16 research outputs found

    Ingestive behavior of Angus yearling steers in natural grassland subjected to fertilization and over sown of temperate species

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    The objective was to evaluate the ingestive behavior of Angus yearling steers grazing natural grasslands of Southern Brazil, submitted or not to the application of fertilizers: NG= natural grassland; FNG= fertilized natural grassland, and FONG= fertilized natural grassland improved with the over sown of temperate forage species. Three Angus yearling steers and a variable number of put-and-take animals were used per experimental unit, to maintain a forage allowance of 13 kg of dry matter/100 kg of body weight. Ingestive behavior of tester animals was visually assessed in four seasons of the year through instantaneous records of activity every ten minutes during the daytime period. There was no effect of pasture treatments on ingestive behavior. An interaction between seasons and periods of the day was observed for daily grazing and rumination time (P <0.05). The grazing activities were clustered at the beginning and the end of the day in summer, autumn and winter, while in spring it was similar in the 1 st three quarters of the day, with higher activity in the period close to sunset. The animals spent more time grazing in the spring despite the better quality of forage in this season. Regardless of the season, longer residence and grazing time were found in water foci areas. We conclude that grazing time on natural pastures is influenced by forage mass and forage allowance, and bite rate is influenced by the chemical composition of the sward

    Floristic and vegetation structure of a grassland plant community on shallow basalt in southern Brazil

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    Few studies have adequately described the floristic and structural features of natural grasslands associated with shallow basalt soils in southern Brazil. This study was carried out on natural grazing land used for livestock production in the municipality of Santana do Livramento, in the Campanha region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The aim of the study was to describe the floristic and structural diversity of the area. The floristic list obtained comprises 229 plant taxa from 40 botanical families, with a predominance of the families Poaceae (62), Asteraceae (28), Fabaceae (16) and Cyperaceae (12). The estimated diversity and evenness in the community were 3.00 and 0.874, respectively. Bare soil and rock outcrops accounted for 19.3% of the area, resulting in limited forage availability. Multivariate analysis revealed two well-defined groups among the sampling units. One group showed a high degree of internal aggregation, associated with deep soils, and was characterized by the presence of tussocks, whereas the other was less aggregate and was characterized by prostrate species growing on shallow soil. Ordination analysis indicated a gradient of moisture and of soil depth in the study area, resulting in different vegetation patterns. These patterns were analogous to the vegetation physiognomies described for Uruguayan grasslands. Overall, the grassland community studied is similar to others found throughout southern Brazil, although it harbors more winter forage species. In addition, the rare grass Paspalum indecorum Mez is locally dominant in some patches, behaving similarly to P. notatum Fl., a widespread grass that dominates extensive grassland areas in southern Brazil

    Phytosociological, structural and productivity characteristics of a native pasture on basaltic litolic soil

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    Poucos estudos descrevem adequadamente as características e capacidade produtiva dos ecossistemas campestres do Bioma Pampa associadas a Neossolos Litólicos derivados de basalto. Esse estudo foi desenvolvido sobre um campo natural no município de Santana do Livramento, região da Campanha do RS e objetivou descrever a diversidade florística e estrutural dessa fisionomia campestre e compreender sua dinâmica produtiva associada ao desempenho animal. O levantamento florístico identificou 232 espécies pertencentes a 40 famílias botânicas, com predominância de Poaceae e Asteraceae. Os Índices de Diversidade de Shannon-Wiener e de Equidade de Pielou foram de 3,00 e 0,874, respectivamente. O percentual de solo descoberto e de afloramentos rochosos representou 19,3% da área. A análise multivariada indicou a existência de apenas dois diferentes padrões de vegetação, com alto grau de agregação interna, os quais determinam a variabilidade estrutural do pasto. Um padrão é caracterizado pela presença de espécies de porte mais alto em locais de solos mais profundos e outro padrão com espécies de menor altura e menor massa de forragem associado aos solos mais rasos. O desenvolvimento de novilhas Hereford entre os 15 e 25 meses de idade apenas a campo (Tratamento 1) ou com a utilização estratégica de suplementação proteico ou proteico-energética (Tratamento 2), bem como das características produtivas do pasto, foram avaliados num delineamento de blocos casualizados, com três repetições. Utilizou-se pastoreio contínuo com carga variável para manter uma oferta média de forragem superior a 13% do peso vivo/dia. Os diferentes padrões de fisionomia identificados “a priori” como aberto, fechado, macio e indecorum se caracterizaram por massas de forragem médias de 547, 1552, 3053 e 829 kg/ha de matéria seca, altura média de 3,3, 8,6, 16,5 e 5,5 cm e ocuparam 32, 52, 12 e 4% da área, respectivamente. As taxas de acúmulo de matéria seca do pasto foram de 27; 14; 3 e 17 kg/ha/dia para o verão, outono, inverno e primavera, respectivamente. Bons ganhos médios diários foram obtidos no outono e primavera, mas no inverno o desempenho foi afetado negativamente pela alta percentagem de material morto na forragem. O desempenho médio não diferiu entre os tratamentos, e as novilhas chegaram aos dois anos com um escore de condição corporal de 3,2 e peso médio de 337 kg, permitindo atingir 100% de prenhez.Few studies had adequately described the characteristics and productive capacity of natural grasslands associated to shallow basaltic soils in Pampa Biome. This study was carried out on natural pasture at Santana do Livramento municipality, in the Campanha region of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil aiming to describe their floristic and structural diversity and to understand the productivity dynamics associated with animal performance. 232 vegetal species from 40 botanical families were identified in the floristic survey, with predominance of Poaceae and Asteraceae. The Shannon-Wiener Diversity and Equability Pielou Indexes were 3,00 and 0,874, respectively. Bare soil and rock outcrop represents 19,3% of surface area. Multivariate analysis revealed only two different pattern of vegetation, both with high degree of internal aggregation, determining the structural variability of the pasture. One characterized by the presence of tall species and associated with deep soils and the other in the shallow soils and presence of prostrated species. The evaluation of agronomic characteristics of the pasture and the effect of mineral supplementation or not on the development of Hereford heifers during the period between 14 and 25 month of age were tested in a completely randomized block design with three replicates. Continuous grazing with variable stocking rate was used in order to maintain minimal forage allowance of 13% of live weight/day. Different physiognomic patterns identified "a priori" as "open", "closed", "soft" and "indecorum", were characterized respectively by dry matter mass of 547, 1552, 3053 e 829 kg/ha and 3,3, 8,6, 16,5 e 5,5 cm of average high and occupied 32, 52, 12 and 4% of the entire grassland surface. Independent of the vegetation patterns measured accumulation forage rates were 27, 14, 3 and 17 kg/ha of dry matter, in summer, autumn, winter and spring, respectively. Good live weight daily gains were obtained during autumn and spring but the high percentage of dead material in the forage on offer during winter affected negatively the animal performance in this season. Average animal performance was not affected by supplementation treatment and all heifers reached two years age whit a body score condition of 3,2 and 337 kg of average weight that allow to attain 100% of pregnancy

    Floristic and vegetation structure of a grassland plant community on shallow basalt in southern Brazil

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    Few studies have adequately described the fl oristic and structural features of natural grasslands associated with shallow basalt soils in southern Brazil. Th is study was carried out on natural grazing land used for livestock production in the municipality of Santana do Livramento, in the Campanha region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Th e aim of the study was to describe the fl oristic and structural diversity of the area. Th e fl oristic list obtained comprises 229 plant taxa from 40 botanical families, with a predominance of the families Poaceae (62), Asteraceae (28), Fabaceae (16) and Cyperaceae (12). Th e estimated diversity and evenness in the community were 3.00 and 0.874, respectively. Bare soil and rock outcrops accounted for 19.3% of the area, resulting in limited forage availability. Multivariate analysis revealed two well-defi ned groups among the sampling units. One group showed a high degree of internal aggregation, associated with deep soils, and was characterized by the presence of tussocks, whereas the other was less aggregate and was characterized by prostrate species growing on shallow soil. Ordination analysis indicated a gradient of moisture and of soil depth in the study area, resulting in diff erent vegetation patterns. Th ese patterns were analogous to the vegetation physiognomies described for Uruguayan grasslands. Overall, the grassland community studied is similar to others found throughout southern Brazil, although it harbors more winter forage species. In addition, the rare grass Paspalum indecorum Mez is locally dominant in some patches, behaving similarly to P. notatum Fl., a widespread grass that dominates extensive grassland areas in southern Brazil