334 research outputs found

    HLA-DQ antibodies in alloimmunity, what makes them different?

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    Anticossos; AloimmunitatAnticuerpos; AloinmunidadAntibodies; AlloimmunityPurpose of review De novo HLA-DQ antibodies are the most frequently observed after solid-organ allotransplantation; and are associated with the worse adverse graft outcomes compared with all other HLA antibodies. However, the biological explanation for this observation is not yet known. Herein, we examine unique characteristics of alloimmunity directed specifically against HLA-DQ molecules. Recent findings While investigators attempted to decipher functional properties of HLA class II antigens that may explain their immunogenicity and pathogenicity, most early studies focused on the more expressed molecule – HLA-DR. We here summarize up-to-date literature documenting specific features of HLA-DQ, as compared to other class II HLA antigens. Structural and cell-surface expression differences have been noted on various cell types. Some evidence suggests variations in antigen-presenting function and intracellular activation pathways after antigen/antibody interaction. Summary The clinical effects of donor-recipient incompatibility at HLA-DQ, the risk of generating de novo antibodies leading to rejection, and the inferior graft outcomes indicate increased immunogenicity and pathogenicity that is unique to this HLA antigen. Clearly, knowledge generated for HLA-DR cannot be applied interchangeably. Deeper understanding of features unique to HLA-DQ may support the generation of targeted preventive-therapeutic strategies and ultimately improve solid-organ transplant outcomes.M.M. has been supported by the program Estades formatives internacionals en centres d’excel.lència Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron (convocatòria 2022); Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) (grant number PI22/00749) and the RICORS (Redes de Investigación Cooperativa Orientadas a Resultados en Salud) consortia by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III. A.R.T. is a Paul I Terasaki scholar and received funding from the Michael Abecassis Transplant Innovation Endowment/Northwestern University Comprehensive Transplant Program

    Estudo da evoluçao do Ensino Secundário no Brasil e no Estado do Paraná com enfase na disciplina de Matemática

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    Orientador: Zélia Milléo PavaoFalta página 172.Dissertaçao (mestrado) -Universidade Federal do Paraná. Curso de Pós-Graduaçao em EducaçaoResumo: O objetivo principal desta pesquisa foi o de estudar a evolução do ensino secundário (da 5ª série do lº Grau, à 3ª série do 2º Grau) brasileiro, com ênfase na disciplina de Matemática. Os conteúdos ministrados pelos professores desta disciplina nesses graus de ensino sofreram modificações ao longo do tempo. Nenhum auxílio mais significativo do que aquele oriundo da História poderia ser encontrado para oferecer um pano de fundo, que permitisse a discussão sobre a permanência e sobre a exclusão de determinados conteúdos programáticos desenvolvidos no ensino da Matemática. No desenvolvimento histórico da pesquisa procurou-se apresentar as influências que caracterizaram as mais importantes reformas do ensino secundário e suas repercussões nos programas de Matemática. O presente trabalho focalizou a evolução e a transformação de dois estabelecimentos de ensino - Colégio D. Pedro II e o Liceu de Curitiba que representaram, por várias décadas, modelos de instrução no Brasil e no Paraná, respectivamente. Elaborou-se um quadro ilustrativo, justapondo-se conteúdos programáticos que expressam a evolução da Matemática no ensino secundário com o propósito de conduzir a uma sistematização através do tempo, da qual poderão resultar análises mais profundas, conforme a intenção do leitor, no sentido de identificar aspectos dos conteúdos que permaneceram até nossos dias. Observou-se também, que a influência da Universidade na elaboração dos programas mínimos dos cursos de primeiro e segundo graus é importante, visto ser ela a responsável pela formação dos professores que atuam nesses graus de ensino. Pretende-se que este trabalho seja, ainda, uma fonte de reflexão, para a melhoria do ensino de lº e 2º graus da disciplina de Matemática, na escola brasileira.Abstract: L'objectif de cette recherche a été celui d'étudier l'évolution de l'enseignement sécondaire (de la 5ème du ler Degré à la 3ème du 2ème Degré) brésilien, plus spécifiquement la discipline des Mathématiques. Les contenus développés par les professeurs de cette discipline dans ces degrés d'enseignement ont souffert des modifications avec le passage du temps. Rien que l'histoire ne peut expliquer la raison pour laquelle ils sont encore enseignés jusqu'à maintenant. Dans le développement historique de cette recherche on a cherché de présenter les influences principales qui ont caracterisé les plus importantes reformes de l'enseignement sécondaire et leur épanouissement dans les programmes des Mathématiques. Cette étude a été realisêe à l'intérieur de deux établissements: Colégio Pedro II, à Rio de Janeiro et du Lycée, à Curitiba qui ont répresenté le modèle de l'enseignement sécondaire du Brésil et de l'état du Paraná. On présente un tableau illustratif avec une apposition de contenus qui expressent l'evolution des programmes des Mathématiques de l'enseignement sécondaire, avec l'intention de remettre le lecteur à analyser le motif de la consacration historique de certains contenus enseignés dans cette discipline. On a observé que l'influence de l'Universitê dans l'élaboration des programmes fondamentaux des classes du permier et du deuxième degré est necéssaire et importante pourvu qu'elle est responsabele de la formation des professeurs qui travaillent dans ces degrés d'enseignment. On prétend que ce travail soit encore une source de réfléxion dans la contribution et dans l'amélioration de l'enseignement du 1er et 2ème Degrés, dans la discipline des Mathématiques dans l'école brésilienne

    Human, Animal and Automata Attributions: an Investigation of the Multidimensionality of the Ontologization Process

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    The ontologization process involves the use of social representation relating to the human–animal binary to classify ingroup and outgroup members. To date, no study has investigated the multidimensional nature (i.e. human, animal and automata) of the ontologizing process via structural equation modelling (SEM). Four hundred and twenty-one Italian participants were asked to attribute 24 positive/negative, human/animal/automata associates to each of three target groups: typical Roma/Chinese/Italian. Results showed that the proposed six-factor model (i.e. positive/negative, human/animal/automata essence) was statistically robust for each of the three groups. The Roma group was animalized by attributing more animal negative associates than any other target group, whereas the Chinese group was mainly given a robot positive essence

    The coupling of high-pressure oceanic and continental units in Alpine Corsica: Evidence for syn-exhumation tectonic erosion at the roof of the plate interface

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    The subduction of continental crust is now a matter of fact but which are the mechanisms and the factors control- ling the exhumation of continental units and their coupling with oceanic units are still a matter of debate. We herein present the tectono-metamorphic study of selected continental units belonging to the Alpine Corsica (Corte area, Central Corsica, France). The tectonic pile in the study area features thin slices of oceanic units (i.e. Schistes Lustrés Complex) tectonically stacked between the continental units (i.e. the Lower Units), which record a pressure–temperature-deformation (P-T-d) evolution related to their burial, down to P-T-peak conditions in the blueschist facies and subsequent exhumation during the Late Cretaceous – Early Oligocene time span. The metamorphic conditions were calculated crossing the results of three different thermobarometers based on the HP-LT metapelites. The continental units only recorded the P-peak conditions of 1.2 GPa-250 °C, up to the T-peak conditions of 0.8 GPa-400 °C, and the retrograde path up to LP-LT conditions. The metamorphic record of the oceanic units includes part of the prograde path occurring before the peak conditions reached at 1.0 GPa-250 °C followed by the last metamorphic event related to LP-LT conditions. The results indicate that each unit experienced a multistage independent pressure–temperature-deformation (P-T-d) evolution and sug- gest that the oceanic and continental units were coupled during the rising of the last ones at about 10 km of depth, where the oceanic units were stored at the base of the wedge. Subsequently they were deformed together by the last ductile deformation event during exhumation. We propose a mechanism of tectonic erosion at the base of the wedge, by which slices of Schistes Lustrés Complex were removed at the roof of the plate interface during the exhumation of the Lower Units

    Development of alternative methods for the determination of raloxifene hydrochloride in tablet dosage form

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    Three methods are proposed for the quantitative determination of raloxifene hydrochloride in pharmaceutical dosage form: ultraviolet method (UV) high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and micellar capillary electrophoresis (MEKC). These methods were developed and validated and showed good linearity, precision and accuracy. Also they demonstrated to be specific and robust. The HPLC and MEKC methods were tested in regards to be stability indicating methods and they showed to have this attribute. The UV method used methanol as solvent and optimal wavelength at 284 nm, obeying Lambert-Beer law in these conditions. The chromatographic conditions for the HPLC method included: NST column C18 (250 x 4.6 mm x 5 µm), mobile phase water:acetonitrile:triethylamine (67:33:0,3 v/v), pH 3.5, flow rate 1.0 mL min;-1;, injection volume 20.0 µl, UV detection 287 nm and analysis temperature 30 °C. The MEKC method was performed on a fused-silica capillary (40 cm effective length x 50 µm i.d.) using as background electrolyte 35.0 mmol L;-1; borate buffer and 50.0 mmol L;-1; anionic detergent sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) at pH 8.8. The capillary temperature was 32°C, applied voltage 25 kV, UV detection at 280 nm and injection was perfomed at 45 mBar for 4 s, hydrodimanic mode. In this MEKC method, potassium diclofenac (200.0 µg mL;-1); was used as internal standard. All these methods were statistically analyzed and demonstrated to be equivalent for quantitative analysis of RLX in tablets and were successfully applied for the determination of the drug.;Três métodos são propostos para a quantificação de cloridrato de raloxifeno em sua forma farmacêutica de comprimidos: espectrofotometria no ultravioleta (UV), cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (HPLC) e eletroforese capilar micelar (MEKC). Estes métodos desenvolvidos e validados demonstraram linearidade, precisão e exatidão. Também foram específicos e robustos. Os métodos HPLC e MEKC foram desenvolvidos para indicar a estabilidade do fármaco e demonstraram ter este atributo. O método UV usou metanol como solvente e comprimento de onda de 284nm, obedecendo a Lei de Lambert-Beer nestas condições. Os parâmetros cromatográficos para o método HPLC foram: coluna NST C18 (250 x 4,6 mm x 5 µm), fase móvel composta de água:acetonitrila:trietilamina (67:33:0,3 v/v), pH 3,5, vazão da fase móvel de 1,0 mL min;-1;, volume de injeção de 20 µl, detecção no comprimento de onda de 287 nm e temperatura de análise de 30°C. O método MEKC foi realizado utilizando capilar de sílica fundida (40 cm de comprimento efetivo x 50 µm de diâmetro interno) usando como fase móvel solução tampão borato 35.0 mmol L;-1; e solução de dodecil sulfato de sódio (SDS) 50.0 mmol L;-1; pH 8,8. A temperatura de análise foi de 32 °C, com voltagem aplicada de 25 kV, detecção no comprimento de onda de 280 nm e injeção da amostra realizada a 45 mBar por 4 s em modo hidrodinâmico. Para este método MEKC, foi utilizado diclofenaco de potássio (200.0 µg mL;-1); como padrão interno. Todos os métodos foram analisados estatisticamente e demostraram ser equivalentes para a análise quantitativa de raloxifeno em comprimidos e foram aplicados com sucesso na determinação do fármaco.

    Full-wave modeling of lower hybrid waves on Alcator C-Mod

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Nuclear Science and Engineering, 2012.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 225-237).This thesis focuses on several aspects of the Lower Hybrid (LH) wave physics, the common theme being the development of full-wave simulation codes based on Finite Element Methods (FEM) used in support of experiments carried out on the Alcator C-Mod tokamak. In particular, two non-linear problems have been adressed: high power antenna-plasma coupling and current drive (CD). In both cases, direct solution of the wave equation allowed testing the validity of approximations which were historically done and consider full-wave effects and realistic geometries. The first code, named POND, takes into account the interaction of high power LH waves and the plasma edge based on the non-linear ponderomotive force theory. Simulations found the effect of ponderomotive forces to be compatible with the density depletion which is measured in front of the antenna in presence of high power LH waves. The second code, named LHEAF, solves the problem of LH wave propagation in a hot non- Maxwellian plasma. The electron Landau damping (ELD) effect was expressed as a convolution integral along the magnetic field lines and the resultant integro-differential Helmholtz equation was solved iteratively. A 3D Fokker-Planck code and a synthetic Hard X-Ray (HXR) diagnostic modules are used to calculate the self-consistent electron distribution function and evaluate the resulting CD and bremsstrahlung radiation. LHEAF has been used to investigate the anomalous degradation of LHCD efficiency at high density. Results show that while a small fraction of the launched power can be absorbed in the SOL by collisions, it is a strong upshift in the nii spectrum that makes the overall LHCD efficiency low by allowing the waves to Landau damp near the edge. Wavelet analysis of the full-wave fields identified spectral broadening to occur after the waves reflect and propagate in the SOL. This work explains why on Alcator C-Mod the eikonal approximation is valid only in the low to moderate density regime, and why parasitic phenomena introduced in previous work can reproduce phenomenologically well the experimental results.by Orso Meneghini.Ph.D

    Development of alternative methods for the determination of raloxifene hydrochloride in tablet dosage form

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    Three methods are proposed for the quantitative determination of raloxifene hydrochloride in pharmaceutical dosage form: ultraviolet method (UV) high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and micellar capillary electrophoresis (MEKC). These methods were developed and validated and showed good linearity, precision and accuracy. Also they demonstrated to be specific and robust. The HPLC and MEKC methods were tested in regards to be stability indicating methods and they showed to have this attribute. The UV method used methanol as solvent and optimal wavelength at 284 nm, obeying Lambert-Beer law in these conditions. The chromatographic conditions for the HPLC method included: NST column C18 (250 x 4.6 mm x 5 µm), mobile phase water:acetonitrile:triethylamine (67:33:0,3 v/v), pH 3.5, flow rate 1.0 mL min-1, injection volume 20.0 µl, UV detection 287 nm and analysis temperature 30 °C. The MEKC method was performed on a fused-silica capillary (40 cm effective length x 50 µm i.d.) using as background electrolyte 35.0 mmol L-1 borate buffer and 50.0 mmol L-1 anionic detergent sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) at pH 8.8. The capillary temperature was 32°C, applied voltage 25 kV, UV detection at 280 nm and injection was perfomed at 45 mBar for 4 s, hydrodimanic mode. In this MEKC method, potassium diclofenac (200.0 µg mL-1) was used as internal standard. All these methods were statistically analyzed and demonstrated to be equivalent for quantitative analysis of RLX in tablets and were successfully applied for the determination of the drug.Três métodos são propostos para a quantificação de cloridrato de raloxifeno em sua forma farmacêutica de comprimidos: espectrofotometria no ultravioleta (UV), cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (HPLC) e eletroforese capilar micelar (MEKC). Estes métodos desenvolvidos e validados demonstraram linearidade, precisão e exatidão. Também foram específicos e robustos. Os métodos HPLC e MEKC foram desenvolvidos para indicar a estabilidade do fármaco e demonstraram ter este atributo. O método UV usou metanol como solvente e comprimento de onda de 284nm, obedecendo a Lei de Lambert-Beer nestas condições. Os parâmetros cromatográficos para o método HPLC foram: coluna NST C18 (250 x 4,6 mm x 5 µm), fase móvel composta de água:acetonitrila:trietilamina (67:33:0,3 v/v), pH 3,5, vazão da fase móvel de 1,0 mL min-1, volume de injeção de 20 µl, detecção no comprimento de onda de 287 nm e temperatura de análise de 30°C. O método MEKC foi realizado utilizando capilar de sílica fundida (40 cm de comprimento efetivo x 50 µm de diâmetro interno) usando como fase móvel solução tampão borato 35.0 mmol L-1 e solução de dodecil sulfato de sódio (SDS) 50.0 mmol L-1 pH 8,8. A temperatura de análise foi de 32 °C, com voltagem aplicada de 25 kV, detecção no comprimento de onda de 280 nm e injeção da amostra realizada a 45 mBar por 4 s em modo hidrodinâmico. Para este método MEKC, foi utilizado diclofenaco de potássio (200.0 µg mL-1) como padrão interno. Todos os métodos foram analisados estatisticamente e demostraram ser equivalentes para a análise quantitativa de raloxifeno em comprimidos e foram aplicados com sucesso na determinação do fármaco

    Volontariato e impegno comunitario in Italia

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    Il capitolo presenta i risultati di una ricerca condotta su un campione della popolazione italiana. La ricerca intende fornire una misurazione di atteggiamenti, comportamenti e relazioni connesse con i concetti di capitale sociale e cultura civile e democratica per valutare eventuali differenze tra i cittadini che fanno o hanno fatto esperienza di volontariato e coloro che invece non hanno esperienza nelle azioni di promozione della comunit\ue0 locale

    Why donate and for what? The pseudoinefficacy bias in donating behavior

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    Charitable donations represent a possible indirect way to face the social challenge of poverty with people donating a certain amount of money independently of their social status and social roles. As such, scholarly authors devoted to the study of charity and donating behavior have proposed several models following different perspectives to explain the motivational factors and the individual conditions affecting donating behavior. In the present study, we aim at contributing to the selfish altruism model by suggesting the effect of pseudoinefficacy as possible cognitive bias which may be detrimental for deciding to donate. On the one hand, the selfish altruism model has gained notable attention as a possible explanation of the decision-making process underlying donating behavior. This model suggests that people offer aid to receive something in return or to gain a personal advantage. Such a personal benefit can be seen as the individual sense of being morally satisfied, namely, warm-glow. That is, those who donate may feel higher levels of social esteem, gratitude and respect from others which are aspects feeding their warm-glow. Individual would decide to donate by the possibility to gain moral satisfaction rather than acting for the common good. On the other hand, according to cognitive psychology, pseudoinefficacy may affect donating behaviors as an illusion of inefficacy that arises when individuals can only help some people but not others who yet are equally in need. In this sense, the phenomenon of pseudoinefficacy contributes to the selfish altruism model as an explanation of the individuals’ emotions that may reduce donors’ warm-glow. Ultimately, we propose a critical and interdisciplinary review of donating behaviors model and propose a research agenda for further investigations. Given the widespread of poverty as linked to the worldwide changes (i.e., novel pandemic of Sars-Cov-2), theoretical indications and reflections on donating behavior represent a pragmatic and moral concern whose relevance rests in the potential applied implications