203 research outputs found

    Política criminal y el delito de robo agravado, Lima Este, 2022

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    En el presente trabajo de investigación, se tuvo como objetivo general analizar cómo la política criminal incide en el delito de robo agravado, Lima Este, 2022, la investigación tuvo enfoque cualitativo porque recopiló y analizó datos no numéricos para comprender opiniones o experiencias, tipo básica porque se originó a partir de una problemática a fin de formular conocimientos y aportes nuevos, y el diseño fue de teoría fundamentada debido a que estuvo relacionado a descubrimientos de hechos para la obtención de información. Teniendo como resultado que la P.C. tiene la visión del respeto a los DD.HH. de los ciudadanos, actuando en el campo de prevención, juzgamiento y castigo del delito. Siendo que las decisiones legislativas son importantes, ya que sancionan este tipo de delito con penas muy severas con el fin de resguardar la seguridad nacional. Concluyendo que la P.C está clasificada por normas, medidas y acciones que tienen como destino incidir en el control del delito de R.A, dado que tiene como finalidad abordar, prevenir, controlar y extinguir los índices de delincuencia dentro de la sociedad

    Factores de abandono al tratamiento de la tuberculosis en la red pública de salud

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    Este estudio determina los factores de abandono al tratamiento de la tuberculosis en la red pública de salud de Cali, Colombia, durante los años 2016 a 2018. Se realizó una investigación operativa de casos y controles en la que se incluyeron 224 pacientes con tuberculosis (112 abandonaron el tratamiento y 112 lograron completarlo). Se encuentra que el abandono del tratamiento para la tuberculosis está impulsado por factores relacionados con el individuo y los servicios de salud que facilitan la no adherencia y los alejan de la atención brindada en las instituciones médicas.This study determines the factors of abandonment of tuberculosis treatment in the public health network of Cali, Colombia, during years 2016 to 2018. We conducted an operational case-control investigation including 224 patients with tuberculosis (112 abandoned treatment and 112 completed it). We found that treatment abandonment for tuberculosis is driven by factors related to the individuals and health services that facilitate non-adherence and drive them away from the care provided in medical institutions


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    Tálara, es un emprendimiento que brinda servicios presenciales y en línea enfocados en el cuidado de la salud mental fomentando el bienestar emocional para mujeres entre los 18 y 55 años, de estratos 4, 5 y 6 de la ciudad de Bogotá, transformando la accesibilidad a profesionales certificados con alta calidad, permitiendo encontrar de forma sencilla soluciones a sus afectaciones emocionales. Este funcionará por medio de una página web donde encontrarán información de acceso libre y pago, y herramientas como formularios y encuestas, que permitirán recopilar los datos de cada potencial cliente para gamificar y categorizar sus perfiles, concediendo a Tálara la posibilidad de conocer su situación emocional y proponer con ayuda de profesionales capacitados un programa comprendido por diferentes cursos que propicien y den cobertura a las necesidades de la cliente potencial, dar a conocer las políticas de la empresa, modalidades manejadas y costo final del programa propuesto. Los principales diferenciales de Tálara son: personalización del ciclo de talleres de acuerdo con la situación emocional que está atravesando la cliente potencial, espacios con profesionales certificados en la materia que permitan garantizar el apoyo y la entrega de herramientas aplicables en cualquier situación de la vida y acceso a la comunidad Tálara que tiene como principal enfoque especializarse en el cuidado de la salud mental y fomento del bienestar emocional. Tálara se encontrará disponible en el mercado a partir de enero de 2022.Tálara, is an enterprise that provides face-to-face and online services focused on mental health care promoting emotional well-being for women between 18 and 55 years of age in strata 4, 5 and 6 of the city of Bogotá, transforming accessibility to certified professionals with high quality, allowing you to easily find solutions to your emotional affectations. This will work through a web page where you will find free access information and tools such as forms and surveys, which will allow you to collect the data of each potential client to gamify and categorize their profiles, giving Tálara the possibility of knowing their emotional situation and proposing with help from trained professionals a program comprised of different courses that promote and cover the needs of the potential client, publicize company policies, managed modalities and final cost of the proposed program. The main differentials of Tálara are: customization of the workshop cycle according to the emotional situation that the potential client is going through, spaces with certified professionals in the field that will guarantee the support and delivery of tools applicable in any situation of life and access to the Tálara community whose main focus is specializing in mental health care and promoting emotional well-being. Tálara will be available in the market from January 2022.2021-08-29 01:01:02: Script de automatizacion de embargos. info:eu-repo/date/embargoEnd/2021-08-282021-07-29 19:30:02: Script de automatizacion de embargos. Marco Bloqueado pero no envio correo: se le notifico: Repositorio Institucional EdocUR Jue 29/07/2021 7:25 PM Respetadas Luisa Fernanda Mora Bermúdez, Daniela Rueda López, Maria Camila Valencia Murillo, reciban un cordial saludo, Hemos realizado la publicación de su documento: Tálara, el cual puede consultar en el siguiente enlace: https://repository.urosario.edu.co/handle/10336/31944 Identificamos que ha marcado como bloqueado y/o restringido en el formulario, pero no realizo la notificación al correo [email protected], justificando la medida restrictiva al acceso del texto completo de su obra. frente a lo cual, el documento ha quedado embargado solo por un mes hasta el 2021-08-29 en concordancia con las Políticas de Acceso Abierto de la Universidad. Si usted desea dejarlo con acceso abierto antes de finalizar dicho periodo o si por el contrario desea extender el embargo al finalizar este tiempo, puede enviar un correo a esta misma dirección realizando la solicitud. Tenga en cuenta que los documentos en acceso abierto propician una mayor visibilidad de su producción académica. De otra parte, si desea publicar su obra en una revista de prestigio, queremos invitarla a tomar una asesoría con nuestros asesores de información del CRAI, quienes podrán brindarle orientación en la identificación de una revista adecuada para su obra y acompañamiento en la edición para publicación. La solicitud de asesoría puede agendarla en el siguiente link: https://n9.cl/agendamiento_servicios_crai Quedamos atentos a cualquier inquietud o sugerenci

    Association of myostatin, a cytokine released by muscle, with inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis

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    Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, Fondo de Investigacion en Salud, FIS/IMSS/PROT/MD16/1565Supplemental Digital Content is available in the text Myostatin is a cytokine produced and released by myocytes that might have an outstanding role not only in muscle wasting during cachexia but also in inflammation. Herein we explore the association between myostatin levels and inflammatory parameters in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). One hundred twenty-seven women without rheumatic diseases and 84 women with a diagnosis of RA were assessed in a cross-sectional study. Outcomes reflecting the activity of the arthritis including Disease Activity Score (DAS28-ESR) and impairment in functioning by the Health Assessment Questionnaire-Disability Index were assessed in RA. We obtained Skeletal muscle mass index (SMI), fat-free mass index (FFMI), and fat mass index using dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry. Serum myostatin was determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Myostatin levels were correlated with disease activity and parameters of muscle mass. The SMI was lower and concentration of myostatin was higher in RA patients than in controls (P = .008 and P < .001, respectively). Myostatin significantly positively correlated with C-reactive protein (rho = 0.48, P < .001), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (rho = 0.28, P = .009), and DAS28-ESR (rho = 0.22, P = .04), and negatively correlated with SMI (rho = −0.29, P = .008), (FFMI) (rho = −0.24, P = .027). In the multivariate logistic regression analysis, levels of myostatin remained associated with disease activity in RA (P = .027). In our study, myostatin was associated with disease activity in RA patients, suggesting a mechanistic link between myostatin, muscle wasting and inflammation in RA

    Long-Term Use of Tedizolid in Osteoarticular Infections: Benefits among Oxazolidinone Drugs

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    Background: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of long-term use of tedizolid in osteoarticular infections. Methods: Multicentric retrospective study (January 2017–March 2019) of osteoarticular infection cases treated with tedizolid. Failure: clinical worsening despite antibiotic treatment or the need of suppressive treatment. Results: Cases (n = 51; 59% women, mean age of 65 years) included osteoarthritis (n = 27, 53%), prosthetic joint infection (n = 17, 33.3%), and diabetic foot infections (n = 9, 18%); where, 59% were orthopedic device-related. Most frequent isolates were Staphylococcus spp. (65%, n = 47; S. aureus, 48%). Reasons for choosing tedizolid were potential drug-drug interaction (63%) and cytopenia (55%); median treatment duration was 29 days (interquartile range -IQR- 15–44), 24% received rifampicin (600 mg once daily) concomitantly, and adverse events were scarce (n = 3). Hemoglobin and platelet count stayed stable throughout treatment (from 108.6 g/L to 116.3 g/L, p = 0.079; and 240 × 109/L to 239 × 109/L, p = 0.942, respectively), also in the subgroup of cases with cytopenia. Among device-related infections, 33% were managed with implant retention. Median follow-up was 630 days and overall cure rate 83%; among failures (n = 8), 63% were device-related infections. Conclusions: Long-term use of tedizolid was effective, showing a better safety profile with less myelotoxicity and lower drug-drug interaction than linezolid. Confirmation of these advantages could make tedizolid the oxazolidinone of choice for most of osteoarticular infections

    La Imagen Y La Narrativa Como Herramientas Para El Abordaje Psicosocial En Escenarios De Violencia. Departamentos De Cundinamarca, Boyacá Y Antioquia.

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    El abordaje psicosocial en los escenarios de violencia, toma cada día más importancia, ya que son muchas las familias que se ven afectadas por este conflicto; deteriorando el tejido social y la calidad de vida de las personas. Gracias a las diferentes técnicas y herramientas de abordaje, se ha logrado analizar estos casos e incrementar la ayuda y el apoyo a las víctimas, logrando analizar sus vivencias y minimizar el impacto de las mismas en un futuro. En este trabajo se logra analizar diferentes casos de violencia en Colombia, a través de las técnicas como la foto voz y la Narrativa, las cuales han demostrado ser de mucha utilidad. En este documento se analiza el caso del señor Modesto Pacayá, tomado del libro Voces: historias de violencia y esperanza en Colombia. El señor Modesto es originario de Puerto Nariño, amazonas; indígena Ticuna, con cinco hijos y casado. Desmovilizado de las FARC, en su relato cuenta la historia de cómo llegó con su familia a San José del Guaviare, mediante engaños, para un trabajo, el cual resultó siendo raspar coca; el mismo que por problemas de salud no pudo llevar a cabo, por lo que se dedicó a construir casas, después de un tiempo fue contratado por un comandante de la guerrilla para ingresar comida al Meta, allí duró un tiempo hasta que llegó la orden de un comandante que le informaba que tenía que hacer un curso militar y le dijeron que si no hacía el curso, se moría. Luego de realizar el curso lo ascendieron a comandante de escuadra, pero a pesar de que le mandaba dinero a su familia, no lo dejaban estar con ellos, se empezó a sentir muy mal y decidió desmovilizarse en 2007, el ejército le ayudo y lo trasladó con su familia para Bogotá, donde surgió la Oportunidad de reconstruir nuevamente su vida. Modesto validó el bachillerato. Obtuvo un proyecto productivo, con el Apoyo de la alta consejería, montó un negocio y rehízo su vida al lado de su familia. En este relato se destaca la valentía de Modesto quien decidió cambiar su historia y la de su familia, superando las Adversidades y traumas que le dejó su paso por la guerrilla; logrando salir adelante, estudiar y conformar un negocio, emancipando un mejor futuro y proyecto de vida. Finalmente, se analiza el caso de las comunidades de Cacarica, quienes fueron Víctimas de Enfrentamientos Militares por disputas por sus territorios, durante ellas, la comunidad sufrió desapariciones, asesinatos y amenazas, las cuales generaron graves problemáticas a nivel social, económico, político y cultural. Palabras Claves: Desmovilizado, Victimas, Guerrilla, Adversidades, Oportunidad, Apoyo, Enfrentamientos Militares, Narrativa.The psychosocial aproche in the scenarios of violence is becoming increasingly important, since there are many families that are affected by this conflict; deteriorating the social fabric and the quality of life of people. Thanks to the different techniques and approach tools, it has been possible to analyze these cases and increase the help and support to the victims, managing to analyze their experiences and minimize their impact in the future. In this work it is possible to analyze different cases of violence in Colombia, through techniques such as photo voice and Narrative, which have proven to be very useful. This document analyzes the case of Mr. Modesto Pacayá, taken from the book Voces: stories of violence and hope in Colombia. Mr. Modesto is originally from Puerto Nariño, Amazons; Ticuna indigenous, with five children and married. Demobilized from the FARC, in his account he tells the story of how he arrived with his family in San José del Guaviare, through deception, for a job, which turned out to be scraping coca; the same that for health problems could not be carried out, so he dedicated himself to building houses, after a while he was hired by a guerrilla commander to enter food to the Meta, there it lasted a while until the order to arrive a commander who informed him that he had to do a military course and was told that if he did not take the course, he would die. After completing the course he was promoted to squad commander, but although he sent money to his family, they did not let him be with them, he began to feel very bad and decided to demobilize in 2007, the army helped him and transferred him with his family to Bogotá, where the Opportunity arose to rebuild his life again. Modesto validated the baccalaureate. He obtained a productive project, with the support of high counseling, set up a business and banned his life next to his family. This story highlights the courage of Modesto who decided to change his story and that of his family, overcoming the Adversities and traumas left by his passage through the guerrillas; managing to get ahead, study and build a business, emancipating a better future and life project. Finally, the case of the communities of Cacarica, who were victims of military confrontations due to disputes over their territories, is analyzed, during which the community suffered disappearances, murders and threats, which generated serious problems at a social, economic, political and cultural level. Keywords: Demobilized, Victim, Guerrilla, Adversities Opportunity, Support, Military Confrontation

    Latin America and the Caribbean code against cancer: Developing evidence-based recommendations to reduce the risk of cancer in Latin America and the Caribbean

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    Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) has a population of more than 650 million inhabitants (8.5% of the world population),1 with a cancer incidence of more than 1.4 million new patients and more than 670,000 deaths in 2018. These figures will increase by 78% by 2040 to more than 2.5 million people diagnosed with cancer each year, and these patients will require medical attention, care, and support. However, many of these new cancer diagnoses can be prevented through public policies, supportive environments, and lifestyles that promote health and prevent cancer (Fig 1).2 In the LAC region, there are many organizations and institutions providing information on cancer prevention, including national cancer institutes, cancer societies and foundations, and public health agencies. Nevertheless, the information is frequently confusing, overwhelming, or even contradictory. The scientific source and credibility, as well as the primary message, differ according to the type of organization that provides the information (eg, patient organization, scientific or governmental institution).For the LAC region, a coalition of institutions and international organizations has joined forces to adapt the European Code to the cancer risks and situation in the LAC region. This involves collecting, analyzing, and evaluating the scientific evidence to support suitable cancer prevention recommendations to the LAC context. A multistakeholder participation in the project is a key approach to ensure that all players will be owners of the Code and true promoters. The coalition is composed of the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO; also part of the WHO) and the IARC as leading international organizations; a Scientific Committee of senior researchers and distinguished leaders in cancer prevention from LAC; and an Advocacy Group representing important organizations in LAC, including the Latin American and Caribbean Society of Medical Oncology, the Network of Latin-American Cancer Institutes, the Healthy Caribbean Coalition, and the Association of Latin American Leagues Against Cancer.Fil: Cazap, Eduardo. Sociedad Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Oncología Médica; ArgentinaFil: de Almeida, Liz Maria. Instituto Nacional de Câncer Brasil Jose Alencar Gomes da Silva; BrasilFil: Arrossi, Silvina. Centro de Estudios de Estado y Sociedad; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: García, Patricia J.. Universidad Cayetano Heredia; PerúFil: Garmendia, María Luisa. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Gil, Enrique. South America Pan-American Health Organization; PerúFil: Hassel, Trevor. Healthy Caribbean Coalition; BarbadosFil: Mayorga, Rubén. South America Pan-American Health Organization; PerúFil: Mohar, Alejandro. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; MéxicoFil: Murillo, Raúl. Centro Javeriano de Oncología; ColombiaFil: Owen, Gabriel O.. Healthy Caribbean Coalition; BarbadosFil: Paonessa, Diego. Liga Argentina de Lucha contra el Cancer; ArgentinaFil: Santamaría, Julio. Centro Hemato Oncológico Panamá; PanamáFil: Tortolero Luna, Guillermo. Universidad de Puerto Rico; Puerto RicoFil: Zoss, Walter. Red de Institutos e Instituciones Nacionales de Cancer; BrasilFil: Herrero, Rolando. Agencia Internacional para la Investigación del Cáncer; FranciaFil: Luciani, Silvana. Pan-American Health Organization; Estados UnidosFil: Schüz, Joachim. Agencia Internacional para la Investigación del Cáncer; FranciaFil: Espina, Carolina. Agencia Internacional para la Investigación del Cáncer; Franci

    Performance of visual inspection of the cervix with acetic acid (VIA) for triage of HPV screen-positive women: results from the ESTAMPA study

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    Q1Q1Pacientes con Virus del Papiloma Humano (VPH)VIA is recommended for triage of HPV-positive women attending cervical screening. In the multicentric ESTAMPA study, VIA performance for detection of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 3 or worse (CIN3+) among HPV-positive women was evaluated. Women aged 30-64 years were screened with HPV testing and cytology and referred to colposcopy if either test was positive. At colposcopy visit, study-trained midwives/nurses/GPs performed VIA ahead of colposcopy. VIA was considered positive if acetowhite lesions were observed in or close to the transformation zone. Ablative treatment eligibility was assessed for VIA positives. Performance indicators were estimated. Three thousand one hundred and forty-two HPV-positive women were included. Sensitivity for CIN3+ was 85.9% (95% CI 81.2-89.5) among women <50 years and, although not significant, slightly lower in women 50+ (78.0%, 95% CI 65.9-86.6). Overall specificity was 58.6% (95% CI 56.7-60.5) and was significantly higher among women 50+ (70.3%, 95% CI 66.8-73.5) compared to women <50 (54.3%, 95% CI 52.1-56.5). VIA positivity was lower among women 50+ (35.2%, 95% CI 31.9-38.6) compared to women <50 (53.2, 95% CI 51.1-55.2). Overall eligibility for ablative treatment was 74.5% and did not differ by age. VIA sensitivity, specificity, and positivity, and ablative treatment eligibility varied highly by provider (ranges: 25%-95.4%, 44.9%-94.4%, 8.2%-65.3%, 0%-98.7%, respectively). VIA sensitivity for cervical precancer detection among HPV-positive women performed by trained providers was high with an important reduction in referral rates. However, scaling-up HPV screening triaged by VIA will be challenging due to the high variability of VIA performance and providers' need for training and supervision.https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7187-9946Revista Internacional - IndexadaA1N

    Incidencia de padres y madres adolescentes en la primera infancia a partir de la consolidación del proyecto de vida.

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    Determinar la incidencia de padres y madres adolescentes en el desarrollo integral de sus hijos durante la primera infancia, a partir de la consolidación de su proyecto de vida, en la localidad de Bosa UPZ 86 porvenir.Este proyecto se presenta como una propuesta de investigación descriptiva con un enfoque cualitativo para determinar la incidencia de padres y madres adolescentes en el desarrollo integral de la primera infancia a partir de la consolidación de su proyecto de vida en la localidad de Bosa UPZ 86 Porvenir. El tema de la investigación es relevante frente a la labor como docentes, ya que el elevado número de jóvenes adolescentes que son padres influyen directamente en el desarrollo integral de los niños y niñas, puesto que se evidencia la falta de elementos que les permiten desarrollar un proyecto de vida, y a la vez establecer pautas de crianza claras que les ayuden a formar sus hijos. Teniendo en cuenta que “al año nacen cerca de 159.000 bebes de madres adolescentes, el ICBF alerto sobre esta situación y pidió esfuerzos conjuntos para trabajar en la prevención”.This project reports a descriptive qualitative research proposal to determine the incidence of teenager parents in the comprehensive development of first infancy from their life project consolidation in Bosa UPZ 86 Porvenir locality. The results show that teenager parent can confuse life project with short time goals; to prevent teenagers pregnancy is not sufficient to offer them information about contraceptive methods when they are parents then tend to repeat raising patterns that influent directly in the harmonic children development. Taking into account the information obtained during the research process, a Web page is going to be design as a tool that gather and spread clear, practical resources to guide the adolescent