17 research outputs found

    Corruption and Organised Crime Signalling Indicators for Foreign Investors as Applied to Eastern European Countries

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    The former communist countries in Central and Eastern Europe and, implicitly, their economies, went through specific and sometimes asymmetric developments since the fall of the “iron curtain” at the end of the 1980s. During those years, they faced many challenges to create a secure and predictable economic environment for individuals and businesses, local or foreign. We propose a framework that considers legal, social, and economic indicators which can be used by foreign investors to make wise and efficient business decisions. Our main purpose is to expand the traditional economic analysis framework and enrich it with new institutional and societal indicators from the social, quality of life and legal layers of research. This new landscape could offer relevant information on vulnerabilities that could favour organized crime and corruption in some Central and Eastern European countries, a factor that foreign investors may need to address before deciding to invest in the region. Keywords: foreign direct investments, organised crime, corruption, economic vulnerabilities, GD

    Researches regarding the effect of air flow rate for the recycling of pesticides administered with spraying machine TARAL 200 PITON TURBE-ER

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    The growth technologies for orchards and vineyards include a large number of treatments for disease and pest control. Without these treatments the production can be reduced by up to 35% or even totally compromised. The pesticides used for performing phytosanitary treatments are toxic substances that can pollute air, water and soil. In addition to their effect on diseases and pests, the pesticides reaching the soil extend their action over microorganisms, leading to quantitative and qualitative changes in both the edaphical population structure and the physiological activities. In the same time the pesticides fallen on the ground can be transferred, without undergoing significant alterations, into plants, fruits, animals and finally humans, causing various diseases. Pest and disease control using phytosanitary treatments is performed by the means of specialized machines, specially designed for this purpose. The treatments are effective when the size of the dispersed droplets is in the range of tens of micrometers, in order to cover as much of the surface of the leaf system as possible. The pneumatic transportation of the droplets is accompanied by the drift phenomenon, which causes a significant amount of toxic substances to land on the soil. One solution to counteract the effect of drift is to recycle the substance that is not retained by plants. Considering this principle a recycling equipment for vineyards was designed and built; the device prevents soil pollution with the substance which is not retained on the surface of the vineyard leaves. The spraying machine was equipped with air entrainment nozzles, which prevent droplets drift due to the fact that large droplets, filled with air bubbles, are transported towards the leaves. The droplets then break easily when coming into contact with the leaves, thus leading to a better covering of the surface. During the experimental tests the effect of the air flow rate over the recycling process was studied; the TARAL 200 PITON TURBO-ER spraying machine, equipped with an axial fan, was used

    Exploring the Direct Influence of the Organizational Change Process on Organizational Performance

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    Organizational change can significantly impact organizational performance, but this impact can be different depending on the nature and purpose of the change and how it is managed. The paper proposes a model for evaluating the effects of the organizational change process on organizational performance, staff retention, and organizational abandonment. The empirical study in which the model is tested was carried out among 294 employees from Romanian organizations who answered the questionnaire questions. Structural equation modeling was used to process the data and obtain the results. Effective change management and employee involvement in the change process can contribute to the success of organizational change and the development of a positive organizational culture, leading to increased organizational performance, high employee retention, and the organizational dropout rate minimization. In addition, organizations should also consider open and transparent communication with employees, as well as providing support in developing the skills and competencies of employees so that they can adapt to organizational changes and contribute to the organization's success

    The Role of Social Responsibility and Ethics in Employees’ Wellbeing

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    Social responsibility (SR) is a concept or practice by which organizations take into account the interest of society by taking responsibility for the impact of their activities on all stakeholders. The SR of organizations implies ethical behavior concerning all stakeholders and a company’s commitment to the sustainable economic development of society. Organizational ethics is a set of written and unwritten codes of principles and values that govern decisions and actions within an organization. Ethics has a rather internal perspective, while social responsibility has a rather external perspective. This study examines the impact of social responsibility and organizational ethics on employees’ wellbeing. To perform the empirical analysis, we conducted a survey among 423 employees from Romanian organizations. Using the structural equation modeling, we analyzed the relationships between social responsibility, organizational ethics, and employees’ wellbeing, emphasizing the positive impact of ethical and responsible behavior of the organization on the employees’ wellbeing. The organization’s employees play a dual role: firstly, they are all internal stakeholders, and secondly, they are constituents of an external stakeholder essential for the organization—the community. The results show a significant positive influence of social responsibility and organizational ethics on employees’ wellbeing as a result of a responsible and ethical behavior in relation to the organizational stakeholders

    Rethinking Tourism Industry in Pandemic COVID-19 Period

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    The pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID-19) has significantly affected the tourism industry. Tourist destinations have adopted emergency measures and restrictions that have affected the mobility of individuals around the world. Beaches and resorts were empty, cities were deserted, people’s movements were stopped, and travel among different territories was strictly controlled. COVID-19-caused quarantine around the world has harmed people’s livelihoods and the world economy. This study aims to analyze the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the tourism industry and overall economic performance. Based on the research results and exploratory research of the literature, we listed in a synthesizing manner several measures to ensure the resilience of the tourism sector during the COVID-19 pandemic period

    Corruption and Organised Crime Signalling Indicators for Foreign Investors as Applied to Eastern European Countries

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    The former communist countries in Central and Eastern Europe and, implicitly, their economies, went through specific and sometimes asymmetric developments since the fall of the “iron curtain” at the end of the 1980s. During those years, they faced many challenges to create a secure and predictable economic environment for individuals and businesses, local or foreign. We propose a framework that considers legal, social, and economic indicators which can be used by foreign investors to make wise and efficient business decisions. Our main purpose is to expand the traditional economic analysis framework and enrich it with new institutional and societal indicators from the social, quality of life and legal layers of research. This new landscape could offer relevant information on vulnerabilities that could favour organized crime and corruption in some Central and Eastern European countries, a factor that foreign investors may need to address before deciding to invest in the region. Keywords: foreign direct investments, organised crime, corruption, economic vulnerabilities, GD

    Role of Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasonography in Hepatocellular Carcinoma by Using LI-RADS and Ancillary Features: A Single Tertiary Centre Experience

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    Clinical utility of ancillary features (AFs) in contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) Liver Imaging Reporting and Data System (LI-RADS®) is yet to be established. In this study, we assessed the diagnostic yield of CEUS LI-RADS and AFs in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). We retrospectively included patients with risk factors for HCC and newly diagnosed focal liver lesions (FLL). All lesions have been categorized according to the CEUS LI-RADS v2017 by an experienced sonographer blinded to clinical data and to the final diagnosis. From a total of 143 patients with 191 FLL, AFs favoring HCC were observed in 19.8% cases as hypoechoic rim and in 16.7% cases as nodule-in nodule architecture. From the total of 141 HCC cases, 83.6% were correctly classified: 57.4%- LR-5 and 26.2%- LR-4. In 9.21% cases, CEUS indicated LR-M; 2.12% cases- LR-3. The LR-5 category was 96.2% predictive (PPV) of HCC. LR-5 had 60.4% sensitivity and 93.6% specificity. PPV for primitive malignancy (LR-4 + LR-5) was 95.7%, with 88% sensitivity, 89.3% specificity and 88.4% accuracy for HCC. LR-4 category had 94.8% PPV and 26.2% sensitivity. CEUS LR4 + LR5 had 81,8% sensitivity for HCCs over 2 cm and 78.57% sensitivity for smaller HCCs. CEUS LR-5 remains an excellent diagnostic tool for HCC, despite the size of the lesion. The use of AFs might improve the overarching goal of LR-5 + LR-4 diagnosis of high specificity for HCC and exclusion of non-HCC malignancy

    Lignin Modification with Carboxylic Acids and Butyrolactone under Cold Plasma Conditions

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    The modification of organosolv lignin powder (ALCELL) with different carboxylic acids such as oleic, lactic, and butyric acids and butyrolactone under cold plasma discharge has been performed. The X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR), and <sup>1</sup>H NMR spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and thermal methods (differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetry (TG)) proved that the lignin modification took place. The structure, morphology and thermal properties are specific for each kind of product obtained. The modification degree determined on the basis of XPS data varies from 4 to 13% depending on reagent used. The significant changes in the thermal properties indicate that the modification by cold plasma affected also some bulk properties. This is the case mainly for modification with butyric acid and butyrolactone. It was concluded that the cold plasma modification is an efficient and eco-friendly technique able to produce new valuable products from lignin, widening its compatibility with various polymers and also its applications

    Modelling the Impact of VAT Fiscality on Branch-Level Performance in the Construction Industry—Evidence from Romania

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    Fiscal policy stands as a crucial pillar of economic development through its economic financing function. The regulatory effects of fiscality have been shown to reduce the ripple effects of uncertainties on economic growth within the EU. Unlike the average European economy, the Romanian economy has exhibited particularities concerning economic growth (ranking highly in economic growth among European nations in absolute terms), partly due to a more assertive fiscal policy applied to a consumption-based economy affected by hyperinflation (especially in the last five calendar years). The research issue stems from the premise of the lack of predictability in Romanian fiscal policy and its implications for the business environment. Our aim is to develop an econometric model of the fiscal effects of VAT on the business performance of the construction sector in Romania for the period 2010–2021. The methods employed involve empirical analysis and the development of consolidated industry-level databases followed by econometric modeling using the multiple linear regression method. The results of the research demonstrate that financial independence and solvency promote excessive taxation in emerging markets and developing countries, such as Romania, being correlated with the macroeconomic evolution of the respective state. Additionally, the results indicate that tax pressure can constitute a barrier to the sustainable development of firms, with direct repercussions for consumers. Attractiveness to investors is also affected, remaining a priority for companies. The study’s findings will enable the identification of the main impediments and opportunities brought about by VAT taxation on branch-level performance, proving useful for construction sector managers and fiscal policy makers in fostering sustainable industry development and establishing a sustainable fiscal regime to safeguard investors

    Scalable Silicone Composites for Thermal Management in Flexible Stretchable Electronics

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    Hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) has been incorporated, as an active filler, in a customized silicone matrix to obtain high thermal conductivity composites, maintaining high flexibility and low dielectric permittivity, which are of interest for heat dissipation in energy storage systems (e.g., batteries or supercapacitors) and electronics. By the proper processing of the filler (i.e., hydrophobization with octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane and ultrasonic exfoliation) and its optimal loading (i.e., 10 wt%), composites with thermal conductivity up to 3.543 W&middot;m&minus;1&middot;K&minus;1 were obtained. Conductive heat flow (&minus;280.04 W), measured in real heating&ndash;cooling conditions, proved to be superior to that of a commercial heatsink paste (&minus;161.92 W), which has a much higher density (2.5 g/cm3 compared to 1.05 g/cm3 of these composites). The mechanical and electrical properties are also affected in a favorable way (increased modulus and elongation, low dielectric losses, and electrical conductivity) for applications as thermal management materials