30 research outputs found


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    Intra-School Student Organization (OSIS) is an organization within the scope of secondary schools. OSIS has a function as a forum for students who want to learn to organize to develop their potential, interests and talents. Accompanied by the student council coach and become a place to develop the democratic values of students. This research was conducted to determine the role of the student council in shaping the democratic character of students in SMP Negeri 7 Bandung. This research uses a quantitative approach with descriptive and correlational methods. Data collection was carried out using observation techniques, questionnaires, and documentation studies. The findings of this study are: 1) the form of OSIS work program activities in SMP Negeri 7 Bandung in accordance with the purpose of student coaching in article 1 of the Republic of Indonesia Ministerial Regulation Number 39 of 2008 concerning student coaching; 2) the role of OSIS in shaping the democratic character of students in SMP Negeri 7 Bandung, developed through existing activities in OSIS namely cooperation, responsibility, freedom of expression and freedom of participation, justice and equality, order, togetherness, appreciation and tolerance as well as respect for people other. There is an influence of the role of student council by 53.1% in shaping the democratic character of students, the remaining 46.9% is influenced by other factors not observed in this study; 3) OSIS obstacles in shaping the democratic character of students of SMP Negeri 7 Bandung, which are internal and external. Internal obstacles come from the student council members and administrators, while external obstacles come from outside the student council members and management. The OSIS effort in shaping the democratic character of students is by implementing democratic culture and values in various intracuricular and extracurricular activities

    Analisis Pengendalian Kualitas Presentase Olein RBDPL Utama Pada Proses Fraksinasi Di PT. Y Dengan Metode Statistical Quality Control

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    PT Y is one of the largest vegetable oil processor companies in Indonesia. In the process, palm oil processing produces 2 types of end products, namely RBDPS (Refined Bleached Deodorized Palm Sterin) and RBDPL (Refined Bleached Deodorized Palm Olein) which are the main results for cooking oil. This study aims to interpret the percentage data of RBDPL (yield) value using the Xbar – R control chart and analyze the 2 main divisions that play a role, namely Production and Quality Control, the cause of the non-conformity to the yield value that has been targeted by the company through fishbone diagrams. The results of this study indicate that the average RBDPL yield is only 55.92% while the company's target is 60% and the main causes of non-conformance are in humans, methods and machines. Keywords: RBDPL, Statistical Quality Control, Yield

    Analisis Kausalitas antara Volatilitas Saham dengan Variabel Makroekonomi Indonesia

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    This study aims to know whether there is a significant interrelationship between the stock volatility (Jakarta Composite Index ) and the macroeconomic variables (Inflation and BI Rate) in Indonesia. The test is carried out using Stationarity Test, Cointegration Test, Granger Causality Test, and Vector Auto Regression (VAR) test for the period 2008.1 – 2012.12. From Cointegration test results that there is no long-term equilibrium relationship between Jakarta Composite index, BI Rate, and Inflation. While Granger Causality test result revealed that there is a direct relationship the inflation affect the Jakarta Composite Indexand there is reciprocal relationship between the BI Rate and the Jakarta Composite Index. Based on the result of impluse Response Function, it was found that the stock volatility (Jakarta Composite Index) has a negative effect on the macroeconomic variables (Inflationand BI Rate), similarly the macroeconomic variables (Inflation and BI Rate) has a negative effect on the Jakarta Composite Index. While the result of variance decomposition showed that the role of Inflation and BI rate is significant than Jakarta Composite Index

    Pengaruh utang Jangka Pendek Terhadap Rasio Likuiditas pada Perusahaan Barang Konsumsi TBK yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI)

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) yang merupakan salah satu badan yang berperan sebagai media perantara dalam perkembangan pasar modal Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya pengaruh utang jangka pendek terhadap tingkat likuiditas pada perusahaan barang konsumsi yang terdaftar di BEI. Pengaruh ini dapat dikelahui berdasarkan perbitungan pada rasio likuidilas, melalui 4 metode yaitu : rasio lanear, rasio cepat, rasio kas, dan working capita/to total assets ratio. Penganalisaan rasio likuidiLaS dalam hal ini dilakukan dengan metode working capital to total assets ratio. Penelitian ini menggunakan data kuantitatif yang bersifat cross section. Populasi dari penelitian ini betjumlah 33 perusahaan. Prosedur pemilihan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling dengan kriteria laporan keuangan lahun 2010 milik ke-33 perusahaan barang konsumsi tersebut telah diaudit. Hasilnya terdapat 27 perusahaan yang Lelah memenubi kriteria. Teknik analisa data menggunakan regresi linear sederhana


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    This research is aimed to know the correlation of the Character Building in Family and School to the Child’s Learning Achievement at the Elementary School Based on the Catholics and Protestant Religion in the City of Medan. This is a correlation research using quantitative approach. The population used in this research are grades four and five pupils of the elementary school based on Catholic and Protestant religion in the city of Medan with the total of six hundred pupils. The sampling quota was used in sampling process. Datas in this research were obtained by using character building questionnaire in families and school. The analysis technique in this research is using Statistic Program For Social Science (SPSS) ver. 22. The result of the research showed that to build the character of the pupils in the families and school with its correlation to the learning achievement, the following should be considered: parents do not tell lies in front of their children, teachers should cut the students’ marks if they are late in collecting their assignments and punish them when they do not do their homework

    Hubungan Antara Konformitas Sosial dengan Kemandirian pada Mahasiswa Psikologi Universitas Medan Area Angkatan 2007-2009

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan antara konformitas sosial dengan kemandirian pada mahasiswa psikologi Universitas Medan Area. Sejalan dengan landasan teori yang ada, diajukan hipotesis: ada hubungan yang negatif antara konformitas sosial dengan kemandirian. Penelitian ini menggunakan dua skala, yakni skala konformitas sosial yang dilihat dari tiga aspek (Peplau, 1991) yaitu: kepercayaan terhadap kelompok, rasa takut terhadap penyimpangan faktor dasar, dan kekompakkan kelompok. Sedangkan untuk skala kemandirian dilihat dari tujuh aspek kemandirian (Masrun, dalam Maharani, 2008), yaitu: bebas, memiliki inisiatif, mampu mengendalikan diri, progresif dan ulet, memiliki kemantapan diri, percaya diri, dan memiliki sifat eksplorati


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan model konsep kalimat terhadap kemampuan menulis paragraf deskripsi oleh siswa kelas X SMA negeri 1 Delitua Tahun Pembelajaran 2013/2014. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Delitua yang berjumlah 379 orang orang, sedangkan sampel penelitian ini diambil secara acak sebanyak 32 orang. Penelitian ini berbentuk penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode eksperimen dan desain one group pre-test post-test, desain dilakukan observasi sebanyak dua kali yaitu sebelum eksperimen dan sesudah eksperimen. Desain penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada satu kelompok saja tanpa kelompok pembanding. desain ini terdapat pre-test, sebelum dilakukan perlakuan. Dengan demikian hasil perlakuan dapat lebih akurat, karena dapat membandingkan dengan keadaan sebelum diberi perlakuan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan pada kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Delitua menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh model konsep kalimat terhadap kemampuan menulis paragraf deskripsi. . Hal ini dibuktikan dari hasil pre-test dengan skor 2020 dengan nilai rata-rata 63,12 dan hasil post-test 2395 dengan nilai rata-rata 74,84. Kemudian, dilakukan uji hipotesis uji t, didapat t_hitung=7,51 dan t_tabel = 2,04 karena t_hitung > t_tabel (7,51 > 2,04) maka hipotesis alternatif (Ha) diterima dan Ho ditolak. Dengan demikian, pembelajaran dengan menggunakan model konsep kalimat berpengaruh signifikan terhadap peningkatan kemampuan menulis paragraf deskripsi siswa

    Improving Dental and Oral Health through Counseling and Training on Dental and Oral Health Maintenance and Introduction of Dental Radiography Examination in Children and Installation of Sinks at Belawan Islamic Junior High School, Medan Belawan District

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    Healthy behavior can affect the health of everyone's body. Dental and oral health is very important to always pay attention to because it is part of general health. To keep your teeth and mouth healthy, you can always keep your teeth and mouth clean every day. The easiest thing to do is to brush your teeth and wash your hands before eating. Techniques and the correct way of brushing teeth greatly affect dental hygiene. If the oral health is not good, then it requires a dental radiographic examination as a supporting examination to be able to determine the condition of the teeth and the supporting tissues of the teeth as a whole. This activity is based on the need to maintain dental and oral health from an early age, so that good behavior in maintaining health can be accustomed from childhood. In addition, there are still many children in junior high school who are not properly aware of the importance of dental health for general health. This counseling can increase knowledge and provide understanding and awareness about the importance of maintaining personal and oral health by brushing teeth regularly and washing hands properly

    Mandibular morphology of the Mongoloid race in Medan according to age groups

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    Background: The mandible constitutes part of the craniofacial bone that plays an important role in determining an individual’s facial profile. The mandible grows and develops throughout life from the prenatal phase up to old age when it becomes and edentulous. Changes in the mandible can be measured using radiographs. These establish several parameters of mandibular morphology, including: ramus height, condylion height, body length, condylion angle, symphysis height, symphysis width and symphysis angle. Purpose: This study aimed to determine differences in the mandibular morphology of members of the mongoloid racial group in Medan according to age as measured by cephalometric radiography. Methods: This investigation constituted analytical research using cross-sectional study with a total sample of 150 individuals divided according to age: group 1 (aged 4-12 years), group 2 (aged 13-24 years, group 3 (aged 25-34 years), group 4 (aged 35-60 years) and group of 5 (aged > 60 years). The parameters were computerized by means of a digital cephalometric radiograph, the resulting data being analized with Oneway ANOVA and LSD. Results: The mean value of the highest to the lowest ramus height, and symphysis height from the five age groups, sequentially, were in group 3, group 4, group 5, group 2, and group 1. The mean value from the highest to the lowest of body length, condylion height, condylion angle, and symphysis width, sequentially, were in group 3, group 4, group 2, group 5, and group 1. The mean value from the highest to the lowest of symphysis angle, sequentially, were in group 1, group 3, group 4, group 2, and  group 5. Conclusion: The mandibular morphology of each age group differs in Mongoloid races in Medan based on lateral cephalometric radiography in which changes are may be affected by the state of teeth and age


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    Mengubah cerpen menjadi naskah drama merupakan salah satu pembelajaran sastra yang ada dalam kurikulum dan harus diajarkan di sekolah menengah pertama. Guru dituntut agar mampu mengembangkan kreatifitas siswa dengan memberikan cerpen dan mengubah menjadi naskah drama. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui hasil serta penerapan media cerpen dengan metode resitasi dalam peningkatan penulisan naskah drama pada siswa kelas VIII SMP Pencawan Medan Tahun Pelajaran 2022/2023. Teknik analisis data sesuai Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) yang digunakan dalam mata pelajaran bahasa Indonesia yaitu nilai 75 dengan ketuntasan klasikal 85%. Hasil penelitian berupa hasil tes kemampuan menulis naskah drama siswa dengan skor rata-rata siswa pada siklus I sebesar 65.38% pada kategori sedang dari 26 siswa subjek penelitian, 2 siswa (7,69%) skor kategori rendah, 17 siswa (65,38%) skor kategori sedang sedangkan 7 siswa (26,92%) skor kategori tinggi. Ketuntasan hasil belajar siswa yaitu 7 siswa kategori meningkat dan 19 siswa kategori tidak meningkat, sehingga hasil pada siklus I masih rendah. Skor rata-rata hasil belajar siswa pada siklus II sebesar 80,96% pada kategori aktif. Dari 26 siswa subjek penelitian, 3 siswa (11,53%) skor kategori rendah, 15 siswa (57,69%) skor kategori sedang sedangkan 8 siswa (30,78%) skor kategori tinggi. Tingkat kemampuan siswa pada siklus II nilai ≥75-100 sebanyak 23 siswa (88,46%), siswa yang memperoleh nilai < 75 sebayak 3 siswa (11,53%). Hal ini menunjukkan tingkat kemampuan mengubah cerpen menjadi naskah drama mengalami peningkatan dari 7 orang (26,92%) pada Siklus I menjadi 23 orang (88,46%) pada Siklus II. Saran penelitian adalah siswa hendaknya diberikan banyak pelatihan menulis cerpen maupun menulis naskah drama, serta mengubah cerpen menjadi naskah drama ataupun sebaliknya. Kemampuan siswa dalam mengubah cerpen menjadi naskah drama hendaknya lebih ditingkatkan atau dilakukan secara berulang