815 research outputs found

    Effect of Lactobacillus rhamnosus HN001 and Bifidobacterium longum BB536 on the healthy gut microbiota composition at phyla and species level: a preliminary study

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    AIM: To evaluate the ability of Lactobacillus rhamnosus HN001 and Bifidobacterium longum BB536 to colonize the intestinal environment of healthy subjects and modify the gut microbiota composition. METHODS: Twenty healthy Italian volunteers, eight males and twelve females, participated in the study. Ten subjects took a sachet containing 4 × 109 colony-forming units (CFU) of Bifidobacterium longum BB536 and 109 CFU of Lactobacillus rhamnosus HN001, 30 min before breakfast (pre-prandial administration), while ten subjects took a sachet of probiotic product 30 min after breakfast (post-prandial administration). The ability of Lactobacillus rhamnosus HN001 and Bifidobacterium longum BB536 to colonize human gut microbiota was assessed by means of quantitative real-time PCR, while changes in gut microbiota composition were detected by using Ion Torrent Personal Genome Machine. RESULTS: Immediately after 1-mo of probiotic administration, B. longum BB536 and L. rhamnosus HN001 load was increased in the majority of subjects in both pre-prandial and post-prandial groups. This increase was found also 1 mo after the end of probiotic oral intake in both groups, if compared to samples collected before probiotic consumption. At phyla level a significant decrease in Firmicutes abundance was detected immediately after 1-mo of B. longum BB536 and L. rhamnosus HN001 oral intake. This reduction persisted up to 1 mo after the end of probiotic oral intake together with a significant decrease of Proteobacteria abundance if compared to samples collected before probiotic administration. Whereas, at species level, a higher abundance of Blautia producta, Blautia wexlerae and Haemophilus ducrey was observed, together with a reduction of Holdemania filiformis, Escherichia vulneris, Gemmiger formicilis and Streptococcus sinensis abundance. In addition, during follow-up period we observed a further reduction in Escherichia vulneris and Gemmiger formicilis, together with a decrease in Roseburia faecis and Ruminococcus gnavus abundance. Conversely, the abundance of Akkermansia muciniphila was increased if compared to samples collected at the beginning of the experimental time course. CONCLUSION: B. longum BB536 and L. rhamnosus HN001 showed the ability to modulate the gut microbiota composition, leading to a significant reduction of potentially harmful bacteria and an increase of beneficial ones. Further studies are needed to better understand the specific mechanisms involved in gut microbiota modulation

    LexMeter. Validation of an automated system for the assessment of lexical competence of medical students as a prerequisite for the development of an adaptive e-learning system

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    Distance learning is used in medical education, even if some recent meta-analyses indicated that it is no more effective than traditional methods. To exploit the technological capabilities, adaptive distance learning systems aim to bridge the gap between the educational offer and the learner’s need. A decrease of lexical competence has been noted in many western countries, so lexical competence could be a possible target for adaptation. The “Adaptive message learning” project (Am-learning) is aimed at designing and implementing an adaptive e-learning system, driven by lexical competence. The goal of the project is to modulate texts according to the estimated skill of learners, to allow a better comprehension. LexMeter is the first of the four modules of the Am-learning system. It outlines an initial profile of the learner’s lexical competence and can also produce cloze tests, a test based on a completion task. A validation test of LexMeter was run on 443 medical students of the first, third, and sixth year at the University “Sapienza” of Rome. Six cloze tests were automatically produced, with 10 gaps each. The tests were different for each year and with varying levels of difficulty. A last cloze test was manually created as a control. The difference of the mean score between the easy tests and the tests with a medium level of difficulty was statistically significant for the third year students but not for first and sixth year. The score of the automatically generated tests showed a slight but significant correlation with the control test. The reliability (Cronbach alpha) of the different tests fluctuated under and above 0.60, as an acceptable level. In fact, classical item analysis revealed that the tests were on the average too simple. Lexical competence is a relevant outcome and its assessment allows an early detection of students at risk. Cloze tests can also be used to assess specific knowledge of technical jargon and to train reasoning skill

    Ability of Lactobacillus kefiri LKF01 (DSM32079) to colonize the intestinal environment and modify the gut microbiota composition of healthy individuals

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    Abstract Background Probiotics have been observed to positively influence the host's health, but to date few data about the ability of probiotics to modify the gut microbiota composition exist. Aims To evaluate the ability of Lactobacillus kefiri LKF01 DSM32079 (LKEF) to colonize the intestinal environment of healthy subjects and modify the gut microbiota composition. Methods Twenty Italian healthy volunteers were randomized in pre-prandial and post-prandial groups. Changes in the gut microbiota composition were detected by using a Next Generation Sequencing technology (Ion Torrent Personal Genome Machine). Results L. kefiri was recovered in the feces of all volunteers after one month of probiotic administration, while it was detected only in three subjects belonging to the pre-prandial group and in two subjects belonging to the post-prandial group one month after the end of probiotic consumption. After one month of probiotic oral intake we observed a reduction of Bilophila, Butyricicomonas, Flavonifractor, Oscillibacter and Prevotella. Interestingly, after the end of probiotic administration Bacteroides, Barnesiella, Butyricicomonas, Clostridium, Haemophilus, Oscillibacter, Salmonella, Streptococcus, Subdoligranolum, and Veillonella were significantly reduced if compared to baseline samples. Conclusion L. kefiri LKF01 showed a strong ability to modulate the gut microbiota composition, leading to a significant reduction of several bacterial genera directly involved in the onset of pro-inflammatory response and gastrointestinal diseases

    Simplified and Advanced Sentinel-2-Based Precision Nitrogen Management of Wheat

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    This study compares simplified and advanced precision nitrogen (N) fertilization approaches for winter wheat relying on Sentinel-2 NDVI, grain yield maps, and protein content. Five N fertilization treatments were compared: (1) a standard rate, calculated by a typical N balance (Flat-N); (2) a variable rate calculated using a simplified linear model, adopting a proportional strategy (NDVI directly related) (Var-N-dir); (3) a variable rate calculated using a simplified linear model, adopting a compensative strategy (NDVI inversely related) (Var-N-inv); (4) a variable rate calculated using the AgroSat model (Var-N-Agrosat); and (5) a variable rate calculated applying the Agricolus model (Var-N-Agricolus). The study was carried out in four fields over two cropping seasons with a randomized blocks design. Results indicate that the weather remains the main factor influencing yield, as it typically happens in a rainfed crop. No substantial differences in crop yield were observed among the N fertilization models within each year and experimental location. However, in the more favorable season, the low-input direct model (Var-N-dir) resulted as the best choice, providing the higher NUE (nitrogen use efficiency) value. In the less favorable season, results showed a better performance of the advanced models (Var-N-Agricolus and Var-N-Agrosat), which limited yield losses and reduced intra-field variability, with relevant importance given to the increasing frequency of abnormal climate phenomena. In general, all these VRT approaches allowed reduction of the excess of fertilizers, preservation of the environment, and saving money

    Proteomics: the new era of microbiology

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    Proteome refers to the entire complement of protein, expressed by a genome, cell, tissue or organism which is studied by proteomics. The aim of the present work is to review the main applications of proteomics in the clinical microbiology

    Simultaneous Bilateral Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy Is Safe for Synchronous Large Adrenal Tumors

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    Laparoscopy is now considered the gold standard for treating benign monolateral adrenal lesions. We present the case of a patient affected by Cushing's syndrome due to large bilateral adrenal adenomas (7.5cm) who underwent simultaneous laparoscopic bilateral adrenalectomy. An anterior, lateral transperitoneal approach was used. Operative time was 200 minutes, and blood loss was 200mL. No intraoperative complications were encountered. The postoperative course was uneventful, and the patient was discharged after 3 days. Laparoscopic bilateral adrenalectomy is a safe, effective procedure when performed by experienced hands and may be an alternative treatment for large adrenal lesions

    Análisis del impacto del anticipo del Impuesto a la Renta en las empresas distribuidoras de productos de consumo masivo en la provincia de Tungurahua para lograr estabilidad de la liquidez

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    La tesis "Análisis del impacto del anticipo del impuesto a la renta" se aplicó a las empresas distribuidoras de productos de consumo masivo de la provincia de Tungurahua, con el objeto de lograr estabilidad en su liquidez. Los tipos de investigación utilizadas son: de campo, bibliográfica-documental y descriptiva; y, los métodos son, el Analítico-Sintético, Inductivo-Deductivo e Histórico-Lógico. Las técnicas utilizadas son las encuestas de datos, las mismas que fueron aplicadas a la totalidad de la población. Con los resultados obtenidos se planteó un proyecto de reforma al cálculo del anticipo de impuesto a la renta para mejorar la liquidez de las empresas en estudio, para lo cual se realizó un análisis a la liquidez de estas empresas, se identificaron los componentes del anticipo que más les afecta, se planteó una nueva fórmula y se elaboró la redacción de la reforma. Se concluye que la implementación de una reforma al cálculo del anticipo del impuesto a la renta, en la cual no se considere los inventarios dentro de los activos y se reemplace el coeficiente del total de ingresos gravables por el del margen de comercialización, permitirá mejorar la liquidez de las empresas distribuidoras de productos de consumo masivo de la provincia de Tungurahua, por lo que dentro de las recomendaciones se sugiere poner en práctica la propuesta de reforma planteada.The thesis "Analysis of the impact of the payment of income tax" applied to distributors of consumer products in the province of Tungurahua, in order to achieve stability in their liquidity. Research types used are: field, documentary and descriptive literature, and methods are, the Analytic-Synthetic, Inductive-Deductive and Historical-Logical. The techniques used are data survey, the same as those applied to the entire population. With the results raised the development of a draft amendment to the calculation of advance income tax to improve the liquidity of the companies under study, for which an analysis of liquidity ratios of these companies, we identified advance components that affect them, a new formula is proposed and developed drafting reform. It is concluded that the implementation of a reform to advance calculation of income tax, which inventory is not considered within the assets and replace the coefficient of total recordable income by marketing margin, can improve liquidity of the companies distributing consumer products. It is recommended to implement the proposal made as this will improve the liquidity in the distributors of consumer products

    Aplicación de la contabilidad gerencial para la empresa de muebles “San Eduardo” ubicada en la parroquia Mulaló, cantón Latacunga, provincia de Cotopaxi

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    The entitled current work main Management Accounting Application in the “San Eduardo” Furniture Enterprise, located in the Mulaló parish from Latacunga canton had the aims of explaining Management Accounting and its application into PYMES from various perspectives and approaches; to make an accounting area situational analysis and use the Cost-Volume-Profit Model as an administrative tool. The used methodology was supported a quantitative approach. This research was descriptive, exploratory and documentary type based on the different reliable bibliographic sources research. The achieved results with the Cost-Volume-Utility Model application in the enterprise: show a 82.01totalcostfortheexecutivedeskwitha82.01 total cost for the executive desk with a 17.99 profit, at the same time, the cabinet cost amounted to 111.22witha111.22 with a 28.78 profit. The quarterly break-even point for desks was 8 units and for cabinets 10. These data allow the enterprise to make timely management decisions.El presente trabajo titulado aplicación de la Contabilidad Gerencial en la empresa de Muebles “San Eduardo” ubicada en la parroquia Mulaló del cantón Latacunga tuvo como objetivos explicar desde varias perspectivas y enfoques la Contabilidad Gerencial y su aplicación en las PYMES; realizar un análisis situacional del área de contabilidad y emplear el Modelo Costo – Volumen - Utilidad como herramienta administrativa. La metodología empleada se sustentó en un enfoque cuantitativo. Esta investigación fue de tipo descriptiva, exploratoria y documental apoyado en la indagación de distintas fuentes bibliográficas confiables. Los resultados alcanzados con la aplicación del Modelo Costo – Volumen – Utilidad en la empresa: arrojan un costo total de 82,01paraelescritorioejecutivoconunautilidadde82,01 para el escritorio ejecutivo con una utilidad de 17,99 a la vez el costo del armario ascendió 111,22conunautilidadde111,22 con una utilidad de 28,78. El punto de equilibrio trimestral para los escritorios fue de 8 unidades y para los armarios de 10. Estos datos permiten tomar decisiones gerenciales oportunas a la empresa

    Caracterización socio económica y productiva de la parroquia Juan Montalvo del cantón Latacunga, provincia de Cotopaxi 2022.

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    The current work tackles the socio-economic and productive characterization from Juan Montalvo parish, located to north with the Aláquez parish, and to south with the Ignacio Flores parish. The interest sector has been mainly affected by limited knowledge in the inhabitants life dynamic from sector, the state and private intervention has been a little effective into improving the socio-economic and productive conditions, so, which it is required to identify the characteristics based on dimensions, variables and indicators to study; to achieve this aim, it was taken a 400 people sample distributed into 33 neighborhoods, what make up the parish, and for getting the database, it was applied the participatory rural diagnosis methodology (DRP), whose is based on gathering information, from the variables to research and the expressed indicators in a generated questionnaire into Kobo Toolbox system, which it was reached the following conclusions: The parish is divided into two zones (rural and urban); the life and the needs dynamics are different, regarding to the social dimension, the urban area has more access to education, while in the rural sector, there is a dropout in the studies, employment lack, poor infrastructure, due to the economic income lack and in the most cases the access deficient roads, into the economic dimension, the urban area gets its economic income from its own businesses, it has all the basic services, while into the rural sector, they are mainly dedicated to agriculture, services do not have with garbage collection and drinking water into some neighborhoods. Through the diagnosis and characterization, it was identified different components, which condition the residents needs and thus they can take action about the found problems, by setting programs and projects, whose change this reality.El presente trabajo aborda la caracterización socio económica y productiva de la parroquia Juan Montalvo, situada al norte con la parroquia Aláquez, y al sur con la parroquia Ignacio Flores. El sector de interés ha sido principalmente afectado por el limitado conocimiento en la dinámica de vida de los moradores del sector, la intervención estatal y privada ha sido poco efectiva en mejorar las condiciones socio económicas y productivas, es por ello que se requiere identificar las características en base a las dimensiones, variables e indicadores a estudiar; para lograr este objetivo se tomó la muestra de 400 personas distribuidas en los 33 barrios que conforman la parroquia, y para obtener la base de datos se aplicó la metodología del diagnóstico rural participativo (DRP), el cual se fundamenta en levantar información en base a las variables a investigar y de indicadores expresados en un cuestionario generado en el sistema Kobo Toolbox, con lo que se llegó a las siguientes conclusiones: La parroquia está divida en dos zonas (rural y urbana); la dinámica de vida y las necesidades son distintas, en cuanto a la dimensión social, la zona urbana tiene más acceso a la educación, mientras que en el sector rural existe un abandono en los estudios, falta de empleo, escaza infraestructura, debido a la falta de ingresos económicos y en la mayoría de los casos las deficientes vías de acceso, en la dimensión económica la zona urbana obtiene sus ingresos económicos de negocios propios, cuenta con todos los servicios básicos, mientras que en el sector rural se dedican principalmente a la agricultura, en los servicios no se dispone de recolección de basura y agua potable en algunos barrios. Por medio del diagnóstico y caracterización se identificó distintos componentes que condicionan las necesidades de los moradores y así puedan tomar acciones en los problemas encontrados, al establecer programas y proyectos que cambien esta realidad

    Motor recovery after stroke: from a vespa scooter ride over the roman sampietrini to focal muscle vibration (fMV) treatment. A 99mTc-HMPAO SPECT and neurophysiological case study

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    Focal repetitive muscle vibration (fMV) is a safe and well-tolerated non-invasive brain and peripheral stimulation (NIBS) technique, easy to perform at the bedside, and able to promote the post-stroke motor recovery through conditioning the stroke-related dysfunctional structures and pathways. Here we describe the concurrent cortical and spinal plasticity induced by fMV in a chronic stroke survivor, as assessed with 99mTc-HMPAO SPECT, peripheral nerve stimulation, and gait analysis. A 72-years-old patient was referred to our stroke clinic for a right leg hemiparesis and spasticity resulting from a previous (4 years before) hemorrhagic stroke. He reported a subjective improvement of his right leg's spasticity and dysesthesia that occurred after a30-min ride on a Vespa scooter as a passenger over the Roman Sampietrini (i.e., cubic-shaped cobblestones). Taking into account both the patient's anecdote and the current guidelines that recommend fMV for the treatment of post-stroke spasticity, we then decided to start fMV treatment. 12 fMV sessions (frequency 100 Hz; amplitude range 0.2-0.5 mm, three 10-min daily sessions per week for 4 consecutive weeks) were applied over the quadriceps femoris, triceps surae, and hamstring muscles through a specific commercial device (Cro®System, NEMOCOsrl). A standardized clinical and instrumental evaluation was performed before (T0) the first fMV session and after (T1) the last one. After fMV treatment, we observed a clinically relevant motor and functional improvement, as assessed by comparing the post-treatment changes in the score of the Fugl-Meyer assessment, the Motricity Index score, the gait analysis, and the Ashworth modified scale, with the respective minimal detectable change at the 95% confidence level (MDC95). Data from SPECT and peripheral nerve stimulation supported the evidence of a concurrent brain and spinal plasticity promoted by fMV treatment trough activity-dependent changes in cortical perfusion and motoneuron excitability, respectively. In conclusion, the substrate of post-stroke motor recovery induced by fMV involves a concurrently acting multisite plasticity (i.e., cortical and spinal plasticity). In our patient, operant conditioning of both cortical perfusion and motoneuron excitability throughout a month of fMV treatment was related to a clinically relevant improvement in his strength, step symmetry (with reduced limping), and spasticity