36 research outputs found

    Primarni obostrani difuzni B-velikostanični limfom bubrega s metastazama u središnjem živčanom sustavu u smeđe medvjedice (Ursus arctos) držane u zatočeništvu.

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    We present the first report of primary bilateral renal diffuse large B-cell lymphoma with central nervous system metastases, in a 7 year-old, captive female brown bear. After 7 months of progressive neurological disease, the animal was euthanized. On necropsy, neoplastic nodules with infiltrative growth in the kidneys were found. Neoplastic proliferation of a similar pattern was found compressing the cerebellum and brain stem, and growing through the nervus maxillaris and nervus ophtalmicus. Histology revealed a highly cellular round cell neoplasm, with an infiltrative diffuse growth pattern through the kidneys and nervous parenchyma. On immunohistochemistry, the neoplastic cells stained for the B-cell marker Pax-5. Our report suggests that lymphoma should be considered as a differential diagnosis in bears with a chronic progressive neurological disease.Opisan je prvi slučaj bilateralnoga primarnog difuznog B-velikostaničnog limfoma bubrega s metastazama u tkivo središnjega živčanog sustava u sedmogodišnje smeđe medvjedice držane u zatočeništvu. Životinja je eutanizirana zbog sedmomjesečne progresivne neurološke bolesti. Obdukcija je pokazala postojanje nodularne infiltrativne neoplazme u oba bubrega. Također je utvrđeno neoplastično nodularno bujanje u području malog mozga i moždanog debla koje je dovelo do značajne kompresivne atrofije navedenih struktura te zahvatilo vidne i maksilarne živce. Histološka pretraga pokazala je da su bubrezi i mozak zahvaćeni difuznim infiltrativnim rastom neoplastičnih pojedinačnih okruglih stanica. Visoka imunohistokemijska pozitivnost neoplastičnih stanica na Pax-5 marker dokazala je da je riječ o B-staničnom limfomu. Ovaj nalaz trebao bi doprinijeti uvrštavanju limfoma na listu diferencijalnih dijagnoza u slučaju pojave kronične progresivne bolesti centralnog živčanog sustava u medvjeda

    Evaluation of the occurrence of canine congenital sensorineural deafness in puppies of predisposed dog breeds using the brainstem auditory evoked response

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    Canine congenital sensorineural deafness (CCSD) affects predisposed breeds of dogs and is primarily caused by an atrophy of the stria vascularis of the organ of Corti. The analysis of the brainstem auditory evoked response (BAER) is a reliable method for the evaluation of hearing in animals as it allows an accurate detection of unilateral or bilateral deafness. The occurrence of unilateral and bilateral deafness using the BAER was determined in a representative group of dogs in Poland, including Bull Terriers (n = 117), Australian Cattle Dogs (n = 62), English Setters (n = 32) and the Dogo Argentino (n = 32). Overall deafness, deafness in each dog breed and an association between deafness and phenotype were studied. Among the 243 dogs tested, 156 (81%) had a normal BAER, 27 (11%) were unilaterally deaf, and 12 (5%) were bilaterally deaf. The amplitudes and latencies of waves I, II, III, V, the V/I wave amplitude ratio, and wave I–V, I–III and III–V inter-peak intervals were recorded for each dog. Unilaterally and bilaterally deaf dogs were present in all the dog breeds studied. There were 17 (14.5%) deaf Bull Terriers, three (4.8%) deaf Australian Cattle Dogs, seven (21.9%) deaf English Setters, and 12 (37.5%) deaf Dogos Argentinos. Preventive BAER screening should be routinely performed in these four breeds to prevent the spread of genes responsible for deafness

    Rozważania o obronności Rzeczypospolitej Doktryny i rzeczywistość

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    Ze wstępu: "W ostatnich latach termin „bezpieczeństwo narodowe” odmieniany był w licznych publikacjach naukowych i publicystycznych we wszystkich przypadkach i w każdej prawie możliwej konfiguracji. Pisano zatem i rozprawiano na konferencjach oraz seminariach naukowych o bezpieczeństwie zewnętrznym i wewnętrznym, ekonomicznym i energetycznym, społecznym, demograficznym i wielu innych. Praktycznie każdy obszar problemowy, któremu można było przypisać, z większym lub mniejszym sensem, rzeczownik „bezpieczeństwo” stawał się przedmiotem rozważań w ramach dyscypliny naukowej „nauki o bezpieczeństwie”. W tym natłoku „gatunków” bezpieczeństwa coraz mniej widoczne było bezpieczeństwo militarne, czyli innymi słowy obronność państwa. Dopiero wydarzenia na wschód od naszej granicy doprowadziły do swego rodzaju przebudzenia i od dwóch lat ponownie zaczęto głośno zastanawiać się nad istotą, poziomem i organizacją obronności Rzeczypospolitej. Wszystkie te wydarzenia doprowadziły do powstania swego rodzaju sytuacji problemowej, którą można by opisać w postaci pytania: w jakiej rzeczywistej kondycji znajduje się obronność Rzeczypospolitej?"(...)Publikacja powstała w ramach projektu badawczego nr WNoB/DS/1/2016-KO

    Efficacy of medium chain triglyceride oil dietary supplementation in reducing seizure frequency in dogs with idiopathic epilepsy without cluster seizures : a non-blinded, prospective clinical trial

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    This study was fully funded by Nestlé Purina ResearchDespite appropriate antiseizure drug (ASD) treatment, around two-thirds of dogs with idiopathic epilepsy (IE) have seizures long-term and 20-30per cent of affected dogs remain poorly controlled. The current study aim is to test in a field trial the efficacy and tolerability of a commercially available diet enriched with 6.5per cent medium chain triglyceride (MCT) oil in dogs (n=21) with at least a tier 1 idiopathic epilepsy diagnosis, without cluster seizures, in 10 veterinary practices across Europe. Each dog's quality of life (QoL), ataxia, sedation and frequency and severity of seizures were recorded by owners throughout the study. The mean seizure frequency per month, averaged over the entire 84-day study, significantly (P=0.04) decreased 32per cent compared with the baseline monthly seizure frequency recorded during the month immediately before feeding the diet. Similarly, the seizure days rate (days/month) also declined (P8.5/10) in 20 of the 21 dogs before starting the diet and this remained unchanged during the trial. This study demonstrates the use of a diet enriched with MCTs as an adjunct to ASD treatment may have some antiseizure properties for dogs diagnosed with IE, as demonstrated in previous studies

    Warunkowe zawieszenie wykonania kary w założeniach nowej polityki karnej

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    Opracowanie stanowi interdyscyplinarne studium badań nad instytucją warunkowego zawieszenia wykonania kary z perspektywy analizy dogmatycznej w płaszczyźnie prawa karnego materialnego i wynikających z niego implikacji w sferze proceduralnej oraz szeroko pojętej praktyki stosowania prawa karnego: sędziowskiej, prokuratorskiej i adwokacko-radcowskiej. Wiele miejsca poświęcono zagadnieniom z zakresu teorii i filozofii prawa karnego, umiejętnie eksponując przy tym ich wymiar praktyczny. Omówiono m.in. ustawowe przesłanki stosowania warunkowego zawieszenia, jego wady i zalety, obowiązki probacyjne związane z poddaniem sprawcy próbie

    Electroencephalography as a diagnostic technique for canine neurological diseases

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    Electroencephalography (EEG) is a non-invasive examination method for the assessment of functional central nervous system (CNS) disturbances. In human medicine it has a special importance as a diagnostic tool for epilepsy. Although many studies were done on the use of EEG for diagnostics of canine central nervous system disorders, the technique is still not applied routinely. The purpose of this paper was to review the use of the electroencephalography in canine neurological disorders of central nervous system diagnosis and assess the future perspectives of this technique in veterinary medicine

    Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Syringomyelia Secondary to Chiari Malformation in Cavalier King Charles Spaniel—A Preliminary Study

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    Syringomyelia secondary to Chiari-like malformation (so-called CM-SM syndrome) is a common disorder in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels (CKCS) that is diagnosed using standard structural MRI, though imaging findings often do not correlate with the severity of clinical symptoms. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is a technique that defines subtle microstructural changes in the course of many brain and spinal cord diseases, that are not visible on standard MRI. The aim of the study was to identify the correlation between the presence of clinical symptoms and DTI parameters, such as apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) and fractional anisotropy (FA) within the spinal cord in the course of CM-SM. Study subjects included 18 dogs, CKCS with MRI-confirmed SM (SM group), and 12 CKCS dogs without SM (non-SM group). The SM group was divided into SM-symptomatic group (n = 8) and SM-asymptomatic group, n = 10). All dogs underwent same clinical and neurological assessment followed by MRI examination. All MRI studies were performed on a 1.5T MRI scanner. The MRI spine protocol included: transverse and sagittal T2-weighted images followed by DTI performed in the sagittal plane. The measurements of FA and ADC values were performed manually using the region of interest (ROI) method at the level of three intervertebral discs between C1 and C4. Notable differences in age and body weight were found. No significant differences in FA and ADC values between the SM and non-SM groups were found, but between non-SM, SM-asymptomatic and SM-symptomatic groups significant differences were found in ADC values in all three ROIs and in FA values in ROI-1 and ROI-3. SM-symptomatic dogs compared to non-SM, showed decreased FA value in ROI-1 and ROI-3 also increased ADC value in ROI-1, ROI-2 and ROI-3. SM-symptomatic dogs compared to SM-asymptomatic showed also decreased FA value in ROI-1 and ROI-3, and also increased ADC value in ROI-1, ROI-2 and ROI-3. The results suggest that the values of DTI parameters correlate with the severity of clinical symptoms in the course of CM-SM in animals. The use of DTI evaluation of CM-SM patients carries a potential value as a clinically relevant protocol for an objective assessment of the spinal cord