7 research outputs found

    Merely a threat? Worldwide transformation as a chance of development – psychological reflection

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    The author considers the psychological aspects of globalisation, drawing attention to the possible effects of worldwide transformations. She presents definition problems and characterises the main currents and mechanisms of globalisation at the turn of the 20th and 21st century. Several standpoints of contemporaneity researchers concerning the evaluation of the effects of undergoing transformations have also been recalled. Noticing the diverse effects for development and the functioning of individuals and groups, she concentrates on a selected aspect of the living environment, namely, on diversity. She formulates the thesis that the heterogeneity of the environment, which constitutes a characteristic of globalisation, stimulates development in its various phases and fields, optimising particularly the functioning of reflective persons who enter into dialogue with contemporaneity

    Self-Education – Old Problem, New Challenge

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    Włączając się w społeczną dyskusję o samowychowaniu, autorka zwraca uwagę na ciągłość refleksji zainicjowanej przez starożytnych i podejmowanej współcześnie przez przedstawicieli różnych dziedzin humanistyki. Podkreśla, że punkt wyjścia w procesie samowychowania stanowi poznawanie siebie, wymagające zaangażowania uwagi wewnętrznej, myślenia i dialogów prowadzonych z otoczeniem oraz samym sobą. Stawia tezę, że zmiany kulturowe z przełomu XX i XXI w. – związane z ekspansją technologii informacyjnej – sprzyjają samowychowaniu o tyle, o ile towarzyszy im pogłębiona refleksyjność.While joining a social debate about self-education, the Author turns attention to the continuity of reflection initiated by the Ancient and undertaken contemporarily by representatives of different divisions of humanities. The Author underlines, that a starting point in a process of self-education is getting to know oneself, which requires engagement of internal attention, thinking, and dialogues with one’s surroundings as well as with oneself. She proposes a thesis, that cultural changes from the turn of the twenty first century – connected with expansion of information technology – foster self-education as long as they are accompanied by self-reflection

    Self-education – old problem, new challenges

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    While joining a social debate about self-education, the Author turns attention to the continuity of reflection initiated by the Ancient and undertaken contemporarily by representatives of different divisions of humanities. The Author underlines, that a starting point in a process of self-education is getting to know oneself, which requires engagement of internal attention, thinking, and dialogues with one’s surroundings as well as with oneself. She proposes a thesis, that cultural changes from the turn of the twenty first century – connected with expansion of information technology – foster self-education as long as they are accompanied by self-reflection

    Sex, affective temperaments and information stress

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    Objectives The main purpose of the study was to investigate the association between sex and the level of information stress, as mediated by affective temperaments. Material and Methods The sample consisted of 231 healthy Caucasian adults (150 women and 81 men) recruited from a general population. The participants’ age ranged 18–56 years (M±SD = 25.07±6.36). Affective temperaments were assessed using the Temperament Evaluation of Memphis, Pisa, Paris and San Diego Auto-questionnaire (TEMPS-A). To assess the level of information stress, the Information Stress Questionnaire (ISQ) was used. Results Information stress displayed low to medium positive correlations with depressive, cyclothymic, irritable and anxious temperaments, and a negative correlation with the hyperthymic temperament. The female group was characterized with significantly higher age, information stress, and anxious temperament values, and with a significantly lower irritable temperament value, when compared to males. Cyclothymic temperament, anxious temperament and hyperthymic temperament were found to be significant predictors of information stress. The mediation analysis showed a significant direct effect of sex on information stress. The anxious temperament was a significant mediator of the relationship between sex and information stress. Conclusions The results showed the relationship between sex and information stress, including the role of anxious temperament as a mediator. Int J Occup Med Environ Health. 2019;32(5):635–4

    Merely a threat? Worldwide transformation as a chance of development - psychological reflection

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    The author considers the psychological aspects of globalisation, drawing attention to the possible effects of worldwide transformations. She presents definition problems and characterises the main currents and mechanisms of globalisation at the turn of the 20th and 21st century. Several standpoints of contemporaneity researchers concerning the evaluation of the effects of undergoing transformations have also been recalled. Noticing the diverse effects for development and the functioning of individuals and groups, she concentrates on a selected aspect of the living environment, namely, on diversity. She formulates the thesis that the heterogeneity of the environment, which constitutes a characteristic of globalisation, stimulates development in its various phases and fields, optimising particularly the functioning of reflective persons who enter into dialogue with contemporaneity

    Information overload in the information age: a review of the literature from business administration, business psychology, and related disciplines with a bibliometric approach and framework development

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