192 research outputs found

    A conceptual analysis of visionary leadership and its implications for educational transformation in schools

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    Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: There are many new developments in education taking place specifically in the field of schooling. Some of these developments - school based management, OBE curriculum developments and the devolution of control to the school level have brought with it many significant policy changes. Many educational leaders are struggling to keep abreast with these transformational changes that are confronting them with regard to leadership and management of education, and educational structures within the school. Therefore, visionary leadership is an essential ingredient in understanding the democratic changes and restructuring taking place at present. Many principals at schools are struggling with the changes, while possibly not fully understanding the political, social and economic dynamics of these changes. This assignment seeks to establish the need for visionary leadership in order to meet the challenges and constraints educational leaders face in their attempts to effect transformation in South Africa. I strongly identify with the democratic principles used to overcome the challenges and constraints to redress education in South African schools. Interviews were conducted and data was constructed with principals of six different schools in the East London area. The educational leaders interviewed, ranged from primary to high school principals giving a vast expanse of expertise as leaders within a specific school community. This assignment is based on the assumption that there is scope for educational leaders to bring about greater change and transformation in schools. There are many ways to visualise an effective school landscape based on a combination of personal, organisational and professional strategies. This assignment can be considered a contribution in this regard. KEY WORDS: Educational leaders, transformation and visionary leadershipAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar is baie nuwe verwikkelinge wat plaasvind in die onderwys veralop die gebied van skole. Baie van hierdie verwikkelinge, onder andere, skoolgebaseerde bestuur, kurrikulumontwikkeling en die oordrag van gesag op skoolvlak het baie nuwe, aanpasbare opvoedkundige beleide en veranderings verwesenlik. Baie opvoedkundige leiers worstelom aan te pas by hierdie veranderinge. Hierdie veranderinge vereis dat leiers en bestuurders in die onderwysomgewing en strukture binne skoolverband om meer responsief op te tree. Visionêre leierskap is 'n belangrike vereiste om die demokratiese veranderinge en herstrukturering van skole te bevorder. Baie skoolhoofde worstel met hierdie veranderinge, omdat hulle nie heeltemal besef wat van die politieke, sosiale en ekonomiese uitdagings wat verandering bied, verwag word nie. Hierdie taak poog om die noodsaaklikheid vir visionêre leierskap en die vereistes en beperkinge wat onderwysleiers konfronteer in hulle benadering om transformasie in Suid-Afrikaanse skole te bewerkstellig, te ondersoek. Onderhoude was onderneem en data was gekonstrueer met skoolhoofde van ses verskillende skole in die Oos-London-omgewing. Die onderhoude met die onderwysleiers het plaasgevind by primêre- sowel as hoërskole. 'n Omvattende uitbreiding van wysheid en vaardigheid as leiers binne 'n spesifike skool omgewing was geopenbaar. Hierdie taak is gebaseer op die aaname dat daar ruimte is vir onderwysleiers om beter transformasie in skole aan te bring. Daar is baie maniere om visuele, effektiewe skole se terrein, gebaseer op 'n kombinasie van persoonlike, organisitoriese en professionele strategieë, te verwesenlik. Hierdie taak kan beskou word as 'n definitiewe bydrae in hierdie verband. KERNBEGRIPPE: Onderwysleiers, transformasie en visionêre leierskap

    Ranchers Feeding Kids: A Multi-Partner Approach to Programming

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    School districts face challenges to balance budgets and provide healthy meals. Oregon State University Extension agents joined with community partners to form Ranchers Feeding Kids (RFK). The program started with ranchers donating cattle that were harvested and processed for local schools\u27 lunch programs. An educational event taught youth about livestock production, its importance to the local economy, and beef\u27s health benefits. In 4 years, the program has grown to include 32 schools in 13 different school districts, providing over 5,500 students with meals. Forty donated cattle, with a value of over $40,000, have provided 30,000 pounds of beef to schools

    Establishing viable fault management strategies for distributed electrical propulsion aircraft

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    Electrical propulsion has the potential to increase aircraft performance. However, this will require the design and development of an appropriate aircraft electrical system to power the propulsor motors. In order to protect this system against electrical faults, which have the potential to threaten the safety of the aircraft, a robust fault management strategy (FMS) is required. The FMS will comprise aspects of system design such as redundancy, reliability and reconfiguration and will rely on a range of protection devices deployed on the electrical system to intercept and manage faults. The electrical architecture will be shaped by the FMS as this will determine the optimal configuration to enable security of supply. The protection system is integral to the system design. Hence it must to be considered from the outset, as part of the wider aircraft concept development. This paper presents a robust framework to develop the optimal FMS for an electrical propulsion aircraft, which is subject to all the relevant aircraft constraints and incorporates the available protection devices for a chosen aircraft for a given developmental timeframe. A case study is then presented in which this protection design methodology is applied to the NASA STARC-ABL aircraft concept in order to demonstrate that the available protection for an electrical propulsion aircraft defines the possible electrical architectures

    Impact of key design constraints on fault management strategies for distributed electrical propulsion aircraft

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    Electrically driven distributed propulsion has been presented as a possible solution to reduce aircraft noise and emissions, despite increasing global levels of air travel. In order to realise electrical propulsion, novel aircraft electrical systems are required. Since the electrical system must maintain security of power supply to the motors during flight, the protection devices employed on an electrical propulsion aircraft will form a crucial part of system design. However, electrical protection for complex aircraft electrical systems poses a number of challenges, particularly with regard to the weight, volume and efficiency constraints specific to aerospace applications. Furthermore, electrical systems will need to operate at higher power levels and incorporate new technologies, many of which are unproven at altitude and in the harsh aircraft environment. Therefore, today’s commercially available aerospace protection technologies are likely to require significant development before they can be considered as part of a fault management strategy for a next generation aircraft. By mapping the protection device trade space based on published literature to date, the discrepancy between the current status of protection devices and the target specifications can be identified for a given time frame. This paper will describe a process of electrical network design that is driven by the protection system requirements, incorporates key technology constraints and analyses the protection device trade space to derive feasible fault management strategies

    The use of a risk assessment and decision support tool (CRISP) compared with usual care in general practice to increase risk-stratified colorectal cancer screening: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial.

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    BACKGROUND: Australia and New Zealand have the highest incidence rates of colorectal cancer worldwide. In Australia there is significant unwarranted variation in colorectal cancer screening due to low uptake of the immunochemical faecal occult blood test, poor identification of individuals at increased risk of colorectal cancer, and over-referral of individuals at average risk for colonoscopy. Our pre-trial research has developed a novel Colorectal cancer RISk Prediction (CRISP) tool, which could be used to implement precision screening in primary care. This paper describes the protocol for a phase II multi-site individually randomised controlled trial of the CRISP tool in primary care. METHODS: This trial aims to test whether a standardised consultation using the CRISP tool in general practice (the CRISP intervention) increases risk-appropriate colorectal cancer screening compared to control participants who receive standardised information on cancer prevention. Patients between 50 and 74 years old, attending an appointment with their general practitioner for any reason, will be invited into the trial. A total of 732 participants will be randomised to intervention or control arms using a computer-generated allocation sequence stratified by general practice. The primary outcome (risk-appropriate screening at 12 months) will be measured using baseline data for colorectal cancer risk and objective health service data to measure screening behaviour. Secondary outcomes will include participant cancer risk perception, anxiety, cancer worry, screening intentions and health service utilisation measured at 1, 6 and 12 months post randomisation. DISCUSSION: This trial tests a systematic approach to implementing risk-stratified colorectal cancer screening in primary care, based on an individual's absolute risk, using a state-of-the-art risk assessment tool. Trial results will be reported in 2020. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Australian and New Zealand Clinical Trial Registry, ACTRN12616001573448p . Registered on 14 November 2016

    Report: PASA/SABA snapshot industry survey 2002

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    In recent years the importance of statistical information on the book industry has been noted by various role-players. Apart from the interest expressed by individual PASA and SABA members, statistical information on the industry is also required by government. PASA, SABA, PAMSA and PIFSA are represented by the PICC (Print Industries Cluster Council). A cultural observatory has been set up at the HSRC, whose task it is to collate statistics on all industries (that are grouped in similar Cluster Councils) and to feed information to government. The aim of the Cluster Councils is to make government funding available to business sectors for developing their industries; this funding, however, is dependent on accurate and reliable information about the shape and size of the industry. There are also regular requests from international bodies for statistical information on the local industry for worldwide collation, e.g. International Publishers’ Association (IPA) and the Board of the Frankfurt Book Fair (FBF).cp201

    Insightful Problem Solving in an Asian Elephant

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    The “aha” moment or the sudden arrival of the solution to a problem is a common human experience. Spontaneous problem solving without evident trial and error behavior in humans and other animals has been referred to as insight. Surprisingly, elephants, thought to be highly intelligent, have failed to exhibit insightful problem solving in previous cognitive studies. We tested whether three Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) would use sticks or other objects to obtain food items placed out-of-reach and overhead. Without prior trial and error behavior, a 7-year-old male Asian elephant showed spontaneous problem solving by moving a large plastic cube, on which he then stood, to acquire the food. In further testing he showed behavioral flexibility, using this technique to reach other items and retrieving the cube from various locations to use as a tool to acquire food. In the cube's absence, he generalized this tool utilization technique to other objects and, when given smaller objects, stacked them in an attempt to reach the food. The elephant's overall behavior was consistent with the definition of insightful problem solving. Previous failures to demonstrate this ability in elephants may have resulted not from a lack of cognitive ability but from the presentation of tasks requiring trunk-held sticks as potential tools, thereby interfering with the trunk's use as a sensory organ to locate the targeted food
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