1,080 research outputs found

    Modelo paramétrico para extensão de deflúvios mensais

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    A parametric model for extension of short-term monthly streamflow data using monthly precipitation data of a set of stations inside the basin with longer record is presented. The model oriented to digital computation consists of two parts: one for self-optimization of the parameters, and another for extension of the records. Parameter sensitivity tests were carried on in order to check their final variation when poorly evaluated in the start of the self-optimization process. The model was appplied to the Alto Tietê basin in Pirapora, São Paulo state, with a drainage area of 5815 km2.É apresentado um modelo paramétrico para extensão de séries curtas de vazões mensais utilizando dados mensais de precipitação de um conjunto de postos dentro da bacia com séries longas de registros. Um programa de computador é desenvolvido consistindo basicamente de duas etapas: a primeira para auto-otimização dos parâmetros do modelo e a segunda para extensão de dados. Testes de sensibilidades dos parâmetros foram realizados para análise do comportamento destes quando mal avaliados para início do processo de auto-otimização. O modelo foi aplicado para a Bacia do Alto Tietê em Pirapora no estado de São Paulo, com 5815 km2 de área de drenagem


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    O presente trabalho lança um olhar sobre o filme “A Pele que Habito” a partir da teoria da performatividade de gênero proposta por Butler (2003). Nessa direção, objetiva-se analisar o ambíguo processo de construção da personagem Vera Cruz como uma possibilidade de problematização das noções de sexo e gênero baseadas na (hetero)norma. Busca-se, ainda, discutir de que forma as reflexões trazidas pela película podem colaborar para que se questione a patologização da experiência transexual e a negação de cidadania e humanidade às pessoas transexuais. Para empreender o objetivo proposto, utilizam-se, além da teoria da performatividade de gênero de Butler (2001; 2003; 2006), a análise de Rodrigues e Heilborn (2014) sobre as possíveis aproximações entre as obras de Butler e Almodóvar, e, ainda, as contribuições de Bento (2006; 2014; 2017) sobre transexualidade, direitos humanos e cidadania precária. Por tratar-se de uma análise crítica com um enfoque específico, o trabalho não pretende esgotar as diversas possibilidades de abordagem sobre a obra cinematográfica analisada

    Environment comparison in the germination of sugarcane seeds

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    A obtenção de cariopses de cana-de-açúcar por meio de cruzamento de parentais é de primordial importância para os programas de melhoramento de cultivares. Objetivou-se, neste trabalho comparar o ambiente de germinação de cariopses da casa de vegetação do Programa Cana IAC com um ambiente de condições controladas, a fim de avaliar sua eficiência, no período de 30/09 a 09/10/2004. Foram desenvolvidos dois experimentos, em delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados com quatro repetições, em Jaú, SP. Um deles foi montado sob condições de laboratório em câmara de germinação e outro em casa de vegetação em condições não controladas, sendo cada tratamento constituído por 100 cariopses por repetição, provenientes de seis cruzamentos. Foram realizadas avaliações do índice de velocidade de germinação (IVG), da porcentagem (%G) e dos dias para emergência (DE), em intervalos de 24 horas, após a instalação dos testes. A massa de 100 sementes de cada cruzamento também foi avaliada com o propósito de verificar sua influência nos demais atributos da germinação. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância e a comparação de médias foi feita pelo teste de Tukey, a 0,05 de significância. A massa de 100 sementes foi diferente entre os cruzamentos, e interferiu, de maneira geral, nos atributos IVG e % G. Concluiu-se que a casa de vegetação utilizada pelo Programa Cana IAC proporciona porcentagens de germinação semelhantes às da câmara de germinação, porém condições controladas favorecem o IVG e os DE.The production of true seeds of sugarcane through parental crossing is primordial for the breeding programs of cultivars. With the objective of comparing the efficiency of the environment greenhouse used for seed germination in the IAC Sugarcane Program with an environment with controlled conditions (germination chamber), two experiments were carried out in a completely randomized block with four replicates of 100 seeds each, in Jaú (SP), from 09/30 to 10/09/2004. In both places the treatments were composed of seeds from six crossings. The evaluations accomplished were speed of germination index (SGI), germination percentage (% G) and days for emergence (DE) in 24 h intervals after set up treatments. The mass of 100 seeds of each crossing was also evaluated with the purpose of measuring its influence on other germination attributes. The data were submitted to the analysis of variance and averages were compared by the Tukey test at 0.005 significance. The weight of 100 seeds differed among the crossings, and, in general, it interfered with the attributes SGI and % G. It was concluded that the greenhouse used by the IAC Sugarcane Program provides germination percentages similar to the germination chamber; however, controlled conditions improve SGI and DE

    The efficacy of humanized antibody against the Sporothrix antigen, gp70, in promoting phagocytosis and reducing disease burden

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    Sporotrichosis is a subcutaneous mycosis distributed worldwide and is frequently reported in countries with tropical climates, as Latin America countries. We previously demonstrated that mice with sporotrichosis produce specific antibodies against a 70-kDa fungal protein, indicating that specific antibodies against this molecule may help to control the sporotrichosis. IgG1 monoclonal antibody was generated, and called mAbP6E7, in mice against a 70-kDa glycoprotein (gp70) of S. schenckii. The mAbP6E7 showed prophylactic and therapeutic activity against sporotrichosis. However, this antibody has a murine origin, and this can generate an immune response when administered to humans, precluding its use for a prolonged time. For its possible use in the treatment of human sporotrichosis, we humanized the mAbP6E7 by genetic engineering. Once expressed, the humanized antibodies had good stability and were able to bind to the 70-kDa cell wall antigens of Sporothrix schenckii and S. brasiliensis. The humanized P6E7 were able to opsonize S. schenckii yeasts, thus increasing the phagocytic index in human monocyte-derived macrophages. The treatment with humanized P6E7 decreased fungal burden in vivo. These data suggest that humanized P6E7 may have a therapeutic role in sporotrichosis

    Variabilidade genética para crescimento do caule e produção de borracha em Hevea brasiliensis

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    Basic knowledge of genetic characteristics of populations is necessary to conduct effective breeding and selection. The objective of this paper is describing the genetic variation of rubber yield and the correlation with other traits, and estimating the genetic parameters for girth growth and total number of latex vessels. Sixty seven clones of Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. ex Adr. de Juss.) Muell.-Arg. were tested at five sites during 10 years. Characters girth growth at panel opening and rubber yield, showed broad sense heritability on plot mean level, from 0.32 to 0.66 and 0.59 to 0.92, respectively. Predicted genetic gains equal to 0.73 cm and 0.79 g increase respectively on girth and yield in the opening panel and mature phases seems realistic, even with moderate selection intensities. Genetic correlations with rubber yield, bark thickness and total number of latex vessels were very large, and almost no genotype-environment interaction was present for girth growth. High genotype-environment interaction was present for rubber yield with genetic and phenotypic correlations across the sites, ranging from 0.64 to 0.92 (genetic) and 0.63 to 0.89 (phenotypic). Total number of latex vessels rings had a high heritability, ranging from 20.0% to 64.0% in the sites E and B, respectively.O conhecimento básico das características presentes nas populações de plantas é essencial para a condução dos trabalhos de seleção e melhoramento. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se descrever a variação genética da produção de borracha e correlacioná-las com outras características, assim como estimar os parâmetros genéticos para perímetro do caule e o número de anéis de vasos laticíferos. Um total de 67 clones de seringueira [Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. ex Adr. Juss.) Muell.-Arg.] foram avaliados em cinco locais durante 10 anos. Os caracteres perímetro do caule na abertura do painel e produção de borracha mostraram herdabilidades no sentido amplo ao nível de média de parcela entre 0,32 a 0,66 e 0,59 a 0,92, respectivamente. Ganhos genéticos preditos de 0,73 cm e 0,79g de incremento de perímetro na fase juvenil parecem viáveis mesmo com uma intensidade de seleção moderada. Correlações genéticas entre produção de borracha, espessura de casca e número total de vasos laticíferos foram muito altas, e praticamente não houve interação genótipo-ambiente para perímetro do caule. Alta interação genótipo-ambiente foi detectada para produção de borracha, com correlações genéticas e fenotípicas por locais variando entre 0,64 e 0,92 (genéticas) e 0,63 e 0,89 (fenotípicas). O caráter total de anéis de vasos laticíferos apresentou alta herdabilidade, variando de 20% até 63% nos locais E e B, respectivamente

    Exploring the psychology of GPT-4's Moral and Legal Reasoning

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    Large language models have been used as the foundation of highly sophisticated artificial intelligences, capable of delivering human-like responses to probes about legal and moral issues. However, these models are unreliable guides to their own inner workings, and even the engineering teams behind their creation are unable to explain exactly how they came to develop all of the capabilities they currently have. The emerging field of machine psychology seeks to gain insight into the processes and concepts that these models possess. In this paper, we employ the methods of psychology to probe into GPT-4's moral and legal reasoning. More specifically, we investigate the similarities and differences between GPT-4 and humans when it comes to intentionality ascriptions, judgments about causation, the morality of deception, moral foundations, the impact of moral luck on legal judgments, the concept of consent, and rule violation judgments. We find high correlations between human and AI responses, but also several significant systematic differences between them. We conclude with a discussion of the philosophical implications of our findings

    Seeds weight and sowing depths in the development of tamarind seedlings

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    Com o objetivo de avaliar a influência de massa de sementes e profundidades de semeadura sobre o vigor e o desenvolvimento vegetativo de mudas de tamarindeiro (Tamarindus indica L.), conduziu-se um experimento em viveiro telado, de malha 0,38 mm², no Setor de Fruticultura da Fazenda Experimental Água Limpa, município de Uberlândia (MG), no período de 26 de dezembro de 2006 a 04 de junho de 2007. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado, com os tratamentos distribuídos em esquema fatorial 2 x 3, com 5 repetições e 5 mudas por parcela, sendo os fatores: duas massas de sementes, leves e pesadas (65,60 g/100 sementes; 94,54 g/100 sementes), respectivamente, e três profundidades de semeadura (1; 2 e 3 cm). Avaliaram-se o número de folhas, diâmetro do caule, altura da muda, comprimento da raiz principal, massas secas da parte aérea e de raízes. Os resultados demonstraram que sementes de maior massa proporcionam melhor desenvolvimento inicial das mudas. E quanto à profundidade de semeadura, não houve diferença significativa entre todas as características avaliadas.The effect of seeds weight and different sowing depths on tamarind (Tamarindus indica L.) seedling vigor and vegetative growth was evaluated in a trial done in a screened nursery, with 0.38 mm² opening, at the experimental farm Água Limpa, in a nursery with anti-aphid screens, in the county of Uberlândia. The farm is located at 18º55'33''S and 48º17'19''W, at 872 m altitude, Minas Gerais, from December 26 2006 to June 4 2007. The experimental design was randomized blocks, in a 2 x 3 factorial, with 5 repetitions and 5 plants per plot. The factors were two seeds weight, slight and weighty (65.60 g and 94.54 g respectively), defined according to the weight of 100 seeds and three sowing depths (1cm; 2cm or 3cm). The number of leaves, stem diameter, plant height, root length, fresh and dry weight of roots and above ground matter were evaluated. The results indicated that the weighty seeds yield the best seedlings initial development. There were no significant differences in the parameters evaluated as a function of sowing depth

    Future perspectives in pediatric dentistry : where are we now and where are we heading?

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    Oral diseases in children are still a major public health problem that can negatively impact parents and their children’s quality of life. Even though oral diseases are largely preventable, initial signs of them can be detected in the 1st year of life, and its severity might increase with time if no preventive measures are taken. Based on this, we aim to discuss ”where is pediatric dentistry now?” and ”where is pediatric dentistry heading?” Early life oral health conditions are a good predictor of oral health status in adolescence, adulthood, and elderly people. A healthy childhood provides the foundation and opportunities for life; therefore, pediatric dentists have the unique opportunity to identify the presence of unhealthy habits in the 1st year of life and educate the parents and family members to change them for life. If all educational and preventive strategies fail or are not put into practice, the child might present oral health problems, such as dental caries, erosive tooth wear (ETW), hypomineralization, and malocclusion, that could have a great impact on other stages of life. At the moment, in pediatric dentistry, there are many alternatives to prevent and treat these oral health problems. However, if prevention fails, minimally invasive approaches, and new dental materials and technologies have been developed recently and will be important tools available in the near future in order to enhance children’s oral health

    Citologia de impressão na avaliação de tumores da superfície ocular: artigo de revisão

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    Impression cytology (IC) has been widely used as a method for evaluating the ocular surface and superficial cells layers in the diagnosis and follow-up after treatment of several ocular surface tumors of both epithelial and melanocytic origin. Information regarding this can be found in the English-language literature since 1992. Using either cellulose acetate or Biopore membranes for specimen collection, a high correlation has been found between IC and tissue histology. Compared with exfoliative cytology with spatula, IC is less traumatic to the patient's eye, provides a precise location of the area being studied, and allows accurate observation of the cells the way they exist in vivo. the additional advantage of IC is the preservation of limbal stem cells responsible for continuous corneal epithelium renewal; these can be affected after incisional or excisional biopsy at the corneoscleral limbus, which is the most frequent site of appearance of tumors in the stratified epithelium. Treatment for ocular surface squamous neoplasia has historically included surgery, but nonsurgical interventions have also been adopted. Hence, in certain cases, ophthalmologists may prefer interventions less invasive than surgical biopsy such as of impression cytology for both initial diagnosis and therapeutic monitoring of treatment for ocular surface lesions. Nevertheless, it should be considered that IC may be less helpful if the results conflict with the clinical picture or if the clinical diagnosis is uncertain and results are negative. in such cases, surgical biopsy is required for accurate diagnosis. the purpose of this review is to examine the published literature on the utilization of IC for the diagnosis and management of ocular surface tumors and to discuss the requirement for further investigation on the subject.Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Ophthalmol & Visual Sci, São Paulo, SP, BrazilClin Olhos Dr Moacir Cunha, São Paulo, SP, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Pathol, São Paulo, SP, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Ophthalmol & Visual Sci, São Paulo, SP, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Pathol, São Paulo, SP, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Case for diagnosis

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    O termo úlcera de Marjolin é usado para designar a transformação maligna que se origina na pele cronicamente lesada. Trata-se de neoplasia mais agressiva do que aquelas não relacionadas com cicatriz e, frequentemente, é subdiagnosticada ou tratada de forma inadequada. Relatamos a ocorrência de carcinoma, do tipo espinocelular sobre cicatriz de queimadura, salientando a necessidade do diagnóstico e intervenção precoces visando um melhor prognósticoMarjolin's ulcer is a term used to describe a malignant transformation that originates in chronic skin lesions. These neoplasms may be more aggressive than those unassociated with healing processes and are frequently overlooked or inadequately treated. This case report describes the occurrence of a squamous cell carcinoma occurring at the site of a burn scar and emphasizes the need for early diagnosis and treatment in order to assure better prognosi