7 research outputs found

    Characterization of LaMnAl11O19 by FT-IR Spectroscopy of Adsorbed NO and NO/O2,

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    The nature of the NOx species produced during the adsorption of NO at room temperature and during its coadsorption with oxygen on LaMnAl11O19 sample with magnetoplumbite structure obtained by a sol-gel process has been investigated by means of in situ FT-IR spectroscopy. The adsorption of NO leads to formation of anionic nitrosyls and/or cis-hyponitrite ions and reveals the presence of two types of coordinatively unsaturated Mn3+ ions. Upon NO/O2 adsorption at room temperature various nitro-nitrato structures are observed. The nitro-nitrato species produced with the participation of electrophilic oxygen species decompose at 3500C directly to N2 and O2. No NO decomposition is observed in absence of oxygen. The adsorbed nitro-nitrato species are inert toward the interaction with methane and block the active sites (Mn3+ ions) for its oxidation. Noticeable oxidation of the methane on the NOx-precovered sample is observed at temperatures higher than 3500C due to the liberation of the active sites as a result of decomposition of the surface nitro-nitrato species. A mechanism explaining the promoting effect of the molecular oxygen in the NO decomposition is proposed

    FTIR study of low-temperature co adsorption on pure and ammonia-precovered TiO2 (anatase

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    Abstract Adsorption of CO on Mn-ZSM-5 zeolite at 85 K results in formation of physically adsorbed CO, several kinds of Hbonded CO and Mn 2þ ðCOÞ x geminal species ð2202 cm À1 Þ. Decreasing the coverage during evacuation results in disappearance of the physically adsorbed CO and the H-bonded forms and in conversion of the dicarbonyls to linear Mn 2þ -CO species ð2214 cm À1 Þ. The latter are quite stable at 85 K. Coadsorption 12 CO and 13 CO reveals that the CO molecules in the geminal polycarbonyls behave as independent oscillators. In contrast, CO adsorption at 85 K on MnNaY zeolite only leads to formation of linear Mn 2þ -CO species (2210 cm À1 ) and mono-and di-carbonyls associated with residual sodium cations. The results are interpreted as evidence that site-specified geminal carbonyls are formed with cations possessing an ionic radius bigger than a critical value. This value is different for different positions in various zeolites and is bigger for cations in S II positions in Y zeolites than is the case of cations in a ZSM-5 matrix.