3,070 research outputs found

    Dodecaceria carolinae n. sp. (Polychaeta: Cirratulidae), una especie de aguas someras del mar Caribe noroccidental

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    The cirratulid genus Dodecaceria Örsted, 1843 is well characterized by having palps inserted dorsally or laterally and branchial filaments restricted to some anterior chaetigers. The genus has species recorded from many marine environments worldwide and species are differentiated mainly by the number of branchial filaments. In this contribution, D. carolinae n. sp. is described based upon extensive materials collected in the northwestern Caribbean Sea. This species is distinguished by having 12 pairs of branchiae in two distinctive sizes, the first three four times longer than the remaining ones, and by having spoon-shaped hooks from notopodia 14-19 and from neuropodia 13-18. An analysis of the intra-specific variability, together with a table of diagnostic features and a key to all known species, is also included.El género Dodecaceria Örsted, 1843 de la familia Cirratulidae, se caracteriza por la presencia de palpos insertados dorsal o lateralmente, y filamentos branquiales restringidos a lo largo de pocos setígeros anteriores. El género tiene especies registradas en muchos ambientes marinos mundiales y las especies se diferencian usando el número de filamentos branquiales principalmente. En esta contribución, D. carolinae n. sp., se describe en base a abundante material recolectado en el mar Caribe noroccidental. Esta especie se distingue por tener 12 pares de branquias en dos tamaños distintivos, las tres primeras cuatro veces más largas que las restantes, y porque sus ganchos con forma de cuchara están presentes desde el notopodio 14-19 y el neuropodio 13-18. Se incluye también un análisis de la variabilidad intraespecífica, junto con una tabla comparativa de los atributos diagnósticos y una clave para todas las especies conocidas

    Prevalence of bullying in grassroots soccer in Spain : victims, bullies, and bystanders

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    Bullying is a social problem that has been studied most in schools but affects other social contexts. However, there is a general lack of studies on bullying in sports. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of bullying among youth soccer players. Participants were 1,980 soccer players (88.2% boys) aged 8 to 13 years (Mage = 10.5, SD = 1.68) from 25 clubs in Catalonia, Spain. An ad hoc questionnaire was administered to analyze the prevalence and characteristics of bullying from the perspective of victims, bullies, and bystanders. The overall bullying victimization rate was 8.9%, with higher rates observed in the younger categories (p < .001); 5.2% of victims experienced bullying in both their soccer club and at school. The bullying and bystander rates were 14.8% and 34.7%, respectively, with significant differences between boys and girls (15.5% of boys and 9% of girls were bullies [p < .05], while 36.4% of boys and 21.9% of girls were bystanders [p < .001]). Verbal bullying was the main type of bullying reported. The locker room and pitch were the most common locations, and victims were more likely to deal with bullying on their own than to ask for help. Bullying is present in grassroots soccer, and anti-bullying programs are needed to instill ethical and moral values in athletes and equip coaches with the necessary skills to prevent, detect, and address bullying situation

    Formación de los profesionales de la salud en un contexto asistencial con uso de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación

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    La enfermera debería incorporar nuevas habilidades en el manejo de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) que faciliten el desarrollo de su profesión. En este proceso se plantean dudas y resistencias que pueden convertirse en barreras para el desarrollo de su labor profesional. Las estrategias para vencer resistencias ante las nuevas formas de trabajar pasan por facilitar una formación correctamente planificada y adaptada a los profesionales que deben enfrentarse a estas nuevas tecnologías. Algunos de los aspectos clave relacionados con la formación de las enfermeras ante nuevas competencias y que pueden contribuir a su desarrollo exitoso en los centros asistenciales son la definición de tácticas claras de formación con identificación de buenas prácticas asistenciales como mecanismo conductor, el apoyo a las enfermeras asistenciales por parte de las gestoras que lideran los equipos asistenciales y la identificación de la predisposición de los usuarios frente a la formación. Lograr el éxito en el uso de las TIC puede residir en la participación activa de las propias enfermeras en el proceso formativo planificado, teniendo en cuenta nuevos enfoques asistenciales por vía telemática, como alternativa al actual modelo asistencial, tradicionalmente presencial

    Conocimientos y actitudes frente a la vacuna contra el COVID-19: Knowledge and attitudes towards the covid-19 vaccine

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    Objective:The objective of this research was to determine the relationship between the level of knowledge and attitudes towards the COVID-19 vaccine in the inhabitants of the province of Trujillo in the year 2021. Materials and methods:The type of study was applied, non experimental desing, with a quantitative approach, cross-sectional, and correlational level; a questionnaire for knowledge and attitudes was administered to a total of 500 adults in the province of Trujillo. &nbsp; Results: The results show that 88% of the population has a good level of knowledge about the vaccine, and 91% of them have an adequate attitude to be vaccinated. &nbsp; Conclusions: In this way, it is concluded that there is a significant relationship between the level of knowledge and attitudes towards the vaccine against COVID-19 (p value&lt;0.05).&nbsp; The level of knowledge is a protective factor (OR: 0.43; CI: 0.2318-0.8053) for an adequate attitude to be vaccinated.Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre el nivel de conocimientos y las actitudes frente a la vacuna contra el COVID 19 en los pobladores de la provincia de Trujillo en el año 2021. Métodos: El tipo de estudio fue aplicado, diseño no experimental, de enfoque cuantitativo, de corte transversal y nivel correlacional, se aplicó un cuestionario para conocimientos y actitudes a un total de 500 personas mayores de edad distribuidos en la provincia de Trujillo. Resultados: Los resultados demuestran que el 88% de la población tiene un buen nivel de conocimientos sobre la vacuna, así mismo el 91% de los mismos tiene una actitud adecuada para ser vacunados. Conclusiones:&nbsp;De esa manera se concluye que existe relación signicativa entre el nivel de conocimientos y las actitudes frente a la vacuna contra la COVID-19 (valor de p &lt;0,05). El nivel de conocimientos constituye un factor de protección (OR: 0,43; IC: 0,23-0,81) para una adecuada actitud para ser vacunado

    Prevalence of bullying in grassroots soccer in Spain: Victims, bullies, and bystanders

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    Bullying is a social problem that has been studied most in schools but affects other social contexts. However, there is a general lack of studies on bullying in sports. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of bullying among youth soccer players. Participants were 1,980 soccer players (88.2% boys) aged 8 to 13 years (Mage = 10.5, SD = 1.68) from 25 clubs in Catalonia, Spain. An ad hoc questionnaire was administered to analyze the prevalence and characteristics of bullying from the perspective of victims, bullies, and bystanders. The overall bullying victimization rate was 8.9%, with higher rates observed in the younger categories (p < .001); 5.2% of victims experienced bullying in both their soccer club and at school. The bullying and bystander rates were 14.8% and 34.7%, respectively, with significant differences between boys and girls (15.5% of boys and 9% of girls were bullies [p < .05], while 36.4% of boys and 21.9% of girls were bystanders [p < .001]). Verbal bullying was the main type of bullying reported. The locker room and pitch were the most common locations, and victims were more likely to deal with bullying on their own than to ask for help. Bullying is present in grassroots soccer, and anti-bullying programs are needed to instill ethical and moral values in athletes and equip coaches with the necessary skills to prevent, detect, and address bullying situations

    Effect of confinement by SARS-CoV-2 on the degree of steatohepatitis in university students from Reynosa, Tamaulipas

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    Introduction: Healthy lifestyles are relevant for several diseases, steatohepatitis, although little known, is common in young people. There are reasons to be concerned about homebound college youth who are at risk for steatohepatitis. By restricting the mobility of the population, the risk factors for weight gain and the intake of calorie-dense foods increase, which are elements associated with steatohepatitis. Objective: To determine the effect of confinement during the COVID-19 pandemic on the degree of steatohepatitis by comparing transient elastography results taken before and after confinement. Method: Longitudinal study. A sample of 114 young university students of random sex was included. The transient elastography technique (FibroScan) was implemented, determining the degrees of steatosis and hepatic fibrosis by performing the test before and after the confinement of the participants. Student´s t-test was used to analyse the differences in the degrees of steatohepatitis before and after confinement. Results: the degrees of steatosis during the first sampling were S0 (52.6%), S1 (14.9%), S2 (5.3%) and S3 (27.2%) (m = 250.89, DE= ± 56.91), in the second sampling were presented S0 (56.1%), S1 (13.2%), S2 (5.3%) and S3 (5.4%) (m = 243.81, DE = ± 52.330), the relation of both samples was (p = 0.131). The results in the degrees of fibrosis in the first sampling were F0 (91.4%), F1 (6.1%). F2 (2.6%) (m= 4.80, DE = ±1.11), in the second F1 (95.6%), F2 (3.5) and F2 (0.9%) (m = 4.33, DE = ±1.16) and the relation of the two sampling was (p= 0.000). Conclusions: The degrees of hepatic fibrosis presented significant changes, on the other hand, steatosis tends to decrease, but the change is not significant, however, it is necessary to investigate with third variables to detect other factors involved in the changes

    Autonomous competences and quality of professional life of paediatric nurses in primary care, their relationship and associated factors: a cross-sectional study

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    Aims and Objectives: To identify the autonomous competences and quality of professional life of paediatric nurses in primary care, their relationship and possible associated factors. Background The autonomous competences of paediatric nurses vary among healthcare providers in Catalonia, Spain. Autonomy is related to quality of professional life, but little is known about autonomous competences and other factors contributing to paediatric nurses' quality of professional life. Design A cross-sectional study following the STROBE statement. Methods Data from 206 paediatric primary care nurses were analysed. A self-administered survey consisting of an ad hoc questionnaire and a validated instrument to measure quality of professional life (QPL-35 questionnaire) was conducted. Descriptive, bivariate and general multivariate regression analyses were used to identify the relationship between autonomous competences and quality of professional life, and its predicting factors. Results 47.6% nurses reported a medium level of autonomous competences, 46.6% a high level, and 5.8% a low level. Quality of professional life was medium-high for the domains perception of managerial support and global perception of workload and for the item disconnect from work after work shift, and very high and high values for the domain intrinsic motivation and for the item quality of work life, respectively. Autonomous competences and perceived autonomy were factors associated with quality of professional life. Other associated factors were academic background, specific training and being a paediatric nurse specialist. Conclusions Paediatric nurses in primary care have a medium-high level of autonomous competences and they perceive a high level of autonomy. Autonomous competences and level of perceived autonomy are predictors of quality of professional life. Relevance to clinical practice Enhancing paediatric nurses' autonomous competences and academic background, receiving specific training and being paediatric nurse specialists might improve their quality of professional life, healthcare quality and outcomes for the child population

    GDF15 mediates the metabolic effects of PPARβ/δ by activating AMPK

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    Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor β/ (PPARβ/) activates AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and plays a crucial role in glucose and lipid metabolism. Here, we examined whether the beneficial effects of PPARβ/δ activation depended on growth differentiation factor 15 (GDF15), a stress response cytokine that regulates energy metabolism. Pharmacological PPARβ/δ activation increased GDF15 levels and ameliorated glucose intolerance, fatty acid oxidation, endoplasmic reticulum stress, inflammation and activated AMPK in HFD-fed mice, whereas these effects were abrogated by the injection of a GDF15 neutralizing antibody and in Gdf15-/- mice. The AMPK-p53 pathway was involved in the PPARβ/δ-mediated increase in GDF15, which in turn activated again AMPK. Finally, Gdf15-/- mice showed reduced AMPK activation in skeletal muscle, whereas GDF15 administration resulted in AMPK activation in this organ. Collectively, these data reveal a novel mechanism by which PPARβ/δ activation increases the levels of GDF15 via AMPK and p53, which in turn mediates the metabolic effects of PPARβ/δ by sustaining AMPK activation. Abbreviations: Acadm, acyl-CoA dehydrogenase medium chain; Acox, acyl-CoA oxidase; AMPK, AMP-activated protein kinase; ATF4, activating transcription factor 4; BiP/GRP78, Binding immunoglobulin protein/78-kDa glucose-regulated protein; CC, compound C; Chop, C/EBP homologous protein; Cpt-1, carnitine palmitoyl-transferase 1; eIF2eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 ER, endoplasmic reticulum; ERK, extracellular signal-regulated kinase; FGF21, fibroblast growth factor 21; GDF15, growth differentiation factor 15; GFRAL, glial-derived neurotrophic factor receptor α-like; HFD, high-fat diet; Pdk4, pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4; IRS, insulin receptor substrate; PGC-1PPAR co-activator 1 PPAR peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor; SOCS3, suppressor of cytokine signaling 3; STAT3, signal transducer and activator of transcription 3; Vldlr, very-low density lipoprotein receptor

    Using positive deviance in the prevention and control of MRSA infections in a Colombian hospital: a time-series analysis

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    Positive Deviance (PD) is a process to achieve a social and cultural change. This strategy has been used for the control of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection in some health institutions in the United States, but has rarely been adopted in institutions from developing countries where resources are limited. We describe our experience of PD in the control of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) due to MRSA in a Colombian hospital with the aim of reducing HAI rates through a cultural change in processes. A time-series study was conducted based on the MRSA-HAI rate and the number of months with zero MRSA infections before and after application of PD (2001-2012). On comparing the pre-intervention and intervention periods, the mean overall rates of MRSA-HAI was 0·62 and 0·36, respectively (P = 0·0005); the number of months with zero MRSA-HAIs were 3/70 and 12/74 (odds ratio 0·264, 95% confidence interval 0·078-0·897); the percentage of MRSA-HAIs was 53·2% and 41·0%. These results are consistent with other published data. Implementation of PD was associated with a significant reduction of MRSA-HAIs, it did not involve high costs and the changes have been lasting
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