219 research outputs found

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    Lecture par Marie-Hélène Lafon dans le cadre du festival LAC 2016 à la Chapelle des Cordeliers (Clermont-Ferrand), le 1er avril 2016Public reading by Marie-Hélène Lafon during the LAC Festival 2015 at the Chapelle des Cordeliers (Clermont-Ferrand), April 1st 2016


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    C’est un livre en train de se faire, autrement dit un chantier en cours ; et depuis longtemps ; la première tranche de travaux a donné lieu à la publication, au printemps 2012, d’une longue nouvelle intitulée Gordana dont le sujet serait une histoire d’amour qui n’a pas lieu au Franprix du 93 de la rue du Rendez-vous, la mal nommée, dans le douzième arrondissement de Paris. C’est un texte du bitume, de la ville, de la grande ville, où l’on ne sait pas qui est qui dans son quartier, voire dans..

    Les Labyrinthes

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    1985, ça commence, je lis La Route des Flandres ; je m’efforce, je tente, je m’applique, je m’applique plus que je ne lis, je m’engloutis, je m’ennuie, je me perds, je m’obstine, j’en termine comme on s’acquitte d’un pensum ; et voilà. Il ne s’est rien passé ou à peu près rien. A peu près rien si ce n’est que Claude Simon est vivant, c’est le premier vivant considérable que je lis ; j’entends par considérable sanctifié, consacré par l’Université, par le prix Nobel qui lui est décerné précisém..

    Paysage, langue, corps : d’où écrire la marge ?

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    Le dernier roman de Marie-Hélène Lafon est son premier à être exclusivement citadin, il n’en est pas moins traversé de ce qui fait le terreau du reste de son œuvre. Cet entretien, qui a eu lieu avant la sortie de Nos vies, revient sur ses textes précédents. Marie-Hélène Lafon est l’auteur de nombreux ouvrages (romans, récits, nouvelles) publiés pour l’essentiel chez Buchet-Chastel, qui ont accumulé de nombreuses distinctions. La campagne y est omniprésente, mais pas n’importe quelle campagne ..

    In-water reflectance spectra measured on-board a jet-ski across a complex nearshore zone of case-2 waters during the ECORS experiment

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    International audienceIn situ reflectance spectra have been measured during the international field experiment ECORS-Truc Vert 2008 (SW France) in the nearshore zone over a complex bathymetry and in moderately turbid waters (SPM 7 m). The jet-ski provides a valuable mean to gather optical data in shallow waters and in environments hard to sample with traditional coastal ships. Main results show reflectance spectra are typical of the presence of mineral particles with light absorption at short wavelengths. The shape and magnitude of the spectra are also very representative of the type of waters and bottom depth : the maximum of reflectance is reached around 500 nm in low turbidity waters (SPM<1 mg/l) while moving to the yellow spectral band (570-580 nm) in moderately turbid shallow waters (SPM=4 mg/l) where rip currents drive sediments outside the surf zone. A very original dataset has been obtained considering the synchronization of optical data, bathymetric surveys and Formosat-2 high resolution satellite image all collected the same day (5 April 2008). In the present study, this dataset is tested to inverse optical models for bathymetry retrieval in order to compute diachronic bathymetric maps as the coastline is changing very fast and need frequent updates of the bathymetry

    Medico-economic evaluation of infliximab in rheumatoid arthritis—prospective French study of a cohort of 635 patients monitored for two years

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    Objectives. To perform, in real conditions of prescription, the medico-economic evaluation of infliximab in severe RA. Methods. A cost-effectiveness analysis of the annual costs was done with a comparison between the previous and the following year under infliximab. The effectiveness, determined from the HAQ, was expressed in clinically significant units and in quality-adjusted life years (QALYs). The incremental net benefit (INB), defined as willingness to pay (λ), was used to express the results. Results. A cohort of 635 patients was formed. Before the use of infliximab, after 1 and 2 years, the mean annual cost per patient for the care of RA was €9832, 27 723 and 46 704, respectively. Among the direct costs, infliximab accounts for €21 182 for the first year. The distribution of the different costs was similar after 2 years. By using the INB, the difference before and after 1 year under infliximab is significant, on average by 1.86 (s.e.m. = 0.76) when the effectiveness is expressed in clinically significant units. For severe HAQ, λ is €9841 (18 593 for all HAQ). When it is expressed in QALYs, also for severe HAQ, λ >€100 000. This can be explained by a short follow-up although severe complication of RA appears later. Conclusion. An evaluation of the more long-term costs is required in order to determine whether there are any full economic benefits with this treatmen

    A Simple and Fast Method to Sequence the Full-Length Spike Gene for SARS-CoV-2 Variant Identification from Patient Samples

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    Since the beginning of the pandemic, a race has been underway to detect SARS-CoV-2 virus infection (PCR screening, serological diagnostic kits), treat patients (drug repurposing, standard care) and develop a vaccine. After almost a year of active circulation worldwide, SARS-CoV-2 variants have appeared in different countries. Those variants include mutations in multiple regions of the genome, particularly in the spike gene. Because this surface protein is a key player in both the spread of the virus and the efficacy of vaccine strategies, the challenge is to efficiently monitor the appearance of spike mutations in the population. The present work describes a procedure based on the widely available Sanger technology to produce a full-length sequence of the spike gene from patient-derived samples
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