53 research outputs found

    Syariat Makan Dan Minum Dalam Islam: Kajian Terhadap Fenomena Standing Party Pada Pesta Pernikahan (Walīmatul ‘Ursy)

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    One of the most succesfull wedding party (walimatul ‘ursy ) begin–somehow-with the meal serving. In line to this modern life style, standing party became part of recent trend of serving meal by–even-various muslim communities. At the same time, standing while eating and drinking raise several ulama's ideas in islamic jurisprudence (fiqh). While some outlawed the practice, another group of ulama said the contrary. Legal discussion about the concept of eating and drinking while standing require referral analysis, among others in getting from tradition. from analysis of the chain of transmission on a second source of Islam is found that both traditions allow or prohibit eating and drinking while standing; both are acceptable or valid (ṣaḥiḥ). While the verses of Qur'an describes the norms for prohibiting excessive eating and drinking, a narative analysis of the hadith regarding the prohibition of eating and drinking norms require in-depth study on the aspects of asbābul wurud. It is known from the latest aspect of study that hadith wich banned standing while consuming preserved moral or ethical reasons for Arab nations at that time, particularly a geographic reasons. Another study of asbābul wurud that allow consuming while standing prefers more for reasons of emergency circumstances. This paper, thus, ends the study with contextualization of those hadith from health issue. The study concludes that from the digestive concern, sitting while consuming was healthier than that of standing. Since the meal being digested will be swallowed softly and slowly, so the intestinal absorption function will run more optimally

    Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Maleo Egg in Bogani Nani Wartabone Park

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    The objective of this study was to examine the size (weight, length, and width) of Maleo egg in Bogani Nani Wartabone National Park.Physical characteristics that measure are : egg weight, egg shell, egg index , yolk, and albumen. Physical characteristics measured were: egg weight, egg shell thickness, egg index, yolk, and albumen. Two fresh eggs were weighed to the electric ohause balance with 400 g the scale 0.01. Two fresh egg were weighed with an electric balance. Length and width off egg were measured by used vernier caliper, egg shell thickness by  tripod micrometer, yolk color by yolk color fan. Length and width of egg used were measured by Vernier caliper, and egg shell thickness by a tripod micrometer, yolk color by yolk color fan. Physical characteristic have been identified eggs weight, egg width, egg length, egg index, albumen width, albumen length, albumen index, yolk width, yolk length, yolk index, weight albumen, weight yolk, egg shell thickness, and shell weight increased by 223.70 g, 104.00 mm, 56.68 mm, 56.41, 113.8 mm, 86.72 mm, 6.07%,  85.30 mm, 69.90 mm, 31.54%, 47.51 g, 110.80 g, 0.02 inch, 19.55 g, respectively. The result of analysis indicated that maleo eggs have completed amino acids and fatty acids, that is essensial amino acids, non essensial amino acids, saturated fatty acids and unsaturated fatty acids. Physical characteristic egg that comprised of egg weight, egg width, egg length, egg index, albumen width, albumen length, albumen index, yolk width, yolk length, yolk index, albumen weight, yolk weight, egg shell thickness, and shell weight were 223.70 g, 104.00 mm, 56.68 mm, 56.41, 113.8 mm, 86.72 mm, 6,07%, 85.30 mm, 69.90 mm, 31.54%, 47.51 g, 110.80 g, 0:02-inch, 19:55 g, respectively. Maleo egg contained complete amino acids and fatty acids, including essential amino acids, non essential amino acids, saturated fatty acids and unsaturated fatty acids. (Animal Production 12(1): 34-38 (2010)Key Words: Maleo bird, maleo egg, physical characteristics, chemical characteristic

    Behavior and Group Movement of Proboscis Monkey\u27s (Nasalis Larvatus Wurmb.) in Samboja, East Kalimantan

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    Proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus Wurmb.) are endemic primates to the island of Borneo that are subjected to serious problems like habitat loss, fragmentation and forest degradation. Studies of movement behavior of monkeys have been done in the isolated and fragmented habitat in Samboja, East Kalimantan. Behaviour data of feeding, moving, social, resting, and sleeping were collected using instantaneous sampling method. The plots of trees survey were established 20 m x 200 m on each habitat. The movement behavior consists of daily ranging and utilization of height of the canopy. Daily ranging was recorded by GPS and height of canopy utilization divided to 0-3 m, 3.1-6 m, 6.1-9 m, 9.1-12 m, and > 12 m. The results showed that the daily ranging of the monkeys were varied, ranging from 25.7 m– 749.9 m (average 333 m), which home ranges between 4.52 ha – 6.92 ha. Daily movement distance between groups on the three habitat was different. Generally, the monkeys used canopy strata depending on habitat conditions, height, diameter and density of trees

    Wilayah Jelajah Dan Teritori Owa Jawa (Hylobates Moloch) Di Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun-salak

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    Javan gibbon is endemic and endangered primate of Java. The research aims to map home ranges and territories of three habituated javan gibbons (Goup A, B and S) in Gunung Halimun-Salak National Park from March to July 2015. This finding will support the conservation management for javan gibbon. The mapping of those areas was determined by following the groups for 541 hours and analyzed the data using minimum convex polygon. The home range average of the three groups was 33,41 ha (Group A = 23,7 ha; B = 43,8 ha; and S = 32,7 ha). The largest home range had the lowest food tree densities (50 ind/ha). The average of territory was 0,57 ha (Group A = 0,4 ha; B = 0,8 ha; and S = 0,4 ha). The territory areas had food tree densities in higher (116,7 ind/ha) compare to the home ranges (76,7 ind/ha). The large territory area had low food tree densities (90 ind/ha), otherwise the small territory area had high food densities (Group A 160 ind/ha; Group S 110 ind/ha)