13 research outputs found

    Índice de capacidade do processo na avaliação da irrigação por aspersão

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    Analisar a qualidade da irrigação, além de avaliar seu bom funcionamento, é uma forma de verificar a viabilidade de sua implantação e operação. Como a uniformidade de distribuição é um dos parâmetros mais utilizados para essa avaliação, este trabalho objetivou utilizar técnicas de engenharia de qualidade, usando o índice de capacidade do processo (Cpl) para avaliar a uniformidade de distribuição de água em um sistema de irrigação por aspersão convencional. Os ensaios foram conduzidos no Núcleo Experimental de Engenharia Agrícola, UNIOESTE, com dois aspersores modelo Super10, marca NAANDAN, espaçados 9 m entre si, durante 25 irrigações de 1 h cada. Os dados climáticos foram coletados a cada 10 min, por uma estação meteorológica sem fio. Encontraram-se um CUC médio de 79,72% e velocidade do vento média de 1,85 m s-1. Foram aplicados os testes de controle de qualidade, elaborando os gráficos de controle de Shewhart e calculado o índice de capacidade do processo (Cpl), sendo que os resultados obtidos permitem afirmar que a utilização do índice de capacidade do processo torna-se uma ferramenta poderosa para classificar sistemas de irrigação em função de sua uniformidade de distribuição.Analyzing the irrigation quality, besides evaluating its good operation, is a form of verifying the viability of its implantation and operation. As the distribution uniformity is one of the most used parameters for that evaluation, this work aimed to use techniques of quality engineering, by using the process capacity index (Cpl) to evaluate the uniformity of water distribution in overhead irrigation by sprinkler. The research was carried out at the Experimental Center of Agricultural Engineering, UNIOESTE, with 2 sprinklers Super10 model, NAANDAN, spaced 9m between themselves, during 25 irrigations with 1 h each. The Weather data were collected every 10 min. by a wireless weather station. It was found a medium CUC of 79.72% and a medium wind speed of 1.85 m s-1. It was applied quality control tests, elaborating SHEWHART control charts and it was calculated the process capacity index (Cpl). The obtained results allow us to affirm that the use of the process capacity index becomes a powerful tool to classify overhead irrigations in function of distribution uniformity


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    <div><p>Abstract The uniformity of water application is an important factor in the evaluation of sprinkler irrigation systems. This uniformity depends on the type of sprinkler and its operating conditions, such as the arrangement and spacing between the sprinklers in the area; velocity and wind direction during the period of water application and the pressure variation of the irrigation system. The objective of this study was to model, analyze and compare the structure of spatial dependence, as well as the spatial variability of the water depths applied by a sprinkler irrigation system with compensating and non-compensating sprinklers, using geostatistical methods and measurements of accuracy or similarity between the applied water depth maps. The experiment was carried out in an agricultural area, in the city of Cascavel-Paraná-Brazil. A total area of 10 × 10 m was used, with 04 compensating and 04 non-compensating sprinklers installed at a height of 1.5 m. For each type of sprinkler, water levels were measured in 100 collectors spaced 1 × 1 m in the study area in 32 trials. On each test sprinkling was carried out for one hour. The conditions of wind, temperature and air humidity were evaluated at the beginning of each test and at 10-minute intervals with a climatological station. As the geostatistical analysis showed the existence of directional trends, the coordinates were incorporated as covariates to the linear spatial model in the study of the spatial dependence of the average depth of the irrigation water for the two types of sprinklers. The spatial dependence structure that best fits the data when using the compensating sprinklers was the Gaussian model and when the non-compensating sprinklers were used, it was the exponential model. The spatial variability maps of average irrigation water depth (mm) of the trials, obtained by universal kriging, revealed that for both sprinklers there was an increase in the mean level average values in the northwest-southeast direction (135° in the azimuth system) in the area under study, influenced by wind direction and velocity during the execution of the experiment.</p></div

    Water application uniformity and fertigation in a dripping irrigation set Uniformidade de aplicação de água e fertirrigação em um conjunto de irrigação por gotejamento

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the uniformity of distribution coefficient (UDC) and coefficient of variation (CV) of a familiar set of irrigation, classifying it the ASAE standard. The irrigation and fertigation are determined by two methods the KELLER & KARMELI and DENÍCULI . The two experiments were subjected to varying pressures: 12, 14, 16 and 18 kPa, in a completely randomized design of twenty samples composed of flows with three replications. Urea, potassium chloride (KCl) and ammonium phosphate (MAP) were the elements used for fertigation. The system consisted of a 200 L tank, which supplied another container of 30 L, it was moved vertically to control the pressure. The data was statistically compared between treatments for each methodology. In fertigation the best pressure was 16 kPa and was classified as "excellent" for UDC (91.03%) and "marginal" for C.V. (7.47%). For the irrigation treatment, the best pressure was 16 kPa rated "excellent" for UDC (91.2%) and "marginal" for C.V. (7.68%). The DENÍCULI et al. (1980) methodology proved more reliable for the evaluation of drip systems. It was observed that this set has good uniformity of distribution, but with great variability in flows.<br>O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o coeficiente de uniformidade de distribuição (CUD) e o coeficiente de variação (C.V.) de um conjunto de irrigação familiar, classificando-o pela norma ASAE (American Society of Agricultural Engineers), nos sistemas de irrigação e fertirrigação, sendo determinados por duas metodologias: a de KELLER & KARMELI, e a de DENÍCULI. Os dois experimentos foram submetidos a quatro pressões: 12; 14; 16 e 18 kPa, em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado de vinte coletas de vazões, com três repetições. Para a fertirrigação, foram utilizados ureia, cloreto de potássio (KCl) e fosfato monoamônico (MAP). O sistema era composto por um reservatório de 200 L, que abastecia outro recipiente de 30 L, este sendo deslocado verticalmente para o controle da pressão. Os dados foram comparados estatisticamente entre os tratamentos para cada metodologia. Na fertirrigação, a melhor pressão foi de 16 kPa, e classificou-se como "excelente" para CUD (91,03%) e "marginal" para C.V. (7,47%). Para o tratamento com irrigação, a melhor pressão foi de 16 kPa classificado como "excelente" para CUD (91,2%) e "marginal" para C.V. (7,68%). A metodologia de DENÍCULI et al. (1980) mostrou-se mais confiável para a avaliação de sistemas de gotejamento. Observou-se que este conjunto tem ótima uniformidade de distribuição, mas com grande variabilidade nas vazões