38 research outputs found

    Appunti di metrologia mercantile genovese

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    This work starts from one of the most complex issues that the economic operator of the late Middle Ages had to face in order to carry out his activities, namely a constantly up-to-date understanding of the systems of weights and measures in use on the different markets, in order to rationally set their business strategies. The critical analysis of the best-known market practices and of an impressive amount of documents from the business archive of the merchant Francesco Datini from Prato (common and specialised correspondence, accounting) allowed to identify Genoa’s weight system - a privileged point of view - and to compare it with the systems of other countries, which had an economic relationship with the city. Moreover, it has been possible to define the packaging used , goods by goods, with their relative weights and tares

    Chapter Il quadro iniziale

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    The present contribution is divided into three sections. The first deals with the features of Italian inner areas and their criticalities; it infers that Community-based cooperatives may well represent a regeneration tool for marginal areas. The second highlights Community-based cooperatives historic development dynamic, starting from the end of 19th century to modern times. The last section discusses the legal aspects of these cooperatives, both in internal relationships among members, and in the relations with external institutions

    The Genoa Company: Disappointed Expectations

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    La tavola di Francesco e della sua famiglia allargata

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    Guerre, epidemie e privato: il contenuto extra-economico del carteggio commerciale

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    Tra le caratteristiche più sorprendenti e significative del carteggio commerciale di fine Trecento emerge la sua straordinaria abbondanza di contenuti molto diversi. I mercanti del tempo riversano nelle loro lettere informazioni di tipo economico, politico, sanitario, religioso, sociale, artistico e privato, nell’accezione più ampia del termine, offrendo così agli studiosi odierni una fonte originalissima per un approccio multidisciplinare, un materiale utile non soltanto per la storia economica del tardo XIV secolo ma anche per la storia politica, sanitaria, religiosa, materiale, culturale, della mentalità e delle relazioni interpersonali di questo periodo

    La compagnia di Genova tra aspettative e delusioni

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    Genova e Avignone alla fine del Trecento: rapporti commerciali e prezzi

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    Dottorato di ricerca in storia economica. 11. ciclo. Tutore L. Frangioni. Coordinatore L. De MatteoConsiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome; Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale - P.za Cavalleggeri, 1, Florence / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal