10,623 research outputs found

    Topology, connectivity and electronic structure of C and B cages and the corresponding nanotubes

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    After a brief discussion of the structural trends which appear with increasing number of atoms in B cages, a one-to one correspondence between the connectivity of B cages and C cage structures will be proposed. The electronic level spectra of both systems from Hartree-Fock calculations is given and discussed. The relation of curvature introduced into an originally planar graphitic fragment to pentagonal 'defects' such as are present in buckminsterfullerene is also briefly treated. A study of the structure and electronic properties of B nanotubes will then be introduced. We start by presenting a solution of the free-electron network approach for a 'model boron' planar lattice with local coordination number 6. In particular the dispersion relation E(k) for the pi-electron bands, together with the corresponding electronic Density Of States (DOS), will be exhibited. This is then used within the zone folding scheme to obtain information about the electronic DOS of different nanotubes obtained by folding this model boron sheet. To obtain the self-consistent potential in which the valence electrons move in a nanotube, 'the March model' in its original form was invoked and results are reported for a carbon nanotube. Finally, heterostructures, such as BN cages and fluorinated buckminsterfullerene, will be briefly treated, the new feature here being electronegativity difference.Comment: 22 pages (revtex4) 12 figure

    Tunneling, self-trapping and manipulation of higher modes of a BEC in a double well

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    We consider an atomic Bose-Einstein condensate trapped in a symmetric one-dimensional double well potential in the four-mode approximation and show that the semiclassical dynamics of the two ground state modes can be strongly influenced by a macroscopic occupation of the two excited modes. In particular, the addition of the two excited modes already unveils features related to the effect of dissipation on the condensate. In general, we find a rich dynamics that includes Rabi oscillations, a mixed Josephson-Rabi regime, self-trapping, chaotic behavior, and the existence of fixed points. We investigate how the dynamics of the atoms in the excited modes can be manipulated by controlling the atomic populations of the ground states.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Scaling of the superconducting transition temperature in underdoped high-Tc cuprates with a pseudogap energy: Does this support the anyon model of their superfluidity?

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    In earlier work, we have been concerned with the scaling properties of some classes of superconductors, specifically with heavy Fermion materials and with five bcc transition metals of BCS character. Both of these classes of superconductors were three-dimensional but here we are concerned solely with quasi-two-dimensional high-Tc cuprates in the underdoped region of their phase diagram. A characteristic feature of this part of the phase diagram is the existence of a pseudogap (pg). We therefore build our approach around the assumption that kB Tc / E_pg is the basic dimensionless ratio on which to focus, where the energy E_pg introduced above is a measure of the pseudogap. Since anyon fractional statistics apply to two-dimensional assemblies, we expect the fractional statistics parameter allowing `interpolation' between Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein statistical distribution functions as limiting cases to play a significant role in determining kB Tc / E_pg and experimental data are analyzed with this in mind.Comment: Phys. Chem. Liquids, to be publishe

    An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Strategic Defense Initiative Debate

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    An interdisciplinary framework in which international law is but one element is presented in this article in the hope of lending organization to the complex subject of space weaponization. Seven factors are discussed which strongly influence decision-makers in both the United States and the Soviet Union who are charged with establishing and implementing the military space policies of their respective nations. They are (1) the relationship between the militarization of earth and the militarization of space; (2) the effects of weapon technology and national defense policy upon the use of space; (3) the interrelationship of the international law-making process with national space objectives; (4) the influence of the press and public opinion upon the military space debate; (5) problems inherent with outer space arms control treaties and provisions; (6) the danger of relying upon false analogies in debating issues of spaceborne weaponry; and (7) the tendency to treat arms control and disarmament as the only available means to bring about peace. This proposed framework then will be applied to help identify and analyze important elements of the debate surrounding the United States\u27 Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) program. SDI presently is the most debated issue in the field of military space operations. The application of an interdisciplinary approach which considers international law, technology, national defense policy and strategy, and the role of public opinion offers a practical and organized manner in which to debate the value and effects of on-going research efforts concerning a spaceborne ballistic missile defense system

    Crisis Marketing: The McDonnell Douglas DC-10

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    The McDonnell Douglas DC-10 aircraft has been plagued by a series of problems throughout its history that has shaken customer confidence and resulted in many cancelled orders. Since the DC-10 represents a large portion of the corporation\u27s revenue, it is essential that the firm continue to sell the aircraft near previously projected rates. This has created a case of crisis marketing for the company. This study will use the DC-10 case to present a general crisis marketing model. This model will be a step-by-step framework that can be applied to most crisis marketing situations. By using this model and seeing it applied to the DC-10 case, managers should now be able to approach a crisis marketing situation in a more logical and organized manner

    Stretched chemical bonds in Si6H6: A transition from ring currents to localized pi-electrons?

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    Motivated by solid-state studies on the cleavage force in Si, and the consequent stretching of chemical bonds, we here study bond stretching in the, as yet unsynthesized, free space molecule Si6H6. We address the question as to whether substantial bond stretching (but constrained to uniform scaling on all bonds) can result in a transition from ring current behaviour, characteristic say of benzene at its equilibrium geometry, to localized pi-electrons on Si atoms. Some calculations are also recorded on dissociation into 6 SiH radicals. While the main studies have been carried out by unrestricted Hartree-Fock (HF) theory, the influence of electron correlation has been examined using two forms of density functional theory. Planar Si6H6 treated by HF is bound to be unstable, not all vibrational frequencies being real. Some buckling is then allowed, which results in real frequencies and stability. Evidence is then provided that the non-planar structure, as the Si-Si distance is increased, exhibits pi-electron localization in the range 1.2-1.5 times the equilibrium distance

    Statistical correlations of an anyon liquid at low temperatures

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    Using a proposed generalization of the pair distribution function for a gas of non-interacting particles obeying fractional exclusion statistics in arbitrary dimensionality, we derive the statistical correlations in the asymptotic limit of vanishing or low temperature. While Friedel-like oscillations are present in nearly all non-bosonic cases at T=0, they are characterized by exponential damping at low temperature. We discuss the dependence of these features on dimensionality and on the value of the statistical parameter alpha.Comment: to appear in Phys. Chem. Liquid
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