2,345 research outputs found

    Para uma pedagogia da educação pré-escolar: fundamentos e conceitos

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    A definiÁ„o de conceitos est· sempre relacionada com a especificidade do contexto, com o espaÁo e tempo em que È feita, n„o havendo boas nem m·s definiÁıes. N„o h· definiÁıes ̇nicas, estando estas dependentes do ponto de vista de quem as apresenta. Partir deste princÌpio È fundamental para n„o reforÁar pressupostos redutores que impedem considerar a verdadeira amplitude e complexidades das questıes analisadas. Falando de Pedagogia da EducaÁ„o PrÈ-escolar , h· de imediato 3 conceitos que È importante tentar definir: Pedagogia ; EducaÁ„o ; PrÈ-escolar . Os trÍs tÍm significados demasiado vastos que impedem uma ̇nica e simples definiÁ„o, articulando-se com outros conceitos vizinhos que muitas vezes confundimo

    Jocs olímpics i educació : l'esport i l'escola de Barcelona'92

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    Aquest text és la transcripció de la intervenció de la Sra. M. Antònia Cardona, professora de Pedagogia de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, en el Curs Universitari sobre Olimpisme que va organitzar el Centre d'Estudis Olímpics (CEO-UAB), el mes de febrer de 1991. En ell es tracta el tema de l'educació en els Jocs olímpics a l'escola.Este texto es la transcripción de la intervención de la Sra. M. Antònia Cardona, profesora de Pedagogía de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, en el Curso Universitario sobre Olimpismo que organizó el Centro de Estudios Olímpicos (CEO-UAB), el mes de febrero de 1991. En él se trata el tema de la educación en los Juegos olímpicos a la escuela.This text is the transcription of the intervention of Mrs. M. Antònia Cardona, professor of Science of Education at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, in the University Course on Olimpism that was organized by the Olympic Studies Centre (CEO-UAB), in February of 1991. The main subject is the education on the Olympic Games in the school

    Transporte de animales de compañía en la Unión Europea

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    Treball presentat a l'assignatura de Deontologia i Veterinària Legal (21223

    Developmental motor profile in preschool children with primary stereotypic movement disorder

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    Aim. Different neuropsychological dysfunctions have been described in children with primary Stereotypic Movement Disorder (SMD), mainly attention or motor coordination problems. Up to now with no study has evaluated psychomotor functions in preschoolers primary SMD. The aim of this observational study was to gather information on the motor profiles of SMD patients in this age range in comparison with typically developing children. Patients and Methods. Twenty-six children (four girls) aged 36 to 76 months (mean= 53 ±10) with primary SMD were assessed by a structured evaluation including the Movement Assessment Battery for Children-Second Edition (MABC-2), the Beery-Buktenica Developmental test of Visual-Motor Integration (VMI), the Repetitive Behaviour Scale-Revised (RBS-R), the Motor Severity Stereotypy Scale (MSSS), and the Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL). The diagnoses of Intellectual Disability or Autism Spectrum Disorder were exclusion criteria from the study. A comparison group of twenty-seven (four girls) typically developing children without stereotypies aged 36 to 59 months (mean= 48 ±7) was also examined. Results. The MABC-2 total score was lower than 15th percentile in fifteen children with SMD (58%); the worst performances were observed in Balance and Manual Dexterity subtests. The motor coordination score of VMI was lower than 15th percentile in ten children (38%). The majority of the children with low scores at MABC-2 also had low scores at the motor coordination subscale of VMI. MABC-2 standard scores of the clinical group were significantly lower than those of controls on MABC-2 Total, Balance, and Ball Skills subtests. Conclusion. The finding of widespread dysfunction of gross and fine motor abilities in preschoolers with primary SMD seems to delineate a peculiar phenotype and could provide new approaches to the management of this neurodevelopment disorder

    Redes sociales y museos. Cambios en la interacción cultural

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    El desarrollo y difusión del uso de la web 2.0 entre los ciudadanos es ya una realidad.Las redes sociales han entrado en nuestras vidas,cambiando nuestra forma de comunicarnos e interactuar. Los museos no deben estar al margen de esta tendencia, y desde hace unos años en nuestro país ya son numerosas las instituciones que apuestan por el uso de la web 2.0. En este artículo presentamos una aproximación a esta utilización, consejos de un community manager para su gestión y las publicaciones más interesantes sobre este tema en nuestro país

    Plan de marketing digital bike elevate

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    En un ambiente económico que se encuentra completamente saturado de publicidad y donde los consumidores son cada vez menos fieles a las marcas, es necesario sobresalir en otras plataformas que estén más acordes a las tendencias actuales. Por esta razón, es indispensable que las compañías tengan presencia a nivel digital y realicen planes estratégicos especiales para este medio. El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar un plan de mercadeo digital aplicando todos los conocimientos vistos para una empresa, teniendo en cuenta costos, presupuesto y demás variables que pueden afectar el desarrollo del mismo.In an economic environment that is completely saturated with advertising and where consumers are less loyals to brands, it is necessary to stand out in other platforms that are more related with current trends. For this reason, it is essential that companies have a digital presence and make special strategic plans for this medium. The objective of this work is to make a digital marketing plan applying all the knowledge seen for a company, taking into account costs, budget and other variables that can affect the development of it

    The analytical tools to work gender-equality issues at the pedagogical practices and formative level

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    We will present a project developed with the support of the Comissão para a Cidadania e Igualdade de Género» (CIG ) - Committee for Citizenship and Gender Equality which intends to study the way teachers (in the preschool and elementary school) work on gender questions with the children and the difficulties they have and feel in that work. We will also present some results from the data analysis we gathered, directly from the classes, about the children’s gender representations (what is it to be a man, woman, boy and girl); the teachers and children’s "good student" representations and also their implications in the boys’ and girls’ school performances. Based on this work we intend to build resources and analytical tools to improve gender-equality issues in pedagogical practices and in teacher training. In the workshop, we also presented how this material can help teachers’ reflection about their own educative and pedagogical work.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Probiotics in gnotobiotic mice: Short-chain fatty acids production in vitro and in vivo

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    Several bacterial strains are currently used as probioties. Sixteen of them belonging to the genera: Bifidobacterium. Enterococcus. Lactobacillus and Streptococcus, were selected to test short-ehain fatty acids (StJFAs) production in w‘tm and/‘er in viva. The probiotic strains were monoeultivated in specific media and/or monoassoeiated with NMRl-Kl germfree (GF) mice. The individual and total amounts of SCFAs were measured in the media and in the large intestinal content of the ex-GF mice. All the samples were assayed by gas-liquid chromatography. We found that commercially available media contain detectable amounts of acetic and propionic acids. When cultivated in vitro. none of the probiotie strains was able to increase the amounts of SCFAS present in the medium. Rather, a tendency to lowering the concentration of SCFAs following cultivation. was observed. We also found that commercially available laboratory rodents chow contained detectable amount of all SCFAs. When the probiotics were monoinoculated t0 GF animals, nine out of sixteen groups of mice showed higher amount of intestinal SCFAS than in the GF control group. Acetic acid was the dominant one. In all eases. however, the values of the SCFAs were far from those found in conventional mice.The results clearly underline the importance of working with laboratory animals with a known flora. i. e. gnotobiotie animals, when the biochemical “profile" eta prohiotie is worked out

    Mortalidad por accidente de tránsito en el adulto mayor en Colombia

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    OBJECTIVE To analyze the traffic accident mortality in the Colombian older adults during the 1998-2012 period and show the loss of productive years and mortality from this cause. METHODS Quantitative study of the trend analysis of deaths in Colombia in traffic accidents, from 1998 to 2012, according to death records and population projected by the Colombian National Administrative Department of Statistics. Frequency distribution profile of the deceased, death rates per hundred thousand inhabitants, potential years of life lost and calculation of excess mortality by age in the over 60 were made. RESULTS In the study period 100,758 deaths occurred in traffic accidents, 6,717 annual average, of which 18.5% occurred in people aged 60 years and over. The predominated deaths were men; the risk of dying was 32.15 per hundred thousand people in this age range, with double risk of dying those under 60 years. CONCLUSIONS The young population has a higher proportion of deaths, but those over 60 years are at increased risk of death, leading to the need to turn our gaze to the improvement of road infrastructure and standards, to educate the population in self-care and compliance with safety measures and prepare society for an ever more adult population, more numerous and more prone to take risks.RESUMEN OBJETIVO Analizar la mortalidad por accidente de tránsito en el adulto mayor de Colombia. MÉTODOS Estudio cuantitativo del análisis de tendencias de las muertes ocurridas en Colombia por accidentes de tránsito entre 1998 y 2012, según los registros de defunción y la población proyectada para estos años, del Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadísticas. Se realizaron distribuciones de frecuencias del perfil de los fallecidos, tasas de mortalidad por 100 mil habitantes, años potenciales de vida perdidos y cálculo de sobremortalidad por edad en los mayores de 60 años. RESULTADOS Se presentaron 100.758 defunciones por accidentes de tránsito en el periodo, 6.717 promedio anual, de las cuales el 18,5% ocurrió en personas de 60 años y más. Predominaron las muertes en hombres; el riesgo de morir fue de 32,1 por 100 mil personas en este rango de edad, registrando el doble del riesgo de morir que los menores 60 años. CONCLUSIONES La población joven registra mayor proporción de defunciones, pero son los mayores de 60 años los que tienen mayor riesgo de morir. Es necesario dirigir la mirada al mejoramiento de la infraestructura y normatividad vial, a formar la población en el autocuidado y respeto de las medidas de seguridad, y a preparar a la sociedad para una población cada vez más adulta, más numerosa y más expuesta a asumir riesgos de esta naturaleza