196 research outputs found

    Neologizmy w korespondencji prywatnej Henryka Sienkiewicza

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    The aim of this article is to examine the structure and the functions of neologisms included in the private letters of Henryk Sienkiewicz. The analysis of the lexis presented in this paper reveals that the writer tended to use the word-formative neologisms, semantical neologisms and functional neologisms most frequently. The expressive function of this neologisms is the prevailing one

    Świat wartości swoich i obcych w Krzyżakach Henryka Sienkiewicza

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    The article discusses the linguistic devices of the evaluation of the characters created in the realities of the novel (fictitious and historical) connected with two opposite groups: the Poles (domestic) and the Teutonic Knights (foreign). The analysis of the material has revealed the persuasive mechanisms applied by Henryk Sienkiewicz in order to exert influence on the readers’ attitudes and their system of values. The repertoire of linguistic and semantic devices used for evaluation is very diversified and, among others, includes: synonymic passages giving names to the representatives of both groups, the names of values (positive or negative) and the phrases describing actions, character features and people’s attitudes evaluated as positive or negative, connecting synonymous names (of Poles and the Teutonic Knights) with different parts of speech; statements with specific connotations (positive or negative) informing about the actions, behaviours and appearance of the characters; stylistic means such as: similes, metaphors, epithets used in an expressive and evaluating function. Additionally, the conclusions drawn from the research shed light on Henryk Sienkiewicz’s writing techniques. It has become feasible to reconstruct (indirectly) the writer’s attitudes towards life and the system of values

    „O zachowaniu się przy stole”, czyli językowa kreacja obyczajów biesiadnych w Krzyżakach Henryka Sienkiewicza

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    The present article contains a linguistic and stylistic analysis of the presentation of table manners and table etiquette as it is described in Krzyżacy [The Knights of the Cross] by Henryk Sienkiewicz. The article consists of three parts which successively describe the most important elements of medieval cuisine (courses, beverages and spices). Some attention has also been paid to the dishes and good manners at the table. The analysis of the collected lexical material shows that the festive manners, courses, beverages and dishes presented in the novel complete the credibility of other realities of medieval everyday life described in the novel, such as clothes, furnishings of Medieval houses and entertainment. Taking into account the minimal number of historical sources dedicated to everyday life of Medieval Polish people, the world of festive manners and the cuisine created by Henryk Sienkiewicz, which is close to medieval reality, came into existence mainly thanks to the writer’s imagination and language intuition

    Late ophthalmological manifestations in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage and coiling of cerebral aneurysm

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    Late ocular manifestations of aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) have not been previously investigated except for one study which demonstrated that one half of patients subjected to aneurysm clipping suffer from symptoms of visual pathway impairment. We assessed ophthalmological status of patients after 1–4.5 years from SAH and aneurysm embolization to identify predictors of damage to the visual pathways. Complete ophthalmological examination, static perimetry, and visual evoked potentials (VEPs) were performed in 74 patients (26 men, 48 women, aged 19–76 years), who constituted a consecutive sample of 129 patients treated with aneurysm embolization in the years 2008–2010. The following independent variables: sex, age, time from SAH to embolization, size and site of aneurysm, score in Glasgow Coma Scale, Glasgow Outcome Scale, Hunt-Hess and Fisher scales were subject to univariate and multivariate statistical analyses to study their influence on the ocular outcome. 40 patients (54%) demonstrated visual field defects appearing as multiple peripheral foci and constricted field, affecting both eyes. Among these subjects, 12 patients had severe defects in the visual field, 20 had deterioration in VEPs, and 9 had decreased visual acuity. Older age and high score in Hunt-Hess and Fisher scales were identified as predictors for visual field defects and disturbances in VEPs. More than half of the survivors of SAH and aneurysm embolization suffer from a permanent defect in visual function. Damage of visual pathway correlates with severity of SAH and older age of patients

    Endoscopic transconjunctival surgical approach to intraconal space of the orbit: First clinical experience

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    Background and purpose Recently, a transconjunctival, endoscope-assisted (TEA) approach to the medial intra-orbital space was developed based on cadaver preparations, with an ultimate goal of minimizing disturbances of the anatomic structures of the orbit. However, no report on clinical validation of this promising technique was published thus far. We present our experiences with the TEA approach in two patients. Material and methods In emergency conditions, we approached the lateral retrobulbar space of a 42-year-old male through a 180° incision close to the corneal limbus; a scrap of metal, which had perforated the globe and resided at its posterior wall, was removed endoscopically. Moreover, we used the TEA approach to remove a tumor from the upper intraconal space in a 63-year-old woman. Results In both patients the surgical goal was achieved with no muscle transection and without additional morbidity and complications. Conclusions Our experiences with TEA approach suggest that the procedure is clinically feasible, produces no co-morbidity and yields good functional and cosmetic results. As a result, the whole circumference of the retrobulbar space can be conveniently explored

    „Kłamstwa”, „brudne szaleństwo”, „rozbój na równej drodze”, czyli jak Sienkiewicz werbalizował negatywne oceny i emocje (na podstawie korespondencji prywatnej)

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    “Lies”, “Dirty Madness”, “Daylight Robbery”: How Henryk Sienkiewicz Verbalised Negative Judgments and Emotions (Based on Private Correspondence)This article is part of a stream of research on the language and style of private correspondence of Henryk Sienkiewicz. The article contains analysis of expressive lexis that the writer used to verbalise his negative judgments and feelings, which is complex, rich and diverse in terms of both form and meaning. The lexical material which relates to the second – unsuccessful – marriage of Sienkiewicz to Maria Wołodkowiczówna comes from selected letters by the writer addressed to his sister-in-law – Jadwiga Janczewska neé Szetkiewicz. The selected lexis encompasses, for example, words with explicit, implicit and evaluative expression, belonging to different categories of meaning. „Kłamstwa”, „brudne szaleństwo”, „rozbój na równej drodze”, czyli jak Sienkiewicz werbalizował negatywne oceny i emocje (na podstawie korespondencji prywatnej)Artykuł wpisuje się w nurt badań nad językiem i stylem korespondencji prywatnej Henryka Sienkiewicza. Analizie poddano złożoną, bogatą i zróżnicowaną pod względem formy i znaczenia warstwę leksyki nacechowanej ekspresywnie, którą pisarz wykorzystywał do werbalizacji swoich negatywnych ocen i uczuć. Materiał leksykalny pochodzi z korpusu listów adresowanych do szwagierki – Jadwigi z Szetkiewiczów Janczewskiej, przedstawiających wydarzenia związane z drugim – nieudanym – małżeństwem Sienkiewicza z Marią Wołodkowiczówną. Wśród zebranej leksyki znalazły się np. wyrazy o ekspresji eksplicytnej i implicytnej, wartościującej, przynależnej do różnych kategorii znaczeniowych

    Jurysdykcja krajowa w sprawach dotyczących naprawienia szkody spowodowanej naruszeniem prawa konkurencji – wnioski w świetle wyroku TSUE z dnia 29 lipca 2019 r. w sprawie C-451/18 – Tibor-Trans przeciwko DAF Trucks

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    Artykuł porusza problematykę jurysdykcji krajowej nad sporami dotyczącymi szkody wywołanej naruszeniem prawa konkurencji. W opracowaniu omówiono dotychczasowe orzecznictwo TSUE dotyczące jurysdykcji szczególnej określonej w art. 7 pkt 2 rozporządzenia 1215/12, zapadłe na gruncie spraw z zakresu private enforcement, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem orzeczenia w sprawie C-451/18 – Tibor-Trans. Analiza wykazała, że wykładnia łącznika miejsca wystąpienia szkody antymonopolowej jest dokonywana ad casum i nie jest jeszcze w pełni ukształtowana. Komentowany wyrok Tibor-Trans w dalszy sposób precyzuje tę interpretację poprzez wskazanie, że również miejsce poniesienia szkody przez nabywcę pośredniego może – w określonych okolicznościach – stanowić podstawę przyznania jurysdykcji szczególnej określonej w art. 7 pkt 2 rozporządzenia 1215/12

    Funkcja ekspresywna leksyki z zakresu medycyny w listach prywatnych Henryka Sienkiewicza

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    This article contains an analysis of medical lexis conducted in connection with the expressive function performed by this verbal layer.The collected lexical and stylistic material includes expressions and phrases with expressively characterized adjectives and adverbs, expressive and diminutive derivatives, compounds, different stylistic means (e.g., metaphors, comparisons, euphemisms and other)

    Frazeologizmy w korespondencji prywatnej Henryka Sienkiewicza

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    Key words: private letter, phraseology, stylistic phenomena, idiolect, Sienkiewicz This article contains an analysis of structure, form and function of collocations included in 1400 Henryk Sienkiewicz’s private letters. The wide collection of over 450 collocations creates five semantic categories: health, travelling, finances, people (appearance, behaviour), feelings and emotions. In formal and structural terms the collected material contains collocations in canonical and modified form

    Sozialisation und Selbst-Sozialisation in der beruflichen Ausbildung: über Selektionskriterien und -entscheidungen von AusbilderInnen und Jugendlichen

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    Das Arbeitspapier, das im Rahmen eines Teilprojekts des Sonderforschungsbereichs 186 "Statuspassagen und Risikolagen im Lebensverlauf" entstand, behandelt, zunächst nur bezogen auf männliche Jugendliche der Zielgruppe, "die Selektionsmaßstäbe und -entscheidungen betrieblicher AusbilderInnen sowie die subjektive Verarbeitung der Selektionserfahrungen durch Betroffene. Die beteiligten Deutungsmuster werden herausgestellt und im Rahmen von Überlegungen der sozialen Integration bzw. Ausgrenzung verortet. Offengelegt werden die Kriterien des Scheiterns, sowie jene Strategien, durch die die Beteiligten versuchen, das Geschehen nicht zu sozialen Ausgrenzungen führen zu lassen. Es zeigt sich, daß das Verhältnis von institutioneller Integration, Selektion und individueller Sozialisation für den Beruf eine prekäre Verlaufsstruktur des Übergangs ins Erwerbssystem vorzeichnet." (IAB2