4 research outputs found

    Psychopathologie und elterlicher Stress bei 3- bis 6-jährigen Kindern mit Ausscheidungsstörungen

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    Objective: Incontinence and functional gastrointestinal disorders are common in young children and are associated with higher rates of psychological symptoms and mental disorders. This article focuses on the mutual association between incontinence and related toilet refusal syndrome, parental stress, and children’s psychopathology especially in young children. Methods: Children’s psychological symptoms, mental disorders, and parental stress levels were assessed in 38 parent-child dyads involving children with incontinence and 42 dyads of typically developing (TD) children. Results: Compared to TD children, patients had higher internalizing and externalizing CBCL scores and higher rates of clinically relevant externalizing problems. However, the rates of clinically relevant internalizing problems and mental disorders did not differ. The parents of children with incontinence reported signifi cantly higher stress levels regarding child-related stress factors (PSI-CD) than did parents of TD children. However, there were no clinically relevant parental stress scores on a group level, which remained below the clinical range (T-value < 60). When simultaneously analyzed, children’s (comorbid) mental disorders but not incontinence had a major impact on parental stress. Conclusions: Despite moderate stress levels, incontinence symptoms, urinary and fecal incontinence are highly prevalent in young children. However, stress among parents of young children was mainly elicited by any (comorbid) mental disorder.Fragestellung: Ausscheidungsstörungen (AS) wie funktionelle Harn- und Stuhlinkontinenz sind sehr häufi ge Störungen im Vorschulalter und sind mit einer erhöhten Prävalenz von psychopathologischen Symptomen und psychischen Störungen bei den betroffenen Kindern assoziiert. Innerhalb der vorliegenden Arbeit wird der wechselseitige Zusammenhang von funktioneller Harn- und Stuhlinkontinenz sowie dem damit in Verbindung stehenden Toilettenverweigerungssyndrom auf die kindliche Psychopathologie und das elterliche Stresserleben speziell bei jungen Kindern untersucht. Methode: Psychopathologische Symptome, psychische Störungen und elterliche Stressbelastung wurden in 38 Eltern-Kind-Dyaden bei Kindern mit vorhandener AS und in 42 Dyaden bei Kindern ohne AS untersucht. Ergebnisse: Kinder mit AS wiesen höhere Werte von internalisierendem und externalisierendem Problemverhalten auf und waren häufi ger von klinisch relevanter externalisierender Symptomatik betroffen. Nichtsdestotrotz war die Prävalenz psychischer Störungen vergleichbar. Eltern von Kindern mit AS berichteten signifi kant höhere kindbezogene Stresslevel. Dennoch zeigte sich auf Gruppenebene kein klinisch bedeutsamer elterlicher Stress und die mittleren Stresslevel lagen unterhalb des Bereichs der klinischen Auffälligkeit (T-Wert < 60). Bei gleichzeitiger Betrachtung des Einfl usses von AS und psychischen Störungen zeigten sich letztere als ausschlaggebend für den elterlichen Stress. Schlussfolgerungen: Trotz moderater Stresslevel konnte eine generell hohe Prävalenz von AS Symptomen bei 3–6-Jährigen aufgezeigt werden. Elterlicher Stress war jedoch bedeutsamer mit einer (komorbiden) psychischen Erkrankung assoziiert

    Psychopathology and Parental Stress in 3–6-Year-Old Children with Incontinence

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    &lt;jats:p&gt; Abstract. Objective: Incontinence and functional gastrointestinal disorders are common in young children and are associated with higher rates of psychological symptoms and mental disorders. This article focuses on the mutual association between incontinence and related toilet refusal syndrome, parental stress, and children’s psychopathology especially in young children. Methods: Children’s psychological symptoms, mental disorders, and parental stress levels were assessed in 38 parent-child dyads involving children with incontinence and 42 dyads of typically developing (TD) children. Results: Compared to TD children, patients had higher internalizing and externalizing CBCL scores and higher rates of clinically relevant externalizing problems. However, the rates of clinically relevant internalizing problems and mental disorders did not differ. The parents of children with incontinence reported significantly higher stress levels regarding child-related stress factors (PSI-CD) than did parents of TD children. However, there were no clinically relevant parental stress scores on a group level, which remained below the clinical range (T-value &amp;lt; 60). When simultaneously analyzed, children’s (comorbid) mental disorders but not incontinence had a major impact on parental stress. Conclusions: Despite moderate stress levels, incontinence symptoms, urinary and fecal incontinence are highly prevalent in young children. However, stress among parents of young children was mainly elicited by any (comorbid) mental disorder. &lt;/jats:p&gt

    Plasma oxytocin concentration during pregnancy is associated with development of postpartum depression

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    Postpartum depression (PPD) affects up to 19% of all women after parturition. The non-apeptide oxytocin (OXT) is involved in adjustment to pregnancy, maternal behavior, and bonding. Our aim was to examine the possible association between plasma OXT during pregnancy and the development of PPD symptoms. A total of 74 healthy, pregnant women were included in this prospective study. During the third trimester of pregnancy and within 2 weeks after parturition, PPD symptoms were assessed using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS). Blood samples for plasma OXT assessment were collected in the third trimester. Following the literature, participants with postpartum EPDS scores of 10 or more were regarded as being at risk for PPD development (rPPD group). In a logistic regression analysis, plasma OXT was included as a potential predictor for being at risk for PPD. Results were controlled for prepartal EPDS score, sociodemographic and birth-outcome variables. Plasma OXT concentration in mid-pregnancy significantly predicted PPD symptoms at 2 weeks postpartum. Compared with the no-risk-for-PPD group, the rPPD group was characterized by lower plasma OXT concentrations. To our knowledge, this is the first study to show an association between prepartal plasma OXT concentration and postpartal symptoms of PPD in humans. Assuming a causal relationship, enhancing OXT release during pregnancy could serve as a potential target in prepartum PPD prevention, and help to minimize adverse effects of PPD on the mother-child relationship