199 research outputs found

    Valoración de proyectos de turismo deportivo con opciones reales: el caso de un campo de golf en las Rías Baixas

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    This study intends to address the convenience of a methodology based on real options to assess investment projects in the sports tourism industry, using the case of the construction of a golf course as an example to illustrate the exposition. After evaluating the initial project, the analysis is complemented by considering the options to defer, abandon, expand and reduce the project. As a conclusion, it is recommended to exercise the option to defer and then exercise the option to reduce. This means delaying the start of the project, and then starting it with a smaller scale, which implies outsourcing part of the sports complex’s services. Although the real options methodology is a general-purpose approach, its application to the sports tourism industry is still limited. This article shows the usefulness of identifying flexibilization and modularity options in the sports tourism industry, given the temporal and financial dimension of its projects, and considering the uncertainty of the environment.El objetivo de este artículo es estudiar la conveniencia de la metodología de opciones reales para valorar proyectos de inversión en el sector del turismo deportivo, utilizando el caso de la construcción de un campo de golf como ejemplo para ilustrar la exposición. Tras valorar el proyecto inicial, se complementa el análisis considerando las opciones de diferir, abandonar, ampliar y reducir el proyecto. Como conclusión, se recomienda el ejercicio de la opción de diferir y, a continuación, el ejercicio de la opción de reducir. Ello supone retrasar el inicio del proyecto respecto al plan inicial, y a continuación iniciarlo con una escala más reducida, lo que implica externalizar parte de los servicios del complejo deportivo. Si bien las opciones reales constituyen una metodología de uso general, su aplicación al sector del turismo deportivo es aún limitada. Este artículo muestra la utilidad de identificar opciones de flexibilización y modularidad en el sector del turismo deportivo, dada la dimensión temporal y financiera de los proyectos, así como la incertidumbre del entorno

    É muito duro esse trabalho : notas sobre um projeto de extensão em antropologia

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    Este artigo tem por objetivo sistematizar uma experiência recente de extensão na área de Antropologia da Saúde, desenvolvida por um grupo de estudantes de graduação em Antropologia. A referida pesquisa de extensão teve por objetivo central a proposta de trazer uma visão antropológica às questões relacionadas à saúde de trabalhadoras e trabalhadores de um Centro de Atenção Básica em Saúde, localizado na cidade de Ceilândia-DF. Para tanto, foram mapeados as dificuldades e sofrimentos próprios do cotidiano de trabalho desses profissionais para que a partir daí fosse possível pensar coletivamente sobre soluções e alternativas aos problemas observados. A pesquisa esteve dividida em dois eixos sequenciais: no primeiro, foram realizadas 29 entrevistas individuais com as trabalhadoras e trabalhadores do Centro de Saúde; já no segundo, foi empreendida uma análise dos dados da primeira etapa tanto por parte da equipe de pesquisadores da UnB quanto a de profissionais do local. À guisa de conclusão são apresentadas, no final deste artigo, as sugestões construídas para o enfrentamento das dificuldades que são vivenciadas pelas trabalhadoras e trabalhadores em seu cotidiano de trabalho. _______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACThe aim of this article is to describe a recent community based project experience in the area of Medical Anthropology carried out by a group of undergraduate Anthropology students. The main objective of the study was to introduce an Anthropological perspective to issues related to the health of individuals working at a Basic Health Center located in Ceilândia, in the Federal District of Brazil. Initially, a map was made of the difficulties and suffering faced by these professionals in their daily work, which subsequently made it possible to collectively discuss solutions and alternatives to the observed problems. The study was carried out in two stages. In the first, interviews were conducted with 29 health center workers. In the second, the data collected in the first stage were analyzed by both the team of researchers of the University of Brasilia and by professionals working at the health center. The article concludes by presenting some of the suggestions that were constructed to face the difficulties experienced by these workers in their daily professional lives

    Pulmonary and cardiovascular syndrome due to hantavirus: clinical aspects of an emerging disease in southeastern Brazil

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    A síndrome pulmonar e cardiovascular por hantavírus é doença causada pela aspiração de aerossóis dos dejetos de roedores silvestres contaminados por vírus da família Bunyaviridae. Estudamos manifestações clínicas e laboratoriais de 70 casos ocorridos de 1998 a 2007 na região de Ribeirão Preto, SP. A freqüência de sintomas foi dispnéia (87%), febre (81%), tosse (44%), cefaléia (34%), taquicardia (81%), hipotensão arterial (56%), hipóxia (49%), acidose metabólica (57%), linfocitopenia (51%), hematócrito >45% (70%), leucocitose com desvio à esquerda (67%), creatinina (51%) e uréia (42%) séricas elevadas. A letalidade (54,3%) ocorreu principalmente no 4o dia. Insuficiência respiratória, hipotensão arterial e choque ocorreu 24-48 horas; o hematócrito elevado e a plaquetopenia são sinais fortemente sugestivos da doença. A hipótese diagnóstica de pneumonia atípica associada a bom prognóstico (p:0,0136); a infusão hídrica >2.000ml e hipotensão arterial associadas a mau prognóstico (p:0,0286 e p:0,0453).Pulmonary and cardiovascular syndrome due to hantavirus is a disease caused by inhalation of aerosols from the excreta of wild rodents contaminated by viruses of the Bunyaviridae family. We studied the clinical and laboratory manifestations of 70 cases that occurred in the region of Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil, between 1998 and 2007. The frequency of symptoms was as follows: dyspnea (87%), fever (81%), coughing (44%), headache (34%), tachycardia (81%), low arterial blood pressure (56%), metabolic acidosis (57%), lymphocytopenia (51%), hematocrit > 45% (70%), leukocytosis with left deviation (67%), creatinine (51%) and urea (42%). Mortality (54.3%) occurred mainly on the fourth day. Respiratory insufficiency, low arterial blood pressure and shock occurred after 24 to 48 hours. High hematocrit and decreased platelet levels were signs strongly suggestive of the disease. The diagnostic hypothesis of atypical pneumonia was associated with a good prognosis (p = 0.0136). Fluid infusion greater than 2,000 ml and arterial hypotension were associated with a poor prognosis (p = 0.0286 and p = 0.0453)

    Recycled polyethylene fibres for structural concrete

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    Modern society demands more sustainable and economical construction elements. One of the available options for manufacturing this type of element is the valorisation of end-of-life waste, such as, for example, the recycling of polymers used in industry. The valorisation of these wastes reduces costs and avoids the pollution generated by their landfill disposal. With the aim of helping to obtain this type of material, this work describes a methodology for recycling polyethylene for the manufacture of fibres that will later be used as reinforcement for structural concrete. These fibres are manufactured using an injection moulding machine. Subsequently, their physical and mechanical properties are measured and compared with those of the material before it is crushed and injected. The aim of this comparison is to evaluate the recycling process and analyse the reduction of the physical-mechanical properties of the recycled polyethylene in the process. Finally, to determine the properties of the fibre concrete, three types of concrete were produced: a control concrete, a reinforced concrete with 2 kg/m³ of fibres, and a reinforced concrete with 4 kg/m³ of fibres. The results show an enhancement of mechanical properties when the fibres are incorporated, particularly the tensile strength; and they also show excellent performance controlling cracking in concrete.This research was funded by the LADICIM (Laboratory of Materials Science and Engineering), Universidad de Cantabria. E.T.S. de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, Av./Los Castros 44, 39005 Santander, Spain

    Análise da qualidade de uso e interface com o usuário de softwares brasileiros de apoio à nutrição clínica

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    O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar um comparativo de qualidade de uso e interface com o usuário de dois softwares nacionais utilizados para avaliação do estado nutricional e prescrição dietética de pacientes com alimentação via oralThe objective of this article is to show a comparative of using and interface quality between two Brazilian softwares used to nutritional state and dietetic prescription assessment on patients with oral alimentationRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    The role of entrepreneurship and green innovation intention on sustainable development: moderating impact of inclusive leadership

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    Today, sustainable development (SD) is a worldwide requirement due to the numerous environmental challenges that require the attention of academics. Consequently, the current study explores the effect of entrepreneurial and green innovation aims on SD in Peru. In addition, the study examines the moderating effect of inclusive leadership on entrepreneurship, green innovation intention, and sustainable development in Peru. The study utilized primary data collection instruments such as questionnaires to collect information from the selected respondents. The paper also used smart-PLS to examine the data's dependability and the correlation between factors. In Peru, entrepreneurship and green innovation intentions were found to have a good relationship with sustainable development. In addition, the data demonstrated that inclusive leadership moderates the relationship between entrepreneurship, green innovation intention, and SD in Peru. The essay supports policy-making authorities in formulating SD-related policies by refocusing entrepreneurs' attention on green innovation.Wilson Cruz Mamani (Universidad Peruana Unión Juliaca), Germain Marcos Lagos Manrique (Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal), Soraya del Pilar Carranco Madrid (Universidad Central del Ecuador), Edward Espinoza Herrera (Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal), David Barrial Acosta (Universidad Nacional Micaela Bastidas de Apurímac), Rolando Remy Rivas-Diaz (Universidad Nacional de San Agustín), José Luis Arias-Gonzáles (University of British Columbia), Yuselino Maquera Maquera (Universidad Nacional del Altiplano Puno), Francisco Samael Saravia Ramos (Universidad Nacional De San Agustín)Includes bibliographical references

    A linkage map for the B-genome of Arachis (Fabaceae) and its synteny to the A-genome

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Arachis hypogaea </it>(peanut) is an important crop worldwide, being mostly used for edible oil production, direct consumption and animal feed. Cultivated peanut is an allotetraploid species with two different genome components, A and B. Genetic linkage maps can greatly assist molecular breeding and genomic studies. However, the development of linkage maps for <it>A. hypogaea </it>is difficult because it has very low levels of polymorphism. This can be overcome by the utilization of wild species of <it>Arachis</it>, which present the A- and B-genomes in the diploid state, and show high levels of genetic variability.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this work, we constructed a B-genome linkage map, which will complement the previously published map for the A-genome of <it>Arachis</it>, and produced an entire framework for the tetraploid genome. This map is based on an F<sub>2 </sub>population of 93 individuals obtained from the cross between the diploid <it>A. ipaënsis </it>(K30076) and the closely related <it>A. magna </it>(K30097), the former species being the most probable B genome donor to cultivated peanut. In spite of being classified as different species, the parents showed high crossability and relatively low polymorphism (22.3%), compared to other interspecific crosses. The map has 10 linkage groups, with 149 loci spanning a total map distance of 1,294 cM. The microsatellite markers utilized, developed for other <it>Arachis </it>species, showed high transferability (81.7%). Segregation distortion was 21.5%. This B-genome map was compared to the A-genome map using 51 common markers, revealing a high degree of synteny between both genomes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The development of genetic maps for <it>Arachis </it>diploid wild species with A- and B-genomes effectively provides a genetic map for the tetraploid cultivated peanut in two separate diploid components and is a significant advance towards the construction of a transferable reference map for <it>Arachis</it>. Additionally, we were able to identify affinities of some <it>Arachis </it>linkage groups with <it>Medicago truncatula</it>, which will allow the transfer of information from the nearly-complete genome sequences of this model legume to the peanut crop.</p

    Post-fall syndrome in older adults operated on for hip fracture

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    Introducción: una de las características fundamentales del envejecimiento son las caídas, que constituyen la causa principal de accidentes en ancianos. Objetivo: describir el comportamiento del síndrome post-caída en el adulto mayor operado de fractura de cadera en el Municipio de Sagua la Grande. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal con el propósito de describir el comportamiento del síndrome post-caída en los adultos mayores operados de fracturas de caderas en el Municipio de Sagua la Grande en el período de tiempo comprendido entre los años 2015 y 2016. La población estuvo constituida por 40 adultos mayores, la muestra se seleccionó por un muestreo no probabilístico intencional por criterios y fue de 24 adultos mayores. Para la recogida de la información se emplearon la revisión de documentos, los cuestionarios a los adultos mayores y la observación a los hogares. Resultados: la mayoría de los adultos mayores (15, 62,5%) que sufrieron caídas tenían nivel de funcionabilidad II y predominio de los factores de riesgo relacionados con las alteraciones en el sistema osteomioarticular (21, 87,5%) y las enfermedades cardiovasculares (14, 58,3%). La totalidad de los adultos mayores (24, 100%) presentaron el síndrome post-caída. Conclusiones: las caídas y las lesiones por caídas son los responsables de una parte considerable de la morbilidad y la mortalidad en los adultos mayores. Una de las consecuencias no derivadas directamente de las lesiones producidas en la caída, pero que afecta a la persona mayor y a su entorno, es el denominado síndrome post-caída.Introduction: one of the fundamental characteristics of ageing is falling, which is the main cause of accidents in the elderly. Objective: to describe the behavior of the post-fall syndrome in the older adult operated for hip fracture in the Municipality of Sagua la Grande. Methods: we conducted a cross-sectional descriptive study to describe the behavior of the post-fall syndrome in older adults who had hip fracture surgery in the municipality of Sagua la Grande during the period between 2015 and 2016. The population was constituted by 40 older adults, the sample was selected by an intentional non-probabilistic sampling by criteria and was of 24 older adults. The information was collected through document review, questionnaires to the elderly and observation of the households. Results: Most of the older adults (15, 62.5%) who suffered falls had level II function and a predominance of risk factors related to alterations in the osteomyoarticular system (21, 87.5%) and cardiovascular diseases (14, 58.3%). All of the older adults (24, 100%) presented post-fall syndrome. Conclusions: falls and injuries due to falls are responsible for a considerable part of morbidity and mortality in older adults. One of the consequences not directly derived from the injuries produced in the fall, but that affects the older person and his/her environment, is the so-called post-fall syndrome

    Venenos e toxinas ofídicas purificadas como ferramenta biotecnológica para o controle de Ralstonia solanacearum

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the in vitro antibacterial activity of snake venoms and purified toxins on the phytopathogenic bacterium Ralstonia solanacearum. The evaluations were performed with 17 crude venoms (13 from Bothrops, 3 from Crotalus, and 1 from Lachesis) and seven toxins (1 from Bothrops and 6 from Crotalus). Antibacterial activity was assessed in MB1 medium containing solubilized treatments (1 μL mL‑1). A total of 100 μL bacterial suspension (8.4 x 109 CFU mL-1) was used. After incubation at 28°C, the number of bacterial colonies at 24, 48, and 72 hours after inoculation was evaluated. SDS-PAGE gel at 15% was used to analyze the protein patterns of the samples, using 5 μg protein of each sample in the assay. Furthermore, the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and lethal concentration (LC50) values were determined by the Probit method. Venoms and toxins were able to reduce more than 90% of R. solanacearum growth. These results were either equivalent to those of the positive control chloramphenicol or even better. While MIC values ranged from 4.0 to 271.5 µg mL-1, LC50 ranged from 28.5 µg mL-1 to 4.38 mg mL-1. Ten crude venoms (7 from Bothrops and 3 from Crotalus) and two purified toxins (gyroxin and crotamine) are promising approaches to control the phytopathogenic bacterium R. solanacearum.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a atividade antibacteriana in vitro de venenos e toxinas purificadas de serpentes sobre a bactéria fitopatogênica Ralstonia solanacearum. As avaliações foram realizadas em 17 venenos brutos (13 de Bothrops, 3 de Crotalus e 1 de Lachesis) e sete toxinas (1 de Bothrops e 6 de Crotalus). A atividade antibacteriana foi avaliada em meio MB1 que continha os tratamentos solubilizados (1 μL mL-1). Utilizou-se o total de 100 μL de suspensão bacteriana (8,4 x 109 UFC mL-1). Após incubação a 28°C, avaliou-se o número de colônias bacterianas às 24, 48 e 72 horas após a inoculação. O gel SDS-PAGE a 15% foi usado para analisar o perfil proteico das amostras, tendo-se utilizado 5 μg de proteína no ensaio. Além disso, os valores de concentração inibitória mínima (CIM) e concentração letal (CL50) foram determinados pelo método Probit. Os venenos e as toxinas foram capazes de reduzir mais de 90% do crescimento de R. solanacearum. Esses resultados foram ou equivalentes aos do controle positivo cloranfenicol ou até melhores. Enquanto os valores de CIM variaram de 4,0 a 271,5 µg mL-1, a CL50 variou de 28,5 µg mL-1 a 4,38 mg mL-1. Dez venenos brutos (7 de Bothrops e 3 de Crotalus) e duas toxinas (giroxina e crotamina) são abordagens promissoras para o controle da bactéria fitopatogênica R. solanacearum