9 research outputs found

    Frequency of tabagism and N34S and P55S mutation of Serine Protease Inhibitor Kazal-Type 1 gene (SPINK1) and R254W mutation of Chymotrypsin C gene (CTRC) in patients with chronic pancreatitis and controls

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    A pancreatite crônica é uma desordem complexa, na qual a interação entre fatores ambientais e genéticos resulta na enfermidade. O presente estudo incluiu 148 pacientes com diagnóstico de pancreatite crônica, 110 etilistas crônicos e 297 controles sadios com o objetivo de investigar a frequência de tabagismo e das mutações N34S e P55S do gene SPINK1 e R254W do gene CTRC nesta população. Foi aplicado questionário presencial e realizada reação de sequenciamento para a pesquisa das mutações genéticas, após assinatura do Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido. Os portadores de pancreatite crônica possuíam etiologia alcoólica em 74% das vezes e idiopática em 26%. A pancreatite alcoólica apresentou-se de maneira distinta da pancreatite crônica idiopática, sendo que o primeiro grupo é composto por maior prevalência do gênero masculino (88,18% versus 34,21%), por maior média de idade (55,64 anos versus 45,20 anos), menor frequência de caucasianos (63,89% versus 84,21%), menor escolaridade (23,30% concluíram ensino médio ou superior versus 57,89%) e maior frequência de repercussões da doença, como diarréia (54,21% versus 24,24%), emagrecimento (56,07% versus 24,24%), diabete melito (57,94% versus 36,36%) e ocorrência de pseudocistos pancreáticos (31,78% versus 12,12%), repercussões estas que não foram acompanhadas de maior frequência de alterações morfológicas, como calcificações pancreáticas ou dilatação do ducto pancreático principal. A frequência de tabagismo foi significativamente maior em pacientes com pancreatite crônica alcoólica do que em etilistas sem pancreatite crônica, podendo ser considerado cofator de risco para o desenvolvimento da pancreatite crônica entre alcoolistas (p = 0,002); a frequência da mutação N34S do gene SPINK1 em pacientes com pancreatite crônica foi de 3,38%, maior do que a frequência de 0,49% encontrada nos grupos controle (p = 0,016); a frequência de 2,03% da mutação P55S do gene SPINK1 e a frequência de 0,67% da mutação R254W do gene CTRC, encontradas nos pacientes com pancreatite crônica, não diferiram estatisticamente quando comparadas às frequências, de 0,49% de ambas mutações, encontradas nos grupos controle. (p = 0,120 e 0,751). Pela investigação da associação de tabagismo e da mutação N34S do gene SPINK1 com as características clínicas e morfológicas da pancreatite crônica, verificou-se que a mutação N34S não se associou a maior gravidade da apresentação clínica ou morfológica da pancreatite crônica; no entanto o tabagismo associou-se a maior frequência de diabete melito entre os portadores de pancreatite crônica. Concluiuse que o tabagismo e a mutação N34S do gene SPINK1 podem ser considerados cofatores de risco para o desenvolvimento da pancreatite crônicaChronic pancreatitis is a complex disorder in which the interaction between environmental and genetic factors results in the disease. This study included 148 patients with chronic pancreatitis, 110 chronic alcoholics and 297 healthy controls in order to investigate the frequency of smoking and N34S and P55S mutation of SPINK1 gene and R254W of CTRC gene in this population. A questionnaire was applied and gene sequencing was done, after having the Informed Consent Statement. Those with chronic pancreatitis had alcoholic etiology in 74% of cases and idiopathic in 26%. Alcoholic pancreatitis presented in a distinct way of idiopathic chronic pancreatitis. The first group is composed of a higher prevalence of males (88.18% versus 34.21%), by higher mean age (55.64 years versus 45.20 years), lower frequency of Caucasians (63.89% versus 84.21%), lower education (23.30% completed secondary or higher education versus 57.89%) and worst impact from the disease such as diarrhea (54.21% versus 24.24%), weight loss (56.07% versus 24.24%), diabetes mellitus (57.94% versus 36.36%) and occurrence of pancreatic pseudocysts (31.78% versus 12 , 12%). These effects were not accompanied by increased frequency of morphological changes, such as pancreatic calcifications or dilation of the main pancreatic duct. The frequency of smoking was significantly higher in patients with alcoholic pancreatitis than in alcoholics without chronic pancreatitis, therefore tabagism may be considered as a cofactor for the development of chronic pancreatitis among alcoholics (p = 0.002); the frequency of N34S mutation of SPINK1 gene in patients with chronic pancreatitis was 3.38%, higher than the rate of 0.49% found in the control groups (p = 0.016); the frequency of 2.03% of the P55S mutation of SPINK1 gene and the frequency of 0.67% of the CTRC gene R254W mutation found in patients with chronic pancreatitis were not statistically different when compared to the frequencies of 0.49% of both mutations, found in the control groups. (p = 0.120 and 0.751) For the investigation of the association of smoking and N34S mutation of SPINK1 gene with the clinical and morphological features of chronic pancreatitis, it was noticed that the N34S mutation did not determine a greatest severity in the presentation of chronic pancreatitis, however smoking was associated with a higher frequency of diabetes mellitus in patients with chronic pancreatitis. It was concluded that smoking and the N34S mutation of SPINK1 gene are positively correlated with chronic pancreatiti

    Polymorphisms in patients with alcoholic chronic pancreatitis

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    A dependência de álcool acomete de 10 a 12% da população mundial, estando a associação entre uso abusivo do álcool e pancreatite crônica bem estabelecida. A suscetibilidade pancreática ao álcool é variável e apenas 5 a 10% dos etilistas crônicos desenvolvem pancreatite crônica, sendo o papel dos fatores genéticos neste processo praticamente desconhecido. O gene CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmenbrane conductance regulator) codifica proteína que funciona na membrana plasmática de células epiteliais e que tem papel chave na função pancreática exócrina normal, promovendo a regulação, da secreção de fluídos e bicarbonato, importantes para a diluição e a alcalinização do suco pancreático. Quando a função desta proteína é inadequada, observa-se obstrução de pequenos ductos por rolhas protéicas. Várias pesquisas buscam documentar a associação fibrose cística - pancreatite crônica, porém os resultados são conflitantes. Este trabalho pesquisou a freqüência de polimorfismos no trato de politiminas e poli TGs no intron 8 do gene CFTR em pacientes portadores de pancreatite crônica alcoólica. Foram estudados três grupos de pacientes: Grupo A - adultos alcoolistas com diagnóstico de pancreatite crônica; Grupo B - adultos alcoolistas sem pancreatopatia ou cirrose hepática e Grupo C - adultos sadios não alcoolistas. O DNA genômico para análise do gene CFTR foi extraído do sangue periférico, pesquisando-se a freqüência de polimorfismos no trato de politiminas e poli TGs no intron 8. O genótipo 5T/7T foi mais encontrado no grupo A do que no B (p = 0,0481), não havendo diferença quando comparados os grupos A e C (p = 0,1317). Pacientes com pancreatite crônica por álcool com o genótipo 5T/7T tiveram menor incidência de diabetes melito do que aqueles com outros genótipos (p = 0,0465). A combinação de haplótipos 10TG 7T / 11TG 7T foi mais freqüente nos grupos B e C do que no A e poderia, eventualmente, ser um fator protetor contra o desenvolvimento da pancreatite crônica. (p = 0,0080 e 0,0162). Em conclusão, há diferenças no intron 8 do gene CFTR em pacientes com pancreatite crônica alcoólica, quando comparados com alcoolistas não pancreatopatas e indivíduos com o genótipo 5T/7T teriam maior risco de desenvolver pancreatite crônica quando se tornam alcoolistas crônicos.The alcohol dependence affects from 10 to 12% of the world-wide population, being the association between alcohol abuse and chronic pancreatitis well established. The pancreatic susceptibility to the alcohol is only 5 to 10%, being the paper of the genetic factors practically unknown. The CFTR gene (cystic fibrosis transmenbrane conductance regulator) codifies a protein that functions in the epithelial cells and has a role in pancreatic exocrine function, promoting regulation of the secretion of fluids and bicarbonate, important for the dilution and the alcalinization of the pancreatic juice. When the function of this protein is inadequate, blockage of small ducts occurs. Some research regist the association cystic fibrosis - chronic pancreatite, however the results are conflicting. This work searched the frequency of polymorphisms in the polyT and poly TGs tracts in intron 8 of CFTR gene in patients with alcoholic chronic pancreatitis. Three groups of patients have been studied: Group A - adult alcoholics with chronic pancreatitis; Group B - adult alcoholics without pancreatic disease or hepatic cirrhosis and Group C - non alcoholics healthy adults. DNA analysis of CFTR gene was made after extraction from peripheral blood samples. The 5T/7T genotype was more frequently found in group A that in B (p = 0.0481), with no difference when compared to group C (p = 0,1317). Patients with alcoholic chronic pancreatitis and 5T/7T genotype had less incidence of diabetes mellitus that those with other genotypes (p = 0,0465). The haplotype combination 10TG 7T / 11TG 7T was more frequent in groups B and C that in A and it could, eventually, be a protective factor against the development of alcoholic chronic pancreatitis. (p = 0,0080 and 0,0162). In conclusion, we found differences when these tree groups are compared and individuals with 5T/7T genotype would have greater risk to develop chronic pancreatitis if they become alcoholics


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    Context Fecal elastase is a noninvasive test for pancreatic insufficiency diagnosis. Objectives Evaluate the usefulness of fecal elastase 1 for the indication of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency among former alcohol addicts and patients with chronic pancreatitis. Methods Forty-three patients with chronic pancreatitis and thirty-three asymptomatic former alcohol addicts entered the study. The levels of fecal elastase 1 were measured using a commercial kit. Pancreatic imaging findings were used to categorize the groups. Results The levels of fecal elastase 1 were significantly lower in the patients than in the former alcohol addicts and in the group with tissue calcifications, duct alterations, or atrophy. With a cutoff level of 100 μg/g, the sensitivity of fecal elastase 1 in chronic pancreatitis was 46.51% and its specificity was 87.88% with a positive predictive value of 83.33% and a negative predictive value of 55.77%. When patients were stratified according to the severity of their pancreatitis, the sensitivity was 6.25% for mild pancreatitis and 70.37% for marked pancreatitis. Conclusion Low level of fecal elastase 1 was associated with marked rather than mild chronic pancreatitis; however, it may be useful to indicate pancreatic exocrine insufficiency in asymptomatic former alcohol addicts

    Genetic Risk for Alcoholic Chronic Pancreatitis

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    In recent years many studies have examined the genetic predisposition to pancreatic diseases. Pancreatic disease of an alcoholic etiology was determined to be a multi-factorial disease, where environmental factors interact with the genetic profile of the individual. In this review we discuss the main results from studies examining the frequency of genetic mutations in alcoholic chronic pancreatitis