3 research outputs found

    Análise do processo de previsão de demanda de uma empresa de grande porte do ramo alimentício

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    Trabalho de conclusão de curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia de Produção, 2016.Cada vez mais as empresas buscam implementar estratégias para aumentar a eficiência e eficácia dos seus processos. Nesse sentindo, as empresas têm acompanhado frequentemente as variáveis que influenciam a sua performance operacional, já que se não se adaptarem às mudanças de mercado, buscando melhorar os seus processos produtivos, elas perdem espaço no mundo globalizado. O planejamento e controle da produção (PCP) se torna essencial ao gerenciamento das organizações, uma vez que traz um aumento na eficiência dos sistemas produtivos. Um dos pilares do PCP é o planejamento de vendas e operações, e o seu ponto de partida é a previsão de demanda, pois é o primeiro passado para que as atividades sejam devidamente programadas. Considerando tais pressupostos, este Projeto de Graduação teve como objetivo analisar o processo de previsão de demanda de uma empresa de grande porte do ramo alimentício e identificar e analisar os principais erros dentro do processo; para tanto fez-se necessário o levantamento do atual processo realizado na empresa e os indicadores utilizados. Para isso, foram feitas entrevistas e coletas nos bancos de dados utilizados pela empresa. Colhidos e analisados os dados, detectou-se que as causas dos principais erros de previsão foram coerentes com o que diz a literatura, como conjuntura econômica e social e clima, por exemplo. O principal motivo discutido no trabalho foi o desalinhamento entre as áreas dentro da empresa, havendo oportunidades a serem exploradas. Logo, pôde-se concluir que um processo bem estruturado e consolidado dentro de uma empresa não garante a acuracidade de sua previsão de vendas.Companies increasingly seek to implement strategies to increase the efficiency of their processes. In this sense, companies have often followed the variables that influence their operational performance, since if they do not adapt to market changes, looking to improve their production processes, they lose space in the globalized world. The planning and production control (PCP) becomes essential to the management of the organizations, since it brings an increase in the efficiency of the productive systems. One of the pillars of PCP is sales and operations planning and its starting point is demand forecasting and that is the starting point for activities to be properly programmed. Therefore, this Graduation Project had the objective of analyzing the demand forecasting process of a large food company and identifying and analyzing the main errors within the process, being necessary the characterization of the current process of the company and the indicators that are used. For this, interviews and data collections were made in the data bases used by the company. In general, the causes of the main forecasting errors were current with what the literature says, such as economic and social environment and climate. The main reason discussed in the study was the misalignment between the areas within the company, with opportunities to be explored. Therefore, it can be concluded that a well-structured and consolidated process within a company does not guarantee the accuracy of its sales forecast

    A project based learning approach for production planning and control : analysis of 45 projects developed by students

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    The project-based learning (PBL) approach has been a part of the University of Brasilia's programme from the inception of its Industrial Engineering syllabus. Production Systems Project 4 course is one among eight courses that drive the utilization of PBL approach at the curriculum, the subject of this study, in which we present a set of analyses of the projects developed between 2013 and 2016. The projects involved real-world problems, related to public and private sector enterprises in Brazil’s Federal District. The conducted analyses aimed to identify the organizations’ profiles and the PPC (Production Planning and Control) techniques which were used to achieve project objectives. Therefore, statistical analyses were performed, such as Correlation Analysis, Cluster Analysis, as well as qualitative documental analysis. The results of this study indicate the profile of external partners that have the highest probability of achieving satisfactory results, as well as the main planning elements which impact the final grades of the projects