1,375 research outputs found
Is There A Future After The Belo Monte Dam? Building Futures Scenarios For The Volta Grande Do Xingu In Amazonia, Brazil
The Belo Monte Dam is being built in Amazonia, Northern Brazil, and once completed, it will be one of the four largest hydroelectric power plants in the world. The power plant is a major infrastructure project in Brazil that should contribute to the country’s energy security and benefit the economy. As any large construction, it also has potential drawbacks. Due to its location, Belo Monte already have and will continue to disrupt ecossystems and human lives. The negative impacts of the dam have created polemic discussions among different interest groups. This controversy is investigated in this paper in its various aspects: political, ecological, cultural, social, and economic. The findings of this research are presented in the form of scenarios of alternative future possibilities for the region. This Master’s Thesis aims at helping different interest groups to envision alternative futures with these scenarios, and to provide tools to create change towards their preferred futures
Avaliação do papel da proteína TCTP em melanoma murino (B16-F1 e B16-F10)
Orientadora : Profª. Drª. Andrea Senff RibeiroCoorientador : Prof. Dr. Silvio Sanches VeigaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Celular e Molecular. Defesa: Curitiba, 27/02/2017Inclui referências : f. 73-83Resumo: O tumor do tipo melanoma da pele apresenta baixa incidência contudo, sua letalidade é extremamente elevada. As linhagens B16 constituem um modelo de melanoma murino muito útil na oncologia experimental. A linhagem B16F10 apresenta alta capacidade de invasão e metastização enquanto que a linhagem B16-F1 apresenta menor motilidade in vitro e, portanto, baixo potencial metastático. A TCTP (Translationally Controlled Tumor Protein) é expressa em diversos organismos e tecidos, o que aponta um papel biológico fundamental. Diferentes estudos já estabeleceram seu envolvimento na regulação do ciclo e proliferação celular, bem como na malignidade e como fator protetor contra estresse e apoptose. Dessa forma, o objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar o papel da TCTP em melanoma murino (B16F1 e B16F10). O perfil proteico bidimensional apresentado pelas linhagens foi diferente: a linhagem B16-F10 apresentou 201 spots e a linhagem B16-F1 126 spots. Essa diferença pode estar relacionada à complexidade celular da B16-F10, mais maligna e metastática. Em ambos os extratos foi identificada uma proteína com mobilidade eletroforética de 20 kDa e pI de 4,8 (valores esperados para TCTP). Além disso, a TCTP foi imunodetectada por western blotting. A linhagem B16- F1 apresentou um menor sinal de detecção quando comparada à B16-F10., Essa diferença poderia estar associada a uma maior expressão de TCTP em células tumorais mais metastáticas e invasivas e, consequentemente, a B16F10 apresentaria níveis superiores de TCTP. Esta hipótese foi confirmada por PCR em tempo real: B16-F10 apresentou níveis de RNAm para TCTP superiores aos encontrados para B16-F1. Esses dados corroboram com os resultados do western blotting e com dados da literatura que relacionam a TCTP à linhagens malignas, devido ao seu papel anti-apoptótico e seu antagonismo com a p53. A fim de avaliar o papel biológico da TCTP no melanoma, esta foi silenciada na linhagem B16-F10, utilizando a técnica de RNAi. O silenciamento diminuiu os níveis de TCTP em 50 a 70% quando utilizado 50 nM e 60 a 80% quando utilizado 100 nM do duplex após 24, 48 e 72 horas de transfecção. As linhagens transfectadas com RNAi para TCTP apresentaram menor proliferação, menor migração e maior adesão celular às moléculas da matriz extracelular quando comparadas às linhagens transfectadas com o controle negativo. Porém, não houve qualquer alteração significativa da viabilidade celular. O aumento da proliferação celular e do potencial migratório são dois eventos muito importantes para a tumorigênese, e estão intimamente relacionados à malignidade. Portanto, o silenciamento foi capaz de regredir o fenótipo de malignidade da linhagem B16-F10, deixando esse mais próximo da B16-F1. Dessa forma, nosso estudo caracterizou os perfis celulares das duas linhagens e demonstrou uma diferença no número de proteínas e parceiros moleculares entre ambas linhagens. Além disso, nossos dados sugerem que o silenciamento da TCTP tornou a linhagem B16-F10 menos metastática e maligna, com um fenótipo mais próximo ao de uma célula normal. Mais estudos são necessários com o intuito de identificar possíveis parceiros e melhor entender o papel dessa proteína multifuncional no melanoma murino. Palavras-chave: TCTP, melanoma, B16-10, B16-F1, câncerAbstract: Skin melanoma tumor displays low incidence, however, its lethality is extremely high. B16 cell lines typify a murine melanoma model very useful on the experimental oncology field. B16-F10 cell line exhibits high invasion and metastization capacities while B16-F1 cell line depicts lower in vitro motility and, therefore, low metastasis potential. TCTP (translationally controlled tumor protein) is expressed in several organisms and tissues, which suggests a fundamental biological role. Different studies have already settled its participation in cell cycle regulation and cell proliferation, as well as in malignancy and as a protective factor against stress and apoptosis. Thus, this study aimed to assess the TCTP role in in murine melanoma (B16-F1 and B16- F10). Two-dimensional electrophoresis profiles of proteins from the two cell lines were different: B16-F10 cells presented 201 electrophoresis spots while B16-F1 originated 126 spots. This difference may be related to the B16-F10 cell complexity, since this cell line is more malignant and metastatic. In both cell extracts was identified a protein with electrophoretic mobility about 20 kDa and deduced pI of 4.8 (expected parameters for TCTP). Furthermore, TCTP was immunodetected by western blotting analysis. B16-F1 cells produced low detection signals when compared to the B16-F10 cells. This difference may be associated to the higher TCTP expression in more metastatic and invasive tumoral cells and, consequently, B16-F10 would present higher TCTP levels. This hypothesis was confirmed by Real-Time PCR, since B16-F10 revealed RNAm levels for TCTP higher than the B16-F1. These data corroborate with western blotting results and the specific literature, which connect TCTP and malignant cell lines due to the anti-apoptotic function and its p53 antagonism. In order to evaluate the biological role of TCTP in melanoma, it was performed the TCTP silencing in B16-F10 cell line by using RNA interference (RNAi) method. The gene silencing reduced TCTP levels in 50% to 70% when used 50 nM and 60% to 80% when used 100 nm of the duplex after 24, 48 and 72 hours of transfection. The transfected cell lines with RNAi for TCTP presented lower proliferation, lower migration and higher cell adhesion to extracellular matrix molecules when compared to the cell lines transfected with negative control. However, there was no significant change in cell viability. Increasing cell proliferation and migration potential are two events very important for the tumorigenesis process and they are closely related to the malignancy. Therefore, gene silencing was able to recede the malignant phenotype of B16- F10 cell line, resulting in a similar aspect to the B16-F1 cells. Thus, this study characterized the profile of two cell lines and it demonstrated differences in protein number and molecular partners between these two cell lines. Moreover, the generated data suggest that TCTP gene silencing became B16-F10 cells less metastatic and malignant, resembling the normal cell phenotype. Further studies are necessary in order to identify possible partners and to better understand the TCTP role in the murine melanoma. Key-words: TCTP, melanoma, B16-10, B16-F1, cancer
Estudo do papel biológico da proteína TCTP (Translationally Controlled Tumor Protein)
Orientadora: Profa. Dra. Andrea Senff RibeiroCoorientador: Prof. Dr. Silvio Sanches VeigaTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Celular e Molecular. Defesa : Curitiba, 26/10/2018Inclui referências: p. 129-145Resumo: A TCTP (Translationally Controlled Tumor Protein) é uma proteína multifuncional expressa em diversos organismos e tecidos. Diferentes estudos já estabeleceram seu envolvimento na malignidade, reversão tumoral e apoptose. Além disso, em ambiente extracelular, ela atua como um fator de liberação de histamina (HRF). Esse trabalho é organizado em dois capítulos, o primeiro refere-se ao estudo da TCTP no processo de reversão tumoral em melanoma murino e humano. A atividade antitumoral da sertralina (droga que atua reduzindo os níveis proteicos da TCTP) foi avaliada e comparada à dacarbazina (quimioterápico de escolha no tratamento clínico do melanoma). Nossos resultados demonstram que a sertralina reduz os níveis proteicos da TCTP, além de aumentar os níveis intracelulares da P53 em células de melanoma. As células tratadas com sertralina reduziram a viabilidade celular, migração celular e a capacidade de gerar colônias em meio semi-sólido; mesmo após a remoção do tratamento o efeito foi mantido. Essas alterações sugerem uma complexa reprogramação celular desencadeada pela sertralina e acompanhada da redução da TCTP. Em ensaio in vivo, avaliando o uso da sertratina combinada ou não à dacarbazina, podemos observar que a sertralina é capaz de inibir a formação tumoral, sendo essa inibição superior a dacarbazina isolada. Além disso, o uso concomitante de sertalina e dacarbazina apresentou maior inibição do que os fármacos isolados. Analisando as biópsias dos tumores, observamos redução dos níveis da TCTP. Enquanto o tratamento com dacarbazina leva a um aumento da P53, com aumento da TCTP. Além disso, podemos observar uma redução da Ki67 e aumento da Caspase 3 nas biópsias dos animais tratados com sertralina. Esses resultados corroboram nossos dados anteriores e a literatura que relaciona altos níveis da TCTP com tumores agressivos, além de apontar a TCTP como uma proteína alvo para o estudo da reversão tumoral em linhagens de melanoma. No segundo capítulo deste trabalho descrevemos os estudos da caracterização da TCTP de aranha-marrom Loxosceles intermedia (LiTCTP) como fator de liberação de histamina. Nossos resultados mostram que a LiRecTCTP é capaz de degranular basófilos e assim gerar aumento da atividade ?- hexosaminidase. A LiRecTCTP gera um aumento do influxo de cálcio nas células concentração dependente e também aumenta a expressão de IL-3 e IL-4. Essa toxina foi capaz de aumentar a permeabilidade vascular e gerar edema de pata em camundongos. Quando os animais são tratados com antagonistas de receptores histaminérgicos e de degranulação de mastócitos podemos observar uma alteração na permeabilidade e na formação de edema. O cromoglicato (inibidor de degranulação) é capaz de inibir os efeitos de LiRecTCTP tanto in vivo quanto in vitro, porém a cimetidina, antagonista de receptos H2 (presente principalmente nas células da mucosa intestinal) não interfere significativamente nos efeitos da histamina liberada pela LiRecTCTP. Além disso, podemos observar que a LiTCTP está relacionada ao processo inflamatório decorrente do loxoscelismo, pois esta atuou aumentando o extravasamento de líquido intersticial e o edema e in vivo. Esses dados corroboram a literatura e confirmam que a LiTCTP libera histamina in vivo. Dessa forma podemos melhor compreender a TCTP na malignidade e tumorigênese do melanoma e como um fator de liberação de histamina. Palavras chaves: TCTP, reversão tumoral, melanoma, loxoscelismo, aranhamarrom, histamina.Abstract: Translationally Controlled Tumor Protein (TCTP) is a multifunctional protein expressed in various organisms and tissues. Different studies have already established TCTP involvement in malignancy, tumor reversion and apoptosis. In addition, in the extracellular environment, it acts as a histamine releasing factor (HRF). This work is organized in two chapters; the first refers to the study of TCTP in the process of tumor reversion in murine and human melanoma. The antitumor activity of sertraline (a drug that act by reducing protein levels of TCTP) has been evaluated and compared to dacarbazine (chemotherapy used in the clinical treatment of melanoma). Our results demonstrate that sertraline reduces protein levels of TCTP, in addition to increasing an intracellular levels of P53 in melanoma cells. Cells treated with sertraline reduced cell viability, cell migration and the ability to generate colonies in soft-agar, even after the treatment was removed for 5 days. These changes suggest a complex cellular reprogramming triggered by sertraline and accompanied by the reduction of TCTP. In the in vivo assay, the use of sertraline combined or not with dacarbazine was evaluated, we can observed that sertraline is able to inhibit tumor formation, this inhibition was stronger than the observed for dacarbazine alone. In addition, the concomitant use of sertraline and dacarbazine showed better results than the inhibition obtained by each drug alone. Analyzing the biopsies, we observed reduction of TCTP levels in tumors. While treatment with dacarbazine leads to an increase of P53, with increase of TCTP. In addition, we can observe a reduction of Ki67 and increase of caspase 3 in the biopsies of animals treated with sertraline. These results corroborate our previous data and the literature that relate high levels of TCTP with aggressive tumors, besides they point TCTP as a target protein for the study of tumor reversion in melanoma cell lines. At the second chapter of this work, we describe the characterization studies of the brown spider TCTP Loxosceles intermedia (LiTCTP) as a histamine releasing factor. Our results show that LiRecTCTP is able to degranulate basophils and thus generate increased ?-hexosaminidase activity. LiRecTCTP triggers an increase of calcium influx in the cells, in concentration-dependent manner and also increases the expression of IL-3 and IL-4. This toxin was able to increase vascular permeability and generate paw edema in mice. When animals are treated with histaminergic receptor antagonists and mast cell degranulation inhibitor, a change in permeability and formation of edema can be observed. Chromolyn (degranulation inhibitor) is able to inhibit the effects of LiRecTCTP in vivo and in vitro, but cimetidine, H2 receptor antagonist, (H2 is present mainly in intestinal mucosal cells) does not significantly interfere with the effects of LiRecTCTP. In addition, we show that LiTCTP is related to the inflammatory process in loxoscelism, LiRecTCTP increase the extravasation of interstitial fluid and promotes edema in vivo. These data corroborate the literature and the inhibition obtained by histamine antagonists confirm that LiTCTP triggers the release of histamine in vivo. In this way, our results provide meaninful information which helps to better understand the role of TCTP in melanoma malignancy and tumorigenesis and as a histamine releasing factor. Key words: TCTP, tumor reversion, melanoma, loxoscelism, brown spider, histamine
Is There A Future After The Belo Monte Dam? Building Futures Scenarios For The Volta Grande Do Xingu In Amazonia, Brazil
The Belo Monte Dam is being built in Amazonia, Northern Brazil, and once
completed, it will be one of the four largest hydroelectric power
plants in the world. The power plant is a major infrastructure project
in Brazil that should contribute to the country’s energy security and
benefit the economy. As any large construction, it also has potential
drawbacks. Due to its location, Belo Monte already have and will
continue to disrupt ecossystems and human lives. The negative impacts of
the dam have created polemic discussions among different interest
groups. This controversy is investigated in this paper in its various
aspects: political, ecological, cultural, social, and economic. The
findings of this research are presented in the form of scenarios of
alternative future possibilities for the region. This Master’s Thesis
aims at helping different interest groups to envision alternative
futures with these scenarios, and to provide tools to create change
towards their preferred futures.</p
Currículos Latino-Americanos: a formação pregressa das/dos estudantes internacionais da UNILA
Relatório de Pesquisa resultante do Edital IMEA 06/2018 - Estudos Sobre a UNILAInstituto Mercosul de Estudos Avançados (IMEA
O mal-estar da conexão espasmódica: da obediência à dependência?
O uso "viciante" das tecnologias digitais de comunicação e informação é examinado, neste artigo, à luz da noção de "mal-estar" apresentada por Sigmund Freud em 1930. Recorrendo à perspectiva genealógica, considera-se que as transformações históricas ocorridas nas últimas décadas afetaram fortemente a configuração das subjetividades e os modos de sofrer, distanciando-se da civilização moderna que motivou as reflexões freudianas. Os sujeitos contemporâneos já não se reconhecem como aqueles cidadãos disciplinados da sociedade industrial, que em nome do “bem comum” aceitavam a submissão a uma autoridade internalizada, moral e legalmente consensuada, à qual era preciso obedecer reprimindo outros impulsos. Por isso, a inquietação que suscita a crescente dependência da conexão às redes informáticas, um ato individual e voluntário embora difícil de se (auto)controlar, constitui um caso exemplar para estudar essas importantes mudanças
Precursors to a 'Good’ Bioeconomy in 2125 : Making Sense of Bioeconomy & Justice Horizons. First Foresight Report of the BioEcoJust Project
The Bioeconomy today is a field full of promise, brimming with potentially transformative solutions, and developments still only in their infancy. The aim of this report has been to convey the findings of the BioEcoJust foresight research to date, and especially to highlight the core critical thinking involved in approaching the future of the bioeconomy for the next 100 years.
The BioEconomy and Justice (BioEcoJust) is funded by the Academy of Finland BioFuture 2025 programme and aims to develop a future-oriented ethical and justice framework useful in assessing long-term bioeconomy developments. The consortium has two research teams, representing Practical Philosophy (Aalto University) and Futures Studies (University of Turku)
Color stability of Bulk-Fill composite restorations
The color stability of the composite resin is an important property that influences its clinical longevity, which remains an inherent challenge to the material. Thus, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the color stability of bulk-fill resins when exposed to dye. Cavities were prepared in 80 bovine incisors, which were randomly assigned into 4 groups (n = 20) according with the resin composite used: P60 (Control Group - Filtek P60, 3M/ESPE), FP (Filtek Bulk-Fill Posterior, 3M/ESPE), SDR (SDR, Dentsply) and FF (Filtek Bulk Fill Flow, 3M/ESPE). All restorations were performed according to the protocol of each manufacturer, the control group was restored using the incremental technique, and the other groups using single-increment technique. The color of each restoration was measured using a portable digital spectrophotometer (Easyshade-Vita) according to the CIELab system, and then the teeth were submerged in red wine for 07 days, kept in a biological oven at 37ºC. New color registration was performed to measure the ?E index of color variation. The P60 group had the lowest average ?E (16.96), while the FF group had the highest average (28.09) and ranged from 21.19 to 26.28 in the FP and SDR groups. Analysis of the color variation showed that the control group had better color stability than the Bulk-Fill resins evaluated
O presente estudo aborda a relação dos aspectos culturais pós-modernos com o perfil de consumo da área de Fotografia no município de Paranaguá. Pretende-se com este artigo contribuir para o aprimoramento e a melhora do desempenho do segmento local anteriormente citado através dos métodos utilizados para coleta e transcrição de dados e que foram, respectivamente, entrevistas com Grupo Focal e análise de conteúdo. A pesquisa mostrou que a cultura jovem está presente no hábito do consumidor, e tal fato independe de seu perfil. Diante do exposto, a utilização das mídias sociais é uma forma eficiente de propagação de marketing e alcance do público
Does comsumption of staining drinks compromise the result of tooth whitening?
After dental bleaching procedures dentists commonly advise patients to reduce the consumption of beverages that may cause the teeth to stain, however, the effectiveness of teeth whitening may not be directly affected by diet. It was evaluated through in vitro study whether contact with dyes through in-office bleaching sessions with 35% hydrogen peroxide would influence the effectiveness of treatment. Sixty bovine incisors were randomly assigned into 5 groups (n = 12) according to contact frequency and type of dye solutions. All dental elements received three in-office bleaching sessions with 35% hydrogen peroxide one week apart. Except for GCTRL (control), all experimental groups were submerged in dyes (coffee or wine) for 5 min once a day. In groups GC24 and GW24 contact with the dyes was made from 24 hours after each bleaching session, while in groups GC72 and GW72, from 72 hours. The color was measured with a digital spectrophotometer. Data were expressed as statistics: mean and standard deviation. Contact with dyes during in-office bleaching treatment with 35% hydrogen peroxide did not influence the staining averages after three bleaching sessions. The speed of the whitening effect was influenced by contact with coffee from 24 hours after the sessions and with wine from 24 hours and 72 hours after the whitening session. The whitening result was reversed after one week for all groups, especially for groups that came in contact with red wine either 24 hours or 72 hours after session and coffee after 24 hours. Contact with dyes during in-office bleaching treatment did not influence the final staining averages after three bleaching sessions although there was influence on speed of the whitening effect between the sessions
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