9 research outputs found
Artisanal fishing characterization and spatio-temporal occurrence of marine shrimp (Crustacea, Decapoda, Penaeidae) in the littoral of Lucena, Paraíba, Brazil
The present study distinguishes types of fishing activities. It records the most economically exploited shrimps in the municipality of Lucena, Paraíba, Xiphopenaeus kroyeri (“espigudo”), and Penaeus schmitti (white shrimp). From October 2014 to October 2015, samples containing 700 gr of shrimp were collected at three sites of artisanal fishing. Data on temperature, ammonium, nitrate, nitrite, chlorophyll-a, salinity, pH, and dissolved oxygen were recorded. Two different shrimp species are commercially used in the region, of 2,628 sampled individuals, X. kroyeri predominated, with 1,957 individuals, followed by P. schmitti, with 671 individuals. At localities 1 (in Lucena beach) and 2 (Fagundes beach) both species were present, the X. kroyeri being predominant, but at locality 3 (Costinha beach) only the P. schmitti was recorded. The regional wet season influenced salinity during the months of the year, producing positive or negative correlations among species found at each locality depending on what was analysed. It is relevant to understand the relationship between fishing resources and environmental variables which provide information about fishing dynamics and permits the development of strategies for the maintenance of stocks and fishing areas, as well as permitting the establishment of public regulations for the better preservation and conservation of marine areas and estuaries on which many species depend for the completion of their life cycles.
Population dynamics of Moina minuta Hansen (1899), Ceriodaphnia cornuta Sars (1886), and Diaphanosoma spinulosum Herbst (1967) (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) in different nutrients (N and P) concentration ranges
AIM: Aquatic environments of semi-arid regions are subject to changes in water quality and volume due to short and irregular rain seasons. Consequently, zooplankton composition changes in association to fluctuations in the trophic degree. To comprehend these processes, this study analyzed the influence of nutrient concentrations (N and P) on the population dynamics of three species of Cladocera - Moina minuta, Ceriodaphnia cornuta, and Diapahnosoma spinulosum - from the Taperoá II Dam, Paraíba, Brazil; METHODS: Animals were experimentally submitted to different nutrient concentrations as a means to reproduce specific trophic conditions from natural environments. Zooplankton densities were evaluated once every three days, with food (i.e. algal cultures) being supplied in alternate days. To compare population growth, an ANOVA was performed, followed by Tukey's HSD post-hoc test; RESULTS: The population growth of the three species differed significantly both among species and among treatments. Moina minuta populations showed higher growth rates under higher nutrient concentrations, whereas Ceriodaphnia cornuta growed more efficiently in intermediate concentrations, and Diaphanosoma spinulosum showed a better development in low nutrient concentrations; CONCLUSIONS: The results from the experimental approach, presented here, are similar to what is observed in the field, based on previous studies carried out in the Taperoá II Dam. Therefore, these results suggest that the hydrological cycle seems to be the major determinant of zooplankton population dynamics in aquatic semi-arid environment
The influence of fish culture in floating net cages on microbial indicators of water quality
This work was carried out to analyse the microbiological parameters of the water quality of a reservoir used for the irrigation and culture of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in floating net cages. The physico-chemical parameters, counts of mesophilic total aerobic bacteria, total and thermotolerant coliforms and fecal streptococci, and the presence of Escherichia coli in samples of water collected in three sites of the reservoir (pre-culture site, culture site, post-culture site) were analysed. The levels of ammonia (0.047-0.059 mg/L), nitrite (0.001-0.021 mg/L) and total phosphorus (0.050-0.355 mg/L) in the water did not show significant differences (p > 0.05) between sampling sites. The levels of total bacteria in the water varied between 1.3 x 104 and 67.3 x 104 CFU/100 mL. The MPN values of thermotolerant coliforms (< 930 MPN/100 mL) were within values recommended for water used for fish culture and/or irrigation. The presence of E. coli and fecal streptococci were verified in 48% and 56% of analysed samples, respectively. The site with floating net cages showed more samples contaminated with E. coli and fecal streptococci than other sampling points
A política ambiental de uma universidade pública em ação: desafios para uma gestão integrada e descentralizada
: A gestão ambiental nas universidades foi impulsionada pela Instrução Normativa nº10/2012 que institui as regras para a elaboração dos Planos de Gestão de Logística Sustentável – PGLS e a criação da Comissão de Gestão Ambiental para o PGLS. O objetivo geral da pesquisa é analisar criticamente a atuação da CGA por meio da Política Ambiental da UFPB e seus desafios para a gestão ambiental universitária. Para isso, o método utilizado foi a pesquisa exploratória, documental e de campo, com abordagem qualitativa. Realizou-se uma entrevista estruturada com os coordenadores da CGA, em que as respostas foram analisadas pelo seu conteúdo, dialogando com a política ambiental da UFPB. Os principais resultados apontam que a CGA da UFPB existe há oito anos e, atualmente, encontra-se reestruturada e mais enfraquecida institucionalmente, já que o gabinete da reitoria cancelou os repasses financeiros para esse órgão. Com isso, os seus programas e projetos se tornaram ações permanentes de extensão vinculados à Pró-Reitoria de Extensão da UFPB. A contribuição teórico-empírica permite apontar lacunas existentes na Política Ambiental da UFPB, que pode ser reformulada sob a perspectiva da descentralização institucional, bem como na atuação da CGA para todos os campi da UFPB
Effects of experimental eutrophization on zooplankton community
AIMS: The present study evaluated the role that increased nutrient concentrations play on zooplankton community, by employing an experimental laboratory approach. METHODS: Experiments were conducted in the laboratory, where three trophic state conditions were simulated, namely, mesotrophic, eutrophic and hypereutrophic. Each treatment was replicated three times and individuals of Brachionus urceolaris (10 individuals), Hexarthra mira (5) (Rotifera), Latonopsis sp. (10), Moina minuta (10) (Cladocera) and Thermocyclops sp. (5) (Copepoda) were introduced to each replicate. On the first experiment day, and at 7-day intervals for a 14-day period (totaling three evaluations), all water content was collected from each container and filtered to determine the densities of each zooplankton species. Two-way MANOVA and one-way ANOVA designs were used to determine zooplankton density fluctuations among treatments and throughout the study period. Further, Generalized Linear Models (GLMs) were employed to assess how environmental factors affected zooplankton numbers. Phytoplankton composition was also determined in the beginning and in the end of the experiment. RESULTS: B. urceolaris and copepod nauplii, which are typical of eutrophic environments, showed higher densities on the eutrophic and hypereutrophic treatments. Furthermore, cyanobacteria such as Aphanothece sp. and Merismopedia sp. were recorded on the eutrophic and hypereutrophic treatments, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Similarly to what is frequently observed in the wild, the eutrophic treatment showed higher densities of particular zooplankton species which are known to temporarily benefit from an increase in trophic concentrations. Positive or negative responses from zooplankton dynamics (but also phytoplankton species), provide an important bioindicator framework. Furthermore, results of the present study outline the need for implementing recovery measures on aquatic environments subject to constant nutrient inputs
Effects of net cages on the vertical distribution of zooplankton in a semi-arid reservoir, northeastern Brazil
AIM: Carneiro reservoir is an aquatic environment used for net cage aquaculture activities, located in the semi-arid region of northeastern Brazil. Vertical distribution was evaluated in order to determine the effects of organic enrichment induced by aquaculture on zooplankton movements. METHODS: three replicate samples were collected during midday and midnight at each of three depths along the water column (i.e. surface: 0 m; middle: 2 m and bottom: 4 m) at two sites (near and far from the net cages). Samples were collected using a 3 L volume capacity Van Dorn bottle. The collected individuals were preserved in a 4% formaldehyde solution saturated with sugar and, later, identified and counted on a Sedgwick-Rafter chamber under a microscope, considering a minimum of 100 individuals per subsample. RESULTS: higher species richness and density were observed at the N station (nearby the net cages) compared to the F station (distant from the net cages). With few exceptions, Rotifer species did not exhibit typical vertical migration patterns, concentrating at bottom depths during daytime and at intermediate depths during nighttime. Brachionus dolabratus and Hexarthra mira were the only species to show reverse vertical migration at the N station, in opposition to patterns of the cyclopoid copepod Termocyclops crassus. Furthermore, vertical migration patterns were not clear for Cladocera and Copepoda species nearby the net cages, but were rather clear at the F station. CONCLUSIONS: the presence of fish net cages increased zooplankton species richness (mostly rotifers) and density. Vertical movements were more pronounced at sites distant from net cages, suggesting that the increased food availability reduced the need for the typical vertical movements during daytime at sites nearby the net cages
Piscivory by Hoplias aff. malabaricus (Bloch, 1794): a question of prey availability?
AIM: In order to understand the factors which influence the predatory activity of the Hoplias aff. malabaricus, the present study evaluated feeding habits of this species and its relation to prey availability, in addition to environmental variables. METHODS: Six samplings were conducted in the Taperoá II reservoir, semi-arid of Paraíba state, Brazil, between October 2005 and October 2006. Measures were taken: rainfall, the reservoir volume, transparency, dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia and phosphate. The activity, diet and feeding habits of H. aff. Malabaricus, from the method of frequency of occurrence of food items and point methods, conjugates in IAI (Alimentary Index). Spearman correlation analysis, a glm and CCA were performed between biotic and abiotic variables, and we used the CPUE as a measure of fish abundance. RESULTS: Eleven taxa of fish were recorded, four of which were predated by adult "trahira". Insects and other items were also common in the stomachs of juveniles. According to statistical analysis, it was observed that the highest consumption of cichlids was correlated with its increase in CPUE in the environment, while no relationship was observed for A. bimaculatus, C. bimaculatum and S. notonota abundances. The environmental factors as nutrients, transparency and water volumn were related to selection of species by trahira. CONCLUSIONS: Intrinsic characteristics of preys as swimming speed, food habit and the food preference of the predator possibly be the main factors to selection of species. Other mechanisms as heterogeneity of habitat and environmental factors can also influence the consumption of prey by trahir
Aquatic systems in semi-arid Brazil: limnology and management Ecossistemas aquáticos do semi-árido brasileiro: aspectos limnológicos e manejo
Aquatic systems in semi-arid Brazil include natural shallow lakes, artificial reservoirs and intermittent streams and rivers. These systems are distinctive features in the semi-arid landscape and comprise a range of associated systems functioning as an ever-changing mosaic of dry/wet patches. Lakes and reservoirs in semi-arid Brazil are subject to important periods of water shortages, whereas rivers and streams are characterized as highly variable and driven by the extremes of water flow and its absence. Within this view a catchment-scale approach must be used to create a holistic model to conceptualize and comprehend these aquatic systems, since the aquatic environment types in the semi-arid region of Brazil incorporate broader aspects within the catchment scale such as geomorphology, vegetation, climate and land use. This paper summarizes some of the information on the aquatic systems of the Brazilian semi-arid region and shows the importance of limnological studies in this region. It also attempts to establish perspectives for future research considering the catchment as a scale for surveying biological processes and limnological characteristics of the various aquatic systems. It is presented information on their overall structure and functioning, as well as characteristics of some biological communities, such as phytoplankton, periphyton, aquatic macrophytes, benthic invertebrates and fish. The importance of the understanding of eutrophication in reservoirs and the role of the dry phase in streams is emphasized, and information on possible actions of planning and management to improve water quality of reservoirs are presented.<br>Os ecossistemas no semiárido brasileiro englobam lagos rasos naturais, reservatórios artificiais e rios e riachos intermitentes. Estes sistemas são particularidades na paisagem do semiárida e compreendem uma grande variedade de sistemas associados, funcionando como um mosaico em constante mudança entre épocas de seca e chuva. Lagos e reservatórios no semiárido brasileiro estão sujeitos a importantes períodos de escassez de água, enquanto que os rios e riachos são caracterizados como altamente variáveis e impulsionados pelos extremos de fluxo de água e sua ausência. Dentro desta perspectiva uma abordagem em escala de bacia hidrográfica deve ser usada para se criar um modelo holístico para conceituar esses sistemas aquáticos, uma vez que os tipos de ambientes aquáticos na região semiárida do Brasil incorporam aspectos mais amplos dentro da escala de bacia hidrográfica como geomorfologia, clima, vegetação e uso da terra. Este artigo sintetiza algumas das informações sobre os sistemas aquáticos da região semiárida brasileira e mostra a importância de estudos limnológicos nesta região. Ele também tenta estabelecer perspectivas para pesquisas futuras considerando a bacia hidrográfica como uma escala para levantamento de processos biológicos e as características limnológicas dos vários sistemas aquáticos. É apresentada informações sobre sua estrutura e funcionamento geral, bem como características de algumas comunidades biológicas, tais como o fitoplâncton, perifíton, macrofitas aquáticas, invertebrados bentônicos e peixes. A importância do entendimento da eutrofização em reservatórios e o papel da fase de seca em riachos são enfatizados, e informações sobre possíveis ações de planejamento e gestão para melhorar a qualidade da água dos reservatórios são apresentados
Aquatic systems in semi-arid Brazil: limnology and management
Aquatic systems in semi-arid Brazil include natural shallow lakes, artificial reservoirs and intermittent streams and rivers. These systems are distinctive features in the semi-arid landscape and comprise a range of associated systems functioning as an ever-changing mosaic of dry/wet patches. Lakes and reservoirs in semi-arid Brazil are subject to important periods of water shortages, whereas rivers and streams are characterized as highly variable and driven by the extremes of water flow and its absence. Within this view a catchment-scale approach must be used to create a holistic model to conceptualize and comprehend these aquatic systems, since the aquatic environment types in the semi-arid region of Brazil incorporate broader aspects within the catchment scale such as geomorphology, vegetation, climate and land use. This paper summarizes some of the information on the aquatic systems of the Brazilian semi-arid region and shows the importance of limnological studies in this region. It also attempts to establish perspectives for future research considering the catchment as a scale for surveying biological processes and limnological characteristics of the various aquatic systems. It is presented information on their overall structure and functioning, as well as characteristics of some biological communities, such as phytoplankton, periphyton, aquatic macrophytes, benthic invertebrates and fish. The importance of the understanding of eutrophication in reservoirs and the role of the dry phase in streams is emphasized, and information on possible actions of planning and management to improve water quality of reservoirs are presented