158 research outputs found

    Parenting Style, Involvement of Parents in School Activities and Adolescents’ Academic Achievement

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    AbstractThis paper deals with problems of correlations between a parenting style, involvement of parents in school activities and academic achievements of adolescents. The theoretical concepts of Baumrind (1991) and Epstein (2002) were used as theoretical framework. The research was conducted with the aim to determine a correlation between a parenting style, involvement of parents in school activities and success of adolescents in schools. There were 400 parents and 200 adolescents who were examined. A PSDQ questionnaire of parenting styles and dimensions was used (Parenting Styles & Dimensions Questionnaire, Robinson, Mandleco, Olsen, & Hart, 2001) for examining parenting styles. A scale was designed according to the Epstein concept for examining the involvement of parents. The results of the research showed that an authoritative parenting style was characteristic for mothers, which was correlated with a higher involvement in school activities and a greater success of adolescents. An authoritarian parenting style is dominant for fathers and it is correlated with a lack of time necessary for involvement in school activities. The given results indicate a problem concerning involvement of fathers in school activities of children and the indifference of school to establish a partner relationship with parents. School should offer relevant information about effects of various parenting styles on achievements of students within collaborating between school and a family and establishing a partnership between school and a family

    Cost-effectiveness analysis of tocilizumab in combination with methotrexate for rheumatoid arthritis: A Markov model based on data from Serbia, country in socioeconomic transition

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    Background/Aim. Recent studies have shown that biological treatments for rheumatoid arthritis can change the course of rheumatoid arthritis and improve functional ability of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. In spite of this fact, use of biological therapy is still limited by high prices of these medicines, especially in countries in socioeconomic transition. The aim of our study was to compare costeffectiveness of a combination of tocilizumab and methotrexate with methotrexate alone for rheumatoid arthritis in Serbia, a country in socioeconomic transition. Methods. For the purpose of our study we designed a Markov model using data on therapy efficacy from the available literature, and data on the costs of health states calculated from records of actual patients treated in the Clinical Center Kragujevac, Serbia. The duration of one cycle in our model was set at one month, and the time horizon was 480 months (40 years). The study was done from the social perspective, and all the costs and outcomes were discounted for 3% per year. Results. Treating rheumatoid arthritis with diseasemodifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) alone was more cost-effective in comparison with a combination of biologic treatment with tocilizumab and DMARDs. The total costs for treating a patient with DMARDs for one year were on average 261,945.42 RSD, or 2,497.70 Euro and the total costs for treatment with tocilizimab plus DMARDs were on average 1,959,217.44 RSD, or 18,659.20 Euro. However, these results are susceptible to changes in costs and treatment effects of tocilizumab in patients with more severe forms of rheumatoid arthritis. Conclusion. Our results show that the use of tocilizumab for rheumatoid arthrits in economic environment of Serbia is not cost-effective. Use of tocilizumab for treating rheumatoid arthritis can become affordable, if costs of its use become lower. In order to start using expensive biologic medicines in patients in transitional countries, special strategy and pricing policy of international pharmaceutical companies are necessary, which would include calculation of prices of biologic medicines on the basis of local pharmacoeconomic studies

    Organizational learning for sustainable development: Correlation with the national culture dimensions framework

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    Koncentracija metala u mišićnom tkivu riba iz različitih ribnjaka

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    Riba predstavlja važan deo ljudske ishrane, a takođe, riba je dobar pokazatelj kontaminacije životne sredine od strane jednog broja supstanci, uključujući i tragove metala u slatkovodnim sistemima, posebno zbog toga što se ribe, kao tercijelni potrošači, nalaze na vrhu lanca ishrane u vodenom ekosistemu (Noël i sar., 2013). Mnogo pažnje posvećeno je elementima kao što su olovo (Pb), kadmijum (Cd), Živa (Hg) i Arsen (As) i efekti izloženosti ovim elementima su sveobuhvatno istraženi (Castro-González and Méndez-Armenta, 2008; Has-Schön et al., 2008). Zbog svoje toksičnosti, otpornosti i bioakumulacije u vodi i sedimentima, kada se nalaze u visokim koncentracijama, ovi elementi predstavljaju opasnost za sve žive organizme. U pogledu bezbednosti javnog zdravlja, kod riba, prate se koncentracije olova, kadmijuma i žive, gde postoje jasno definisani maksimalni nivoi teških metala u namirnicama koji su određeni od strane Evropske Komisije, br. 1881/2006 (EC, 2006), izmenjena i dopunjena EC 629/2008 (EC, 2008). Za arsen, maksimalni nivo još nije uspostavljen na evropskom nivou, ali se očekuje da će granične vrednosti za arsen biti postavljene u bliskoj budućnosti, kao i metode za određivanje arsena (Noël et al., 2013). Za utvrđivanje koncentracije teških metala u tkivu riba prikupljeno je deset uzoraka dve različite vrste riba - šarana (Cyprinus carpio) i evropske ili severne štuke (Esox lucius). Uzorci su ulovljeni od strane profesionalnih ribara tokom rane jeseni 2013. godine iz četiri različita ribnjaka na području Beograda. Dobijeni rezultati su izraženi kao srednja vrednost ± standardna devijacija. Statistička analiza je urađena je korišćenjem Studentovog t-testa i analizom varijanse (ANOVA) sa višestrukim poređenjem Turkey test za utvrđivanje značajnih razlika između srednjih vrednosti. Primenjen je nivo značajnosti od 0.01 i 0.05. U različitim ribnjacima, koncentracija metala u mišićnom tkivu šarana je varirala u zavisnosti od vrste metala. Između sva četiri poređena ribnjaka nije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika jedino u koncentraciji kadmijuma u mišićnom tkivu. U ostalim slučajevima poređenja utrvđene su statistički značajne razlike (p<0.01). Koncentracija metala u mišićnom tkivu štuke razlikovala se između ribnjaka, zavisno od vrste metala. U svim slučajevima poređenja utvrđene su statistički značajne razlike (p<0.01). Koncentracija olova u mišićnom tkivu štuke u svim poređenim ribnjacima bila je statistički značajno veća (p<0,01) u odnosu na koncentraciju olova u mišićnom tkivu šarana. Koncentracija kadmijuma u mišićnom tkivu štuke bila je statistički značajno veća (p<0,01; p<0,05) od koncentracije kadmijuma u mišićnom tkivu šaran u svim poređenim ribnjacima. Za razliku od koncentracije olova i kadmijuma, koncentracija žive u mišićnom tkivu štuke u poređenim ribnjacima bila je statistički značajno niža (p<0,01) u odnosu na koncentracije žive u mišićnom tkivu šarana. Koncentracija arsena bila je statistički značajno veća (p<0,01) u mišićnom tkivu šarana od koncentracije arsena u mišićnom tkivu štuke. Rezultati koncentracija ispitanih elemenata u mišićnom tkivu riba pokazuju varijacije u opsegu koji se čini tipičan za ribnjake u Srbiji, ali su ove koncentracije niže od onih u rekama sa značajnim antropogenim uticajem

    Primena novih sorbenasa u D-µ-SPE TEhnici pripreme uzoraka za GC – MS analizu PAU u vodi

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    The aim of this paper is application of novel sorbents in dispersive micro solid phase extraction (D-μ-SPE) as a technique for sample preparation of water, for the analysis of 16 PAHs by gass chromatography - mass spectrometry (GC-MS). D-μ-SPE proved to be an effective technique consuming a small amount of the solvent for the analysis. D-μ-SPE is characterized by its rapidity (7 minutes per sample including all preparation of standard solutions and measuring of sorbents) and cheapness as well. Low values of the detection limit and limit of quantification, acceptable accuracy and precision values propose this method for routine water analysis for the determination of PAHs.Cilj istraživanja ovog rada je primena novih sorbenasa u disperzivnoj mikroekstrakciji čvrstom fazom (D-µ-SPE) kao tehnikom pripreme uzoraka vode za analizu 16 prioritetnih PAU gasnom hromatografijom sa masenom spektrometrijom (GC-MS). D-µ-SPE se pokazala kao efikasna i ekonomična tehnika pripreme uzoraka vode pri čemu se troši mala količina rastvarača za ekstrakciju i koristi jeftin pribor za pripremu uzoraka koja traje 7 minuta (uključujući pripreme standardnih rastvora i odmeravanje sorbenasa). Niske vrednosti granice detekcije i kvantifikacije, prihvatljive vrednosti tačnosti i preciznosti predloženu metodu analize 16 prioritetnih PAU kvalifikujuje za rutinsku analizu vode

    Primena disperzivne mikroekstrakcije čvrstom fazom kao tehnike pripreme uzoraka za GC – MS analizu PAU u vodi

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    The aim of this paper is to determine the efficiency of D-µ-SPE with application of novel sorbents as a technique for sample preparation of water samples for the analysis of 16 priority PAHs by GC-MS. The sample preparation technique proved to be very fast, efficient and economical. The results of the proposed method demonstrate that this technique can be applied for routine analysis of PAHs in water. The advantages of this method are characterized by low values of limit of detection (from 0.147 ppb for benzo [a] anthracene to 0.784 ppb for naphthalene) and the limit of quantification (0.717 ppb for naphthalene to 9.459 ppb for benzo [k] fluorantene.Ciljevi istraživanja ovog rada su određivanje efikasnosti disperzivne mikroekstrakcije čvrstom fazom (D-µ-SPE) kao tehnike pripreme uzoraka vode za analizu 16 prioritetnih PAU gasnom hromatografijom sa masenom spektrometrijom, primenom novih sorbenasa. Tehnika pripreme uzoraka pokazala se kao veoma brza, efikasna i ekonomična. Rezultati predložene metode dokazuju da se ova tehnika može primeniti kao tehnika pripreme uzoraka za rutinsku analizu PAU u vodi. Prednosti ovakovog načina analize odlikuju se niskim vrednostima granice detekcije (od 0.147 ppb za benzo[a]antracen do 0.784 ppb za naftalen) i granice kvatifikacije (0.717 ppb za naftalen do 9.459 ppb za benzo[k]fluoranten)

    Određivanje sadržaja mikro i makro elemenata u lekovitoj biljci Seseli pallasii Besser

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    Metals, whether from natural and anthropogenic sources, can migrate between different parts of the environment and accumulate in flora and fauna, and in this way can finally reach people through the food chain. The possibility of contamination of plants by metals limits their use both in the pharmaceutical and food industry, because the increased concentration of some metals can have a negative impact on the health of humans and animals. The medicinal herbaceous species Seseli pallasii Besser is used in traditional medicine, but also as a spice in nutrition, so the assessment of the presence of metals is essential to ensure its safe application. For the estimation of the contents of the micro (Al, B, Ba, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, V, Zn) and macroelenates (Ca, K, Mg and Na) in vegetative parts of plant species Seseli pallasii Besser (root, leaf, flower and fruit) from Southeast Serbia the method of induced coupled plasma with optical emission spectrometry (ISP-OES) was applied. The content of micro and macroelements in the studed medicinal plant species is below the recommended limits, which confirms that Seseli pallasii Besser can be safely used in traditional medicine and nutrition.Metali, bilo da su iz prirodnih i antropogenih izvora, mogu da migriraju između različitih delova životne sredine i akumuliraju se u floru i faunu, i na taj način konačno mogu dospeti do ljudi putem lanca ishrane. Mogućnost kontaminacije biljaka metalima ograničava njihovu upotrebu kako u farmaceutskoj tako i u prehrambenoj industriji, jer povećana koncentracija nekih metala može imati negativan uticaj na zdravlje ljudi i životinja. Lekovita biljna vrsta Seseli pallasii Besser koristi se u tradicionalnoj medicini, ali i kao začin u ishrani, pa je procena prisustva metala od suštinske važnosti kako bi se osigurala njena bezbedna primena. Za procenu sadržaja mikro (Al, B, Ba, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, V, Zn) i makroelenenata (Ca, K, Mg i Na) u delovima biljke S. pallasii Besser (koren, list, cvet i plod) iz jugoistočne Srbije korišćena je metoda indukovano spregnute plazme sa optičkom emisionom spektrometrijom (ISP-OES). Sadržaj mikro i makroelemenata u proučavanoj lekovitoj biljnoj vrsti je ispod preporučenih granica, što potvrđuje da se S. pallasii Besser može sigurno koristiti u tradicionalnoj medicini i ishrani

    Acute effects of nandrolone decanoate on oxidative stress in isolated rat heart

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    Abuse of anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) produces side effects in different tissues, with oxidative stress linked to their pathophysiology, being involved in fibrosis, cellular proliferation, and tumorigenesis. The aim of this study was to examine the acute effects of nandrolone decanoate (ND) on oxidative stress in isolated rat heart. The hearts of male Wistar albino were excised and perfused according to the Langendorff technique at gradually increasing coronary perfusion pressures (40-120 cm H2O). The hearts were perfused with ND at doses of 1, 10 and 100 μM. Oxidative stress markers, including the index of lipid peroxidation (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS)), nitric oxide (nitrites; NO2-), the superoxide anion radical (O2-) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) were measured in the coronary venous effluent. Our results showed that acute effects of ND do not promote the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Our finding pointed out that the highest concentration of ND may even possess some anti-oxidative potential, which should be examined further

    Synthesis and swelling behavior of polyurethane networks based on hyperbranched polymer

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    A series of six polyurethane (PU) networks was synthesized from Boltorn (R) hydroxy-functional hyperbranched polyester (HBP) of the second pseudo generation as a cross-linking agent, alpha,omega-dihydroxy-(ethylene oxide-poly(dimethylsiloxane)-ethylene oxide) (EO-PDMS-EO) and 4,4-methylenediphenyl diisocyanate, by two-step polymerization in solution. Each sample of the prepared PUs had different EO-PDMS-EO content. The chemical structure of the synthesized networks was analyzed by FTIR spectroscopy. The influence of the EO-PDMS-EO content and type of the solvent on the swelling behavior of the PUs in 2-propanol and toluene was investigated. During the swelling measurements, a certain amount of sal fractions was extracted from the PUs by solvents. According to the H-1-NMR results, sal fractions were mainly composed of the soluble hyperbranched PU, formed during the polymerization by partial modification of the end hydroxyl groups of HBP with NCO-terminated prepolymer synthesized in the first step of the reaction. Chains of the so reacted prepolymer can then fold back and form cyclic products by reaction of the free -NCO group from the NCO-terminated prepolymer with free -OH group of HBP. As the EO-PDMS-EO content increases the amount of the sol fractions and swelling degree also increased, indicating that networks with lower EO-PDMS-EO content are more cross-linked and have higher solvent resistance