12 research outputs found

    "Paradoxical" p16 overexpression in cutaneous melanoma: Molecular and immunohistochemical analysis of a rare phenomenon with a focus on cell cycle regulatory molecules

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    Background: One of the most relevant genetic alterations in cutaneous melanoma (CM) is the biallelic inactivation/loss-of-heterozygosis (LOH) of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2 A (CDKN2A), which results in the immunohistochemical loss of p16 frequently found in CM. However, we recently described a rare case of dermal/deep-seated melanoma arising in giant congenital nevus (DDM-GCN) with p16 overexpression combined with p53 loss and tumor protein 53 (TP53) mutation. Herein, we reported a case series of CM with p16 overexpression and analyzed their clinicopathologic features, immunohistochemical expression of the cell cycle regulatory molecules (CCRM: p53, p21, Cyclin D1, Rb), and mutational landscape. Methods: We retrospectively tested for p16 all cases of CM diagnosed at our institution between January 1st 2019-April 1st 2022. In CM with p16 overexpression, we reported clinicopathologic features, immunohistochemical results for melanocytic markers and CCRM, and mutational landscape investigated with a next-generation sequencing (NGS) panel. In cases with zonal p16 overexpression, the immunohistochemical assessment for melanocytic markers and CCRM, as well as the NGS analysis have been performed in both components {with and without p16 overexpression [p16(+)c and p16(-)]}. Results: Overexpression of p16 was found in 10/2879 (0.35%) CM [5/10 (50%) diffuse and 5/10 (50%) zonal]. We combined the immunohistochemical results for CCRM and molecular data to classify the cases as follows: a) Group 1 with altered expression of at least one CCRM but no TP53 mutations [3/10 (30%), all with Rb altered/lost]; b) Group 2 with altered expression of at least one CCRM and TP53 mutations [4/10 (40%), all with p53 altered]; c) Group 3 with normal expression of CCRM and no TP53 mutations [3/10 (30%), all with mutations in MAPK pathway genes (NRAS and BRAF)]. In CM with zonal p16 overexpression, the histologic appearance of p16(+)c was heterogeneous, whereas combining CCRM profiles and molecular data the cases could be categorized as follows: a) cases with the same CCRM and molecular profiles in both p16(+)c and p16(-)c; b) cases with p16(+)c showing additional genetic mutations and/or modifications of CCRM expression. Conclusions: p16 overexpression is a rare event, occurring in advanced-stage, clinically- and histologically-heterogeneous CM. These lesions may be classified into three different groups based on CCRM expression and mutational profiles (including TP53 mutation). The analysis of CM with zonal p16 overexpression suggests that, at least in a subset of cases, this phenomenon could represent a sign of "molecular progression" due to the acquisition of additional genetic mutations and/or modifications of the CCRM profile

    PRAME Expression in Mucosal Melanoma of the Head and Neck Region

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    PRAME (PReferentially expressed Antigen in MElanoma), a cancer-testis antigen expressed in normal and neoplastic tissues with several functions, proved to be a useful diagnostic tool in the differential diagnosis between benign and malignant melanocytic lesions. The current study aims to perform PRAME stain on a retrospective case series of mucosal melanocytic tumors of the head and neck region to compare 3 different scores and evaluate the most reliable one in this diagnostic set. Immunohistochemical analysis for PRAME was performed in 54 benign and malignant mucosal melanocytic tumors of the head and neck region collected from 41 patients. The best-performing cutoff of PRAME-positive cells (nuclear stain) to differentiate benign and malignant mucosal melanocytic tumors of the head and neck region is that proposed by Raghavan and colleagues (<60%/≥60% of PRAME-positive cells), with 100% and 77.8% of benign lesions and malignant tumors respectively correctly identified. Applying this score, PRAME stain showed the best results (sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and positive and negative predictive values) for the diagnosis of head and neck melanocytic tumors. However, a subset of PRAME-negative malignant tumors was identified, especially located in the palatal area (hard and soft palate). Finally, high PRAME expression (≥60%) was associated with specific sites (nasal cavity/nasal septum/turbinates nasopharynx, and the maxillary sinus), nodular histotype, and female sex

    Integrated clinicopathologic and molecular analysis of endometrial carcinoma: Prognostic impact of the new ESGO-ESTRO-ESP endometrial cancer risk classification and proposal of histopathologic algorithm for its implementation in clinical practice

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    IntroductionThe European Society of Gynecologic Oncology/European Society of Radiation Therapy and Oncology/European Society of Pathology (ESGO/ESTRO/ESP) committee recently proposed a new risk stratification system for endometrial carcinoma (EC) patients that incorporates clinicopathologic and molecular features. The aim of the study is to compare the new ESGO/ESTRO/ESP risk classification system with the previous 2016 recommendations, evaluating the impact of molecular classification and defining a new algorithm for selecting cases for molecular analysis to assign the appropriate risk class.MethodsThe cohort included 211 consecutive EC patients. Immunohistochemistry and next-generation sequencing were used to assign molecular subgroups of EC: POLE mutant (POLE), mismatch repair deficient (MMRd), p53 mutant (p53abn), and no specific molecular profile (NSMP).ResultsImmuno-molecular analysis was successful in all cases, identifying the four molecular subgroups: 7.6% POLE, 32.2% MMRd, 20.9% p53abn, and 39.3% NSMP. The recent 2020 guidelines showed a 32.7% risk group change compared with the previous 2016 classification system: the reassignment is due to POLE mutations, abnormal p53 expression, and a better definition of lymphovascular space invasion. The 2020 system assigns more patients to lower-risk groups (42.2%) than the 2016 recommendation (25.6%). Considering the 2020 risk classification system that includes the difference between “unknown molecular classification” and “known,” the integration of molecular subgroups allowed 6.6% of patients to be recategorized into a different risk class. In addition, the use of the proposed algorithm based on histopathologic parameters would have resulted in a 62.6% reduction in molecular analysis, compared to applying molecular classification to all patients.ConclusionApplication of the new 2020 risk classification integrating clinicopathologic and molecular parameters provided more accurate identification of low-and high-risk patients, potentially allowing a more specific selection of patients for post-operative adjuvant therapy. The proposed histopathologic algorithm significantly decreases the number of tests needed and could be a promising tool for cost reduction without compromising prognostic stratification

    Le "vere da pozzo" nella città di Ferrara: caratterizzazione minero-petrografica e stato conservativo

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    Nel presente studio sono state analizzate quattro “vere da pozzo” scelte come rappresentative delle numerose presenti nella città di Ferrara. Obiettivi del lavoro: – caratterizzare dal punto di vista minero-petrografico i materiali utilizzati; – definire l’area geografica e geologica di provenienza degli stessi; – porre particolare attenzione agli aspetti che riguardano il degrado a cui i materiali sono sottoposti. L’individuazione precisa della provenienza dei materiali può rivestire una notevole importanza anche sul fronte storiografico, in quanto può fornire indicazioni in relazione all’uso di materiali in determinati periodi (e non in altri), ai traffici e ai commerci dell’epoca, nonché all’attribuzione del manufatto a determinate botteghe artigianali

    HMB45/PRAME, a Novel Double Staining for the Diagnosis of Melanocytic Neoplasms: Technical Aspects, Results, and Comparison With Other Commercially Available Staining (PRAME and Melan A/PRAME)

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    : PRAME (PReferentially expressed Antigen in MElanoma) is a tumor-associated antigen that was recently found to be expressed by malignant melanocytic lesions but not by benign ones, thus resulting useful in this diagnostic field. PRAME could also be expressed by some normal tissues and nonmelanocytic tumors, suggesting as caution should be adopted to use PRAME as a "pan-melanoma" marker for the differential diagnosis with other malignant tumors. Until now, PRAME expression was exclusively investigated through single staining with a monoclonal antibody targeting PRAME and with double staining for Melan A/PRAME found to be useful in specific diagnostic sets. Herein, we studied the expression of PRAME in 40 melanocytic lesions and 23 nonmelanocytic ones using PRAME, Melan A/PRAME, and novel double staining for HMB45/PRAME. Although our results need to be validated, they support the adoption of HMB45/PRAME, alone or in combination with PRAME and Melan A/PRAME, as a helpful marker in the diagnosis of melanocytic neoplasms with a high concordance rate between primary melanoma and corresponding metastases

    Campi di Norcia tra problematiche ricostruttive ed esigenze di sicurezza

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    L’esercitazione condotta a Campi di Norcia, colpito dal sisma del 24 agosto e del 26-30 ottobre 2016, è partita dal presupposto che tutte le lacune prodotte nel tessuto edilizio a seguito del sisma, ma anche quelle che si registrano dalla stesura del Catasto Gregoriano in poi, possano essere “risolte” attraverso un’architettura che: sappia essere rispettosa della morfologia ereditata (se coerente con i limiti fisiologici di trasformazione dei tipi edilizi) e coerente con il processo tipologico (spazio-temporale) riscontrabile in un intorno sufficientemente ampio; sappia rispettare la “serialità” che caratterizza l’edilizia storica di Campi di Norcia, che risulti coerente con la «masse fabbricative» (strutturali e materiche) che sostanziano l’edilizia storica locale e che sappia utilizzare un linguaggio architettonico “consonante” sul piano materico e figurativo; risulti adeguata alla normativa antisismica. Le scelte progettuali potranno muoversi da soluzioni di natura squisitamente seriale ad altre di natura seriale-organica, ad altre, ancora, totalmente organiche

    Immunohistochemical Expression of Preferentially Expressed Antigen in Melanoma (PRAME) in the Uninvolved Background Testis, Germ Cell Neoplasia in Situ, and Germ Cell Tumors of the Testis

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    Objectives: Preferentially expressed antigen in melanoma (PRAME) has a key role in regulating pluripotency of primordial germ cells and in the development of germ cell tumors of the testis (GCTT). However, its immunohistochemical expression in normal testes and its neoplastic counterpart remain largely unknown. Methods: We retrospectively investigated the expression of PRAME in 26 cases of GCTT, 21 cases of germ cell neoplasia in situ (GCNIS), and 17 cases of uninvolved background testes. Results: We found that PRAME was expressed more strongly by seminomatous rather than nonseminomatous GCTT (P = .000) and by pure seminoma rather than the seminoma component of seminomatous/nonseminomatous GCTT (P = .025). In addition, GCNIS and uninvolved background testes displayed high levels of PRAME expression. Conclusions: PRAME is an additional marker for the differential diagnosis of GCTT and could play a key role in the transition from seminomatous to nonseminomatous GCTT

    X-Linked Duchenne-Type Muscular Dystrophy in Jack Russell Terrier Associated with a Partial Deletion of the Canine DMD Gene

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    A 9-month old male Jack Russell Terrier started showing paraparesis of the hindlimbs after a walk. Hospitalized, the dog went into cardiac arrest, and later died. Necroscopic examination revealed a severe thickness of the diaphragm, esophagus, and base of the tongue, leading to the diagnosis of muscular dystrophy. The histology confirmed the marked size variation, regeneration, and fibrosis replacement of the skeletal muscle fibers. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated the absence of dystrophin confirming the diagnosis. Transmission electron microscopy showed disarrangement of skeletal muscle fibers. Finally, whole-genome sequencing identified a ~368kb deletion spanning 19 exons of the canine dystrophin (DMD) gene. This pathogenic loss-of-function variant most likely explains the observed disease phenotype. The X-chromosomal variant was absent in seven controls of the same breed. Most likely, this partial deletion of the DMD gene was either transmitted on the maternal path within the family of the affected dog or arose de novo. This study revealed a spontaneous partial deletion in DMD gene in a Jack Russell Terrier showing a Duchenne-type muscular dystrophy due to non-functional dystrophin

    ARID1A and CTNNB1/β-Catenin Molecular Status Affects the Clinicopathologic Features and Prognosis of Endometrial Carcinoma: Implications for an Improved Surrogate Molecular Classification

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    The collaborative Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) project identified four distinct prognostic groups of endometrial carcinoma (EC) based on molecular alterations: (i) the ultramutated subtype that encompasses POLE mutated (POLE) cases; (ii) the hypermutated subtype, characterized by MisMatch Repair deficiency (MMRd); (iii) the copy-number high subtype, with p53 abnormal/mutated features (p53abn); (iv) the copy-number low subtype, known as No Specific Molecular Profile (NSMP). Although the prognostic value of TCGA molecular classification, NSMP carcinomas present a wide variability in molecular alterations and biological aggressiveness. This study aims to investigate the impact of ARID1A and CTNNB1/β-catenin alterations by targeted Next-generation sequencing (NGS) and immunohistochemistry (IHC) in a consecutive series of 125 molecularly classified ECs. NGS and IHC were used to assign surrogate TCGA groups and to identify molecular alterations of multiple target genes including POLE, PTEN, ARID1A, CTNNB1, TP53. Associations with clinicopathologic parameters, molecular subtypes, and outcomes identified NSMP category as the most heterogeneous group in terms of clinicopathologic features and outcome. Integration of surrogate TCGA molecular classification with ARID1A and β-catenin analysis showed NSMP cases with ARID1A mutation characterized by the worst outcome with early recurrence, while NSMP tumors with ARID1A wild-type and β-catenin alteration had indolent clinicopathologic features and no recurrence. This study indicates how the identification of ARID1A and β-catenin alterations in EC represents a simple and effective way to characterize NSMP tumor aggressiveness and metastatic potential

    La Casa del Fascio di Predappio nel panorama del restauro dell'architettura contemporanea. Contributi per aiutare a scegliere

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    Nella progressiva specializzazione disciplinare dei settori dell\u2019architettura e in un passaggio \u2013quanto involontario?- di testimone che ha visto l\u2019urbanistica divenire, per alcuni decenni, il solo intorno disciplinare responsabile per le scelte d\u2019uso strategiche della citt\ue0 intera e delle parti che la compongono, l\u2019importanza, la rilevanza di quel rapporto sono divenute meno chiare, meno evidenti. Il riavvio (se di riavvio vogliamo parlare) della riflessione attorno ai criteri con i quali il restauro si deve approcciare al problema della definizione degli usi da attribuire alle architetture gi\ue0 dismesse o sottoutilizzate, che ha segnato il passo negli ultimi anni, \ue8 assolutamente necessario. Si tratta di una problematica che, come detto sopra, \ue8 stata lasciata troppo a lungo esclusivamente nelle mani di altri intorni disciplinari; intorni disciplinari che, basandosi sull\u2019analisi di criteri del tutto estranei a quelli a noi (che di restauro ci occupiamo) pi\uf9 familiari, di conoscenza profonda del bene da restaurare, hanno spesso condotto a situazioni di forte rischio, quando non a danni conclamati, per il patrimonio storico-architettonico . Come evidente, si tratta di situazioni assolutamente non accettabili, sia nell\u2019ottica di tutela e salvaguardia del bene riconosciuto di interesse storico-culturale di cui al D. Lgs. 42/2004, sia, pi\uf9 nello specifico, in relazione ai contenuti dell\u2019art. 6 soprariportato. Il contributo tenta di mettere a punto nell'ottica illustrata una metodologia per individuare le possibili funzioni a cui la ex Casa del Fascio pu\uf2 meglio essere destinata