65 research outputs found

    A Tight Binding Approach to Strain and Curvature in Monolayer Transition-Metal Dichalcogenides

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    We present a model of the electronic properties of monolayer transition-metal dichalcogenides based on a tight binding approach which includes the effects of strain and curvature of the crystal lattice. Mechanical deformations of the lattice offer a powerful route for tuning the electronic structure of the transition-metal dichalcogenides, as changes to bond lengths lead directly to corrections in the electronic Hamiltonian while curvature of the crystal lattice mixes the orbital structure of the electronic Bloch bands. We first present an effective low energy Hamiltonian describing the electronic properties near the K point in the Brillouin zone, then present the corrections to this Hamiltonian due to arbitrary mechanical deformations and curvature in a way which treats both effects on an equal footing. This analysis finds that local area variations of the lattice allow for tuning of the band gap and effective masses, while the application of uniaxial strain decreases the magnitude of the direct band gap at the K point. Additionally, strain induced bond length modifications create a fictitious gauge field with a coupling strength that is smaller than that seen in related materials like graphene. We also find that curvature of the lattice leads to the appearance of both an effective in-plane magnetic field which couples to spin degrees of freedom and a Rashba-like spin-orbit coupling due to broken mirror inversion symmetry.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures, revised version v

    Strong mechanically-induced effects in DC current-biased suspended Josephson junctions

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    Superconductivity is a result of quantum coherence at macroscopic scales. Two superconductors separated by a metallic or insulating weak link exhibit the AC Josephson effect - the conversion of a DC voltage bias into an AC supercurrent. This current may be used to activate mechanical oscillations in a suspended weak link. As the DC voltage bias condition is remarkably difficult to achieve in experiments, here we analyse theoretically how the Josephson effect can be exploited to activate and detect mechanical oscillations in the experimentally relevant condition with purely DC current bias. We unveil for the first time how changing the strength of the electromechanical coupling results in two qualitatively different regimes showing dramatic effects of the oscillations on the DC current-voltage characteristic of the device. These include the apperance of Shapiro-like plateaux for weak coupling and a sudden mechanically-induced retrapping for strong coupling. Our predictions, measurable in state of the art experimental setups, allow the determination of the frequency and quality factor of the resonator using DC only techniques.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Temperature-dependent resistivity of suspended graphene

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    Copyright © 2010 The American Physical SocietyIn this paper we investigate the electron-phonon contribution to the resistivity of suspended single layer graphene. In-plane as well as flexural phonons are addressed in different temperature regimes. We focus on the intrinsic electron-phonon coupling due to the interaction of electrons with elastic deformations in the graphene membrane. The competition between screened deformation potential vs fictitious gauge field coupling is discussed, together with the role of tension in the suspended flake. In the absence of tension, flexural phonons dominate the phonon contribution to the resistivity at any temperature T with a T 5/2 and T2 dependence at low and high temperatures, respectively. Sample-specific tension suppresses the contribution due to flexural phonons, yielding a linear temperature dependence due to in-plane modes. We compare our results with recent experiments

    Tunable mechanically-induced hysteresis in suspended Josephson junctions

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    The coupling of superconducting systems to mechanical resonators is an emerging field, with wide reaching implications including high precision sensing and metrology. Experimental signatures of this coupling have so far been small, seldom and often reliant on high frequency AC electronics. To overcome this limitation, in this work we consider a mechanical resonator suspended between two superconducting contacts to form a suspended Josephson junction in which the electronic normal- and super-currents can be coupled to mechanical motion via the Lorentz force due to an external magnetic field. We show both analytically and numerically that this electro-mechanical coupling produces unprecedented mechanically-induced hysteresis loops in the junction's DC I-V characteristic. Firstly, we unveil how this new hysteresis may be exploited to access a huge mechanically-induced Shapiro-like voltage plateau, extending over a current range comparable with the junction's critical current. We then investigate a sudden mechanically-induced retrapping that occurs at strong coupling. Our analytical treatment provides a clear explanation for the effects above and allows us to derive simple relationships between the features in the DC I-V characteristic and the resonance frequency and quality factor of the mechanical resonator. We stress that our setup requires only DC current bias and voltage measurements, allowing the activation and detection of high-frequency mechanical oscillations in state of the art devices and without the need of any AC equipment
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