12 research outputs found

    Stress prediction in a central incisor with intra-radicular restorations

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    A 2D finite element analysis was applied to calculate shear and von Mises equivalent stresses developed, under masticatory loading, in an upper central incisor restored with cast gold post and carbon fiber reinforced epoxy resin post. Based on the predicted shear stress levels, it is concluded that the gold post model is more prone to shear failure along the post-dentin interface. Whereas shear stress concentration also occurs in both models at the core-crown interface, the stress level predicted there is higher for the carbon fiber post model which would be more susceptible to crown displacement. Finally, the prediction of von Mises equivalent stress indicates a non-uniform distribution, with the stress preferentially concentrated in the gold post along its interface with the tooth dentin. For the carbon fiber post restored model, on the other hand, the von Mises stresses are more uniformly distributed achieving its maximum level in the tooth dentin

    Multiaxial fatigue criteria applied to motor crankshaft in thermoelectric power plants

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    Fatigue failures of motor crankshafts operating in thermoelectric power plants have recently been reported. Stress fields provided by finite element calculations at critical points of a crankshaft that failed in service are used to test the structural integrity of the component. Taking into account the fact that the stresses acting at a given point are most likely out of phase, multiaxial fatigue criteria based on the von Mises stress are considered to be most suitable for predicting the fatigue behavior of the crankshaft. Using the von Mises stress, it was also possible to apply octahedral shear stress-based criteria and the results obtained have indicated that the crankshaft made of DIN 34CrNiMo6 steel should not suffer fatigue failure under the action of the stress fields in question. However, such failures have been occurring and this apparent discrepancy is presented and briefly discussed in the present study


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    Segundo a OMS (Organização Mundial da Saúde), os transtornos mentais atingem cerca de 700 milhões de pessoas no mundo, representando 13% do total de todas as doenças. E apesar de doenças como esquizofrenia e psicose serem as primeiras lembradas ao se falar no assunto, elas não são as mais frequentes, no topo da lista estão a depressão e a ansiedade. O uso de medicamentos psiquiátricos para o tratamento de depressão, ansiedade, síndrome do pânico, transtorno bipolar, entre outras condições mentais, tornou-se ponto de discussão por se tratar de substâncias com alto grau de dependência entre seus usuários. Este trabalho visa apresentar como os medicamentos psiquiátricos podem causar dependência em altas dosagens ou até mesmo no seu uso irregular. Trata-se de uma pesquisa bibliográfica e descritiva que levou em consideração grupos de pessoas que faziam uso de fármacos para tratamento do Transtorno Depressivo Maior (TDM), ansiedade, síndrome do pânico e transtorno bipolar e que por vários motivos não aderiram ao correto tratamento e ficaram dependentes ou pioraram seu quadro por não assentirem ao plano terapêutico. A análise dos resultados apontou que boa parte dos pacientes que necessitavam de tratamento farmacoterapêutico, tendo como exemplo os ansiolíticos desenvolviam certo grau de dependência, assim como o uso de outros medicamentos da portaria 344, de 12 de maio de 1998. Tais substâncias quando mal administradas podem trazer vários malefícios ao organismo, chegando a casos graves como o de overdose. Percebe-se que, os vários tipos de transtornos psiquiátricos ou de humor interferem bastante na vida das pessoas, principalmente daquelas que fazem uso de substâncias que inibem ou diminuem os efeitos dessas condições, visto que se forem mal administrados podem causar vicio. Dessa forma, nota-se que é necessário que se aja um consenso sobre qual a melhor alternativa para um tratamento adequado, visando sempre a qualidade de vida do paciente, facilitando realizar uma terapia mais efetiva e objetiva no quadro que este paciente se encontra

    Heart rate variability helps to distinguish the intensity of menopausal symptoms: A prospective, observational and transversal study

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    Heart Rate Variability (HRV) represents cardiac autonomic behavior and have been related to menopausal symptoms, mainly vasomotor symptoms and their imbalance to cardiovascular risk. It is not clear in the literature which index represents this imbalance and what is their involvement with the menopausal state. The aim of this study was to evaluate HRV in menopausal transition and post-menopausal symptoms with different intensities. This cross-sectional study was conducted in Rio Branco, State of Acre, Brazil from October 2016 to July 2017. We used Kupperman-Blatt Menopausal Index (KMI) to measure menopausal symptoms intensity. HRV analysis was performed based on the guidelines of the European Society of Cardiology and the North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology. HRV is lower in the group with moderate/intense menopausal symptoms compared to mild symptoms. (RMSSD: p = 0.005, Cohen’s d = 0.53, pNN50: p = 0.0004, Cohen’s d = 0.68; HF: p = 0.024, Cohen’s d = 0.44). There was association between HRV and KMI (RMSSD: r = -1.248, p = 0.004; and pNN50: r = -0.615, p: 0.029) in inverse relation to the intensity of vasomotor symptoms in women in TM. In conclusion, HRV was able to distinguish menopausal symptoms, indicating reduced vagal control in women with more intense symptoms