16 research outputs found

    Effect of glycerol, peanut oil and soybean lecithin contents on the properties of biodegradable film of improved cassava starches from Côte d’Ivoire

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    — Edible films have been successfully used in the food packaging industry for several decades. Today natural polysaccharides, including cassava starch,are increasingly being used in the production of such biodegradable edible films and food packaging. In Côte d'Ivoire, there are improved cassava varieties whose starches have not yet been tested in the production of biodegradable films. In thisstudy, the optical and mechanical properties and the water solubility of starch-based composite films of four improved cassava varieties withadded glycerol, peanut oil and soy lecithin were determined. Starchwas obtained by cold water extraction from native cassava from the varieties Bocou 1, Bocou 2, Yavo and TMS. Films preparation was made bycasting methodwithcassava, glycerol (25-30 %), peanutoil (5-10 %) and soybean lecithin (0-5 %). Increasing the glycerol content, increased L*color valueand elongationat break and decreased a*, b*, colourdifference (ΔE*ab) and tensilestrength of the composite films. Also, increasing the oil content from 5 to 10%, increased the opacity, b*, ΔE*ab, water solubility, elongationat break but decreased L*, a* and tensilestrength. Similarly, increasing the soy lecithin content from 0 to 5%, increased the opacity, L*, b* and ΔE*ab, but decreased a*, of the starch-based composite films. The results suggest an ideal formulation of 4% starch/25% glycerol/5% oil/5% soy lecithinfor a film with optimum mechanical properties with low solubility

    Protein composition and agglomeration tendency of gluten isolated from European wheats (Triticum aestivum L.) in a batter system

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    Pilot scale isolation of gluten (with recovery of gluten on 400, 250, and 125 mu sieves) from flour prepared from six European wheat varieties (Apollo, Slejpner, Sperber, Camp Remy, Minaret, and Soissons) resulted in, on average, gluten yields of 9.6% (4.7-13.2% range). Gluten protein recoveries averaged 63.0% (34.5-85.7% range). Gluten yields and gluten protein recoveries were linearly related and increased when mixing times and baking absorptions required for optimal dough development of the parent flours increased, indicating that there is a relationship between the agglomeration properties of gluten proteins in a batter system and the optimal technological conditions necessary for processing the flours in breadmaking. The Osborne protein fractions in the gluten fractions were determined. The 0.05 M acetic acid soluble (glutenin) fraction was quantitatively the most important fraction (40-46% of gluten Kjeldahl nitrogen) while comparable levels of 70% ethanol soluble (gliadins) and 0.05 M acetic acid insoluble (residue protein) were found (17.9-22.3% of gluten Kjeldahl nitrogen and 22.0-29.0% of gluten Kjeldahl nitrogen for gliadins and residue protein, respectively). With decreasing pore size of the sieves, the level of glutenin in the gluten decreased while the level of gliadins increased. This indicates that, in gluten with good agglomeration properties, the level of glutenins is high and that the agglomeration properties of such proteins (i.e. their tendency to aggregate) strongly determines the agglomeration behavior of the gluten as a whole

    Microbiological risks of the consumption of raw milk and raw milk dairy products

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    The Scientific Committee of the Belgian FASFC has published several opinions where the objective was to assess the risks and benefits of the consumption of raw milk and raw dairy products (from multiple species), based on an elaborate literature study and expert opinion. Raw milk In Belgium, the most relevant microbiological hazards related to the consumption of raw cow, sheep and goat milk are Campylobacter, Salmonella and human pathogenic verocytotoxin producing E. coli (VTEC). Raw donkey and horse milk generally has a high microbial quality. A risk assessment at an European level identified the same hazards and included also Brucella spp. in sheep milk, Mycobacterium bovis in cow milk and tick-borne encephalitis virus in milk from several species. As potential emerging hazards, Coxiella burnetii and Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) were identified. Raw dairy products In Belgium, the risks of raw dairy products (especially (semi-)soft cheeses) are mainly linked to Listeria monocytogenes, VTEC, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella and Campylobacter. Dairy products from cows with subclinical mastitis may contain high numbers of L. monocytogenes and S. aureus. L. monocytogenes, VTEC and S. aureus have been identified as microbiological hazards in raw milk butter and cream albeit to a lesser extent because of a reduced growth potential of these pathogens compared to cheese. In endemic areas in Belgium or abroad, raw dairy products may also be contaminated with Brucella spp., Mycobacterium bovis, the tick-borne encephalitis virus, C. burnetii and MAP. Based on the health threat due to the possible presence of human pathogens, it is stated that heat treatment of milk before consumption and dairy production is important to insure the safety of such products. Concerning so-called beneficial (nutritional and health) effects attributed to raw milk consumption, it was concluded that there is no scientific evidence that, with the exception of an altered organoleptic profile, heating raw milk would substantially change its nutritional value or other hypothesized benefits. The benefits of probiotic and lactic acid bacteria are not relevant due to low numbers encountered in raw milk

    Preliminary caracterisation of some almonds varieties cultivated in eastern Morocco

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    L’amande est un fruit sec riche en huile, protéines, glucides et vitamines. Il est consommé tel quel (séché, grillé) ou transformé sous d’autres formes tel que la pâte d’amande. L’huile d’amande est très utilisée en dermatologie pour ses propriétés cosmétiques, adoucissantes et hydratantes. Ce travail de recherche appliquée est mené en collaboration avec la DRA-oriental et la DPA d’Oujda. Il s’agit d’une contribution au développement la filière amandier dans la région qui porte sur la valorisation de l’amande et ces dérivées principalement l’huile et le tourteau d’amandes. Dans cette étude préliminaire les huiles et tourteaux de 5 variétés cultivées dans la région orientale (Marcona, Ferragnes-Ferraduel, Fournat et Beldi) ont été analysées. Les amandes ont été fournis par la coopérative Sidi Bouhria-Oujda et l’extraction mécanique d’huiles d’amandes des 5 principales variétés (Marcona, Ferragnes-Ferraduel, Fournat et Beldi), cultivées dans la région orientale a été réalisée par une presse à huile au niveau de la société PRODIGIA (Casablanca). Dans ce cas et selon la variété, les rendements en huile varient entre 46 et 60% MS. Le rendement en huiles par extraction chimique diffère de celui réalisé par presse mécanique. La différence est nette dans le cas de variété Marcona connue pour sa richesse en fibres. Les analyses chimique portent sur l’acidité des huiles d’amandes qui se situe entre 0,0197 et 0,0491%, Indice de Peroxyde se varie entre 6,43 et 16,4 (meq./kg) et la détermination des profils des acides gras (AG). A ce propos les profils d’acides gras des cinq variétés montrent trois AG majoritaires qui sont par ordre d’importance l’acide oléique (C18 :1), acide linoléique (C18 :2) et l’acide palmitique (C16) et dont les teneurs se situent respectivement entre 63,54-72,87% pour C18 :1, 17,84- 25,45% pour C18 :2 et 6,53 et 7,91% pour C16. La comparaison quantitative d’acides gras majoritaires montre une différence significative entre les variétés analysées. Le tourteau comme sous-produits de trituration mécanique contient toujours une quantité résiduelle d’huile, leurs teneurs en protéines totaux se situent entre 47 et 49 % MS et leurs teneurs en sucre totaux se situe entre 12,6 à 14%.MS. Il s’agit là d’un coproduits de trituration qui est également riche en fibres et qui mérite d’être valorisé par voie de technologie alimentaire

    Characterization of almond kernel oils of five almonds varieties cultivated in Eastern Morocco

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    peer reviewedThis study focuses on characterization of almondkernel oils extrated mechanically from five sweet almond varieties (Marcona, Fournat, Ferragnes, Ferraduel and Beldi), cultivated in eastern Morocco. Oil content, physicochemical parameters, triacylglycerol and fatty acid compositions were determined.Cette étude porte sur la caractérisation physico-chimique d'huiles de 5 variétés d'amande douce (Marcona, Fournat, Ferragnes, Ferraduel and Beldi), cultivées dans la région orientale du Maroc. Les huiles d'amandes sont extraites mécaniquement, le rendement en huile, les paramètres de qualité (les indices d'acidité, de peroxyde, d'iode et l'absorbance en UV) ont été déterminés, et également la composition en acide gras et le profil de triglycérides, ont été analysés