316 research outputs found

    Evaluation of building envelope retrofit techniques for reducing energy needs for space cooling.

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    One of the fastest growing sources of new energy demand is space cooling. According to EU-studies a four-fold growth in air-conditioned space is likely to take place between 1990 and 2020. The energy savings achievable in the end-use space cooling depend on a number of variables related to the building envelope, the plants and to some extent the behaviour of occupants. They are hence complex to evaluate and consequently often underrepresented in energy efficiency programmes and National Plans. This paper is based on some preliminary results of the IEE project KeepCool 2. It discusses in particular: a methodology for bottom-up assessment of the energy savings related to "sustainable summer comfort" solutions; reference base case building typologies are analyzed in 5 European climates, and dynamic simulations are used to calculate the reductions in the energy need for cooling which can be achieved by specific retrofit actions (e.g. additions of effective solar protections, increased thermal insulation, night ventilation, increase of active mass by PCM, low solar absorbance surfaces,...); situations where mechanical cooling can be avoided are evaluated using the Adaptive Comfort model, according to the norm EN 15251. case studies of buildings with good summer comfort and low energy consumption performances, according to the ten steps of the KC2 procedure. the analysis of case studies of "comfort policies" adopted by public and private bodies to ensure summer comfort with low energy consumption (commitments to give priority to heat load reductions instead of introducing mechanical cooling, relaxed dress codes, low thermal insulation chairs, local air velocity increase)

    Triple-negative breast carcinomas of low malignant potential: review on diagnostic criteria and differential diagnoses

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    Triple-negative breast carcinomas constitute a wide spectrum of lesions, mostly being highly aggressive. Nevertheless, some special histologic subtypes can have low malignant potential. The purpose of the present paper is to review diagnostic criteria and prognostic parameters of breast neoplasms of special histotypes. Specifically, adenoid cystic carcinoma, adenomyoepithelioma, acinic cell carcinoma, mucoepidermoid carcinoma, tall cell carcinoma with reverse polarity, and secretory carcinoma will be discussed. For each tumour, definition and morphological and molecular features, together with prognostic parameters, will be presented. Paradigmatic cases will be illustrated

    Au(III)-Proline derivatives exhibiting selective antiproliferative activity against HepG2/SB3 apoptosis-resistant cancer cells

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    This paper deals with the combination of a proline-based moiety with biologically active gold centers in the oxidation states +1 and +3. In particular, six Au(i)/(iii)-proline dithiocarbamato (DTC) complexes with general formulae [AuI2(DTC)(2)] and [(AuX2)-X-III(DTC)] (X = Cl, Br) are reported here. After the synthesis of the ligand and the complexes, all derivatives were characterized via several techniques and tested for their stability in DMSO/water media. This study was focused on the demonstration of a peculiar behavior of Au(iii)-DTC species in solution. Finally, the complexes were screened for their antiproliferative activity against 2 human cancer cell lines, namely HepG2 and HepG2/SB3, taken as models of hepatocellular carcinoma. The latter, chosen for its aggressiveness due to the upregulation of the anti-apoptotic protein SerpinB3, was selectively inhibited in terms of growth by some Au(iii)-DTC complexes

    Insight into the Properties of Heteroleptic Metal Dithiolenes: Multistimuli Responsive Luminescence, Chromism, and Nonlinear Optics

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    A comprehensive investigation of the functional properties of heteroleptic donor-M-acceptor dithiolene complexes Bu4N[MII(L1)(L2)] is presented (M = Pd, Pt). The acceptor L1 consists of the chiral (R)-(+)α-methylbenzyldithiooxamidate ((R)-α-MBAdto), the donor L2 is 2-thioxo-1,3-dithiole-4,5-dithiolato (dmit) in 1 (Pd) and 2 (Pt), 1,2-dicarbomethoxyethylenedithiolate (ddmet) in 3 (Pd) and 4 (Pt), or [4′,5′:5,6][1,4]dithiino[2,3-b]quinoxaline-1′,3′-dithiolato (quinoxdt) in 5 (Pd) and 6 (Pt). L1 is capable of undergoing proton exchange and promoting crystal formation in noncentrosymmetric space groups. L2 has different molecular structures while it maintains similar electron-donating capabilities. Thanks to the synergy of the ligands, 1-6 behave as H+ and Ag+ switchable linear chromophores. Moreover, the compounds exhibit a H+-switchable second-order NLO response in solution, which is maintained in the bulk for 1, 3, and 4 when they are embedded into a PMMA poled matrix. 5 and 6 show unique anti-Kasha H+ and Ag+ tunable colored emission originating from the quinoxdt ligand. A correlation between the electronic structure and properties is shown through density functional theory (DFT) and time-dependent DFT calculations

    Anti-Kasha Conformational Photoisomerization of a Heteroleptic Dithiolene Metal Complex Revealed by Ultrafast Spectroscopy

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    We investigated the anti-Kasha photochemistry and anti-Kasha emission of d8-metal donor-acceptor dithiolene with femtosecond UV-vis transient absorption spectroscopy and molecular modeling. Experimentally, we found a lifetime of 1.4 ps for higher excited states, which is exceptionally long when compared to typical values for internal conversion (IC) (10 s of fs or less). Consequently, a substantial emission originates from the second excited state. Molecular modeling suggests this to be a consequence of the spatially separated molecular orbitals of the first and second excited states, which gives a charge transfer character to the IC. More surprisingly, we found that the inherent flexibility of the molecule allows the metal complex to access different configurations depending on the photoexcited state. We believe that this unique manifestation of anti-Kasha photoinduced conformational isomerization is facilitated by the exceptionally long lifetime of the second excited state
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