53 research outputs found

    Miejsce Policji w życiu społecznym

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    Police fully recognizably plays an important role in life of every citizen. Without an adequate level of security of social life and economic would be much more difficult.This article makes an attempt to present the role of the police in a modern society.Indicate the source and essence of the social demand for police services and the impact of social expectations on the manner in which the ranking police tasks. Determination of the ratio between the use of repression and the performance of the role of guardian is a difficult and complex task. In order to ensure their security, every citizen is obliged to waive part of their liberties and freedom. The huge influence of the mass media to create awareness of social causes Police is also involved in the creation of channels of information favorable in relation institution-citizen.Policja pełni niekwestionowanie ważną funkcję w życiu każdego obywatela. Bez zapewnienia odpowiedniego poziomu bezpieczeństwa życie społeczne oraz gospodarcze byłoby znacznie utrudnione. Artykuł podejmuje próbę przedstawienia roli Policji we współczesnym społeczeństwie. Wskazuje źródło i istotę społecznego zapotrzebowanie na usługi policyjne, a także wpływ oczekiwań społecznych na sposób realizowania postawionych Policji zadań. Określenie proporcji pomiędzy stosowaniem represji a pełnieniem roli opiekuna jest trudnym i złożonym zadaniem. W celu zapewnieniu sobie bezpieczeństwa każdy obywatel jest zobligowany do zrzeczenia się części swoich swobód i wolności. Ogromny wpływ środków masowego przekazu na kreowanie świadomości społecznej powoduje, że Policja również zajmuje się tworzeniem kanałów informacyjnych, korzystnych w relacji instytucja-obywatel

    Application of multiple criteria evolutionary algorithms to vector optimisation, decision support and reference point approaches, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2003, nr 3

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    Multiple criteria evolutionary algorithms, being essentially parallel in their character, are a natural instrument of finding a representation of entire Pareto set (set of solutions and outcomes non-dominated in criteria space) for vector optimization problems. However, it is well known that Pareto sets for problems with more than two criteria might become complicated and their representation very time-consuming. Thus, the application of such algorithms is essentially limited to bi-criteria problems or to vector optimisation problems with more criteria but of simple structure. Even in such cases, there are problems related to various important aspects of vector optimisation, such as the uniformity of representation of Pareto set, stopping tests or the accuracy of representing Pareto set, that are not fully covered by the broad literature on evolutionary algorithms in vector optimisation. These problems and related computational tests and experience are discussed in the paper. In order to apply evolutionary algorithms for decision support, it would be helpful to use them in an interactive mode. However, evolutionary algorithms are in their essence global and of batch type. Nevertheless, it is possible to introduce interactive aspects to evolutionary algorithms by focusing them on a part of Pareto set. The results of experimental tests of such modifications of evolutionary algorithms for vector optimisation are presented in the paper. Another issue related to vector optimisation problems with more than two criteria is the computational difficulty of estimating nadir points of Pareto set. The paper describes the use of diverse variants of evolutionary algorithms to the estimation of nadir points, together with experimental evidence

    Decreased expression of p73 in colorectal cancer

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    Introduction. The colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most frequent cancer in Poland and worldwide. This disease is characterized by distinct genetic alterations. p73 belongs to the p53 gene family; however, its role in the pathogenesis of CRC has not been completely understood. p73 gene encodes several mRNA variants and protein isoforms with its longest and fully functional p73a (mRNA) and TAp73a (protein) isoform. The aim of the study was to investigate p73 gene expression at the mRNA (p73a) and protein (TAp73a) levels in CRC. Material and methods. Small sections of the crc tumor tissue and macroscopically unchanged colon mucosa and submucosa from the dissection margin were collected from 23 patients diagnosed with CRC. p73 mRNA levels were measured by Real-time PCR (QPCR) method and the expression level of TAp73a protein was assessed by Western blotting (WB) and immunohistochemical (IHC) staining. Results. We found a 37% decrease in the level of p73a mRNA in neoplastically changed (tumor) compared with unchanged normal colon tissue from the surgical margin (p = 0.041). No correlations were found between mRNA levels in cancer tissue and clinical-pathological parameters. The semi-quantification of TAp73a protein revealed lower and higher TAp73a protein contents in 11/23 and 12/23 of tumor samples, respectively, when compared with the median value of TAp73a protein in normal colon tissue (p = 0.61). The level of TAp73a protein level was 5 times lower in poorly differentiated cancer cells (G3) in comparison to moderately differentiated ones (G2; p = 0.02). No statistically significant correlations were observed between the level of the TAp73a protein and clinical-pathological patients’ characteristics. The IHC analysis of TAp73a protein presence in CRC samples showed decreased immunoreactivity when compared with matched sections of the unchanged colon wall in 4/9 patients, similar intensity of the IHC reaction in 4/9 patients and increased immunoreactivity in 1/9 patients. The TAp73a protein was localized mainly in the cytoplasm of the cancer cells. No statistically significant correlations between IHC results and clinical-pathological features of the patients were found. Conclusions. The obtained results suggest that the p73 gene may play a role as a tumor suppressor in the CRC progression

    Fair and efficient network dimensioning with the reference point methodology, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2006, nr 4

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    The dimensioning of telecommunication networks that carry elastic traffic requires the fulfillment of two conflicting goals: maximizing the total network throughput and providing fairness to all flows. Fairness in telecommunication network design is usually provided using the so-called max-min fairness (MMF) approach. However, this approach maximizes the performance of the worst (most expensive) flows which may cause a large worsening of the overall throughput of the network. In this paper we show how the concepts of multiple criteria equitable optimization can be effectively used to generate various fair and efficient allocation schemes. We introduce a multiple criteria model equivalent to equitable optimization and we develop a corresponding reference point procedure for fair and efficient network dimensioning for elastic flows. The procedure is tested on a sample network dimensioning problem for elastic traffic and its abilities to model various preferences are demonstrated

    The risk of cholelithiasis in patients after heart transplantation

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    Introduction: Extended immunosuppressive treatment in patients after heart transplantation modifies etiopathogenesis and occurrence of many diseases in this population. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the frequency and to define risk factors for cholelithiasis after heart transplantation (HTX). Material and methods: The study population consisted of 176 subjects. Of them, 24 patients (group A) presented with symptomatic cholelithiasis. Another group of 24 patients without cholelithiasis (group B) served as controls. Both groups were similar with respect to age, gender and follow-up after the transplant. Clinical interview, surgical and hospitalization data were collected from medical records. Results: The groups did not differ in demographic features. There were statistical differences (p < 0.05) between group A and B in rejection reaction, doses of immunosuppressive drugs, type 2 diabetes, serum lipid disorders and acute rejection episodes. These events were caused by modification of treatment, especially the immunosuppressive regimen. Group A consisted of 75% men and 25% women. The frequency of symptomatic cholelithiasis was 11.7% in men and 27.3% in women, on average 19.5%. Mean time to cholelithiasis following HTX was 37.9 ±4.9 (Me = 41.5) months, 27.7 ±8.2 (Me = 30.0) months in women and 41.3 ±5.9 (Me = 41.5) months in men. The female to male ratio was 2.3 : 1. Conclusions: Cholelithiasis following HTX was significantly more frequent as compared with the non-transplant population. Patients with cholelithiasis required more aggressive immunosuppression because of more frequent episodes of acute transplant rejection. Patients with cholelithiasis significantly more frequently showed increased glycemia and blood lipids, which could be the side effect of intensive immunosuppressive therapy

    Underexpression of LATS1 TSG in colorectal cancer is associated with promoter hypermethylation

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    AIM: To investigate large tumor suppressor 1 (LATS1) expression, promoter hypermethylation, and microsatellite instability in colorectal cancer (CRC). METHODS: RNA was isolated from tumor tissue of 142 CRC patients and 40 colon mucosal biopsies of healthy controls. After reverse transcription, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed, and LATS1 expression was normalized to expression of the ACTB and RPL32 housekeeping genes. To analyze hypermethylation, genomic DNA was isolated from 44 tumor CRC biopsies, and methylation-specific PCR was performed. Microsatellite instability (MSI) status was checked with PCR using BAT26, BAT25, and BAT40 markers in the genomic DNA of 84 CRC patients, followed by denaturing gel electrophoresis. RESULTS: Decreased LATS1 expression was found in 127/142 (89.4%) CRC cases with the average ratio of the LATS1 level 10.33 ± 32.64 in CRC patients vs 32.85 ± 33.56 in healthy controls. The lowest expression was found in Dukes’ B stage tumors and G1 (well-differentiated) cells. Hypermethylation of the LATS1 promoter was present in 25/44 (57%) CRC cases analyzed. LATS1 promoter hypermethylation was strongly associated with decreased gene expression; methylated cases showed 162× lower expression of LATS1 than unmethylated cases. Although high-grade MSI (mutation in all three markers) was found in 14/84 (17%) cases and low-grade MSI (mutation in 1-2 markers) was found in 30/84 (36%) cases, we found no association with LATS1 expression. CONCLUSION: Decreased expression of LATS1 in CRC was associated with promoter hypermethylation, but not MSI status. Such reduced expression may promote progression of CRC