. Program terapijskog jahanja počeo se razvijati sredinom '90-ih godina u Republici Hrvatskoj, paralelno u Zagrebu i Osijeku. Danas se program terapijskog jahanja provodi u nekoliko desetaka udruga i klubova u Hrvatskoj. Cilj je ovog diplomskog rada prikazati rezultate učinka terapijskog jahanja na socijalni, rehabilitacijski i medicinski razvoj djeteta s teÅ”koćama u razvoju. U radu će se pokuÅ”ati prikazati stanje terapijskog jahanja u udrugama u Republici Hrvatskoj na temelju prikupljenih podataka, njegove učinke, nedostatke te predložiti rjeÅ”enja.Therapeutic riding is a specific form of therapy intended for people with special needs. It is carried out with the help of horses. The main goal of this therapy is to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities, which is manifested on the physical, emotional, and social level of personality. The therapeutic riding program began to develop in the mid-1990s in the Republic of Croatia, in parallel in Zagreb and in Osijek. Today, the therapeutic riding program is implemented in several dozen associations and clubs in Croatia. The aim of this master thesis is to present the results of the effect of therapeutic riding on the social, rehabilitation and medical development of a child with developmental disabilities. The thesis will try to present the state of therapeutic riding in associations in the Republic of Croatia based on collected data, its effects, shortcomings and suggest solutions

    Research approaches and peculiarities of therapeutic riding

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    Terapijsko jahanje specifičan je oblik terapije namijenjen osobama s posebnim potrebama, a provodi se pomoću konja. Osnovni je cilj ove terapije poboljÅ”anje kvalitete življenje osoba s teÅ”koćama koje se očituje na fizičkom, emocionalnom i socijalnom planu osobnosti. Program terapijskog jahanja počeo se razvijati sredinom '90-ih godina u Republici Hrvatskoj, paralelno u Zagrebu i Osijeku. Danas se program terapijskog jahanja provodi u nekoliko desetaka udruga i klubova u Hrvatskoj. Cilj je ovog diplomskog rada prikazati rezultate učinka terapijskog jahanja na socijalni, rehabilitacijski i medicinski razvoj djeteta s teÅ”koćama u razvoju. U radu će se pokuÅ”ati prikazati stanje terapijskog jahanja u udrugama u Republici Hrvatskoj na temelju prikupljenih podataka, njegove učinke, nedostatke te predložiti rjeÅ”enja.Therapeutic riding is a specific form of therapy intended for people with special needs. It is carried out with the help of horses. The main goal of this therapy is to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities, which is manifested on the physical, emotional, and social level of personality. The therapeutic riding program began to develop in the mid-1990s in the Republic of Croatia, in parallel in Zagreb and in Osijek. Today, the therapeutic riding program is implemented in several dozen associations and clubs in Croatia. The aim of this master thesis is to present the results of the effect of therapeutic riding on the social, rehabilitation and medical development of a child with developmental disabilities. The thesis will try to present the state of therapeutic riding in associations in the Republic of Croatia based on collected data, its effects, shortcomings and suggest solutions

    Research approaches and peculiarities of therapeutic riding

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    Terapijsko jahanje specifičan je oblik terapije namijenjen osobama s posebnim potrebama, a provodi se pomoću konja. Osnovni je cilj ove terapije poboljÅ”anje kvalitete življenje osoba s teÅ”koćama koje se očituje na fizičkom, emocionalnom i socijalnom planu osobnosti. Program terapijskog jahanja počeo se razvijati sredinom '90-ih godina u Republici Hrvatskoj, paralelno u Zagrebu i Osijeku. Danas se program terapijskog jahanja provodi u nekoliko desetaka udruga i klubova u Hrvatskoj. Cilj je ovog diplomskog rada prikazati rezultate učinka terapijskog jahanja na socijalni, rehabilitacijski i medicinski razvoj djeteta s teÅ”koćama u razvoju. U radu će se pokuÅ”ati prikazati stanje terapijskog jahanja u udrugama u Republici Hrvatskoj na temelju prikupljenih podataka, njegove učinke, nedostatke te predložiti rjeÅ”enja.Therapeutic riding is a specific form of therapy intended for people with special needs. It is carried out with the help of horses. The main goal of this therapy is to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities, which is manifested on the physical, emotional, and social level of personality. The therapeutic riding program began to develop in the mid-1990s in the Republic of Croatia, in parallel in Zagreb and in Osijek. Today, the therapeutic riding program is implemented in several dozen associations and clubs in Croatia. The aim of this master thesis is to present the results of the effect of therapeutic riding on the social, rehabilitation and medical development of a child with developmental disabilities. The thesis will try to present the state of therapeutic riding in associations in the Republic of Croatia based on collected data, its effects, shortcomings and suggest solutions