97 research outputs found

    Numerical modelling of combined erosion and weathering of slopes in weak rock

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    Due to various decay processes associated with weathering, the stability of artificial slopes in weak rocks may be affected well within their envisaged engineering lifetime. Conceptually, the decay following the initial stress release after excavation can be described as a process seeking equilibrium between weathering and erosion. The extent to which such an equilibrium is actually reached influences the outcome of the weathering-erosion decay process as well as the effects that the decay has on the geotechnical properties of the exposed rock mass, and thus ultimately the stability of slopes affected by erosion and weathering. This paper combines two conceptual models for erosion and weathering, and derives a numerical model which predicts the resulting slope development. This can help to predict the development of a slope profile excavated in a weak rock in time, and can be extended with the addition of strength parameters to the weathering profile to enable prediction of slope stability as a function of tim

    A C*-Algebra for Quantized Principal U(1)-Connections on Globally Hyperbolic Lorentzian Manifolds

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    The aim of this work is to complete our program on the quantization of connections on arbitrary principal U(1)-bundles over globally hyperbolic Lorentzian manifolds. In particular, we show that one can assign via a covariant functor to any such bundle an algebra of observables which separates gauge equivalence classes of connections. The C 17 -algebra we construct generalizes the usual CCR-algebras since, contrary to the standard field-theoretic models, it is based on a presymplectic Abelian group instead of a symplectic vector space. We prove a no-go theorem according to which neither this functor, nor any of its quotients, satisfies the strict axioms of general local covariance. As a byproduct, we prove that a morphism violates the locality axiom if and only if a certain induced morphism of cohomology groups is non-injective. We then show that fixing any principal U(1)-bundle, there exists a suitable category of sub-bundles for which a quotient of our functor yields a quantum field theory in the sense of Haag and Kastler. We shall provide a physical interpretation of this feature and we obtain some new insights concerning electric charges in locally covariant quantum field theory

    A C*-algebra for quantized principal U(1)-connections on globally hyperbolic Lorentzian manifolds

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    The aim of this work is to complete our program on the quantization of connections on arbitrary principal U(1)-bundles over globally hyperbolic Lorentzian manifolds. In particular, we show that one can assign via a covariant functor to any such bundle an algebra of observables which separates gauge equivalence classes of connections. The C*-algebra we construct generalizes the usual CCR-algebras since, contrary to the standard field-theoretic models, it is based on a presymplectic Abelian group instead of a symplectic vector space. We prove a no-go theorem according to which neither this functor, nor any of its quotients, satisfies the strict axioms of general local covariance. As a byproduct, we prove that a morphism violates the locality axiom if and only if a certain induced morphism of cohomology groups is non-injective. We then show that fixing any principal U(1)-bundle, there exists a suitable category of sub-bundles for which a quotient of our functor yields a quantum field theory in the sense of Haag and Kastler. We shall provide a physical interpretation of this feature and we obtain some new insights concerning electric charges in locally covariant quantum field theory

    Feedback control of arm movements using Neuro-Muscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) combined with a lockable, passive exoskeleton for gravity compensation

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    Within the European project MUNDUS, an assistive framework was developed for the support of arm and hand functions during daily life activities in severely impaired people. This contribution aims at designing a feedback control system for Neuro-Muscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) to enable reaching functions in people with no residual voluntary control of the arm and shoulder due to high level spinal cord injury. NMES is applied to the deltoids and the biceps muscles and integrated with a three degrees of freedom (DoFs) passive exoskeleton, which partially compensates gravitational forces and allows to lock each DOF. The user is able to choose the target hand position and to trigger actions using an eyetracker system. The target position is selected by using the eyetracker and determined by a marker-based tracking system using Microsoft Kinect. A central controller, i.e., a finite state machine, issues a sequence of basic movement commands to the real-time arm controller. The NMES control algorithm sequentially controls each joint angle while locking the other DoFs. Daily activities, such as drinking, brushing hair, pushing an alarm button, etc., can be supported by the system. The robust and easily tunable control approach was evaluated with five healthy subjects during a drinking task. Subjects were asked to remain passive and to allow NMES to induce the movements. In all of them, the controller was able to perform the task, and a mean hand positioning error of less than five centimeters was achieved. The average total time duration for moving the hand from a rest position to a drinking cup, for moving the cup to the mouth and back, and for finally returning the arm to the rest position was 71 s.EC/FP7/248326/EU/MUltimodal Neuroprostesis for Daily Upper limb Support/MUNDU

    Fractal properties of isolines at varying altitude reveal different dominant geological processes on Earth

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    Geometrical properties of landscapes result from the geological processes that have acted through time. The quantitative analysis of natural relief represents an objective form of aiding in the visual interpretation of landscapes, as studies on coastlines, river networks, and global topography, have shown. Still, an open question is whether a clear relationship between the quantitative properties of landscapes and the dominant geomorphologic processes that originate them can be established. In this contribution, we show that the geometry of topographic isolines is an appropriate observable to help disentangle such a relationship. A fractal analysis of terrestrial isolines yields a clear identification of trenches and abyssal plains, differentiates oceanic ridges from continental slopes and platforms, localizes coastlines and river systems, and isolates areas at high elevation (or latitude) subjected to the erosive action of ice. The study of the geometrical properties of the lunar landscape supports the existence of a correspondence between principal geomorphic processes and landforms. Our analysis can be easily applied to other planetary bodies.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figure


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    No atual contexto da Odontologia, é cada vez mais frequente o atendimento a pacientes dependentes químicos, pacientes estes mais propensos a adquirir patologias da cavidade bucal, como lesões cervicais não cariosas, diminuição do fluxo salivar e ansiedade durante o atendimento odontológico. A finalidade com este trabalho é relatar a conduta de atendimento para um dependente químico. Na anamnese, o paciente relatou ter sensibilidade dentária, que a estética bucal o incomodava, que fumava e que era dependente químico. No exame clínico, verificaram-se lesões cervicais de abfração, desgastes oclusais e fraturas nos dentes anteriores. Iniciou-se o tratamento com a visita domiciliar em que se confirmaram as informações anteriores, e acrescentou-se que o paciente estava sob tratamento psiquiátrico. Nas sessões subsequentes foi feito adequamento do meio, instruções de higiene e restauração das lesões cervicais de abfração melhorando a função mastigatória, o que motivou o paciente a acreditar na sua recuperação da saúde bucal. Para os dentes 12, 11, 21 e 22 fraturados, optou-se pela técnica da guia de silicone, em que se realizou a moldagem, modelo de estudo e o enceramento, restaurando a anatomia desejada. Confeccionou-se a guia de silicone sobre o modelo encerado, que permite a transferência da forma obtida no enceramento. Durante esses procedimentos o paciente foi colaborador, mantendo a sua higiene bucal adequada. Os dentes números 12, 11, 21 e 22 receberam incrementos de resina segundo a técnica preconizada, buscando a função, a estética e a longevidade do tratamento restaurador. Ao concluir o tratamento, obtiveram-se resultados satisfatórios, devolvendo funcionalidades e autoestima ao paciente, estimulando-o à higiene bucal, contribuindo para sua saúde geral e psicossocial.Palavras-chaves: Dependência química. Higiene bucal. Estética dentária

    MUNDUS project : MUltimodal neuroprosthesis for daily upper limb support

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    Background: MUNDUS is an assistive framework for recovering direct interaction capability of severely motor impaired people based on arm reaching and hand functions. It aims at achieving personalization, modularity and maximization of the user’s direct involvement in assistive systems. To this, MUNDUS exploits any residual control of the end-user and can be adapted to the level of severity or to the progression of the disease allowing the user to voluntarily interact with the environment. MUNDUS target pathologies are high-level spinal cord injury (SCI) and neurodegenerative and genetic neuromuscular diseases, such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Friedreich ataxia, and multiple sclerosis (MS). The system can be alternatively driven by residual voluntary muscular activation, head/eye motion, and brain signals. MUNDUS modularly combines an antigravity lightweight and non-cumbersome exoskeleton, closed-loop controlled Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation for arm and hand motion, and potentially a motorized hand orthosis, for grasping interactive objects. Methods: The definition of the requirements and of the interaction tasks were designed by a focus group with experts and a questionnaire with 36 potential end-users. Five end-users (3 SCI and 2 MS) tested the system in the configuration suitable to their specific level of impairment. They performed two exemplary tasks: reaching different points in the working volume and drinking. Three experts evaluated over a 3-level score (from 0, unsuccessful, to 2, completely functional) the execution of each assisted sub-action. Results: The functionality of all modules has been successfully demonstrated. User’s intention was detected with a 100% success. Averaging all subjects and tasks, the minimum evaluation score obtained was 1.13 ± 0.99 for the release of the handle during the drinking task, whilst all the other sub-actions achieved a mean value above 1.6. All users, but one, subjectively perceived the usefulness of the assistance and could easily control the system. Donning time ranged from 6 to 65 minutes, scaled on the configuration complexity. Conclusions: The MUNDUS platform provides functional assistance to daily life activities; the modules integration depends on the user’s need, the functionality of the system have been demonstrated for all the possible configurations, and preliminary assessment of usability and acceptance is promising

    Factors Associated with Height Catch-Up and Catch-Down Growth Among Schoolchildren

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    In developed countries, children with intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) or born preterm (PT) tend to achieve catch-up growth. There is little information about height catch-up in developing countries and about height catch-down in both developed and developing countries. We studied the effect of IUGR and PT birth on height catch-up and catch-down growth of children from two cohorts of liveborn singletons. Data from 1,463 children was collected at birth and at school age in Ribeirão Preto (RP), a more developed city, and in São Luís (SL), a less developed city. A change in z-score between schoolchild height z-score and birth length z-score≥0.67 was considered catch-up; a change in z-score≤−0.67 indicated catch-down growth. The explanatory variables were: appropriate weight for gestational age/PT birth in four categories: term children without IUGR (normal), IUGR only (term with IUGR), PT only (preterm without IUGR) and preterm with IUGR; infant's sex; maternal parity, age, schooling and marital status; occupation of family head; family income and neonatal ponderal index (PI). The risk ratio for catch-up and catch-down was estimated by multinomial logistic regression for each city. In RP, preterms without IUGR (RR = 4.13) and thin children (PI<10th percentile, RR = 14.39) had a higher risk of catch-down; catch-up was higher among terms with IUGR (RR = 5.53), preterms with IUGR (RR = 5.36) and children born to primiparous mothers (RR = 1.83). In SL, catch-down was higher among preterms without IUGR (RR = 5.19), girls (RR = 1.52) and children from low-income families (RR = 2.74); the lowest risk of catch-down (RR = 0.27) and the highest risk of catch-up (RR = 3.77) were observed among terms with IUGR. In both cities, terms with IUGR presented height catch-up growth whereas preterms with IUGR only had height catch-up growth in the more affluent setting. Preterms without IUGR presented height catch-down growth, suggesting that a better socioeconomic situation facilitates height catch-up and prevents height catch-down growth