422 research outputs found

    Radiative decays of light mesons

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    I review present experimental and theoretical status of electromagnetic decays of light mesons. Special attention is paid to single-photon decays of charged resonances, and to recent applications of the Primakoff technique to measure such processes. New data on radiative decays of pseudoscalar, vector, axial and tensor mesons are compared with several theoretical calculations involving quark models, unitary symmetry relations, and an effective Lagrangian approach. Vector Meson Dominance ideas, as applied to meson spectroscopy, are discussed in detail. Also, the electromagnetic properties of the A1_{1} meson are examined in the context of resonance parameters observed in diffractive production and Ï„\tau-lepton decays. Finally, I emphasize the importance of radiative processes in searching for glueball and hybrid states of matter

    Measurement of the eta->pi+pi-pi0 decay with WASA-at-COSY detector

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    One of the objectives of the physics programme of the WASA-at-COSY facility is to study the isospin violating eta hadronic decays into pi+pi-pi0$ systems driven by the term of QCD Lagrangian which depends on the d and u quark mass difference. These studies can be made in terms of the Dalitz plot parameters describing the density population which is proportional to the square of the amplitude |A(x,y)|^2. This contribution describes the current status of the analysis of the eta->pi+pi-pi0 decay in the pd->3He eta and as well in the pp->pp eta reaction with WASA-at-COSY

    Coherent production on nuclei and measurements of total cross sections for unstable particles

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    The Kölbig–Margolis formula is fitted to some explicitly nonperturbative models of diffractive production. It is shown that, in spite of the fact that the standard procedure of fitting the integrated cross sections may give acceptable fits, thus obtained "cross sections of unstable particles", σ2\sigma_{2}, grossly disagree with the "true" cross sections known exactly from the models

    Elastic p-p cross-section and longitudinal motion of quarks

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    We show that quark longitudinal degrees of freedom are important for the shape of the elastic p–p cross-section calculated in the dressed quark model using Glauber multiple scattering expansion. We find also that in this model multiple scattering terms are greater than required by data

    Adaptable Service Oriented Infrastructure Provisioning with Lightweight Containers Virtualization Technology

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    Modern computing infrastructures should enable realization of converged provisioning and governance operations on virtualized computing, storage and network resources used on behalf of users' workloads. These workloads must have ensured sufficient access to the resources to satisfy required QoS. This requires flexible platforms providing functionality for construction, activation and governance of Runtime Infrastructure which can be realized according to Service Oriented Infrastructure (SOI) paradigm. Implementation of the SOI management framework requires definition of flexible architecture and utilization of advanced software engineering and policy-based techniques. The paper presents an Adaptable SOI Provisioning Platform which supports adaptable SOI provisioning with lightweight virtualization, compliant with the structured process model suitable for construction, activation and governance of IT environments. The requirements, architecture and implementation of the platform are all discussed. Practical usage of the platform is presented on the basis of a complex case study for provisioning JEE middleware on top of the Solaris 10 lightweight virtualization platform

    Green bonds as an innovative sovereign financial instrument

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    Motivation: There is a growing awareness of the impact that climate change is having on the world economy and the standards of living. Green bonds (GBs) are relatively new and innovative instruments on the financial market where the capitals are also invested in projects that generate environmental or climate benefits. The newness of this financial instrument could be the main reason behind the scarcity of scientific publications on green bonds; thus, it remains an undeveloped research area. One of the problems is also classifying securities as GBs. Therefore, it is exceedingly important to distinguish labelled green bonds and unlabelled climate-aligned bonds.Aim: In the article, the authors will present the evolution of the green bonds market and attempt to assess the observed and potential effects of green bonds’ issuances, taking into account governments issues.Results: Green bonds are the next stage of market growth. In the article, the authors will present the benefits of green bonds and the positive impact that their issuance has on the issuer and on investors’ image as socially responsible entities. Therefore, strong investor demand can lead to oversubscription. Thus, green bonds could be one of the easiest ways to attract investors and potentially increase issuance size which can contribute to lower costs of financing green public tasks

    Urgent analgo-sedation of a patient with polytrauma done by a basic medical emergency team in prehospital care

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    Medical Rescue Teams during their daily work often face the need to analgo-sedate patients, the victims of road accidents. This is especially important in patients with cranial and brain trauma and is designed to prevent secondary damage to the brain. This procedure should begin as early as the prehospital phase at the scene or during transport to a Hospital Emergency Department. In the light of the Law on State Emergency Medical Teams, basic crews themselves cannot give drugs to provide urgent analgo-sedation and brain protection. The case describes a 65-year-old patient, a participant in a traffic accident, in whom the initial examination showed multiple traumatic injuries, of which injury to the chest and head trauma proved to be the most dangerous. During pre-hospital activities, due to a significant deterioration of the patient and the emergence of life-threatening symptoms, it was necessary to implement emergency rescue procedures. There was a pneumothorax, possible to decompress by members of the basic Medical Rescue Team, as well as increasing psychomotor agitation with indications for urgent analgo-sedation requiring the consent of a coordinating physician at the Crisis Management Centre. The coordinating doctor consented to the administration of Mannitol and Thiopental to protect the central nervous system (CNS) of the casualty. Neither drug is on the list of drugs that may be administered by paramedics alone. They must be authorised by a doctor, whose decision, in this case, undoubtedly contributed to increasing the chances of the patient's survival, safe delivery to a Hospital Emergency Department, transfer to the Department of Intensive Care Medicine, and the Department of Trauma Surgery

    Leczenie chirurgiczne miastenii

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    Grzech i cnota w Księdze Mądrości jako konsekwencja fundamentalnego wyboru między śmiercią a Mądrością

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    The author of the Book of Wisdom constantly juxtaposes opposing realities so that using comparison (synkrisis), he can more profoundly show the differences between them. In the first part of his Book, he contrasts the righteous with the ungodly. He analyzes their attitudes and choices in terms of the consequences in their earthly lives and after death. He juxtaposes the integrity and virtue of the righteous with the sin and immorality of the unrighteous. Attitudes are related to the free decision of every individual, but also seem to stem from the first, fundamental choice between death and Wisdom, which is made by both groups. The author emphasizes that this choice is fundamental, as it inspires specific moral decisions and attitudes. When describing the fascination with death and Wisdom, he uses images and vocabulary that suggest a deep connection, a spousal relationship or a desire for closeness, evidently showing the diametrically distant effects of this relationship. The fascination with death leads to fear, misconduct and spiritual death, while the spousal relationship with Wisdom guarantees a life of righteousness on earth and blissful immortality.Autor Księgi Mądrości zestawia nieustannie w swoim dziele rzeczywistości przeciwstawne, aby poprzez porównanie (synkrisis) głębiej ukazać różnicę między nimi. Pierwsza część Księgi Mądrości to zestawienie postaci sprawiedliwego z bezbożnymi. Autor analizuje postawy i wybory dokonywane przez ludzi pod kątem ich konsekwencji w życiu ziemskim i po śmierci. Sprawiedliwości i cnocie sprawiedliwego przeciwstawia grzech i niemoralność bezbożnych. Postawy są związane z wolnym wyborem człowieka, ale także zdają się wynikać z pierwszego, fundamentalnego wyboru pomiędzy śmiercią a Mądrością, którego dokonują jedni i drudzy. Autor podkreśla, że właśnie ta relacja jest fundamentalna, ponieważ inspiruje do konkretnych wyborów moralnych i postaw. Przy opisywaniu fascynacji śmiercią i Mądrością pojawiają się obrazy i słownictwo sugerujące głęboki związek, relację o charakterze oblubieńczym czy pragnienie bliskości. Autor ukazuje z całą wyrazistością biegunowo odległe efekty tych relacji. Fascynacja śmiercią prowadzi do lęku, błędnego postępowania i śmierci duchowej, a oblubieńcza więź z Mądrością gwarantuje życie sprawiedliwe na ziemi oraz szczęśliwą nieśmiertelność

    Phonon-induced and phonon-free superconductivity in correlated systems : Eliashberg equations for the two-dimensional Hubbard model

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    The problem of phonon-induced and phonon-free superconductivity in the two-dimensional Hubbard model has been addressed. We have generalized the Eliashberg equations to account for both on-site and intersite pairing and consider the electron–electron and electron-phonon channel on an equal footing. This approach allows for the discussion of pairing and depairing properties of the local repulsive interaction. We demonstrate the possibility of cooperation between electron-phonon and electron–electron interaction in the stabilization of the d-wave superconductivity, in particular close to the experimental value of optimal doping ( ≃ 0.15). We have also discussed the problem of phonon-induced superconductivity in the two-dimensional Hubbard model close to the metal-insulator transition. Here, the Coulomb correlations have been incorporated within the Hubbard I approximation whereas the superconductivity is treated by the Eliashberg scheme. The results support the view that a d-wave component dominates in the gap function
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